Trump cannot be Guilty of Obstruction concerning Comey

ustice and law and order want to get to crooked Trump. Five sources tell Washington Post that Mueller is investigating Trump for possible obstruction of justice.

Just because you have no respect for the law does not mean Democrats do not.

Trump certainly can be found guilty of obstruction of justice. Do you think Mueller would be investigating a crime that the suspect could not be found guilty.

No Trump can't be found guilty of obstructing justice when the "justice" is a fucking witch hunt with ZERO evidence! There is no "justice" to obstruct! The "obstruction of justice" would be Democrat operatives continuing to "investigate" nothingness AS IF there were a crime committed.

Mueller needs to be fired by Trump. There is no reason for a Special Counsel because there is no evidence of crime.

The Washington Post, along with the New York Times and CNN are no longer credible sources of news in this country. They're done! They may as well fold up shop or reformulate themselves into tabloid gossip outlets. There is a growing list of a couple dozen "stories" reported by these entities in the past few months that have been completely debunked and falsified by the facts. Relying on them for your information means you are a partisan Democrat HACK and nothing more.
Mueller will go, this is how Trump trolls his enemies. He gives them free rein, he steps back, and they hang themselves.

He did it with Comey. He did it with Hills. He'll do it with Mueller.

And people will go to prison. Arrogance is not a good personality trait for criminals. The assumption that they can't be touched always gets them in trouble.
Boss, post: 17517074,
No Trump can't be found guilty of obstructing justice when the "justice" is a fucking witch hunt with ZERO evidence!

So all you have is a tirade. Can't answer a simple question.

Trump certainly can be found guilty of obstruction of justice. Do you think Mueller would be investigating a crime that the suspect could not be found guilty.
No Trump can't be found guilty of obstructing justice when the "justice" is a fucking witch hunt with ZERO evidence!

So all you have is a tirade. Can't answer a simple question.

Trump certainly can be found guilty of obstruction of justice. Do you think Mueller would be investigating a crime that the suspect could not be found guilty.

Wtf sort of muddled nonsense is that? You maintain he is guilty because Mueller is investigating him?

Do you know what the word "investigate" means? It means to look into. Investigation carries NO presumption of guilt. It just means someone is looking.
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koshergrl, post: 17522334
Wtf sort of muddled nonsense is that? You maintain he is guilty because Mueller is investigating him?

Where did I maintain Trump is guilty because Mueller is investigating him? Go back and read my posts. If you can't refute my points don't bother us with your reading disabilities.

I am calling Boss out on his error:

Boss, post: 17517074,
No Trump can't be found guilty of obstructing justice when the "justice" is a fucking witch hunt with ZERO evidence!

Trump can be found guilty of obstruction of a witch hunt since he can be the one hiding all the witches. I'm arguing Boss's defense of Trump is lunacy.

I'm not arguing Trump is guilty. Trump has all but confessed to obstruction as the reason he fired Comey. Guilt will be properly assessed one way or the other and then if found guilty Trump should do the proper thing and resign in disgrace and then perhaps Pence will pardon Bozo.
koshergrl, post: 17522334
Do you know what the word "investigate" means? It means to look into. Investigation carries NO presumption of guilt. It just means someone is looking.

So why did Trump fire Comey whose job it was to be looking. If Trump has nothing to hide he should have welcomed Comey to have a very thorough and professional look,
There can't be obstruction of justice when there wasn't a crime to obstruct.

Democrats are extremely desperate.
A president can not tell the FBI who to prosecute or not to prosecute that is just crazy..
Try watching the video before you comment. ..... :cool:

Ok I did watch the whole thing Sunny and if this were the case Nixon would have gotten off Scott free.. We are going to be overloaded with lawyers and scholars and their opinions..

His comment about the president has the power to prosecute or not , would cause a lot of corruption with framing people or letting them off..

Trump just keeps incriminating himself.

There's more to this than just obstruction. He and kids have been way too mouthy


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ustice and law and order want to get to crooked Trump. Five sources tell Washington Post that Mueller is investigating Trump for possible obstruction of justice.

Just because you have no respect for the law does not mean Democrats do not.

Trump certainly can be found guilty of obstruction of justice. Do you think Mueller would be investigating a crime that the suspect could not be found guilty.

No Trump can't be found guilty of obstructing justice when the "justice" is a fucking witch hunt with ZERO evidence! There is no "justice" to obstruct! The "obstruction of justice" would be Democrat operatives continuing to "investigate" nothingness AS IF there were a crime committed.

Mueller needs to be fired by Trump. There is no reason for a Special Counsel because there is no evidence of crime.

