Trump cannot be Guilty of Obstruction concerning Comey

Boss, post: 17478805 We have produced a Special Council to investigate all that. Trump's top National Security pick was forced to quit. Kushner lied to get security clearance. Trump's pick for AG lied (forgot) the same as Kushner and had to recuse himself. Trump admitted to Russians in Oval Office he fired Comey to relieve pressure on him from the investigations.

You have no idea what Mueller is finding out. Mueller is a long time Comey pal.

Trump is in fear of this investigation. Anyone can sense that. Unless one is hopelessly duped by the orange haired clown.

Wow...making stuff up isn't going to make it true.

comey told him 3 times that he wasn't under investigation...and it turns out neither was Flynn for anything to do with Russia, he is under investigation for a process crime involving his paperwork....and comey stated that Trump told him to go after anyone in his circle if they were involved with anything to do with Russia.....

He fired comey because he realized comey was not only incompetent, but a nut job and obama minion.
Trump has been compromised for black mail from Russia and Putin. is no evidence of any universe...but thanks for playing...

At this point......comey destroyed every talking point you guys don't have anything anymore....Trump was never under investigation, the Russians didn't change one vote, and Flynn isn't under investigation for Russia.......

There is no one to flip on Trump.......since Trump didn't do anything...and again......comey stated that Trump told him to go after anyone in his circle who may have broken the law....

You really need to watch the testimony and not just watch the left wing democrats who pretend to be journalists....

The only one we know who committed a crime comey...when he leaked to the press.....and whatever obama minion unmasked Flynn....

This is going to bite the democrats on the ass....

So then you feel that Comey was lying then?
Why can't bill talk to Lynch on an airplane. Even if he asked her to drop the case, so what? He didn't threaten her. He just said Golly gee it sure would be nice if you could see your way to dropping the investigation. There is nothing wrong with that.

Now Trump of course told Comey to drop it or else. They deny it but evidence this is what happened is that COMEY WAS FIRED after he didn't agree to pledge is loyalty to Don Trump.
That's as lopsided an interpretation as it can get. Thanks for providing the far left fiction account.
hly fk, the material is available and they still make it up. wow. I guess when someone walks with no integrity like that, they have no morals.

What don't you show us, if it is available...prove your point..
about what exactly? I have the entire transcript. It's on line. look up james comey testimony transcript. It pops right up. Again, what is it you need from it?
You’ve been a straight shooter with this committee, and have been willing to speak truth to power, even at the risk of your own career, which makes the way in which you were fired by the president ultimately shocking.
A president can not tell the FBI who to prosecute or not to prosecute that is just crazy..

Why didn't Comey report it when it happened if he believed it was obstruction?
The "wink wink nudge nudge" turned into a debatable instructional action when Trump fired Comey for not playing ball
all within his authority as the president. And so what?
All within his authority under normal circumstances, be we have a situation where his campaign is being investigated based on suspicion of collusion with Russia to interfere in our election. That's a big deal. It is completely partisan of you to play it off like there is nothing there. You'd be throwing the mother of all hissy fits if this was Clinton or Obama. Please recognize your hypocrisy
hahahahahahaahaha sorry bubba, you're wrong. He can tell them to stop the investigation if he wants to. you should take a civic's class.
not if it is a conflict of interest and unethical.
2aguy, post: 17479734
comey told him 3 times that he wasn't under investigation.

Where did Comey tell Trump ever that the investigation would never lead to Trump?

You don't appear to understand what an investigation is.
what about it? There was an actual crime in that. there is nothing confirmed yesterday. move on francis.
You don't think Russian interference is a crime? It sure as shit is... Nixon didn't commit the crime in watergate but he got busted trying to cover it up. For some rediculous reason that involves Trump Ginormous Ego, he is lying, covering up, and trying to shut down the Russia investigation... he is going down the same path as Nixon
it is? who committed the crime? If the russians interfered go arrest the russians? LOL too special. what a stupid fk.
Did Nixon commit the crime or get impeached for lying and covering it up?
he wasn't impeached, but thanks for knowing your history.
Again with the word games. We all know that Nixon resigned because he was going to be impeached. Just as technically Flynn resigned but we all know he was fired. I'm just about done with you.
Nixon was impeached by the House; the Senate needed to "try that impeachment".
That's as lopsided an interpretation as it can get. Thanks for providing the far left fiction account.
hly fk, the material is available and they still make it up. wow. I guess when someone walks with no integrity like that, they have no morals.
What am I making up schmuck?
Comey says he was fired over Russia probe, blasts 'lies'
Trump of course told Comey to drop it or else.

