Trump Caves on Iran Nuclear Deal

Did Obama leave Iraq better than where he found it? Nope!

Better for whom?

For America, he sure as shit did, ...

... because, there's a hell of a lot less American kids over there.

As for the ME, the Pottery House rules remain valid.

Obama left Iraq with roughly 2/3rds of the Sunni population in ISIS control.

You're blaming that on Obama?

Yes. There, that was easy. And for reasons already posted.
Maybe, fucking Bush shouldn't have fired the entire Sunni military who would go on to become ISIS.

Thanks, Obama.
Guess it's not such a "bad deal" after all.

The European Union's foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini, said on Friday she was reassured during meetings with President Donald Trump's administration that it was committed to full implementation of the Iran nuclear deal.

Mogherini, who met this week with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, Trump's advisor and son-in-law Jared Kushner and members of Congress, said her main intention in Washington was to discuss the nuclear accord, which granted Iran sanctions relief in return for curbs on its nuclear program.

"I was reassured by what I heard in the meetings on the intention to stick to the full implementation of the agreement," Mogherini told reporters.

EU's Mogherini: U.S. says will fully implement Iran nuclear deal

The government estimates that Iran can develop an nuke in anywhere between a few months to a year. Conversely they estimate that it will take roughly 10 years to develop the missile technology to transport it. The nuke deal is for 10 years. Now answer me this, how does this deal slow down the Iranian nuclear program? You can't exactly cave to a deal that gives Iran nuclear weapons on the same timetable as they had before.
That was before they had to throw out so much of their program, dupe.

Ceasing uranium enrichment is different than getting rid of your already enriched uranium.
Guess it's not such a "bad deal" after all.

The European Union's foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini, said on Friday she was reassured during meetings with President Donald Trump's administration that it was committed to full implementation of the Iran nuclear deal.

Mogherini, who met this week with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, Trump's advisor and son-in-law Jared Kushner and members of Congress, said her main intention in Washington was to discuss the nuclear accord, which granted Iran sanctions relief in return for curbs on its nuclear program.

"I was reassured by what I heard in the meetings on the intention to stick to the full implementation of the agreement," Mogherini told reporters.

EU's Mogherini: U.S. says will fully implement Iran nuclear deal

The government estimates that Iran can develop an nuke in anywhere between a few months to a year. Conversely they estimate that it will take roughly 10 years to develop the missile technology to transport it. The nuke deal is for 10 years. Now answer me this, how does this deal slow down the Iranian nuclear program? You can't exactly cave to a deal that gives Iran nuclear weapons on the same timetable as they had before.
That was before they had to throw out so much of their program, dupe.

Ceasing uranium enrichment is different than getting rid of your already enriched uranium.
Wrong again, Fox dupe.

Under the deal, Iran agreed to lose 97 percent of its stockpile of enriched uranium and give up 14,000 of its 20,000 centrifuges, which are needed to enrich uranium. It also agreed to curb production of plutonium (the other element that can be used to build a bomb) and dismantle its one plutonium reactor.
Guess it's not such a "bad deal" after all.

The European Union's foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini, said on Friday she was reassured during meetings with President Donald Trump's administration that it was committed to full implementation of the Iran nuclear deal.

Mogherini, who met this week with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, Trump's advisor and son-in-law Jared Kushner and members of Congress, said her main intention in Washington was to discuss the nuclear accord, which granted Iran sanctions relief in return for curbs on its nuclear program.

"I was reassured by what I heard in the meetings on the intention to stick to the full implementation of the agreement," Mogherini told reporters.

EU's Mogherini: U.S. says will fully implement Iran nuclear deal

The government estimates that Iran can develop an nuke in anywhere between a few months to a year. Conversely they estimate that it will take roughly 10 years to develop the missile technology to transport it. The nuke deal is for 10 years. Now answer me this, how does this deal slow down the Iranian nuclear program? You can't exactly cave to a deal that gives Iran nuclear weapons on the same timetable as they had before.
That was before they had to throw out so much of their program, dupe.

Ceasing uranium enrichment is different than getting rid of your already enriched uranium.
Guess it's not such a "bad deal" after all.