The Washington Post, along with the New York Times and CNN are no longer credible sources of news in this country. They're done! They may as well fold up shop or reformulate themselves into tabloid gossip outlets. There is a growing list of a couple dozen "stories" reported by these entities in the past few months that have been completely debunked and falsified by the facts. Relying on them for your information means you are a partisan Democrat HACK and nothing more.
Thats a pretty convenient narrative you are taking Boss. "Anything you say or hear is fake and false." Extremely weak argument. Along with your parroting "Witch Hunt" point.

You say there is nothing to obstruct. There was an on going FBI investigation. That's something

You say there is ZERO evidence to justify the investigation. You haven't seen the evidence that they are investigating so how do you know?

Now Trump may be lying and covering up for one of his buddies or he could doing all of this to avoid the negative press. I wouldn't put it past him. Either way, the truth will come out at the end of the investigation. The worst thing Trump can do is fire the special prosecutor. I don't see how doing that couldn't lead to obstruction charges.

First of all, he is NOT a "prosecutor" have to have a crime to prosecute to be a prosecutor. There is no evidence of any crime. Talking to Russians isn't a crime. Talking to Russian officials about sanctions isn't a crime. Being in the same room with a Russian at a gathering isn't a crime. Expressing hope that a matter can be resolved soon is NOT obstruction of justice. Telling your FBI director that you want him to continue the investigation and you want to know if any of your "satellites" are guilty of crimes, is NOT obstructing justice.

And firing a special counsel who was erroneously appointed under suspicious circumstances where no evidence of a crime exists, is WELL WITHIN the power and authority of the President. It's extremely difficult to charge a sitting president with obstruction of justice when he is the ultimate "president" over the justice department which is under the executive branch.
Boss, post: 17523256
Talking to Russian officials about sanctions isn't a crime. Being in the same room with a Russian at a gathering isn't a crime.

What is failure to disclose such meetings on sworn affidavits for security clearance to join White House staff?
ustice and law and order want to get to crooked Trump. Five sources tell Washington Post that Mueller is investigating Trump for possible obstruction of justice.

Just because you have no respect for the law does not mean Democrats do not.

Trump certainly can be found guilty of obstruction of justice. Do you think Mueller would be investigating a crime that the suspect could not be found guilty.

No Trump can't be found guilty of obstructing justice when the "justice" is a fucking witch hunt with ZERO evidence! There is no "justice" to obstruct! The "obstruction of justice" would be Democrat operatives continuing to "investigate" nothingness AS IF there were a crime committed.

Mueller needs to be fired by Trump. There is no reason for a Special Counsel because there is no evidence of crime.

The Washington Post, along with the New York Times and CNN are no longer credible sources of news in this country. They're done! They may as well fold up shop or reformulate themselves into tabloid gossip outlets. There is a growing list of a couple dozen "stories" reported by these entities in the past few months that have been completely debunked and falsified by the facts. Relying on them for your information means you are a partisan Democrat HACK and nothing more.
Thats a pretty convenient narrative you are taking Boss. "Anything you say or hear is fake and false." Extremely weak argument. Along with your parroting "Witch Hunt" point.

You say there is nothing to obstruct. There was an on going FBI investigation. That's something

You say there is ZERO evidence to justify the investigation. You haven't seen the evidence that they are investigating so how do you know?

Now Trump may be lying and covering up for one of his buddies or he could doing all of this to avoid the negative press. I wouldn't put it past him. Either way, the truth will come out at the end of the investigation. The worst thing Trump can do is fire the special prosecutor. I don't see how doing that couldn't lead to obstruction charges.

First of all, he is NOT a "prosecutor" have to have a crime to prosecute to be a prosecutor. There is no evidence of any crime. Talking to Russians isn't a crime. Talking to Russian officials about sanctions isn't a crime. Being in the same room with a Russian at a gathering isn't a crime. Expressing hope that a matter can be resolved soon is NOT obstruction of justice. Telling your FBI director that you want him to continue the investigation and you want to know if any of your "satellites" are guilty of crimes, is NOT obstructing justice.

And firing a special counsel who was erroneously appointed under suspicious circumstances where no evidence of a crime exists, is WELL WITHIN the power and authority of the President. It's extremely difficult to charge a sitting president with obstruction of justice when he is the ultimate "president" over the justice department which is under the executive branch.
Jesus man, listen to yourself. Try reading your statements with objective eyes. You are trying so hard to spin the narrative it's almost comical.

The Russians committed crimes when they interfered in the election. Theres your crime. If they were helped by anybody else or fed information to Trump surrogates then that's also a crime, they become complicit. There has been communications between the Russians and Trump officials that were hidden and lied about. That is cause for suspicion thus the investigation. It's pretty simple.

Now in the course of that investigation Trump tells Comey to back off Flynn and tell the public that Trump is free and clear. Comey doesnt play ball, as he shouldn't and ends up getting fired. Those actions by Trump flirt with obstruction. If Trump then fires Mueller, I don't see how he avoids getting charged with obstruction.

