Trump cannot be Guilty of Obstruction concerning Comey

You're making my point, you said he should have been fired from day one, But Trump waited until the Flynn investigation heated up, and Trump asked him to stop the investigation. Had he been fired from day one we wouldn't be having this conversation.

There wasn't a Flynn investigation. Flynn was caught up in the counter-intelligence investigation. Trump never asked Comey to stop any investigation...... it's like we're listening to two completely different testimonies or something.

If Trump had fired Comey on Day 1, it would have looked just as bad because the Russia/Collusion thing had just started. There wasn't even the testimony from Clapper and others at that point.
The Russia/trump investigation started in July 2016
trump was never under investigation. did you miss that part coming out yesterday? so correct your post.
Trump campaign representatives, thought that was a given, do I really need to spell it all out each time I post about it?
no, no they weren't comey stated that as well yesterday. Flynn was not. he said it. wow, and trump asked to be notified if any of satellites were involved and get them prosecuted basically. you're story is finished bubba. sorry
Come back to earth man. Before I lay out the case let me ask, are you taking all Comeys statements as truthful or are you going to pick and choose based on your agenda ? You just referenced one of his statements to make a point which is why I ask
A president can not tell the FBI who to prosecute or not to prosecute that is just crazy..

Why didn't Comey report it when it happened if he believed it was obstruction?
The "wink wink nudge nudge" turned into a debatable instructional action when Trump fired Comey for not playing ball
all within his authority as the president. And so what?
All within his authority under normal circumstances, be we have a situation where his campaign is being investigated based on suspicion of collusion with Russia to interfere in our election. That's a big deal. It is completely partisan of you to play it off like there is nothing there. You'd be throwing the mother of all hissy fits if this was Clinton or Obama. Please recognize your hypocrisy
hahahahahahaahaha sorry bubba, you're wrong. He can tell them to stop the investigation if he wants to. you should take a civic's class.
Look up watergate... the president can't just do whatever he wants whenever he wants, there are consequenses. Abuse of power, obstruction of justice, cover ups, lies etc etc there are many similarities between Trump and Nixons actions and if Trump continues down this path he could find himself in big trouble. He is digging himself into a hole
Why didn't Comey report it when it happened if he believed it was obstruction?
The "wink wink nudge nudge" turned into a debatable instructional action when Trump fired Comey for not playing ball
all within his authority as the president. And so what?
All within his authority under normal circumstances, be we have a situation where his campaign is being investigated based on suspicion of collusion with Russia to interfere in our election. That's a big deal. It is completely partisan of you to play it off like there is nothing there. You'd be throwing the mother of all hissy fits if this was Clinton or Obama. Please recognize your hypocrisy
hahahahahahaahaha sorry bubba, you're wrong. He can tell them to stop the investigation if he wants to. you should take a civic's class.
Look up watergate... the president can't just do whatever he wants whenever he wants, there are consequenses. Abuse of power, obstruction of justice, cover ups, lies etc etc there are many similarities between Trump and Nixons actions and if Trump continues down this path he could find himself in big trouble. He is digging himself into a hole

You're correct. Nixon could have stayed in office except he pressed the issue. Trump needs to ignore the proceedings and let the investigations take whatever path they take. The more he gets involved, the deeper he digs his proverbial hole.
Sunni Man, post: 17462179
Nixon's situation was very different. He tampered with evidence, and lied while attempting to cover up a criminal act.

Quite close in fact. The key being Trump's abrubt firing of Comey after asking for loyalty, and about interest in keeping FBI Director job and an end to Flynn investigation. That coming in a meeting where Trump asked to be alone with Comey.

Then you have Trump bragging to Russians in Oval Office that Comey was a nutjob and he was fired to take presuure off Russia meddling investigators.

Trump threatened Comey that keeping his job would need Comey to do what Trump wanted done.

When Comey did not satisfy Trump's request for loyalty Comey was fired. The reason for the firing then became a total messaging mess. And then you had Trump telling Russians why: to take pressure off Investigation.

Trump is much dumber than Nixon. Mueller may very well find obstruction and Trump will help by lying under oath when it gets to that.

Plus Trump family is enriching themselves from the White House. Daddy's approval dropping to 34 percent. He has no friends in powerful positions.

He is a buffoon, a clown humping a pony for your entertainment. That is all he is.
Quite close in fact. The key being Trump's abrubt firing of Comey after asking for loyalty, and about interest in keeping FBI Director job and an end to Flynn investigation. That coming in a meeting where Trump asked to be alone with Comey.
Then you have Trump bragging to Russians in Oval Office that Comey was a nutjob and he was fired to take presuure off Russia meddling investigators.
Trump threatened Comey that keeping his job would need Comey to do what Trump wanted done.
When Comey did not satisfy Trump's request for loyalty Comey was fired. The reason for the firing then became a total messaging mess. And then you had Trump telling Russians why: to take pressure off Investigation.
Trump is much dumber than Nixon. Mueller may very well find obstruction and Trump will help by lying under oath when it gets to that.
Plus Trump family is enriching themselves from the White House. Daddy's approval dropping to 34 percent. He has no friends in powerful positions.
He is a buffoon, a clown humping a pony for your entertainment. That is all he is.
In this 4 minute video.

