Trump cannot be Guilty of Obstruction concerning Comey

The president is the head of the executive branch. Both the attorney general and the director of the FBI retain their positions at the pleasure of the president. The president has the constitutional authority to fire the people in these positions.

Prosecutors decide which cases they are going to prosecute and which cases they are not all the time. This is called prosecutorial discretion. Since the AG works for the president, the president is the chief executive of the executive branch after all, the president has the constitutional authority to direct the AG in matters of prosecutorial discretion if he so chooses. This power is also reflected in the president's power to pardon.

Does this make the president too powerful? No, because the congress can check this power through the power to impeach the president.
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Boss- you are so full of shit. You say he was never under investigation in one sentence, but under surveillance in another. I can post 20 links that confirm the investigation of Flynn by the FBI. You haven't sighted a single source to the contrary. Stop it. Your credibility is hanging by a thread.

Show me something (credible) that says Flynn was the subject of an investigation. If you can do that, I'll shut up. If you can't do that, I will contend that he wasn't ever under an investigation and he was merely a subject of interest in an investigation. There is a difference. If you don't know the difference or you're too dumb to find out, I can't help you.

It really doesn't matter anyway, it's not worth obsessing over, Flynn isn't guilty of anything either way. People keep arguing they are still investigating but they have his conversations, every word he said to the Russians and every word the Russians said to him.... what's to investigate? He either broke the law or he didn't and since there hasn't been an indictment, we can presume he didn't. IF he had broken the law, don't you think we would've heard about what he did by now?

Let me explain what's happening here... The Left knows Flynn isn't guilty of anything illegal. At best, there are a couple of ethics issues and I don't even think those amount to more than casual oversight on Flynn's part. But since Trump let him go, they want to use Flynn to infer this cloud of suspicion and continue to promote the narrative that something illegal happened, that's why Trump let him go. They can get away with that by having unsuspecting dupes such as yourself believe that he was under investigation when he wasn't.

Your words + no links = zero credibility

I don't need links, I have a brain. Again... the left has a transcript of everything Flynn said to Russians and everything Russians said to Flynn. So what's to investigate?

......Are we...... Investigating how we can turn nothing into something retroactively? Hmmm? That's what's going on here? We don't have evidence of a crime.... period. End of Story. There is not going to magically be a crime appearing where none was committed. We don't just sit and parse every syllable of the conversations until we can conjure up some "crime" that happened. That is NOT how justice works.

The people who have no credibility are the people who abused our national intelligence resources to spy on Trump and his associates.

Asses should be sent to prison for that!

Americans should be hopping mad as hell about that!

Over and over, we are told by one departmental head after another... NO COLLUSION HAPPENED.... NO EVIDENCE.... Trump has committed no crime.... his people, so far, have committed no crime. He is on record via Comey, that he welcomes ANY prosecutorial evidence on ANYONE in his realm, he wants to know about it!

I've heard enough of this bullshit... present your goddamn evidence of crime or shut the fuck up and deal with President Trump! ....For fuck sakes!
In this 4 minute video.

Constitution professor Alan Dershowitz explains how Trump is within his presidential rights, and not obstruction of justice, when it comes to Comey.
...... :cool:

demo big switch before firing comey.jpeg
Boss- you are so full of shit. You say he was never under investigation in one sentence, but under surveillance in another. I can post 20 links that confirm the investigation of Flynn by the FBI. You haven't sighted a single source to the contrary. Stop it. Your credibility is hanging by a thread.

Show me something (credible) that says Flynn was the subject of an investigation. If you can do that, I'll shut up. If you can't do that, I will contend that he wasn't ever under an investigation and he was merely a subject of interest in an investigation. There is a difference. If you don't know the difference or you're too dumb to find out, I can't help you.

It really doesn't matter anyway, it's not worth obsessing over, Flynn isn't guilty of anything either way. People keep arguing they are still investigating but they have his conversations, every word he said to the Russians and every word the Russians said to him.... what's to investigate? He either broke the law or he didn't and since there hasn't been an indictment, we can presume he didn't. IF he had broken the law, don't you think we would've heard about what he did by now?

