Trump cannot be Guilty of Obstruction concerning Comey

I thought you said the Russians have been interfering since the 1960s... now it's Obamas fault? Haha, ok buddy!

No, I said Russians had probably tried to influence every election, just as the US tries to influence theirs and others. My point is, this big breathlessly alarming "CRIME" that's being investigated happened on Obama's watch and under the watchful eyes of his incompetent underlings. That's not Trump's fault.
I thought you said the Russians have been interfering since the 1960s... now it's Obamas fault? Haha, ok buddy!

No, I said Russians had probably tried to influence every election, just as the US tries to influence theirs and others. My point is, this big breathlessly alarming "CRIME" that's being investigated happened on Obama's watch and under the watchful eyes of his incompetent underlings. That's not Trump's fault.
Nobody is saying it is Trumps fault, don't be a drama queen. But when Billionaire bullshitter takes the most powerful position in the world and lies as much as he does then people are going to hold him accountable. The more shit he talks about Democrats and the media the stronger the reaction will be. It is a sad reality but the buck stops at the president and all he does is fuel the devision. You are only going to see a brighter spotlight shined on anything that makes him look bad. Right now his lies and obstructive actions around the Russia investigation are the focus. The only person capable of toning things down is Trump and I don't see him taking actions or a tone that will do that.

BTW. Shame on Pelosi, Chuckie and the others in the Democratic leadership that do nothing but fuel partisan division as well. The are just as guilty, however, Trump is by far the most responsible.
In this 4 minute video.

Constitution professor Alan Dershowitz explains how Trump is within his presidential rights, and not obstruction of justice, when it comes to Comey.
...... :cool:

Mike Pence is the fall guy and no matter how many legal beagles he hires is going to take the fall.
Funny, you admit that Russia tried to influence our election then make an excuse for them saying that we do it so I guess that makes it ok. You imply that the only evidence that supports Russians crimes are hacking the DNC which is in question... did you not see the report that said the Russians tried to hack 39 states?
Russians Hackers Targeted Election Systems in 39 States

The investigation into collusion may not be based on incriminating evidence, but it's based on suspicious activity around Russian crimes and Trump campaigners actions. There were lies and cover ups by Trump and his surrogates. So of course it's being investigated. Why did they lie? They take nothing and just make it worse and worse and it is leading towards obstruction. Firing Mueller would be the end of Trump if the Republicans lose the congress in 2018, IMO.

Russians have probably tried to influence every US election since the 1960s. I did not say anything makes it okay nor did I make an excuse.

As for the "39 states" story... that's another "anonymous sources" report from Bloomberg. These kind of stories have been so debunked and discredited in the past few months that I can't take them seriously... Sorry... they have no cred left. In any event, the Russians weren't successful.

Why did they lie? Who lied? Flynn failed to report work he did for a Turkish lobby group. He told the VP he hadn't discussed sanctions with the Russians when he had. Sessions met with the Russian ambassador in his capacity as Senator but when asked by Franken about "talking to Russians" regarding the Trump campaign, he said he hadn't. He voluntarily went back before Congress to answer another series of questions and set the record straight. I don't see "lying and covering up" here.

What are they supposed to even be "covering up" in you mind? I've not heard ANY reasonable explanation for what you people think Trump and Associates did. You don't have any evidence of anything and you can't even tell us what you suspect might have happened. All you seem to want to do is raise suspicion and keep that on the front burner.... but you can't even tell us what we're supposed to be suspicious of!
You complain about ZERO evidence then then call leaked information Fake News, so there is no winning with you. You decide to believe things that fit your agenda and deny everything else. Yes, some leaks have been false, its been a very small percent compared to the amount of stories that get written, regardless, there is a heap of classified information behind this investigation, things like the extent of the Russian hacking, we don't know all the details, the extent of communications between Russia and US citizens or institutions, we don't know everything they are looking at. NO CHARGES HAVE BEEN BROUGHT. Thats why there is an investigation. Let that sink in.

