Trump cannot be Guilty of Obstruction concerning Comey

A former counsel to the Watergate investigation says there is enough there to warrant a obstruction of justice charge against Trump if Mueller wanted one. There are different opinions. If the democrats have the votes they can impeach regardless of Trump not doing anything wrong....
I've been asking all along... If the investigations continue, how were they obstructed? Nothing Trump has done had any effect on the investigations. He may have asked Comey to ease off Flynn or make it clear he wasn't personally under investigation, but that's not obstruction. Asking for Comey's loyalty is also, prima facie, not obstruction!

All true, and I agree, but the timing of firing Comey does make you go hmmm.
I've been asking all along... If the investigations continue, how were they obstructed? Nothing Trump has done had any effect on the investigations. He may have asked Comey to ease off Flynn or make it clear he wasn't personally under investigation, but that's not obstruction. Asking for Comey's loyalty is also, prima facie, not obstruction!

All true, and I agree, but the timing of firing Comey does make you go hmmm.

No..not really.......he should have been fired from day one....Trump tried to work with him and comey had the hate of the Trump fired him, thinking the democrats would approve and be happy.....remember those days..? When the democrats wanted him fired........then he fired him.....having been told he wasn't under investigation......and comy leaked to the press......He may now actually be in actual violation of federal law.....and he admitted it on front of the senate...
The answer to the first question is: Criminal obstruction of justice is broadly defined, and according to 18 U.S. Code § 1503, includes “any threatening letter or communication [which] influences, obstructs, or impedes, or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede, the due administration of justice.”

Hey pencil-dick. The President said to James "Bitch" Comey, I hope you can let this go. Flynn is a good man who has been treated unjustly.

And that was it by Comey's own snippy testimony.

If you think that was obstruction of justice, you belong in a gulag. Idiot.
LOL Really frosts your agates to realize that the fat senile old orange clown cannot get away with obstruction of justice, doesn't it. You long for a person like Putin or Pol Pot.
Comey testimony: Trump has constitutional authority to stop investigation of any person, Dershowitz says

Alan M. Dershowitz, a law professor at Harvard, wrote on Wednesday that President Trump has the constitutional right to direct his FBI director to stop an investigation of anyone “by simply pardoning that person.”

Throughout American history-- from Adams to Jefferson to Lincoln to Roosevelt to Kennedy to Obama-- presidents have directed (not merely requested) the Justice Department to investigate, prosecute (or not prosecute) specific individuals or categories of individuals,” Dershowitz wrote. “It is only recently that the tradition of an independent Justice Department and FBI has emerged. But traditions, even salutary ones, cannot form the basis of a criminal charge.”
Comey testimony: Trump has constitutional authority to stop investigation of any person, Dershowitz says

Then why was Nixon impeached?

Nixon was never impeached. He resigned.
Amid the committee’s investigation, the White House released subpoenaed recordings of conversations that revealed Nixon had taken part in his administration’s efforts to cover up its involvement in the break-in. With his political support vanishing and facing a likely impeachment by Congress, Nixon announced his resignation on Aug. 8, 1974.

Now the facts are ....President Bill Clinton became the second American president to be impeached and he narrowly avoided his removal from office.
On Dec. 19, 1998, the House of Representatives impeached Clinton on the grounds of perjury and obstruction of justice in connection with an extramarital affair he had with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. Two other articles of impeachment – a second perjury charge and a charge of abuse of power – failed to pass in the House.
Clinton initially denied he had an affair with Lewinsky. But on Aug. 17, 1998, Clinton became the first sitting president to testify before a grand jury and, after questioning, Clinton admitted on national television that he had an inappropriate relationship with Lewinsky.

The case went to trial in the Senate, which ultimately voted on Feb. 12, 1999, to acquit the president of the charges. Clinton remained in office.
Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton both faced impeachment over obstruction of justice

So easy to get the truth. Clinton was only the 2nd president to be IMPEACHED!
A former counsel to the Watergate investigation says there is enough there to warrant a obstruction of justice charge against Trump if Mueller wanted one. There are different opinions.

Opinion | I helped prosecute Watergate. Comey’s statement is sufficient evidence for an obstruction of justice case.

Another legal opinion...
How could the President be obstructing justice?
Alan M. Dershowitz, a law professor at Harvard, wrote on Wednesday that
President Trump has the constitutional right to direct his FBI director to stop an investigation of anyone “by simply pardoning that person.”

“Throughout American history-- from Adams to Jefferson to Lincoln to Roosevelt to Kennedy to Obama-- presidents have directed (not merely requested) the Justice Department to investigate, prosecute (or not prosecute) specific individuals or categories of individuals,” Dershowitz wrote. “It is only recently that the tradition of an independent Justice Department and FBI has emerged. But traditions, even salutary ones, cannot form the basis of a criminal charge.”
Comey testimony: Trump has constitutional authority to stop investigation of any person, Dershowitz says
Dershowitz is an avowed supporter of the Democratic Party
So I have a better opinion of his opinion.
I've been asking all along... If the investigations continue, how were they obstructed? Nothing Trump has done had any effect on the investigations. He may have asked Comey to ease off Flynn or make it clear he wasn't personally under investigation, but that's not obstruction. Asking for Comey's loyalty is also, prima facie, not obstruction!

All true, and I agree, but the timing of firing Comey does make you go hmmm.

No..not really.......he should have been fired from day one....Trump tried to work with him and comey had the hate of the Trump fired him, thinking the democrats would approve and be happy.....remember those days..? When the democrats wanted him fired........then he fired him.....having been told he wasn't under investigation......and comy leaked to the press......He may now actually be in actual violation of federal law.....and he admitted it on front of the senate...

