Trump cannot be Guilty of Obstruction concerning Comey

It's already been concluded that Trump did not collude with the Russians.

So there's nothing to worry about....
Not for us. You guys have hit yet another dead end road.

So then you feel that Comey was lying then?
When did I say that? Your political religion keeps you stupid.

You said that it is a dead end road, why then? And conspiracy's have nothing to do with this ? The things we have been screaming about for the last 6 months are actually coming to life.. like the Russian interference
We will see... Cover -ups may have happened with the Russian connections in his cabinet and campaign.

So now what?

It's already been concluded that Trump did not collude with the Russians.

So there's nothing to worry about....
Not for us. You guys have hit yet another dead end road.

Meanwhile the investigations continue into both massive scandals.

It's already been concluded that Trump did not collude with the Russians.

So there's nothing to worry about....
Not for us. You guys have hit yet another dead end road.

Meanwhile the investigations continue into both massive scandals.

Trump was not under investigation but he is now because of his own actions... sad to say

It's already been concluded that Trump did not collude with the Russians.

So there's nothing to worry about....
Not for us. You guys have hit yet another dead end road.

Meanwhile the investigations continue into both massive scandals.

Trump was not under investigation but he is now because of his own actions... sad to say
Sadly you bought it. They couldn't make the Russian thing stick so now they are down to impeding. With still no evidence and that's unraveling fast. Next the Martian connection with be investigated.

It's already been concluded that Trump did not collude with the Russians.

So there's nothing to worry about....
Not for us. You guys have hit yet another dead end road.

Meanwhile the investigations continue into both massive scandals.
You keep repeating the same thing. Like a Moonie.
I've been asking all along... If the investigations continue, how were they obstructed? Nothing Trump has done had any effect on the investigations. He may have asked Comey to ease off Flynn or make it clear he wasn't personally under investigation, but that's not obstruction. Asking for Comey's loyalty is also, prima facie, not obstruction!

All true, and I agree, but the timing of firing Comey does make you go hmmm.

No..not really.......he should have been fired from day one....Trump tried to work with him and comey had the hate of the Trump fired him, thinking the democrats would approve and be happy.....remember those days..? When the democrats wanted him fired........then he fired him.....having been told he wasn't under investigation......and comy leaked to the press......He may now actually be in actual violation of federal law.....and he admitted it on front of the senate...

You're making my point, you said he should have been fired from day one, But Trump waited until the Flynn investigation heated up, and Trump asked him to stop the investigation. Had he been fired from day one we wouldn't be having this conversation.
I've been asking all along... If the investigations continue, how were they obstructed? Nothing Trump has done had any effect on the investigations. He may have asked Comey to ease off Flynn or make it clear he wasn't personally under investigation, but that's not obstruction. Asking for Comey's loyalty is also, prima facie, not obstruction!

All true, and I agree, but the timing of firing Comey does make you go hmmm.

What would've been a "good time" to fire an incompetent FBI Director? :dunno:

When he took office, duh.
I've been asking all along... If the investigations continue, how were they obstructed? Nothing Trump has done had any effect on the investigations. He may have asked Comey to ease off Flynn or make it clear he wasn't personally under investigation, but that's not obstruction. Asking for Comey's loyalty is also, prima facie, not obstruction!

All true, and I agree, but the timing of firing Comey does make you go hmmm.

What would've been a "good time" to fire an incompetent FBI Director? :dunno:
Sometime prior to asking him to drop a politically damaging investigation.

You're a douche BOSS. You're forcing me to agree with Candycorn.
Firing the director of the body investigating him or his campaign

Did that action obstruct the investigation, yes or no?

Yes--it was clearly intended to.

Please explain how that is so? We have testimony from the Deputy Director that completely contradicts this. FBI Investigations are not conducted by the Director. He simply directs the department. Their investigations and work continue in his absence. What if Comey died? Would that end all the investigations the FBI was currently working on? Of course not!