That's how Comey took it. And I guess when he fired Comey that was more evidence what you say is true. And then Trump went on TV and said he fired Comey over the Russia thing. I guess Trump is a big mouth. Paul Ryan even admits it.

Ryan on Trump: 'He's just new to this' -

House Speaker Paul Ryan sought Thursday to explain President Donald Trump's asking then-FBI Director James Comey to drop an investigation into former national security adviser Michael Flynn, saying he was new at the job and did not understand protocols.

"Of course there needs to be a degree of independence between (the Justice Department), FBI and the White House, and a line of communications established," Ryan said during his news conference, which occurred at the same time as Comey was testifying across Capitol Hill before the Senate intelligence committee..
"The President's new at this. He's new to government. So, he probably wasn't steeped in the long-running protocols that establish the relationships between DOJ, FBI and White Houses. He's just new to this."
and within his authority. and after yesterday, you know how bad of a FBI director he actually was. bad!!!! deserved to be fired.
any documentation?
bear513, post: 17474465
Just Google it and stop posting ignorant.

Give me a link. You made the claim. You must not have anything.
cause you're lazy:

Why Putin hates Hillary
"When mass protests against Russian President Vladimir Putin erupted in Moscow in December 2011, Putin made clear who he thought was really behind them: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton."
is this what you are referring to?

With the protesters accusing Putin of having rigged recent elections, the Russian leader pointed an angry finger at Clinton, who had issued a statement sharply critical of the voting results. “She said they were dishonest and unfair,” Putin fumed in public remarks, saying that Clinton gave “a signal” to demonstrators working “with the support of the U.S. State Department” to undermine his power. “We need to safeguard ourselves from this interference in our internal affairs,” Putin declared.
bear513, post: 17474465 Give me a link. You made the claim. You must not have anything.

I am not wasting my time with you if your to ignorant to know, hell you don't even have to use Google just search threads here on USMB.

Do you rwnj's think this administration is doing a good job?
I call bullshit.

Fucking retard JC just posted a link..
Another ignorant one.


Putin is mad because Hillary called him out for having rigged elections. She didn't interfere in Russia's election.

1,000 Paid Russian Trolls Spread Fake News On Hillary Clinton, Senate Intelligence Heads Told | HuffPost

Trump colluded.

What fake news?

Pizza gate ? That was flyns son

DNC rigging the election ? True Debbie had to step down

Hillary had illegal server ? True

What fake news?


The Republican Committee’s incoherent Comey talking points ignore the obvious

What lies are coming from the RNC?

The talking points also cite debunked claims about “Democrats and Republicans agree[ing] there is still no evidence of collusion between the Trump Campaign and Russia.” In fact, on May 23, former CIA Director John Brennan said the FBI’s investigation of the Trump campaign’s connections with Russia is “well founded.” He cited “information and intelligence that revealed contacts and interactions between Russian officials and U.S. persons involved in the Trump campaign that I was concerned about because of known Russian efforts to suborn such individuals. On Wednesday, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper — who not long ago was Trump’s favorite authority on Russia — said that the scandal that brought down President Richard Nixon pales in comparison to President Trump’s connections with Russia.

What are you talking about Mark Warner and s bunch of Democrats agree their was no collusion... Stop making stuff up

Where’s The Beef?: Democrats And Republicans Agree There’s No There There

You better hope you are wrong. If the corrupt vermin who have hijacked our country successfully overthrow our elected president, this system--already teetering--will collapse. And remember, the military is with Trump, and his supporters are armed.

He's wrong. Before this is all said and done, the Democrats will be lucky if they get out of all this without some of them going to prison. All this Russian interference happened on THEIR watch! Right under THEIR incompetent noses! And while THEY were responsible for protecting us against cyber warfare, they were utilizing our national security tools to spy on political enemies. Now.... they have the nerve to try and blame all this on Trump!

They've produced NO evidence of collusion... NO evidence of obstruction... They've implicated themselves in one criminal act after another, from leaking of classified and privileged information, politicizing the FBI, unmasking of private citizens, conspiring to influence an election, obstructing of justice and failing to protect our election system from cyber attack.
But the treason press is against him, so they may pull it off. There is a reason Krystalnacht was about shutting down the presses.
You don't think firing the guy in charge of an investigation shows intent to affect the investigation? Trumps actions before the firing involved passive talk and enuendo which was considered by most as inappropriate but not illegal. The firing was a much more direct action, how can you not acknowledge it's significance

Again... NO... it doesn't. Prima facie... the investigation was not hindered, halted, obstructed, affected or changed in any way by Comey's dismissal. In fact, it could be actually argued that firing him causes the opposite effect. It actually relieves Comey from being under the purview of the AG and the Executive Branch and any consequential confidentiality that would entail. He is now completely free to disclose anything he pleases without fear of reprisal and what he delivered was a deluxe nothing burger, no cheese, no pickle, no bun, with a side of imaginary air fries.