I've said many times that I don't think Trump colluded with Russia, but I do think he had Flynn tell the Russians to not react to the Sanctions and I think he has been involved in many lies and cover ups to try and avoid negative press. That is the extent of it in my opinion. I think that is a wildly inappropriate way for our president to act if true and I think it deserves to be exposed.
Boss, post: 17524903
I haven't spun a damn thing. I'm the one being objective here. You're living in some alternate reality.

There is no objectivity coming from you. You keep saying there has to be a crime to make Trump's potential obstruction of justice possible. There is is a crime. The Russian intereference in the election. Anyone attempting to interefere, conceal evidence, lie to investigators is obstructing the investigation and obstructing justice.

Trump is a witness and participant in the election intereference being investigated. He does not have to be a suspect. Witnesses can obstruct justice by lying or destroying documents or forcing staff to lie.

Kushner has suspicious ties to Putin's oligarchs and banks. What does Trump know about his campaign's Russian ties. The investigators need access to the entire TrumpKushner financial record involving anything with the Russian state and its stable oligarchs tied to Putin.

As an American I deserve all those financial ties revealed.

That's taking time. Why won't Trump let it play out if he is so certain he is innocent?
Boss, post: 17525157
And OH BY THE FUCKING WAY.... Who was in charge during the last elections when the Russians supposedly tried to influence the elections and hack in? Obama, Clinton, Kerry, Lynch, Comey, Rice, Clapper... DEMOCRATS! This happened on YOUR watch!

You mean the period of time candidate Trump invited the Russians to find Clinton's emails to help him win the election.

“I will tell you this, Russia: If you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing, I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

So should Comey have charged Trump with Russian collusion, conspiring with a foreign government right there when he said it.

Remember Trump's beloved relationship with Putin back then.

Trump's a traitor by his own words. Still has not taken the Russian interference seriously.
Boss, post: 17525486
My point is, this big breathlessly alarming "CRIME" that's being investigated happened on Obama's watch and under the watchful eyes of his incompetent underlings. That's not Trump's fault.

You've been arguing there was no crime, now you are arguing that the first Black President was incompetent because the crime happened on his watch.

Was Bush incompetent because the 9/11 attacks happened on his watch?

Reality is biting you on the ass and we see your desperation settling in. Russians attempted to damage the Clinton campaign and help Trump. Your response is to hold the Obama Administration accountable for what Putin did?
Boss, post: 17524903
I haven't spun a damn thing. I'm the one being objective here. You're living in some alternate reality.

There is no objectivity coming from you. You keep saying there has to be a crime to make Trump's potential obstruction of justice possible. There is is a crime. The Russian intereference in the election. Anyone attempting to interefere, conceal evidence, lie to investigators is obstructing the investigation and obstructing justice.

Trump is a witness and participant in the election intereference being investigated. He does not have to be a suspect. Witnesses can obstruct justice by lying or destroying documents or forcing staff to lie.

Kushner has suspicious ties to Putin's oligarchs and banks. What does Trump know about his campaign's Russian ties. The investigators need access to the entire TrumpKushner financial record involving anything with the Russian state and its stable oligarchs tied to Putin.

As an American I deserve all those financial ties revealed.

That's taking time. Why won't Trump let it play out if he is so certain he is innocent?

Look, you stupid jackass... Trump had not one damn thing to do with russian hacking! The fact that crimes happen in the world doesn't mean a crime was committed that Trump can be held accountable for. What a fucking idiot!

A sitting president cannot be indicted and cannot "obstruct justice". He is the HEAD of justice! Firing the FBI director is within his constitutional authority. He could even order the investigation shut down. He could dismiss the special counsel. He could issue pardons for Flynn, Kushner or any other principle involved... it's within his authority as president! It wouldn't be politically favorable for him to do so but he could.

The recourse you have for the president is impeachment. You're never going to impeach unless you retake the house and you can't win a fucking election! Even IF you managed to impeach, you'll not remove him from office.

ALL any of this is about is a justification for obstructing Trump's agenda. You want to drag this out as long as possible and keep inferring something illegal was done with no evidence. I believe you're going to pay a high political price for this.

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