The investigations have continued on unabated since Comey's firing.... plain factual truth of the matter that Comey's firing didn't impede or obstruct anything. You have to be a complete moron not to understand that.... but then, look who we're talking to here! :dunno:
So you actually expect us to believe that the Director of the FBI has no impact on the investigations conducted by the FBI? Are you nuts? Why do you think Trump went to Comey to shut it down?

He didn't go to Comey to shut it down. He asked Comey to let Flynn go because Flynn had done nothing wrong and didn't deserve to be subjected to an investigation. He asked Comey to expedite the process and get the investigation complete and to let it be known that he, himself, was not the subject of criminal investigation.

What you keep on doing is interjecting your OPINIONS where there are no facts. You're speculating and trying to pass conjecture off as known fact when it's not. You can't prosecute people on suspicions and innuendo. You need concrete evidence and you don't have any.

How hard do you Trump Davidians work to think up these excuses? He asked for the probe on Flynn to be stopped. Trump did not say anything about ending the investigation quickly.
You're making my point, you said he should have been fired from day one, But Trump waited until the Flynn investigation heated up, and Trump asked him to stop the investigation. Had he been fired from day one we wouldn't be having this conversation.

There wasn't a Flynn investigation. Flynn was caught up in the counter-intelligence investigation. Trump never asked Comey to stop any investigation...... it's like we're listening to two completely different testimonies or something.

If Trump had fired Comey on Day 1, it would have looked just as bad because the Russia/Collusion thing had just started. There wasn't even the testimony from Clapper and others at that point.
He asked for the probe on Flynn to be stopped.

No, he didn't. He never asked for ANY investigation to be stopped. There was never any "probe" of Flynn, he was caught up in the counter-intelligence investigation and his name was illegally unmasked and leaked to the media by the "deep state". The FBI never found reason to launch a criminal investigation on Flynn and referred the matter to the state department as an ethics issue.

But you continue to listen to people who are churning out FAKE NEWS every day.
Comey testimony: Trump has constitutional authority to stop investigation of any person, Dershowitz says

Alan M. Dershowitz, a law professor at Harvard, wrote on Wednesday that President Trump has the constitutional right to direct his FBI director to stop an investigation of anyone “by simply pardoning that person.”

Throughout American history-- from Adams to Jefferson to Lincoln to Roosevelt to Kennedy to Obama-- presidents have directed (not merely requested) the Justice Department to investigate, prosecute (or not prosecute) specific individuals or categories of individuals,” Dershowitz wrote. “It is only recently that the tradition of an independent Justice Department and FBI has emerged. But traditions, even salutary ones, cannot form the basis of a criminal charge.”
Comey testimony: Trump has constitutional authority to stop investigation of any person, Dershowitz says
God, but you butt licking 'Conservatives' long for a dictator. The Director of the FBI owes his allegiance and loyalty to the Constitution and the law, not to a President.

He didn't abide by the Constitution by influencing an election or by not idicting Hillary

Ok I did watch the whole thing Sunny and if this were the case Nixon would have gotten off Scott free..
Nixon's situation was very different. He tampered with evidence, and lied while attempting to cover up a criminal act. ..... :cool:
Nixon was innocent as well and would never have been convicted in a real court of law. Unfortunately, neither the Congress nor the media cares about justice. Watergate was the Jewish Triumphal March into the capital city.
Are you jealous of Jews? Seems like it.
Are you a Jew?
No, but you sure seem jealous of them, why is that?
In this 4 minute video.

Constitution professor Alan Dershowitz explains how Trump is within his presidential rights, and not obstruction of justice, when it comes to Comey.
...... :cool:

A president can not tell the FBI who to prosecute or not to prosecute that is just crazy..

Why didn't Comey report it when it happened if he believed it was obstruction?
In this 4 minute video.

Constitution professor Alan Dershowitz explains how Trump is within his presidential rights, and not obstruction of justice, when it comes to Comey.
...... :cool:

A president can not tell the FBI who to prosecute or not to prosecute that is just crazy..