What we actually learned was the previous AG certainly DID obstruct justice and Comey complied and together they were guilty of influencing an election. We also learned that Comey violated ethics and probably the law by leaking privileged information of a private conversation with the president to the media.

You are possibly the only person in the country who doesn't think Flynn was investigated by the FBI. Virtually every news source has run some type of story acknowledging the investigation. And if we are going to be calling out credibility, we'll you my friend have your issues there too. I seem to remember a time when you were posting about why you might vote Hillary over Trump. As a conservative with the Supreme Court in the balance, that is shameful.

I had to stop listening to what the major news sources were saying because they were wrong more than they were right. You certainly can say Flynn was investigated.... as part of the counter-intelligence investigation into Russia. And there seems to be something else they're not disclosing but Trump knows about it as well. It's probably another ethics matter because Comey never launched a criminal investigation.

It's simply fake news to be saying "Flynn was under investigation" when that was never the case. You have to remember, there is a good deal of "CYA" going on here.... Flynn's name was unmasked and leaked to the media. There's not a legal or ethical justification for that but asserting he was "under investigation" somewhat mitigates those circumstances in the eye of public opinion.
Since Trump didn't do anything "As You Claim", then why did Trump fire Comey?

Because Comey was incompetent.

Again... under the premise that Trump has committed some kind of crime that Comey and the FBI was investigating, it would be more to Trump's advantage to leave Comey in his position under authority of Trump's AG where any damaging information could be controlled. Firing Comey releases him from any obligation to obey the AG's wishes regarding disclosure of damaging information. He's free to sing like a canary as a private citizen.

So this whole entire idea that Trump fired Comey to keep from being "found out" is simply ludicrous. That would've been the quickest way.
Boss, post: 17482446
So this whole entire idea that Trump fired Comey to keep from being "found out" is simply ludicrous. That would've been the quickest way.

Trump told the Russians why he fired Comey. He wanted to take the pressure of the investigation off of himself. That's obstruction.

If Trump has nothing to worry about he would have left Comey alone and never ever have fired him.

Trump thought he could apppoint a loyal to him FBI Director, but instead ends up with a special council investigation and an FBI Director who likely will not be permitted to be alone with the apresident.
You better hope you are wrong. If the corrupt vermin who have hijacked our country successfully overthrow our elected president, this system--already teetering--will collapse. And remember, the military is with Trump, and his supporters are armed.

He's wrong. Before this is all said and done, the Democrats will be lucky if they get out of all this without some of them going to prison. All this Russian interference happened on THEIR watch! Right under THEIR incompetent noses! And while THEY were responsible for protecting us against cyber warfare, they were utilizing our national security tools to spy on political enemies. Now.... they have the nerve to try and blame all this on Trump!

They've produced NO evidence of collusion... NO evidence of obstruction... They've implicated themselves in one criminal act after another, from leaking of classified and privileged information, politicizing the FBI, unmasking of private citizens, conspiring to influence an election, obstructing of justice and failing to protect our election system from cyber attack.
But the treason press is against him, so they may pull it off. There is a reason Krystalnacht was about shutting down the presses.

I don't think so. I think they are still hoping to find dirt on Trump with this Special Counsel but there's not any dirt to find. This will wane on through the rest of this year and into next year with no new evidence coming to light and by the time we get to the midterms, the general public is going to be so sick and tired of this mess, it's going to react at the ballot box in a way the Democrats are not going to like.

Like I said, they don't see it playing out that way... they still believe there is something to be found on Trump. What's more, they think they represent about 80% of the country when they don't. They've ignored losing over 1,000 statehouse seats, they've ignored losing both houses of congress as well as the white house, and they've continued on with their obstructionist derangement in the wake of the most recent election. This is not going to end well for them.
Boss, post: 17482528
No... he did not say that. This is more fake news.

You keep hoping that it's fake news.

"The White House document that contained Mr. Trump’s comments was based on notes taken from inside the Oval Office and has been circulated as the official account of the meeting. One official read quotations to The Times, and a second official confirmed the broad outlines of the discussion."

