Trump cannot be Guilty of Obstruction concerning Comey

It's already been concluded that Trump did not collude with the Russians.

So there's nothing to worry about....
Not for us. You guys have hit yet another dead end road.

So then you feel that Comey was lying then?
Why can't bill talk to Lynch on an airplane. Even if he asked her to drop the case, so what? He didn't threaten her. He just said Golly gee it sure would be nice if you could see your way to dropping the investigation. There is nothing wrong with that.

Now Trump of course told Comey to drop it or else. They deny it but evidence this is what happened is that COMEY WAS FIRED after he didn't agree to pledge is loyalty to Don Trump.

It's already been concluded that Trump did not collude with the Russians.

So there's nothing to worry about....
Not for us. You guys have hit yet another dead end road.

So then you feel that Comey was lying then?
Why can't bill talk to Lynch on an airplane. Even if he asked her to drop the case, so what? He didn't threaten her. He just said Golly gee it sure would be nice if you could see your way to dropping the investigation. There is nothing wrong with that.

Now Trump of course told Comey to drop it or else. They deny it but evidence this is what happened is that COMEY WAS FIRED after he didn't agree to pledge is loyalty to Don Trump.
That's as lopsided an interpretation as it can get. Thanks for providing the far left fiction account.

It's already been concluded that Trump did not collude with the Russians.

So there's nothing to worry about....
Not for us. You guys have hit yet another dead end road.

So then you feel that Comey was lying then?
Why can't bill talk to Lynch on an airplane. Even if he asked her to drop the case, so what? He didn't threaten her. He just said Golly gee it sure would be nice if you could see your way to dropping the investigation. There is nothing wrong with that.

Now Trump of course told Comey to drop it or else. They deny it but evidence this is what happened is that COMEY WAS FIRED after he didn't agree to pledge is loyalty to Don Trump.
dude the transcripts are out. Please post the comey testimony that you just made up?
It's already been concluded that Trump did not collude with the Russians.

So there's nothing to worry about....
Not for us. You guys have hit yet another dead end road.

So then you feel that Comey was lying then?
Why can't bill talk to Lynch on an airplane. Even if he asked her to drop the case, so what? He didn't threaten her. He just said Golly gee it sure would be nice if you could see your way to dropping the investigation. There is nothing wrong with that.

Now Trump of course told Comey to drop it or else. They deny it but evidence this is what happened is that COMEY WAS FIRED after he didn't agree to pledge is loyalty to Don Trump.
That's as lopsided an interpretation as it can get. Thanks for providing the far left fiction account.
hly fk, the material is available and they still make it up. wow. I guess when someone walks with no integrity like that, they have no morals.
So there's nothing to worry about....
Not for us. You guys have hit yet another dead end road.

So then you feel that Comey was lying then?
Why can't bill talk to Lynch on an airplane. Even if he asked her to drop the case, so what? He didn't threaten her. He just said Golly gee it sure would be nice if you could see your way to dropping the investigation. There is nothing wrong with that.

Now Trump of course told Comey to drop it or else. They deny it but evidence this is what happened is that COMEY WAS FIRED after he didn't agree to pledge is loyalty to Don Trump.
That's as lopsided an interpretation as it can get. Thanks for providing the far left fiction account.
hly fk, the material is available and they still make it up. wow. I guess when someone walks with no integrity like that, they have no morals.

What don't you show us, if it is available...prove your point..
So there's nothing to worry about....
Not for us. You guys have hit yet another dead end road.

So then you feel that Comey was lying then?
Why can't bill talk to Lynch on an airplane. Even if he asked her to drop the case, so what? He didn't threaten her. He just said Golly gee it sure would be nice if you could see your way to dropping the investigation. There is nothing wrong with that.

Now Trump of course told Comey to drop it or else. They deny it but evidence this is what happened is that COMEY WAS FIRED after he didn't agree to pledge is loyalty to Don Trump.
That's as lopsided an interpretation as it can get. Thanks for providing the far left fiction account.
hly fk, the material is available and they still make it up. wow. I guess when someone walks with no integrity like that, they have no morals.
The big boys do it so the lemmings will follow suit. The headlines are the White House lied then we find out it was Trump saying the FBI was a mess.
Not for us. You guys have hit yet another dead end road.