The silliest thing is that all this is happening with the very likely probability that there was no collusion between Trumps campaign and Russia. He is doing all of this to himself because he can't handle bad press
Boss, post: 17523256
Talking to Russian officials about sanctions isn't a crime. Being in the same room with a Russian at a gathering isn't a crime.

What is failure to disclose such meetings on sworn affidavits for security clearance to join White House staff?

It could be an ethics violation but that's not a crime.
Boss, post: 17523256
Talking to Russian officials about sanctions isn't a crime. Being in the same room with a Russian at a gathering isn't a crime.

What is failure to disclose such meetings on sworn affidavits for security clearance to join White House staff?

It could be an ethics violation but that's not a crime.
So we have lies, cover ups and as you say, possible ethics violations, surrounding criminal actions performed by Russia and you think there is no reason for an investigation. How does that make sense? You can't spin this!
Jesus man, listen to yourself. Try reading your statements with objective eyes. You are trying so hard to spin the narrative it's almost comical.

I haven't spun a damn thing. I'm the one being objective here. You're living in some alternate reality.

The Russians committed crimes when they interfered in the election. Theres your crime.

They didn't interfere. They may have had an influence. The crime was hacking the DNC servers and we don't know precisely who was responsible for that, we think it was Russians. It wasn't Donald Trump! It wasn't a Trump surrogate! You now have a long list of people who are the heads of this investigation on record saying there WAS NO COLLUSION! The Russian Collusion narrative is DONE! OVER! FINISHED! And "obstruction" only works if Trump has some motive to obstruct... without evidence of collusion, there is none.

Now in the course of that investigation Trump tells Comey to back off Flynn and tell the public that Trump is free and clear.

Trump didn't tell Comey to back off Flynn or anyone. He could have... it's within the president's authority as Comey's boss. He could also pardon Flynn, that's in his power too. But all he did was express hope that Comey could wrap things up with Flynn because Flynn did nothing criminal. And yeah... Comey had told him several times he wasn't being investigated but the news media continued to imply that he was under investigation. I don't blame the man for wanting Comey to set the record straight on that. ANYBODY would!

Comey doesnt play ball, as he shouldn't and ends up getting fired. Those actions by Trump flirt with obstruction.

No they don't. Obstructing WHAT? An investigation that isn't happening? The President can fire the FBI director... it's part of his job. He gave a myriad of reasons and it wasn't JUST Russia. I know that's all liberal idiots hear 24/7/365.... Russia! Russia! Russia! But Trump cited numerous reasons for firing Comey. The guy was totally incompetent and should have never been hired!

The silliest thing is that all this is happening with the very likely probability that there was no collusion between Trumps campaign and Russia.

No no no... there is ZERO EVIDENCE... NONE WHATSOEVER... that there was EVER ANY collusion between Trump's campaign and the Russians. This is in sworn testimony to Congress from people who have the access to every bit of the information from the investigations. It's NOT a "probability" it's a CERTAINTY!

All this is happening because Democrats are angry they lost an election. This has turned into their way of obstructing the president and his agenda by simply running clock and stonewalling. Trying to keep some air of suspicion going so they can continue to obstruct and drag their feet in Congress on his agenda and appointments. That is ALL this is at this point.

So the Russians may have tried to influence our elections.... Big fucking whoop! We (US) influence elections around the world... criminal or not, it's what Superpowers do. I'm all in favor of investigating what Russians may have done and even in taking measures to prevent this sort of thing in the future.... but this trying desperately to tie Trump and Associates to some conspiratorial "Collusion" effort is a great big Nothing Burger! You have NO EVIDENCE!
Jesus man, listen to yourself. Try reading your statements with objective eyes. You are trying so hard to spin the narrative it's almost comical.

I haven't spun a damn thing. I'm the one being objective here. You're living in some alternate reality.

The Russians committed crimes when they interfered in the election. Theres your crime.

They didn't interfere. They may have had an influence. The crime was hacking the DNC servers and we don't know precisely who was responsible for that, we think it was Russians. It wasn't Donald Trump! It wasn't a Trump surrogate! You now have a long list of people who are the heads of this investigation on record saying there WAS NO COLLUSION! The Russian Collusion narrative is DONE! OVER! FINISHED! And "obstruction" only works if Trump has some motive to obstruct... without evidence of collusion, there is none.

Now in the course of that investigation Trump tells Comey to back off Flynn and tell the public that Trump is free and clear.