Let me explain what's happening here... The Left knows Flynn isn't guilty of anything illegal. At best, there are a couple of ethics issues and I don't even think those amount to more than casual oversight on Flynn's part. But since Trump let him go, they want to use Flynn to infer this cloud of suspicion and continue to promote the narrative that something illegal happened, that's why Trump let him go. They can get away with that by having unsuspecting dupes such as yourself believe that he was under investigation when he wasn't.

Your words + no links = zero credibility

I don't need links, I have a brain. Again... the left has a transcript of everything Flynn said to Russians and everything Russians said to Flynn. So what's to investigate?

......Are we...... Investigating how we can turn nothing into something retroactively? Hmmm? That's what's going on here? We don't have evidence of a crime.... period. End of Story. There is not going to magically be a crime appearing where none was committed. We don't just sit and parse every syllable of the conversations until we can conjure up some "crime" that happened. That is NOT how justice works.

The people who have no credibility are the people who abused our national intelligence resources to spy on Trump and his associates.

Asses should be sent to prison for that!

Americans should be hopping mad as hell about that!

Over and over, we are told by one departmental head after another... NO COLLUSION HAPPENED.... NO EVIDENCE.... Trump has committed no crime.... his people, so far, have committed no crime. He is on record via Comey, that he welcomes ANY prosecutorial evidence on ANYONE in his realm, he wants to know about it!

I've heard enough of this bullshit... present your goddamn evidence of crime or shut the fuck up and deal with President Trump! ....For fuck sakes!
comey graveyard.jpg
Boss- you are so full of shit. You say he was never under investigation in one sentence, but under surveillance in another. I can post 20 links that confirm the investigation of Flynn by the FBI. You haven't sighted a single source to the contrary. Stop it. Your credibility is hanging by a thread.

Show me something (credible) that says Flynn was the subject of an investigation. If you can do that, I'll shut up. If you can't do that, I will contend that he wasn't ever under an investigation and he was merely a subject of interest in an investigation. There is a difference. If you don't know the difference or you're too dumb to find out, I can't help you.

It really doesn't matter anyway, it's not worth obsessing over, Flynn isn't guilty of anything either way. People keep arguing they are still investigating but they have his conversations, every word he said to the Russians and every word the Russians said to him.... what's to investigate? He either broke the law or he didn't and since there hasn't been an indictment, we can presume he didn't. IF he had broken the law, don't you think we would've heard about what he did by now?

Let me explain what's happening here... The Left knows Flynn isn't guilty of anything illegal. At best, there are a couple of ethics issues and I don't even think those amount to more than casual oversight on Flynn's part. But since Trump let him go, they want to use Flynn to infer this cloud of suspicion and continue to promote the narrative that something illegal happened, that's why Trump let him go. They can get away with that by having unsuspecting dupes such as yourself believe that he was under investigation when he wasn't.

Your words + no links = zero credibility

I don't need links, I have a brain. Again... the left has a transcript of everything Flynn said to Russians and everything Russians said to Flynn. So what's to investigate?

......Are we...... Investigating how we can turn nothing into something retroactively? Hmmm? That's what's going on here? We don't have evidence of a crime.... period. End of Story. There is not going to magically be a crime appearing where none was committed. We don't just sit and parse every syllable of the conversations until we can conjure up some "crime" that happened. That is NOT how justice works.

The people who have no credibility are the people who abused our national intelligence resources to spy on Trump and his associates.

Asses should be sent to prison for that!

Americans should be hopping mad as hell about that!

Over and over, we are told by one departmental head after another... NO COLLUSION HAPPENED.... NO EVIDENCE.... Trump has committed no crime.... his people, so far, have committed no crime. He is on record via Comey, that he welcomes ANY prosecutorial evidence on ANYONE in his realm, he wants to know about it!

I've heard enough of this bullshit... present your goddamn evidence of crime or shut the fuck up and deal with President Trump! ....For fuck sakes!

You have a brain, yes. But a brain requires stimuli and input, and you refuse to acknowledge what you use for stimuli and input to form your opinions.

And I have not claimed there was a crime. This all started with your idiotic, non- supported claim that Flynn was not being investigated or under investigated or whatever phrase you want to use. You have provide nothing to support that claim other than your arrogant rants.