Constitution professor Alan Dershowitz explains how Trump is within his presidential rights, and not obstruction of justice, when it comes to Comey.
...... :cool:

A president can not tell the FBI who to prosecute or not to prosecute that is just crazy..

Why didn't Comey report it when it happened if he believed it was obstruction?

The "wink wink nudge nudge" turned into a debatable instructional action when Trump fired Comey for not playing ball

Oh fucking bullshit, if it was obstruction after he was fired it was obstruction before he was fired, obstruction is obstruction is obstruction.
Sunni Man, post: 17473331 ....................:cuckoo:.....................[/QUOTE]

Knee Jerk response to facts and reasonable thinking from RWNJ I see.

Quite typical these days from the Trump Clown Train.
Call Sign Chaos, post: 17473339
Oh fucking bullshit, if it was obstruction after he was fired it was obstruction before he was fired, obstruction is obstruction is obstruction.

Comey did not say it was obstruction before or after he was fired. He said it needed being looked into and especially after he was fired.

The firing is the act upon which Trump obstructed justice. Then the fool brags about taking pressure off the investigation by firing nutjob Comey to Top Russian officials in the Oval Office of all people and of all places.

Had Trump not fired Comey his suspicious behavior asking others to leave the room to be alone with Comey would not have risen to the level of a crime.

Firing Comey combined with all the things Trump said and did builds the case against him.

Remember Trump is a dimwitted buffoon who is way in over his head. Nothing but more self-inflicted trouble coming for the orange skinned clown.
Sunni Man sorry but that was debunked yesterday.

oooops ... I see you wrote this yesterday so by now you know it's not true.

Sorry but trump is up to his fat belly in incriminating evidence.


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Call Sign Chaos, post: 17473339
Oh fucking bullshit, if it was obstruction after he was fired it was obstruction before he was fired, obstruction is obstruction is obstruction.

Comey did not say it was obstruction before or after he was fired. He said it needed being looked into and especially after he was fired.

The firing is the act upon which Trump obstructed justice. The the fool brags about taking pressure off the investigation to Top Russian officials in the Oval Office of all people and of all places.

Had Trump not fired Comey his suspicious behavior asking others to leave the room to be alone with Comey would not have risen to the level of a crime.

Firing Comey combined with all the things Trump said and did builds the case against him.

Remember Trump is a dimwitted buffoon who is way in over his head. Nothing but more self-inflicted trouble coming for the orange skinned clown.

That dimwitted buffoon has you loons in knots.

Trump is still POTUS and Comey is an ugly footnote in history. So who won?
There wasn't a Flynn investigation. Flynn was caught up in the counter-intelligence investigation. Trump never asked Comey to stop any investigation...... it's like we're listening to two completely different testimonies or something.

If Trump had fired Comey on Day 1, it would have looked just as bad because the Russia/Collusion thing had just started. There wasn't even the testimony from Clapper and others at that point.
The Russia/trump investigation started in July 2016
trump was never under investigation. did you miss that part coming out yesterday? so correct your post.
Trump campaign representatives, thought that was a given, do I really need to spell it all out each time I post about it?
no, no they weren't comey stated that as well yesterday. Flynn was not. he said it. wow, and trump asked to be notified if any of satellites were involved and get them prosecuted basically. you're story is finished bubba. sorry
Come back to earth man. Before I lay out the case let me ask, are you taking all Comeys statements as truthful or are you going to pick and choose based on your agenda ? You just referenced one of his statements to make a point which is why I ask
ok francis.
Why didn't Comey report it when it happened if he believed it was obstruction?
The "wink wink nudge nudge" turned into a debatable instructional action when Trump fired Comey for not playing ball
all within his authority as the president. And so what?
All within his authority under normal circumstances, be we have a situation where his campaign is being investigated based on suspicion of collusion with Russia to interfere in our election. That's a big deal. It is completely partisan of you to play it off like there is nothing there. You'd be throwing the mother of all hissy fits if this was Clinton or Obama. Please recognize your hypocrisy
hahahahahahaahaha sorry bubba, you're wrong. He can tell them to stop the investigation if he wants to. you should take a civic's class.
Look up watergate... the president can't just do whatever he wants whenever he wants, there are consequenses. Abuse of power, obstruction of justice, cover ups, lies etc etc there are many similarities between Trump and Nixons actions and if Trump continues down this path he could find himself in big trouble. He is digging himself into a hole
what about it? There was an actual crime in that. there is nothing confirmed yesterday. move on francis.
In this 4 minute video.

Constitution professor Alan Dershowitz explains how Trump is within his presidential rights, and not obstruction of justice, when it comes to Comey.
...... :cool:

A president can not tell the FBI who to prosecute or not to prosecute that is just crazy..

Why didn't Comey report it when it happened if he believed it was obstruction?