The European Union's foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini, said on Friday she was reassured during meetings with President Donald Trump's administration that it was committed to full implementation of the Iran nuclear deal.

Mogherini, who met this week with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, Trump's advisor and son-in-law Jared Kushner and members of Congress, said her main intention in Washington was to discuss the nuclear accord, which granted Iran sanctions relief in return for curbs on its nuclear program.

"I was reassured by what I heard in the meetings on the intention to stick to the full implementation of the agreement," Mogherini told reporters.

EU's Mogherini: U.S. says will fully implement Iran nuclear deal

The government estimates that Iran can develop an nuke in anywhere between a few months to a year. Conversely they estimate that it will take roughly 10 years to develop the missile technology to transport it. The nuke deal is for 10 years. Now answer me this, how does this deal slow down the Iranian nuclear program? You can't exactly cave to a deal that gives Iran nuclear weapons on the same timetable as they had before.
That was before they had to throw out so much of their program, dupe.

Ceasing uranium enrichment is different than getting rid of your already enriched uranium.
Wrong again, Fox dupe.

Under the deal, Iran agreed to lose 97 percent of its stockpile of enriched uranium and give up 14,000 of its 20,000 centrifuges, which are needed to enrich uranium. It also agreed to curb production of plutonium (the other element that can be used to build a bomb) and dismantle its one plutonium reactor.

Yes, the same politifact that said if you like your healthcare plan you can keep your healthcare plan. Pants On Fire: PolitiFact Tries To Hide That It Rated 'True' in 2008 Obamacare's 'Keep Your Health Plan' Promise
Ramp up sanctions again and unleash Israel if they ask.

Damn, history must be the hardest of all.

We sanctioned the shit out of them (thank you, Obama & Clinton).

That's what brought them to the table, Einstein.

And, your next option is war.

When has that ever not worked out splendidly.

Telling them that well give them a shit load of money and lift sanctions while giving them a nuclear missile on the same timetable they had before is hardly a success story. There was, however, one time Iran truly halted their nuclear program; immediatly after we invaded Iraq.
Its good to know that you know more about this than all the members of the UN security council who all approved this agreement

The UN Security Council also approved of the 1991 Iraq cease fire agreement which stipulated that they were allowed to inspect Iraq at any time they deem necessary to search for WMD's. If the UN actually enforced that agreement there would have been no 2003 invasion of Iraq.
How quickly history changes. UN inspectors were in Iraq in 2003 with full access to every facility. They told the world that they hadn't found anything and asked for a bit more time to finish inspection. Bush answered by withdrawing the inspectors and invading Iraq. The inspectors were right all along
And the French.
Guess it's not such a "bad deal" after all.

The European Union's foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini, said on Friday she was reassured during meetings with President Donald Trump's administration that it was committed to full implementation of the Iran nuclear deal.

Mogherini, who met this week with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, Trump's advisor and son-in-law Jared Kushner and members of Congress, said her main intention in Washington was to discuss the nuclear accord, which granted Iran sanctions relief in return for curbs on its nuclear program.

"I was reassured by what I heard in the meetings on the intention to stick to the full implementation of the agreement," Mogherini told reporters.

EU's Mogherini: U.S. says will fully implement Iran nuclear deal

The government estimates that Iran can develop an nuke in anywhere between a few months to a year. Conversely they estimate that it will take roughly 10 years to develop the missile technology to transport it. The nuke deal is for 10 years. Now answer me this, how does this deal slow down the Iranian nuclear program? You can't exactly cave to a deal that gives Iran nuclear weapons on the same timetable as they had before.
That was before they had to throw out so much of their program, dupe.

Ceasing uranium enrichment is different than getting rid of your already enriched uranium.
Guess it's not such a "bad deal" after all.

The European Union's foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini, said on Friday she was reassured during meetings with President Donald Trump's administration that it was committed to full implementation of the Iran nuclear deal.

Mogherini, who met this week with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, Trump's advisor and son-in-law Jared Kushner and members of Congress, said her main intention in Washington was to discuss the nuclear accord, which granted Iran sanctions relief in return for curbs on its nuclear program.

"I was reassured by what I heard in the meetings on the intention to stick to the full implementation of the agreement," Mogherini told reporters.