Trump didn't tell Comey to back off Flynn or anyone. He could have... it's within the president's authority as Comey's boss. He could also pardon Flynn, that's in his power too. But all he did was express hope that Comey could wrap things up with Flynn because Flynn did nothing criminal. And yeah... Comey had told him several times he wasn't being investigated but the news media continued to imply that he was under investigation. I don't blame the man for wanting Comey to set the record straight on that. ANYBODY would!

Comey doesnt play ball, as he shouldn't and ends up getting fired. Those actions by Trump flirt with obstruction.

No they don't. Obstructing WHAT? An investigation that isn't happening? The President can fire the FBI director... it's part of his job. He gave a myriad of reasons and it wasn't JUST Russia. I know that's all liberal idiots hear 24/7/365.... Russia! Russia! Russia! But Trump cited numerous reasons for firing Comey. The guy was totally incompetent and should have never been hired!

The silliest thing is that all this is happening with the very likely probability that there was no collusion between Trumps campaign and Russia.

No no no... there is ZERO EVIDENCE... NONE WHATSOEVER... that there was EVER ANY collusion between Trump's campaign and the Russians. This is in sworn testimony to Congress from people who have the access to every bit of the information from the investigations. It's NOT a "probability" it's a CERTAINTY!

All this is happening because Democrats are angry they lost an election. This has turned into their way of obstructing the president and his agenda by simply running clock and stonewalling. Trying to keep some air of suspicion going so they can continue to obstruct and drag their feet in Congress on his agenda and appointments. That is ALL this is at this point.

So the Russians may have tried to influence our elections.... Big fucking whoop! We (US) influence elections around the world... criminal or not, it's what Superpowers do. I'm all in favor of investigating what Russians may have done and even in taking measures to prevent this sort of thing in the future.... but this trying desperately to tie Trump and Associates to some conspiratorial "Collusion" effort is a great big Nothing Burger! You have NO EVIDENCE!
Funny, you admit that Russia tried to influence our election then make an excuse for them saying that we do it so I guess that makes it ok. You imply that the only evidence that supports Russians crimes are hacking the DNC which is in question... did you not see the report that said the Russians tried to hack 39 states?
Russians Hackers Targeted Election Systems in 39 States

The investigation into collusion may not be based on incriminating evidence, but it's based on suspicious activity around Russian crimes and Trump campaigners actions. There were lies and cover ups by Trump and his surrogates. So of course it's being investigated. Why did they lie? They take nothing and just make it worse and worse and it is leading towards obstruction. Firing Mueller would be the end of Trump if the Republicans lose the congress in 2018, IMO.
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Funny, you admit that Russia tried to influence our election then make an excuse for them saying that we do it so I guess that makes it ok. You imply that the only evidence that supports Russians crimes are hacking the DNC which is in question... did you not see the report that said the Russians tried to hack 39 states?
Russians Hackers Targeted Election Systems in 39 States

The investigation into collusion may not be based on incriminating evidence, but it's based on suspicious activity around Russian crimes and Trump campaigners actions. There were lies and cover ups by Trump and his surrogates. So of course it's being investigated. Why did they lie? They take nothing and just make it worse and worse and it is leading towards obstruction. Firing Mueller would be the end of Trump if the Republicans lose the congress in 2018, IMO.

Russians have probably tried to influence every US election since the 1960s. I did not say anything makes it okay nor did I make an excuse.

As for the "39 states" story... that's another "anonymous sources" report from Bloomberg. These kind of stories have been so debunked and discredited in the past few months that I can't take them seriously... Sorry... they have no cred left. In any event, the Russians weren't successful.

Why did they lie? Who lied? Flynn failed to report work he did for a Turkish lobby group. He told the VP he hadn't discussed sanctions with the Russians when he had. Sessions met with the Russian ambassador in his capacity as Senator but when asked by Franken about "talking to Russians" regarding the Trump campaign, he said he hadn't. He voluntarily went back before Congress to answer another series of questions and set the record straight. I don't see "lying and covering up" here.

What are they supposed to even be "covering up" in you mind? I've not heard ANY reasonable explanation for what you people think Trump and Associates did. You don't have any evidence of anything and you can't even tell us what you suspect might have happened. All you seem to want to do is raise suspicion and keep that on the front burner.... but you can't even tell us what we're supposed to be suspicious of!
And OH BY THE FUCKING WAY.... Who was in charge during the last elections when the Russians supposedly tried to influence the elections and hack in? Obama, Clinton, Kerry, Lynch, Comey, Rice, Clapper... DEMOCRATS! This happened on YOUR watch!
And OH BY THE FUCKING WAY.... Who was in charge during the last elections when the Russians supposedly tried to influence the elections and hack in? Obama, Clinton, Kerry, Lynch, Comey, Rice, Clapper... DEMOCRATS! This happened on YOUR watch!
I thought you said the Russians have been interfering since the 1960s... now it's Obamas fault? Haha, ok buddy!

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