You are so much garbage. Comey did nothing to deserve being fired. Trump himself said it was because of the Russia investigation. It was Trump who acted in a unethical manner.

-He wanted a loyalty pledge from Comey which he rightfully turned down
-He wanted the Flynn investigation stopped

Comey is not in violation of any laws. He leaked no secret information. Clearly he wanted the truth out. He clearly understood how Trump works. The fact is that he refused to make a public statement about Trump not being investigated showed that he believed the possibility existed Trump could come under investigation.
Ok I did watch the whole thing Sunny and if this were the case Nixon would have gotten off Scott free..
Nixon's situation was very different. He tampered with evidence, and lied while attempting to cover up a criminal act. ..... :cool:
Nixon was innocent as well and would never have been convicted in a real court of law. Unfortunately, neither the Congress nor the media cares about justice. Watergate was the Jewish Triumphal March into the capital city.
Are you jealous of Jews? Seems like it.
The answer to the first question is: Criminal obstruction of justice is broadly defined, and according to 18 U.S. Code § 1503, includes “any threatening letter or communication [which] influences, obstructs, or impedes, or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede, the due administration of justice.”

The Criminal Resource Manual for U.S. attorneys points out that “the Supreme Court has concluded that ‘endeavor’ is broader than ‘attempt’” — and quotes the court stating that in the statute it means “any effort or essay to accomplish the evil purpose that the section was enacted to prevent.” Therefore, says the Justice Department, “it follows that an endeavor to obstruct justice need not be successful to be criminal.”

A Short History of Presidential Obstruction of Justice
You might attempt to watch the OP's video again.

Alan Dershowits explains in detail why Pres. Trump is within his Constitutional rights as president concerning Comey. .... :cool:
So you voted for a kafir?
A former counsel to the Watergate investigation says there is enough there to warrant a obstruction of justice charge against Trump if Mueller wanted one. There are different opinions. If the democrats have the votes they can impeach regardless of Trump not doing anything wrong....

Not true.
The grounds for impeachment are:
"The President, Vice President, and all civil Officers of the United States shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors."
Impeachment in the United States - Wikipedia

Now where has there been proven Treason by Trump? Or proven "bribery", or other high crimes and misdemeanors".
Now Bill Clinton was impeached for Perjury and obstruction of justice.
I've been asking all along... If the investigations continue, how were they obstructed? Nothing Trump has done had any effect on the investigations. He may have asked Comey to ease off Flynn or make it clear he wasn't personally under investigation, but that's not obstruction. Asking for Comey's loyalty is also, prima facie, not obstruction!

All true, and I agree, but the timing of firing Comey does make you go hmmm.

What would've been a "good time" to fire an incompetent FBI Director? :dunno:
Comey did nothing to deserve being fired. Trump himself said it was because of the Russia investigation.

No, that's NOT what Trump said... or at least not ALL of what he said. You're leaving out the long list of OTHER things he said as well.
. The fact is that he refused to make a public statement about Trump not being investigated showed that he believed the possibility existed Trump could come under investigation.

That's a little bit stupid because you could say this about ANYBODY! The fact that someone COULD in the future come under investigation for something, doesn't negate the fact they aren't currently being investigated.
The answer to the first question is: Criminal obstruction of justice is broadly defined, and according to 18 U.S. Code § 1503, includes “any threatening letter or communication [which] influences, obstructs, or impedes, or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede, the due administration of justice.”

Hey pencil-dick. The President said to James "Bitch" Comey, I hope you can let this go. Flynn is a good man who has been treated unjustly.

And that was it by Comey's own snippy testimony.

If you think that was obstruction of justice, you belong in a gulag. Idiot.
LOL Really frosts your agates to realize that the fat senile old orange clown cannot get away with obstruction of justice, doesn't it. You long for a person like Putin or Pol Pot.
You are insane.
Ok I did watch the whole thing Sunny and if this were the case Nixon would have gotten off Scott free..
Nixon's situation was very different. He tampered with evidence, and lied while attempting to cover up a criminal act. ..... :cool:
Nixon was innocent as well and would never have been convicted in a real court of law. Unfortunately, neither the Congress nor the media cares about justice. Watergate was the Jewish Triumphal March into the capital city.
Are you jealous of Jews? Seems like it.
Are you a Jew?
I've been asking all along... If the investigations continue, how were they obstructed? Nothing Trump has done had any effect on the investigations. He may have asked Comey to ease off Flynn or make it clear he wasn't personally under investigation, but that's not obstruction. Asking for Comey's loyalty is also, prima facie, not obstruction!
Put on your objectivity hat if you can find it for a second. Trump asked Comey to stay on as director of the FBI, asked for his loyalty, asked for him to let the Flynn thing go, then proceeded to compliment Comey on the excellent job he was doing. Once Trump saw that Comey was not dropping the investigation he fired him. Im not saying that is lock n key obstruction but it is dangerously close. The firing was the action that could be taken as intent to slow, prohibit, discourage they continuation of an investigation that Trump obviously wants to be over. If the investigation had nothing to do with Trumps campaign then I'd agree with your point and Dershowitz's point but its more complicated than that. Do you really not see the issue here?
I've been asking all along... If the investigations continue, how were they obstructed? Nothing Trump has done had any effect on the investigations. He may have asked Comey to ease off Flynn or make it clear he wasn't personally under investigation, but that's not obstruction. Asking for Comey's loyalty is also, prima facie, not obstruction!

All true, and I agree, but the timing of firing Comey does make you go hmmm.

What would've been a "good time" to fire an incompetent FBI Director? :dunno:
Sometime prior to asking him to drop a politically damaging investigation.

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