I think I know your issue Boss-
Narcissistic Personality Disorder

The hallmarks of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) are grandiosity, a lack of empathy for other people, and a need for admiration. People with this condition are frequently described as arrogant, self-centered, manipulative, and demanding. They may also concentrate on grandiose fantasies (e.g. their own success, beauty, brilliance) and may be convinced that they deserve special treatment. These characteristics typically begin in early adulthood and must be consistently evident in multiple contexts, such as at work and in relationships and posting on the USMB.
And I have not claimed there was a crime. This all started with your idiotic, non- supported claim that Flynn was not being investigated or under investigated or whatever phrase you want to use. You have provide nothing to support that claim other than your arrogant rants.

That's simple. There was a Federal investigation into a matter of counter intelligence, specifically, Russians tampering with our computers and trying to influence the election or whatever other nefarious purpose they had. In the process of that investigation, phone conversations with Flynn were intercepted, his name was unmasked illegally and leaked to the mainstream media. He was not the TARGET of the investigation. Nothing he did was criminal. The FBI handed over the information (transcripts) they had to the State Department. No indictments were recommended, no criminal charges or allegations have been made by the FBI or any of the other 7 agencies who have access to Flynn's transcripts with the Russians.

To sit here and insinuate the man was "under investigation" or that he is currently "under investigation", is just flat out WRONG. He isn't and he hasn't been. He was a subject of interest in the counter-intelligence investigation but according to Comey (as well as Clapper and others) they found no evidence of any collusion or quid pro quo. There may have been an ethics breach in his reporting and/or testimony but he didn't commit any criminal act worthy of Federal CRIMINAL investigation.

Now these are the FACTS as we know them. I don't know what you're hearing on the mainstream news who are in the tank for the left. Could be ANY damn thing these days. Trump is their Antichrist.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder

How about stop being as goofy as your avatar and stick to the topic.

How about stop being a narcissistic douche bag and supporting your opinions with something other than your own opinions. You have not used a single source other than your own thoughts to support your claim that Flynn was not investigated. Instead you have referred to your own brain and thoughts. You epitomize narcissism. Refute any of these sources with a source other than yourself, I dare you!

Why Was the FBI Investigating General Flynn?

Comey: Flynn Under ‘Criminal Investigation’ For Contacts With Russia

Comey: Trump Asked For 'Loyalty,' Wanted Him To 'Let' Flynn Investigation 'Go'

You won't do it, I know you won't. You either can't or are so deeply infatuated with your self that you can't bring yourself to acknowledge that another person can be right and you wrong.
If you're going to start off by posting NY Times articles, we can end this debate right there.... Find a CREDIBLE source.
If you're going to start off by posting NY Times articles, we can end this debate right there.... Find a CREDIBLE source.
He had 5 links from 5 different sources and all you can do to respond is criticize the source of the first link? WEAK.
He had 5 links from 5 different sources and all you can do to respond is criticize the source of the first link? WEAK.

And I said, everything in the mainstream news is suspect now. We know they are reporting outright fabrications and opinions as news. The jig is up.

I know the FBI has the transcripts of everything he said to Russians or they said to him. If something criminal happened, why no indictment? Don't say because the investigation is still ongoing because they have every transcript, there's nothing else to investigate. He either broke the law or he didn't.

My understanding is, he violated some ethical reporting guidelines about working for Turkish lobbyists, That's the extent of any wrongdoing on the part of Flynn.
He had 5 links from 5 different sources and all you can do to respond is criticize the source of the first link? WEAK.

And I said, everything in the mainstream news is suspect now. We know they are reporting outright fabrications and opinions as news. The jig is up.

I know the FBI has the transcripts of everything he said to Russians or they said to him. If something criminal happened, why no indictment? Don't say because the investigation is still ongoing because they have every transcript, there's nothing else to investigate. He either broke the law or he didn't.