Why didn't Comey report it when it happened if he believed it was obstruction?

Maybe a look at Comey's past response to presidential authority is in order. After reading this maybe the reader will also ask, so is this a pattern of Comey "thwart" GOP presidents but comply with Obama's "Fast and Furious", Hillary's email server, issues that grossly supersede the level of the Trump issue. Where was his "angst" on
these cases? Why didn't he threaten to resign on the above egregious events?

President Bush intervened in March 2004 to avert a crisis over the National Security Agency’s domestic eavesdropping program after Attorney General John Ashcroft, Director Robert S. Mueller III of the F.B.I. and other senior Justice Department aides all threatened to resign, a former deputy attorney general testified Tuesday.
Although a conflict over the program had been disclosed in The New York Times, Mr. Comey provided a fuller account of the 48-hour drama, including, for the first time,
Mr. Bush’s role, the threatened resignations and a race as Mr. Comey hurried to Mr. Ashcroft’s hospital sickbed to intercept White House officials, who were pushing for approval of the N.S.A. program.

Describing the events as “the most difficult of my professional career,” Mr. Comey appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee as part of its inquiry into the dismissal of federal prosecutors and the role of Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales.
Several lawmakers wanted to examine Mr. Gonzales’s actions in the N.S.A. matter, when he was White House counsel, and cited them to buttress their case that he should resign.

Mr. Comey, the former No. 2 official in the Justice Department, said the crisis began when he refused to sign a presidential order reauthorizing the program, which allowed monitoring of international telephone calls and e-mail of people inside the United States who were suspected of having terrorist ties. He said he made his decision after the department’s Office of Legal Counsel, based on an extensive review, concluded that the program did not comply with the law.
At the time, Mr. Comey was acting attorney general because Mr. Ashcroft had been hospitalized for emergency gall bladder surgery.
Mr. Gonzales and Mr. Card quickly departed, but Mr. Comey said he soon got an angry phone call from Mr. Card, demanding that he come to the White House.
Mr. Comey said he replied: “After what I just witnessed, I will not meet with you without a witness, and I intend that witness to be the solicitor general of the United States.”
Bush Intervened in Dispute Over N.S.A. Eavesdropping
In this 4 minute video.

Constitution professor Alan Dershowitz explains how Trump is within his presidential rights, and not obstruction of justice, when it comes to Comey.
...... :cool:

A president can not tell the FBI who to prosecute or not to prosecute that is just crazy..

Why didn't Comey report it when it happened if he believed it was obstruction?

Maybe a look at Comey's past response to presidential authority is in order. After reading this maybe the reader will also ask, so is this a pattern of Comey "thwart" GOP presidents but comply with Obama's "Fast and Furious", Hillary's email server, issues that grossly supersede the level of the Trump issue. Where was his "angst" on
these cases? Why didn't he threaten to resign on the above egregious events?

President Bush intervened in March 2004 to avert a crisis over the National Security Agency’s domestic eavesdropping program after Attorney General John Ashcroft, Director Robert S. Mueller III of the F.B.I. and other senior Justice Department aides all threatened to resign, a former deputy attorney general testified Tuesday.
Although a conflict over the program had been disclosed in The New York Times, Mr. Comey provided a fuller account of the 48-hour drama, including, for the first time,
Mr. Bush’s role, the threatened resignations and a race as Mr. Comey hurried to Mr. Ashcroft’s hospital sickbed to intercept White House officials, who were pushing for approval of the N.S.A. program.

Describing the events as “the most difficult of my professional career,” Mr. Comey appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee as part of its inquiry into the dismissal of federal prosecutors and the role of Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales.
Several lawmakers wanted to examine Mr. Gonzales’s actions in the N.S.A. matter, when he was White House counsel, and cited them to buttress their case that he should resign.

