Trump caught lying about hurricane relief

Um your link says they are running out of money, like I said
It was from August and it addresses why there is a shortfall, again. Not listed is the lie that funds were diverted to undocumented immigrants.

"The United States has already faced 19 climate disasters this year with losses exceeding $1 billion each, according to FEMA. "

Alejandro Mayorkas, the head of the United States Homeland Security Department, had warned back in June that FEMA’s disaster relief fund was expected to run out of money by mid-August.

The agency has faced funding challenges in previous years. Last August, FEMA exhausted their funds right before Hurricane Idalia made landfall in Florida’s Big Bend as a powerful category 3 hurricane on August 30th.

Since 2001, FEMA has run out of funding on nine occasions, according to the agency's site.

So what does FEMA do when they run out of funding and what does that mean for future natural disaster recovery efforts? Here’s what you need to know:

Will FEMA stop responding to emergencies if there’s no funding?

Now that FEMA has exhausted their disaster funding, the agency has begun to implement their Immediate Needs Funding guidance - meaning they will redirect funds to immediate, life-saving recovery efforts and deprioritize other obligations like reimbursements for disaster activity.

“This ensures that FEMA can continue essential operations, prioritizes funding for critical ongoing disaster needs, while ensuring that we are prepared to respond immediately to new disasters,” a FEMA spokesperson told Telemundo.

During this period, FEMA will pause:

  • New Public Assistance
  • Hazard Mitigation
  • DRF-funded BRIC obligations that are not essential for lifesaving and life-sustaining activities.
“Funding for other programs, such as public assistance and long-term mitigation projects have been paused, but not cancelled or terminated, as part of FEMA's current Immediate Needs Funding guidelines position,” the FEMA spokesperson clarified.
It was from August and it addresses why there is a shortfall, again. Not listed is the lie that funds were diverted to undocumented immigrants.

"The United States has already faced 19 climate disasters this year with losses exceeding $1 billion each, according to FEMA. "

Alejandro Mayorkas, the head of the United States Homeland Security Department, had warned back in June that FEMA’s disaster relief fund was expected to run out of money by mid-August.

The agency has faced funding challenges in previous years. Last August, FEMA exhausted their funds right before Hurricane Idalia made landfall in Florida’s Big Bend as a powerful category 3 hurricane on August 30th.

Since 2001, FEMA has run out of funding on nine occasions, according to the agency's site.

So what does FEMA do when they run out of funding and what does that mean for future natural disaster recovery efforts? Here’s what you need to know:

Will FEMA stop responding to emergencies if there’s no funding?

Now that FEMA has exhausted their disaster funding, the agency has begun to implement their Immediate Needs Funding guidance - meaning they will redirect funds to immediate, life-saving recovery efforts and deprioritize other obligations like reimbursements for disaster activity.

“This ensures that FEMA can continue essential operations, prioritizes funding for critical ongoing disaster needs, while ensuring that we are prepared to respond immediately to new disasters,” a FEMA spokesperson told Telemundo.

During this period, FEMA will pause:

  • New Public Assistance
  • Hazard Mitigation
  • DRF-funded BRIC obligations that are not essential for lifesaving and life-sustaining activities.
“Funding for other programs, such as public assistance and long-term mitigation projects have been paused, but not cancelled or terminated, as part of FEMA's current Immediate Needs Funding guidelines position,” the FEMA spokesperson clarified.
Yeah and they got billions more, and are begging again

While Americans get 750, and harris illegal border surge folks get billions
Yeah and they got billions more, and are begging again

While Americans get 750, and harris illegal border surge folks get billions

Contrary to popular belief, repeating a lie doesn't make it true no matter how many times it gets repeated by those who desperately want it to be true.
“As the leader of our party, there is zero chance I will support this horrible open borders betrayal of America,” Trump told his supporters on Saturday. “I’ll fight it all the way. A lot of the senators are trying to say, respectfully, they’re blaming it on me. I say, that’s okay. Please blame it on me. Please.”

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer voted no in a move that would allow him to make a procedural maneuver in the future to bring it back up.

Booker noted in his statement that he supported the original bill because it also provided “critical foreign and humanitarian aid,” a provision that doesn’t exist in the current bill because Congress moved separately to pass a foreign aid package without border provisions.

True. There are several reasons the bill failed to pass. I wasn't all related to the border part.

Trump's statement isn't surprising. He wants to take credit for everything.
I'm not sure why Republicans continue to let Trump lie so much. Seriously, why not hold all politicians accountable when they lie? Is it simply loyalty, to let your side lie all the time? Kemp talked to Biden. But Trump says the opposite (in his clever way) And Trumps supporters don't even care.

And Democrats have lied about Trump of at least 8 years now.

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