My understanding is, he violated some ethical reporting guidelines about working for Turkish lobbyists, That's the extent of any wrongdoing on the part of Flynn.
You're right, there very well may not be any criminal charges pressed against Flynn or Trump. These type of investigations rarely end with somebody behind bars. Political capital and reputation is whats usually at stake. Look what happened to Hillary. The Dems are trying to give Trump and the Rs a taste of their own medicine and win political points so they can gain power in 2018 and 2020
Boss- you are so full of shit. You say he was never under investigation in one sentence, but under surveillance in another. I can post 20 links that confirm the investigation of Flynn by the FBI. You haven't sighted a single source to the contrary. Stop it. Your credibility is hanging by a thread.

Show me something (credible) that says Flynn was the subject of an investigation. If you can do that, I'll shut up. If you can't do that, I will contend that he wasn't ever under an investigation and he was merely a subject of interest in an investigation. There is a difference. If you don't know the difference or you're too dumb to find out, I can't help you.

It really doesn't matter anyway, it's not worth obsessing over, Flynn isn't guilty of anything either way. People keep arguing they are still investigating but they have his conversations, every word he said to the Russians and every word the Russians said to him.... what's to investigate? He either broke the law or he didn't and since there hasn't been an indictment, we can presume he didn't. IF he had broken the law, don't you think we would've heard about what he did by now?

Let me explain what's happening here... The Left knows Flynn isn't guilty of anything illegal. At best, there are a couple of ethics issues and I don't even think those amount to more than casual oversight on Flynn's part. But since Trump let him go, they want to use Flynn to infer this cloud of suspicion and continue to promote the narrative that something illegal happened, that's why Trump let him go. They can get away with that by having unsuspecting dupes such as yourself believe that he was under investigation when he wasn't.

Your words + no links = zero credibility

I don't need links, I have a brain. Again... the left has a transcript of everything Flynn said to Russians and everything Russians said to Flynn. So what's to investigate?

......Are we...... Investigating how we can turn nothing into something retroactively? Hmmm? That's what's going on here? We don't have evidence of a crime.... period. End of Story. There is not going to magically be a crime appearing where none was committed. We don't just sit and parse every syllable of the conversations until we can conjure up some "crime" that happened. That is NOT how justice works.

The people who have no credibility are the people who abused our national intelligence resources to spy on Trump and his associates.

Asses should be sent to prison for that!

Americans should be hopping mad as hell about that!

Over and over, we are told by one departmental head after another... NO COLLUSION HAPPENED.... NO EVIDENCE.... Trump has committed no crime.... his people, so far, have committed no crime. He is on record via Comey, that he welcomes ANY prosecutorial evidence on ANYONE in his realm, he wants to know about it!

I've heard enough of this bullshit... present your goddamn evidence of crime or shut the fuck up and deal with President Trump! ....For fuck sakes!
View attachment 132630
If you're going to start off by posting NY Times articles, we can end this debate right there.... Find a CREDIBLE source.

Why don't you post at least one source. I posted several. You name the source, and I will likely find an article which references Flynn being investigated by the FBI from that source. You have yet to post anything which sites a source other than your narcissistic brain.
Why don't you post at least one source. I posted several. You name the source, and I will likely find an article which references Flynn being investigated by the FBI from that source. You have yet to post anything which sites a source other than your narcissistic brain.

That's because I don't play that game. I've never said that Flynn wasn't investigated by the FBI. If he wasn't investigated they couldn't have leaked his name to the press. I said he was not the subject of his own investigation. For two pages now, I've argued back and forth with you over this and I've told you it's a superfluous argument because it doesn't matter. Flynn wasn't charged with a crime because Flynn didn't commit one.

His reputation is destroyed. His career is over. Stripped of his dignity and honor. His civil rights violated flagrantly. His constitutional right to due process erased. All because he failed to properly report his associations and because the Democrats want to get at Trump.
Why don't you post at least one source. I posted several. You name the source, and I will likely find an article which references Flynn being investigated by the FBI from that source. You have yet to post anything which sites a source other than your narcissistic brain.

That's because I don't play that game. I've never said that Flynn wasn't investigated by the FBI. If he wasn't investigated they couldn't have leaked his name to the press. I said he was not the subject of his own investigation. For two pages now, I've argued back and forth with you over this and I've told you it's a superfluous argument because it doesn't matter. Flynn wasn't charged with a crime because Flynn didn't commit one.