Mr. Comey, the former No. 2 official in the Justice Department, said the crisis began when he refused to sign a presidential order reauthorizing the program, which allowed monitoring of international telephone calls and e-mail of people inside the United States who were suspected of having terrorist ties. He said he made his decision after the department’s Office of Legal Counsel, based on an extensive review, concluded that the program did not comply with the law.
At the time, Mr. Comey was acting attorney general because Mr. Ashcroft had been hospitalized for emergency gall bladder surgery.
Mr. Gonzales and Mr. Card quickly departed, but Mr. Comey said he soon got an angry phone call from Mr. Card, demanding that he come to the White House.
Mr. Comey said he replied: “After what I just witnessed, I will not meet with you without a witness, and I intend that witness to be the solicitor general of the United States.”
Bush Intervened in Dispute Over N.S.A. Eavesdropping

Loretta Lynch directly ordered Comey to not call the Clinton investigation a investigation and not only did he not report it be complied.
You're making my point, you said he should have been fired from day one, But Trump waited until the Flynn investigation heated up, and Trump asked him to stop the investigation. Had he been fired from day one we wouldn't be having this conversation.

There wasn't a Flynn investigation. Flynn was caught up in the counter-intelligence investigation. Trump never asked Comey to stop any investigation...... it's like we're listening to two completely different testimonies or something.

If Trump had fired Comey on Day 1, it would have looked just as bad because the Russia/Collusion thing had just started. There wasn't even the testimony from Clapper and others at that point.

Flynn was being investigation, if you prefer to characterize it as being caught up in another investigation, so be it. But they were looking at his shit either way. Your parsing like a liberal, stop it.

He wrote that Trump said: "'I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go."
James Comey testimony: Trump asked me to let Flynn probe go -

Boss- are you in complete denial? I voted for the stooge because there was no way I was voting for the bulldyke. I know you had to go thru a metamorphosis to vote for Trump, but you can't let it cloud your objectivity.
Firing the director of the body investigating him or his campaign
alll within his authority, next. BTW, he can pardon Flynn. he can also tell the Director of any agency stop stop an investigation. It's within the executive authority. fk I wish you and the rest of your loser lefties would know the constitution. Take a civics class.
You're making my point, you said he should have been fired from day one, But Trump waited until the Flynn investigation heated up, and Trump asked him to stop the investigation. Had he been fired from day one we wouldn't be having this conversation.

There wasn't a Flynn investigation. Flynn was caught up in the counter-intelligence investigation. Trump never asked Comey to stop any investigation...... it's like we're listening to two completely different testimonies or something.

If Trump had fired Comey on Day 1, it would have looked just as bad because the Russia/Collusion thing had just started. There wasn't even the testimony from Clapper and others at that point.

Flynn was being investigation, if you prefer to characterize it as being caught up in another investigation, so be it. But they were looking at his shit either way. Your parsing like a liberal, stop it.

He wrote that Trump said: "'I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go."
James Comey testimony: Trump asked me to let Flynn probe go -

Boss- are you in complete denial? I voted for the stooge because there was no way I was voting for the bulldyke. I know you had to go thru a metamorphosis to vote for Trump, but you can't let it cloud your objectivity.

Hoping isn't a crime it was not an order the investigation was not closed no obstruction except by Loretta Lynch when she ordered Comey not to call the Clinton investigation a investigation which Comey did not feel compelled to report.
Flynn was being investigation, if you prefer to characterize it as being caught up in another investigation, so be it. But they were looking at his shit either way. Your parsing like a liberal, stop it.

No sir... I will NOT allow you to continue lying. Flynn was NOT being investigated. The FBI was conducting a counter-intelligence investigation into Russian hacking of the election and Flynn became caught up in that investigation. He was never under criminal investigation and he is not under criminal investigation now. I'm not parsing anything... that's the facts of the matter.

I know you had to go thru a metamorphosis to vote for Trump, but you can't let it cloud your objectivity.

I didn't vote for Trump.

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