EU's Mogherini: U.S. says will fully implement Iran nuclear deal

The government estimates that Iran can develop an nuke in anywhere between a few months to a year. Conversely they estimate that it will take roughly 10 years to develop the missile technology to transport it. The nuke deal is for 10 years. Now answer me this, how does this deal slow down the Iranian nuclear program? You can't exactly cave to a deal that gives Iran nuclear weapons on the same timetable as they had before.
That was before they had to throw out so much of their program, dupe.

Ceasing uranium enrichment is different than getting rid of your already enriched uranium.
Wrong again, Fox dupe.

Under the deal, Iran agreed to lose 97 percent of its stockpile of enriched uranium and give up 14,000 of its 20,000 centrifuges, which are needed to enrich uranium. It also agreed to curb production of plutonium (the other element that can be used to build a bomb) and dismantle its one plutonium reactor.

Yes, the same politifact that said if you like your healthcare plan you can keep your healthcare plan. Pants On Fire: PolitiFact Tries To Hide That It Rated 'True' in 2008 Obamacare's 'Keep Your Health Plan' Promise
And called it the lie of the year. Either way IRRELEVANT, and btw it was a poor prediction, not a lie, and ACA didn't make it the way things were going...

BTW, you're totally wrong about the Iran deal DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Damn, history must be the hardest of all.

We sanctioned the shit out of them (thank you, Obama & Clinton).

That's what brought them to the table, Einstein.

And, your next option is war.

When has that ever not worked out splendidly.

Telling them that well give them a shit load of money and lift sanctions while giving them a nuclear missile on the same timetable they had before is hardly a success story. There was, however, one time Iran truly halted their nuclear program; immediatly after we invaded Iraq.
Its good to know that you know more about this than all the members of the UN security council who all approved this agreement

The UN Security Council also approved of the 1991 Iraq cease fire agreement which stipulated that they were allowed to inspect Iraq at any time they deem necessary to search for WMD's. If the UN actually enforced that agreement there would have been no 2003 invasion of Iraq.
How quickly history changes. UN inspectors were in Iraq in 2003 with full access to every facility. They told the world that they hadn't found anything and asked for a bit more time to finish inspection. Bush answered by withdrawing the inspectors and invading Iraq. The inspectors were right all along
And the French.

Ahh yes, I remember quite fondly how they cheated in the oil for food scheme with Iraq.
The government estimates that Iran can develop an nuke in anywhere between a few months to a year. Conversely they estimate that it will take roughly 10 years to develop the missile technology to transport it. The nuke deal is for 10 years. Now answer me this, how does this deal slow down the Iranian nuclear program? You can't exactly cave to a deal that gives Iran nuclear weapons on the same timetable as they had before.
That was before they had to throw out so much of their program, dupe.

Ceasing uranium enrichment is different than getting rid of your already enriched uranium.
The government estimates that Iran can develop an nuke in anywhere between a few months to a year. Conversely they estimate that it will take roughly 10 years to develop the missile technology to transport it. The nuke deal is for 10 years. Now answer me this, how does this deal slow down the Iranian nuclear program? You can't exactly cave to a deal that gives Iran nuclear weapons on the same timetable as they had before.
That was before they had to throw out so much of their program, dupe.

Ceasing uranium enrichment is different than getting rid of your already enriched uranium.
Wrong again, Fox dupe.

Under the deal, Iran agreed to lose 97 percent of its stockpile of enriched uranium and give up 14,000 of its 20,000 centrifuges, which are needed to enrich uranium. It also agreed to curb production of plutonium (the other element that can be used to build a bomb) and dismantle its one plutonium reactor.

Yes, the same politifact that said if you like your healthcare plan you can keep your healthcare plan. Pants On Fire: PolitiFact Tries To Hide That It Rated 'True' in 2008 Obamacare's 'Keep Your Health Plan' Promise
And called it the lie of the year. Either way IRRELEVANT, and btw it was a poor prediction, not a lie, and ACA didn't make it the way things were going...

BTW, you're totally wrong about the Iran deal DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

You are correct. A poor prediction of so,thing that had then yet to come. They seem to get in trouble when they fact check predictions. ... .. .. like predictions on the Iran deal.

Indeed they did call it the lie of the year. Even they fell for it. But they were calling it true until they so obviously could not.