So then you feel that Comey was lying then?
Why can't bill talk to Lynch on an airplane. Even if he asked her to drop the case, so what? He didn't threaten her. He just said Golly gee it sure would be nice if you could see your way to dropping the investigation. There is nothing wrong with that.

Now Trump of course told Comey to drop it or else. They deny it but evidence this is what happened is that COMEY WAS FIRED after he didn't agree to pledge is loyalty to Don Trump.
That's as lopsided an interpretation as it can get. Thanks for providing the far left fiction account.
hly fk, the material is available and they still make it up. wow. I guess when someone walks with no integrity like that, they have no morals.

What don't you show us, if it is available...prove your point..
about what exactly? I have the entire transcript. It's on line. look up james comey testimony transcript. It pops right up. Again, what is it you need from it?
Not for us. You guys have hit yet another dead end road.

So then you feel that Comey was lying then?
Why can't bill talk to Lynch on an airplane. Even if he asked her to drop the case, so what? He didn't threaten her. He just said Golly gee it sure would be nice if you could see your way to dropping the investigation. There is nothing wrong with that.

Now Trump of course told Comey to drop it or else. They deny it but evidence this is what happened is that COMEY WAS FIRED after he didn't agree to pledge is loyalty to Don Trump.
That's as lopsided an interpretation as it can get. Thanks for providing the far left fiction account.
hly fk, the material is available and they still make it up. wow. I guess when someone walks with no integrity like that, they have no morals.
The big boys do it so the lemmings will follow suit. The headlines are the White House lied then we find out it was Trump saying the FBI was a mess.
and that is based on his objectivity from discussions with the FBI. So how can he lie? It's his opinion. He is the boss. Again, it's fking hilarious how immature the left is with civics.
You're making my point, you said he should have been fired from day one, But Trump waited until the Flynn investigation heated up, and Trump asked him to stop the investigation. Had he been fired from day one we wouldn't be having this conversation.

There wasn't a Flynn investigation. Flynn was caught up in the counter-intelligence investigation. Trump never asked Comey to stop any investigation...... it's like we're listening to two completely different testimonies or something.

If Trump had fired Comey on Day 1, it would have looked just as bad because the Russia/Collusion thing had just started. There wasn't even the testimony from Clapper and others at that point.
The Russia/trump investigation started in July 2016
Not for us. You guys have hit yet another dead end road.

So then you feel that Comey was lying then?
Why can't bill talk to Lynch on an airplane. Even if he asked her to drop the case, so what? He didn't threaten her. He just said Golly gee it sure would be nice if you could see your way to dropping the investigation. There is nothing wrong with that.

Now Trump of course told Comey to drop it or else. They deny it but evidence this is what happened is that COMEY WAS FIRED after he didn't agree to pledge is loyalty to Don Trump.
That's as lopsided an interpretation as it can get. Thanks for providing the far left fiction account.
hly fk, the material is available and they still make it up. wow. I guess when someone walks with no integrity like that, they have no morals.

What don't you show us, if it is available...prove your point..
"FEINSTEIN: Let's go to the Flynn issue. The senator outlined, “I hope you could see your way to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go.” But you also said in your written remarks, and I quote, that you “had understood the president to be requesting that we drop any investigation of Flynn in connection with false statements about his conversations with the Russian ambassador in December,”. Please go into that with more detail.

COMEY: Well, the context and the president's word are what led me to that conclusion. As I said in my statement, I could be wrong, but Flynn had been forced to resign the day before. And the controversy around general Flynn at that point in time was centered on whether he lied to the vice president about his nature of conversations with the Russians, whether he had been candid with others in the course of that. So that happens on the day before. On the 1, the president makes reference to that. I understood what he wanted me to do was drop any investigation connected to Flynn's account of his conversations with the Russians."

"RUBIO: And in that meeting, as you understood it, he was asking not about the general Russia investigation, he was asking specifically about the jeopardy that Flynn was in himself?

COMEY: That's how I understood it. Yes, sir.

