Trump cannot be Guilty of Obstruction concerning Comey

In this 4 minute video.

Constitution professor Alan Dershowitz explains how Trump is within his presidential rights, and not obstruction of justice, when it comes to Comey.
...... :cool:

A president can not tell the FBI who to prosecute or not to prosecute that is just crazy..

Yes, we know how good Comey is with intent. But Trump didn't tell him to not prosecute, nor does the FBI prosecute anybody. Like all lefties you know nothing that hasn't been spoon fed to you by your mind masters.

Trump did exactly what Nixon did and tried to interfere or influence the FBI investigation ... Maybe what the lefties have been saying all along about Trump and the Russian's connections have truth to it as well..

We are just beginning to see the heads roll...
You keep regurgitating the same garbage hoping to make this Watergate. Nixon broke laws and tried to cover them up. It isn't remotely the same. You are lying.

You are correct, it is far more serious than Watergate.

James Clapper: Trump-Russia Investigation Worse Than Watergate

James Clapper: Russia Investigation Worse Than Watergate
The former Director of National Intelligence said the 1970-era scandal “pales” in comparison to what the U.S. is confronting now.

James Clapper, the former Director of National Intelligence, said the Watergate scandal that brought down the Nixon presidency “pales” in comparison to allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia during the 2016 presidential election.

“I lived through Watergate. I was on active duty then in the Air Force, I was a young officer. It was a scary time,” Clapper told reporters Wednesday at Australia’s National Press Club in Canberra, adding that “if you compare the two that Watergate pales, really, in my view, compared to what we’re confronting now.”

MORE FAKE NEWS.... Clapper is on record, under oath, testifying before Congress that there was NO EVIDENCE of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. Now you can certainly distort some comment that he made and turn it into something he never said... but that doesn't negate his sworn Congressional testimony to the contrary. Sorry!
Yes, we know how good Comey is with intent. But Trump didn't tell him to not prosecute, nor does the FBI prosecute anybody. Like all lefties you know nothing that hasn't been spoon fed to you by your mind masters.

Trump did exactly what Nixon did and tried to interfere or influence the FBI investigation ... Maybe what the lefties have been saying all along about Trump and the Russian's connections have truth to it as well..

We are just beginning to see the heads roll...
You keep regurgitating the same garbage hoping to make this Watergate. Nixon broke laws and tried to cover them up. It isn't remotely the same. You are lying.

We will see... Cover -ups may have happened with the Russian connections in his cabinet and campaign.

So now what?

It's already been concluded that Trump did not collude with the Russians.
Firing the director of the body investigating him or his campaign

Did that action obstruct the investigation, yes or no?

Yes--it was clearly intended to.

Please explain how that is so? We have testimony from the Deputy Director that completely contradicts this. FBI Investigations are not conducted by the Director. He simply directs the department. Their investigations and work continue in his absence. What if Comey died? Would that end all the investigations the FBI was currently working on? Of course not!

The investigations have continued on unabated since Comey's firing.... plain factual truth of the matter that Comey's firing didn't impede or obstruct anything. You have to be a complete moron not to understand that.... but then, look who we're talking to here! :dunno:
So you actually expect us to believe that the Director of the FBI has no impact on the investigations conducted by the FBI? Are you nuts? Why do you think Trump went to Comey to shut it down?

He didn't go to Comey to shut it down. He asked Comey to let Flynn go because Flynn had done nothing wrong and didn't deserve to be subjected to an investigation. He asked Comey to expedite the process and get the investigation complete and to let it be known that he, himself, was not the subject of criminal investigation.

What you keep on doing is interjecting your OPINIONS where there are no facts. You're speculating and trying to pass conjecture off as known fact when it's not. You can't prosecute people on suspicions and innuendo. You need concrete evidence and you don't have any.

The President doesn't get to make the decision if laws are broken.
The FBI doesn't get to make the decision if laws are broken.
Their job is to collect evidence and see if there is enough to submit to a Federal Prosecutor.

I'm curious...quote the President telling the FBI director to "expedite the process". A video clip would be great too.
The only way that the Democrats could impeach the fat senile old orange clown is if a considerable number of Republicans also voted to impeach. How many people has the clown offended in the GOP?

You're going to first have to find a "high crime or misdemeanor" he has committed. That threshold has not been met. Until you do that, the chances of him being impeached are nil. You can ponder the technicalities all you like, unless there is a case for impeachment, no one is going to risk their political office trying to impeach a sitting president with no clear reason. As much as you may want that, it's just not a reality in this universe.

Another thing is, I believe if you continue to push this impeachment narrative without any substance, you risk irreparable damage to your political party in the midterms and beyond. Over 62 million people voted for this man and want to see his agenda carried out and if you continue to obstruct that agenda on the basis of smoke you've generated from absolute nothingness, you're going to pay a heavy political price in the end. This is going to turn sour on your fast unless you either back the fuck off with the impeachment bullshit or someone comes forth with some actual credible evidence of some kind.
The President doesn't get to make the decision if laws are broken.
The FBI doesn't get to make the decision if laws are broken.
Their job is to collect evidence and see if there is enough to submit to a Federal Prosecutor.