His reputation is destroyed. His career is over. Stripped of his dignity and honor. His civil rights violated flagrantly. His constitutional right to due process erased. All because he failed to properly report his associations and because the Democrats want to get at Trump.
He will have a multi million dollar book deal and speaking circuit by next year and puppets like you will gladly throw your money at him. Don't feel too bad
Boss, post: 17507619
All because he failed to properly report his associations and because the Democrats want to get at Trump.

Justice and law and order want to get to crooked Trump. Five sources tell Washington Post that Mueller is investigating Trump for possible obstruction of justice.

Just because you have no respect for the law does not mean Democrats do not.

Trump certainly can be found guilty of obstruction of justice. Do you think Mueller would be investigating a crime that the suspect could not be found guilty.
ustice and law and order want to get to crooked Trump. Five sources tell Washington Post that Mueller is investigating Trump for possible obstruction of justice.

Just because you have no respect for the law does not mean Democrats do not.

Trump certainly can be found guilty of obstruction of justice. Do you think Mueller would be investigating a crime that the suspect could not be found guilty.

No Trump can't be found guilty of obstructing justice when the "justice" is a fucking witch hunt with ZERO evidence! There is no "justice" to obstruct! The "obstruction of justice" would be Democrat operatives continuing to "investigate" nothingness AS IF there were a crime committed.

Mueller needs to be fired by Trump. There is no reason for a Special Counsel because there is no evidence of crime.

The Washington Post, along with the New York Times and CNN are no longer credible sources of news in this country. They're done! They may as well fold up shop or reformulate themselves into tabloid gossip outlets. There is a growing list of a couple dozen "stories" reported by these entities in the past few months that have been completely debunked and falsified by the facts. Relying on them for your information means you are a partisan Democrat HACK and nothing more.
ustice and law and order want to get to crooked Trump. Five sources tell Washington Post that Mueller is investigating Trump for possible obstruction of justice.

Just because you have no respect for the law does not mean Democrats do not.

Trump certainly can be found guilty of obstruction of justice. Do you think Mueller would be investigating a crime that the suspect could not be found guilty.

No Trump can't be found guilty of obstructing justice when the "justice" is a fucking witch hunt with ZERO evidence! There is no "justice" to obstruct! The "obstruction of justice" would be Democrat operatives continuing to "investigate" nothingness AS IF there were a crime committed.

Mueller needs to be fired by Trump. There is no reason for a Special Counsel because there is no evidence of crime.

The Washington Post, along with the New York Times and CNN are no longer credible sources of news in this country. They're done! They may as well fold up shop or reformulate themselves into tabloid gossip outlets. There is a growing list of a couple dozen "stories" reported by these entities in the past few months that have been completely debunked and falsified by the facts. Relying on them for your information means you are a partisan Democrat HACK and nothing more.
Thats a pretty convenient narrative you are taking Boss. "Anything you say or hear is fake and false." Extremely weak argument. Along with your parroting "Witch Hunt" point.

You say there is nothing to obstruct. There was an on going FBI investigation. That's something

You say there is ZERO evidence to justify the investigation. You haven't seen the evidence that they are investigating so how do you know?

Now Trump may be lying and covering up for one of his buddies or he could doing all of this to avoid the negative press. I wouldn't put it past him. Either way, the truth will come out at the end of the investigation. The worst thing Trump can do is fire the special prosecutor. I don't see how doing that couldn't lead to obstruction charges.
In this 4 minute video.

Constitution professor Alan Dershowitz explains how Trump is within his presidential rights, and not obstruction of justice, when it comes to Comey.
...... :cool:

A president can not tell the FBI who to prosecute or not to prosecute that is just crazy..

Yes, we know how good Comey is with intent. But Trump didn't tell him to not prosecute, nor does the FBI prosecute anybody. Like all lefties you know nothing that hasn't been spoon fed to you by your mind masters.

Trump did exactly what Nixon did and tried to interfere or influence the FBI investigation ... Maybe what the lefties have been saying all along about Trump and the Russian's connections have truth to it as well..

We are just beginning to see the heads roll...
You keep regurgitating the same garbage hoping to make this Watergate. Nixon broke laws and tried to cover them up. It isn't remotely the same. You are lying.

It's the false narrative thing. It's what they do.

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