RUBIO: As you perceived it, while he hoped you did away with it, you perceived it as an order, given the setting, the position and some of the circumstances?


RUBIO: At the time, did you say something to the president about, that is not an appropriate request, or did you tell the white house counsel, it's not an appropriate request? Someone needs to tell the president he can't do these things.

COMEY: I didn't, no."
So you show me where he said what that stupid other fk posted?

Now Trump of course told Comey to drop it or else.
In this 4 minute video.

Constitution professor Alan Dershowitz explains how Trump is within his presidential rights, and not obstruction of justice, when it comes to Comey.
...... :cool:

A president can not tell the FBI who to prosecute or not to prosecute that is just crazy..

Why didn't Comey report it when it happened if he believed it was obstruction?

The "wink wink nudge nudge" turned into a debatable instructional action when Trump fired Comey for not playing ball
You're making my point, you said he should have been fired from day one, But Trump waited until the Flynn investigation heated up, and Trump asked him to stop the investigation. Had he been fired from day one we wouldn't be having this conversation.

There wasn't a Flynn investigation. Flynn was caught up in the counter-intelligence investigation. Trump never asked Comey to stop any investigation...... it's like we're listening to two completely different testimonies or something.

If Trump had fired Comey on Day 1, it would have looked just as bad because the Russia/Collusion thing had just started. There wasn't even the testimony from Clapper and others at that point.
The Russia/trump investigation started in July 2016
trump was never under investigation. did you miss that part coming out yesterday? so correct your post.
hly fk, the material is available and they still make it up. wow. I guess when someone walks with no integrity like that, they have no morals.

They had a really rough day... they were expecting Comey to drop the big bombshell on Trump and instead, we find out that Loretta Lynch obstructed justice and Comey was complicit in facilitating that, thus influencing an election... and he also admitted to being guilty of leaking privileged government information. He may have also perjured himself because he claimed he leaked his memo as retaliation for a tweet that hadn't been made yet. The whole entire thing backfired on them... BIGLY!

So now... they're going to spin and LIE their asses off as usual! You know when Alan Dershawitz and Chris Matthews are jumping off the ship, it has struck the iceberg and is going down.
In this 4 minute video.

Constitution professor Alan Dershowitz explains how Trump is within his presidential rights, and not obstruction of justice, when it comes to Comey.
...... :cool:

A president can not tell the FBI who to prosecute or not to prosecute that is just crazy..

Why didn't Comey report it when it happened if he believed it was obstruction?

The "wink wink nudge nudge" turned into a debatable instructional action when Trump fired Comey for not playing ball

all within his authority as the president. And so what?
You're making my point, you said he should have been fired from day one, But Trump waited until the Flynn investigation heated up, and Trump asked him to stop the investigation. Had he been fired from day one we wouldn't be having this conversation.

There wasn't a Flynn investigation. Flynn was caught up in the counter-intelligence investigation. Trump never asked Comey to stop any investigation...... it's like we're listening to two completely different testimonies or something.

If Trump had fired Comey on Day 1, it would have looked just as bad because the Russia/Collusion thing had just started. There wasn't even the testimony from Clapper and others at that point.

Flynn was being investigation, if you prefer to characterize it as being caught up in another investigation, so be it. But they were looking at his shit either way. Your parsing like a liberal, stop it.

He wrote that Trump said: "'I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go."
James Comey testimony: Trump asked me to let Flynn probe go -

Boss- are you in complete denial? I voted for the stooge because there was no way I was voting for the bulldyke. I know you had to go thru a metamorphosis to vote for Trump, but you can't let it cloud your objectivity.

Hoping isn't a crime it was not an order the investigation was not closed no obstruction except by Loretta Lynch when she ordered Comey not to call the Clinton investigation a investigation which Comey did not feel compelled to report.

And I have never claimed it was a crime. My point all along has been is it looks questionable, and if you deny that you simply have zero objectivity. Nixon ordered his AG to fire the Watergate special prosecutor, and it wasn't a crime either, but it looked and smelled fishy, just like this does.
Flynn was being investigation, if you prefer to characterize it as being caught up in another investigation, so be it. But they were looking at his shit either way. Your parsing like a liberal, stop it.