I'm curious...quote the President telling the FBI director to "expedite the process". A video clip would be great too.

The president can pardon anyone he wants, that's his executive privilege. You're actually making MY case... the FBI conducts the investigations, not the DIRECTOR.

My "expedite" comment was paraphrased from Comey's testimony.
So this guy is saying the President has no rules like Nixon said...if the president does it, it means it's not illegal.

So there goes all your crying about Obama if you really believed that. ROFL
The President doesn't get to make the decision if laws are broken.
The FBI doesn't get to make the decision if laws are broken.
Their job is to collect evidence and see if there is enough to submit to a Federal Prosecutor.

I'm curious...quote the President telling the FBI director to "expedite the process". A video clip would be great too.

The president can pardon anyone he wants, that's his executive privilege. You're actually making MY case... the FBI conducts the investigations, not the DIRECTOR.

My "expedite" comment was paraphrased from Comey's testimony.

So that is your "opinion" should stop putting your opinions into the discussion. You need facts. You haven't got any.
Much like saying "The tires do the rolling, the driver doesn't". The driver (i.e. director) decides where the investigation goes. To quote Comey, "conducts the investigation".
Are you really too dense to understand this easy 2nd grade concept?

At any rate, the investigation in the dual scandals continues. Now Mueller has Comey's notes to aid him going forward.

Maybe we'll see some tapes. Oh wait, your messiah can't decide whether there are tapes or not...even though he tweeted there "might be" tapes.... Nobody in his white house knows.
So this guy is saying the President has no rules like Nixon said...if the president does it, it means it's not illegal.

So there goes all your crying about Obama if you really believed that. ROFL

Nope... just stating a fact. The President has the authority to pardon anyone.
So this guy is saying the President has no rules like Nixon said...if the president does it, it means it's not illegal.

So there goes all your crying about Obama if you really believed that. ROFL

Great point. Apparently the President can do anything he wants to do to anybody he wants to do it and it's perfectly on the up and up...
So this guy is saying the President has no rules like Nixon said...if the president does it, it means it's not illegal.

So there goes all your crying about Obama if you really believed that. ROFL

Nope... just stating a fact. The President has the authority to pardon anyone.

Do you see how you just changed the subject? Where did I mention pardons?

Your concession is noted
So this guy is saying the President has no rules like Nixon said...if the president does it, it means it's not illegal.

So there goes all your crying about Obama if you really believed that. ROFL

Great point. Apparently the President can do anything he wants to do to anybody he wants to do it and it's perfectly on the up and up...

That means the rw'ers have falsely been claiming Obama committed crimes if they believe this...but it's obvious they don't because they are still crying.

They want it both ways plus a third way
Trump did exactly what Nixon did and tried to interfere or influence the FBI investigation ... Maybe what the lefties have been saying all along about Trump and the Russian's connections have truth to it as well..

We are just beginning to see the heads roll...
You keep regurgitating the same garbage hoping to make this Watergate. Nixon broke laws and tried to cover them up. It isn't remotely the same. You are lying.

We will see... Cover -ups may have happened with the Russian connections in his cabinet and campaign.

So now what?

It's already been concluded that Trump did not collude with the Russians.

So there's nothing to worry about....
You keep regurgitating the same garbage hoping to make this Watergate. Nixon broke laws and tried to cover them up. It isn't remotely the same. You are lying.

We will see... Cover -ups may have happened with the Russian connections in his cabinet and campaign.

So now what?

It's already been concluded that Trump did not collude with the Russians.

So there's nothing to worry about....
Not for us. You guys have hit yet another dead end road.
In this 4 minute video.

Constitution professor Alan Dershowitz explains how Trump is within his presidential rights, and not obstruction of justice, when it comes to Comey.
...... :cool:

Oh great i can rape my wife again
We will see... Cover -ups may have happened with the Russian connections in his cabinet and campaign.

So now what?

It's already been concluded that Trump did not collude with the Russians.

So there's nothing to worry about....
Not for us. You guys have hit yet another dead end road.

So then you feel that Comey was lying then?
We will see... Cover -ups may have happened with the Russian connections in his cabinet and campaign.

So now what?

It's already been concluded that Trump did not collude with the Russians.

So there's nothing to worry about....
Not for us. You guys have hit yet another dead end road.
Us? White uneducated rubes?

It's already been concluded that Trump did not collude with the Russians.

So there's nothing to worry about....
Not for us. You guys have hit yet another dead end road.

So then you feel that Comey was lying then?
When did I say that? Your political religion keeps you stupid.

It's already been concluded that Trump did not collude with the Russians.

So there's nothing to worry about....
Not for us. You guys have hit yet another dead end road.
Us? White uneducated rubes?
No, people who don't live in your dank little hate filled cesspool.

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