The "wink wink nudge nudge" turned into a debatable instructional action when Trump fired Comey for not playing ball

Oh fucking bullshit, if it was obstruction after he was fired it was obstruction before he was fired, obstruction is obstruction is obstruction.

You don't think firing the guy in charge of an investigation shows intent to affect the investigation? Trumps actions before the firing involved passive talk and enuendo which was considered by most as inappropriate but not illegal. The firing was a much more direct action, how can you not acknowledge it's significance
The Russia/trump investigation started in July 2016
trump was never under investigation. did you miss that part coming out yesterday? so correct your post.
Trump campaign representatives, thought that was a given, do I really need to spell it all out each time I post about it?
no, no they weren't comey stated that as well yesterday. Flynn was not. he said it. wow, and trump asked to be notified if any of satellites were involved and get them prosecuted basically. you're story is finished bubba. sorry
Come back to earth man. Before I lay out the case let me ask, are you taking all Comeys statements as truthful or are you going to pick and choose based on your agenda ? You just referenced one of his statements to make a point which is why I ask
ok francis.
Was that a covfefe response or was that really how you are answering my question?
The "wink wink nudge nudge" turned into a debatable instructional action when Trump fired Comey for not playing ball
all within his authority as the president. And so what?
All within his authority under normal circumstances, be we have a situation where his campaign is being investigated based on suspicion of collusion with Russia to interfere in our election. That's a big deal. It is completely partisan of you to play it off like there is nothing there. You'd be throwing the mother of all hissy fits if this was Clinton or Obama. Please recognize your hypocrisy
hahahahahahaahaha sorry bubba, you're wrong. He can tell them to stop the investigation if he wants to. you should take a civic's class.
Look up watergate... the president can't just do whatever he wants whenever he wants, there are consequenses. Abuse of power, obstruction of justice, cover ups, lies etc etc there are many similarities between Trump and Nixons actions and if Trump continues down this path he could find himself in big trouble. He is digging himself into a hole
what about it? There was an actual crime in that. there is nothing confirmed yesterday. move on francis.
You don't think Russian interference is a crime? It sure as shit is... Nixon didn't commit the crime in watergate but he got busted trying to cover it up. For some rediculous reason that involves Trump Ginormous Ego, he is lying, covering up, and trying to shut down the Russia investigation... he is going down the same path as Nixon
SassyIrishLass, post: 17473505
Trump is still POTUS and Comey is an ugly footnote in history. So who won?

That Trump is still president is an impotent meaningless point. You have nothing else? Facts tear you Trump-suckers up. Comey is much more believable than Trump.
Why didn't Comey report it when it happened if he believed it was obstruction?
The "wink wink nudge nudge" turned into a debatable instructional action when Trump fired Comey for not playing ball
all within his authority as the president. And so what?
All within his authority under normal circumstances, be we have a situation where his campaign is being investigated based on suspicion of collusion with Russia to interfere in our election. That's a big deal. It is completely partisan of you to play it off like there is nothing there. You'd be throwing the mother of all hissy fits if this was Clinton or Obama. Please recognize your hypocrisy
hahahahahahaahaha sorry bubba, you're wrong. He can tell them to stop the investigation if he wants to. you should take a civic's class.
Look up watergate... the president can't just do whatever he wants whenever he wants, there are consequenses. Abuse of power, obstruction of justice, cover ups, lies etc etc there are many similarities between Trump and Nixons actions and if Trump continues down this path he could find himself in big trouble. He is digging himself into a hole

If I was Trump I would push it all the way pardon everyone , fire Mueller and dare Congress to impeach me.

trump was never under investigation. did you miss that part coming out yesterday? so correct your post.
Trump campaign representatives, thought that was a given, do I really need to spell it all out each time I post about it?
no, no they weren't comey stated that as well yesterday. Flynn was not. he said it. wow, and trump asked to be notified if any of satellites were involved and get them prosecuted basically. you're story is finished bubba. sorry
Come back to earth man. Before I lay out the case let me ask, are you taking all Comeys statements as truthful or are you going to pick and choose based on your agenda ? You just referenced one of his statements to make a point which is why I ask
ok francis.
Was that a covfefe response or was that really how you are answering my question?
hmmmmm I posted it, so I guess so.
The "wink wink nudge nudge" turned into a debatable instructional action when Trump fired Comey for not playing ball
all within his authority as the president. And so what?
All within his authority under normal circumstances, be we have a situation where his campaign is being investigated based on suspicion of collusion with Russia to interfere in our election. That's a big deal. It is completely partisan of you to play it off like there is nothing there. You'd be throwing the mother of all hissy fits if this was Clinton or Obama. Please recognize your hypocrisy
hahahahahahaahaha sorry bubba, you're wrong. He can tell them to stop the investigation if he wants to. you should take a civic's class.
Look up watergate... the president can't just do whatever he wants whenever he wants, there are consequenses. Abuse of power, obstruction of justice, cover ups, lies etc etc there are many similarities between Trump and Nixons actions and if Trump continues down this path he could find himself in big trouble. He is digging himself into a hole

If I was Trump I would push it all the way pardon everyone , fire Mueller and dare Congress to impeach me.


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