Trump Told Russians That Firing ‘Nut Job’ Comey Eased Pressure From Investigation

Mueller has those notes by now or will get them soon. White House has not denied Trump said it.
You don't think firing the guy in charge of an investigation shows intent to affect the investigation? Trumps actions before the firing involved passive talk and enuendo which was considered by most as inappropriate but not illegal. The firing was a much more direct action, how can you not acknowledge it's significance

Again... NO... it doesn't. Prima facie... the investigation was not hindered, halted, obstructed, affected or changed in any way by Comey's dismissal. In fact, it could be actually argued that firing him causes the opposite effect. It actually relieves Comey from being under the purview of the AG and the Executive Branch and any consequential confidentiality that would entail. He is now completely free to disclose anything he pleases without fear of reprisal and what he delivered was a deluxe nothing burger, no cheese, no pickle, no bun, with a side of imaginary air fries.

What we actually learned was the previous AG certainly DID obstruct justice and Comey complied and together they were guilty of influencing an election. We also learned that Comey violated ethics and probably the law by leaking privileged information of a private conversation with the president to the media.

You are possibly the only person in the country who doesn't think Flynn was investigated by the FBI. Virtually every news source has run some type of story acknowledging the investigation. And if we are going to be calling out credibility, we'll you my friend have your issues there too. I seem to remember a time when you were posting about why you might vote Hillary over Trump. As a conservative with the Supreme Court in the balance, that is shameful.

I had to stop listening to what the major news sources were saying because they were wrong more than they were right. You certainly can say Flynn was investigated.... as part of the counter-intelligence investigation into Russia. And there seems to be something else they're not disclosing but Trump knows about it as well. It's probably another ethics matter because Comey never launched a criminal investigation.

It's simply fake news to be saying "Flynn was under investigation" when that was never the case. You have to remember, there is a good deal of "CYA" going on here.... Flynn's name was unmasked and leaked to the media. There's not a legal or ethical justification for that but asserting he was "under investigation" somewhat mitigates those circumstances in the eye of public opinion.
Flynn's lie about meeting with and discussing sanctions with the Russians resulted in the VP and other Trump surrogates spreading that lie to the public. How do you not see the exposure of that as ethical justification? You act like Flynn was a victim of this unmasking, when in reality he was simply exposed for something very wrong that he did. Same justification you used about Clinton and Wikileaks. Its just truth coming to light. Don't be a hypocrite.

And of course Flynn is being investigated. He lied about meeting with the Russians and also failed to disclose other meetings and financial transactions he had with Russian institutions. If he wasn't being investigated it would be wildly irresponsible of the FBI.
You don't think firing the guy in charge of an investigation shows intent to affect the investigation? Trumps actions before the firing involved passive talk and enuendo which was considered by most as inappropriate but not illegal. The firing was a much more direct action, how can you not acknowledge it's significance

Again... NO... it doesn't. Prima facie... the investigation was not hindered, halted, obstructed, affected or changed in any way by Comey's dismissal. In fact, it could be actually argued that firing him causes the opposite effect. It actually relieves Comey from being under the purview of the AG and the Executive Branch and any consequential confidentiality that would entail. He is now completely free to disclose anything he pleases without fear of reprisal and what he delivered was a deluxe nothing burger, no cheese, no pickle, no bun, with a side of imaginary air fries.

What we actually learned was the previous AG certainly DID obstruct justice and Comey complied and together they were guilty of influencing an election. We also learned that Comey violated ethics and probably the law by leaking privileged information of a private conversation with the president to the media.

You are possibly the only person in the country who doesn't think Flynn was investigated by the FBI. Virtually every news source has run some type of story acknowledging the investigation. And if we are going to be calling out credibility, we'll you my friend have your issues there too. I seem to remember a time when you were posting about why you might vote Hillary over Trump. As a conservative with the Supreme Court in the balance, that is shameful.

I had to stop listening to what the major news sources were saying because they were wrong more than they were right. You certainly can say Flynn was investigated.... as part of the counter-intelligence investigation into Russia. And there seems to be something else they're not disclosing but Trump knows about it as well. It's probably another ethics matter because Comey never launched a criminal investigation.

It's simply fake news to be saying "Flynn was under investigation" when that was never the case. You have to remember, there is a good deal of "CYA" going on here.... Flynn's name was unmasked and leaked to the media. There's not a legal or ethical justification for that but asserting he was "under investigation" somewhat mitigates those circumstances in the eye of public opinion.

Again, you're parsing your words. You say Flynn was investigated, but not under investigation. You're right, there is a lot of cya going on, uh huh.

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