No sir... I will NOT allow you to continue lying. Flynn was NOT being investigated. The FBI was conducting a counter-intelligence investigation into Russian hacking of the election and Flynn became caught up in that investigation. He was never under criminal investigation and he is not under criminal investigation now. I'm not parsing anything... that's the facts of the matter.

I know you had to go thru a metamorphosis to vote for Trump, but you can't let it cloud your objectivity.

I didn't vote for Trump.

My mistake - you didn't vote for Trump

Your mistake- Flynn was under investigation

Comey Confirms Michael Flynn Under Investigation For Lying To FBI | HuffPost
WASHINGTON ― Former FBI director James Comey confirmed to the Senate Intelligence Committee that the FBI was investigating former national security adviser Michael Flynn on suspicion of lying to FBI agents.

If you care to dispute this, site your sources please.
You're making my point, you said he should have been fired from day one, But Trump waited until the Flynn investigation heated up, and Trump asked him to stop the investigation. Had he been fired from day one we wouldn't be having this conversation.

There wasn't a Flynn investigation. Flynn was caught up in the counter-intelligence investigation. Trump never asked Comey to stop any investigation...... it's like we're listening to two completely different testimonies or something.

If Trump had fired Comey on Day 1, it would have looked just as bad because the Russia/Collusion thing had just started. There wasn't even the testimony from Clapper and others at that point.
The Russia/trump investigation started in July 2016
trump was never under investigation. did you miss that part coming out yesterday? so correct your post.
Trump campaign representatives, thought that was a given, do I really need to spell it all out each time I post about it?
You're making my point, you said he should have been fired from day one, But Trump waited until the Flynn investigation heated up, and Trump asked him to stop the investigation. Had he been fired from day one we wouldn't be having this conversation.

There wasn't a Flynn investigation. Flynn was caught up in the counter-intelligence investigation. Trump never asked Comey to stop any investigation...... it's like we're listening to two completely different testimonies or something.

If Trump had fired Comey on Day 1, it would have looked just as bad because the Russia/Collusion thing had just started. There wasn't even the testimony from Clapper and others at that point.
The Russia/trump investigation started in July 2016
trump was never under investigation. did you miss that part coming out yesterday? so correct your post.
Trump campaign representatives, thought that was a given, do I really need to spell it all out each time I post about it?
no, no they weren't comey stated that as well yesterday. Flynn was not. he said it. wow, and trump asked to be notified if any of satellites were involved and get them prosecuted basically. you're story is finished bubba. sorry
In this 4 minute video.

Constitution professor Alan Dershowitz explains how Trump is within his presidential rights, and not obstruction of justice, when it comes to Comey.
...... :cool:

A president can not tell the FBI who to prosecute or not to prosecute that is just crazy..

Why didn't Comey report it when it happened if he believed it was obstruction?

The "wink wink nudge nudge" turned into a debatable instructional action when Trump fired Comey for not playing ball

all within his authority as the president. And so what?

All within his authority under normal circumstances, be we have a situation where his campaign is being investigated based on suspicion of collusion with Russia to interfere in our election. That's a big deal. It is completely partisan of you to play it off like there is nothing there. You'd be throwing the mother of all hissy fits if this was Clinton or Obama. Please recognize your hypocrisy
In this 4 minute video.

Constitution professor Alan Dershowitz explains how Trump is within his presidential rights, and not obstruction of justice, when it comes to Comey.
...... :cool:

A president can not tell the FBI who to prosecute or not to prosecute that is just crazy..

Why didn't Comey report it when it happened if he believed it was obstruction?

The "wink wink nudge nudge" turned into a debatable instructional action when Trump fired Comey for not playing ball

all within his authority as the president. And so what?

All within his authority under normal circumstances, be we have a situation where his campaign is being investigated based on suspicion of collusion with Russia to interfere in our election. That's a big deal. It is completely partisan of you to play it off like there is nothing there. You'd be throwing the mother of all hissy fits if this was Clinton or Obama. Please recognize your hypocrisy

hahahahahahaahaha sorry bubba, you're wrong. He can tell them to stop the investigation if he wants to. you should take a civic's class.

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