Once again contradiction is not argument.

Democrat Fake News Alert. Movin on...
Jesus you're dumb, dupes.
6 Things You Should Know About The Iran Nuclear Deal : The Two ...
Jul 14, 2015 - Under the deal, Iran also agrees to give up its most advanced ... Another big part of the deal is that Iran has agreed to reduce its stockpile of uranium by 98 ... Iran were to someday walk away from it, the breakout time would be ...
Iran deal: A treaty or not? - -
Mar 12, 2015 - When it comes to the Iran nuclear deal, not necessarily. ... object to a pact they warn could eventually give Tehran a nuclear bomb. ... tied the administration's bid to keep the deal away from Congress to ... the United States to commitments under international law; i.e., a treaty, or a less stringent arrangement.
Telling them that well give them a shit load of money and lift sanctions while giving them a nuclear missile on the same timetable they had before is hardly a success story. There was, however, one time Iran truly halted their nuclear program; immediatly after we invaded Iraq.
Its good to know that you know more about this than all the members of the UN security council who all approved this agreement

The UN Security Council also approved of the 1991 Iraq cease fire agreement which stipulated that they were allowed to inspect Iraq at any time they deem necessary to search for WMD's. If the UN actually enforced that agreement there would have been no 2003 invasion of Iraq.
How quickly history changes. UN inspectors were in Iraq in 2003 with full access to every facility. They told the world that they hadn't found anything and asked for a bit more time to finish inspection. Bush answered by withdrawing the inspectors and invading Iraq. The inspectors were right all along
And the French.
Ahh yes, I remember quite fondly how they cheated in the oil for food scheme with Iraq.
Man you get proven wrong on everything and keep changing the subject. A total jackass dupe.
Its good to know that you know more about this than all the members of the UN security council who all approved this agreement

The UN Security Council also approved of the 1991 Iraq cease fire agreement which stipulated that they were allowed to inspect Iraq at any time they deem necessary to search for WMD's. If the UN actually enforced that agreement there would have been no 2003 invasion of Iraq.
How quickly history changes. UN inspectors were in Iraq in 2003 with full access to every facility. They told the world that they hadn't found anything and asked for a bit more time to finish inspection. Bush answered by withdrawing the inspectors and invading Iraq. The inspectors were right all along
And the French.
Ahh yes, I remember quite fondly how they cheated in the oil for food scheme with Iraq.
Man you get proven wrong on everything and keep changing the subject. A total jackass dupe.

Contradiction is not proving anything. And I've argued you word for word. It isn't my fault you can't understand basic math.

That was before they had to throw out so much of their program, dupe.

Ceasing uranium enrichment is different than getting rid of your already enriched uranium.
That was before they had to throw out so much of their program, dupe.

Ceasing uranium enrichment is different than getting rid of your already enriched uranium.
Wrong again, Fox dupe.

Under the deal, Iran agreed to lose 97 percent of its stockpile of enriched uranium and give up 14,000 of its 20,000 centrifuges, which are needed to enrich uranium. It also agreed to curb production of plutonium (the other element that can be used to build a bomb) and dismantle its one plutonium reactor.

Yes, the same politifact that said if you like your healthcare plan you can keep your healthcare plan. Pants On Fire: PolitiFact Tries To Hide That It Rated 'True' in 2008 Obamacare's 'Keep Your Health Plan' Promise
And called it the lie of the year. Either way IRRELEVANT, and btw it was a poor prediction, not a lie, and ACA didn't make it the way things were going...

BTW, you're totally wrong about the Iran deal DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

You are correct. A poor prediction of so,thing that had then yet to come. They seem to get in trouble when they fact check predictions. ... .. .. like predictions on the Iran deal.

Indeed they did call it the lie of the year. Even they fell for it. But they were calling it true until they so obviously could not.

Once again contradiction is not argument.

Insurer and hospital networks were already making keeping your doctor difficult. Could you possibly face the fact that Fox/Trump dupes like you don't know Iran gave up a heluva lot. DUH. Change the channel.
Democrat Fake News Alert. Movin on...
Jesus you're dumb, dupes.
6 Things You Should Know About The Iran Nuclear Deal : The Two ...
Jul 14, 2015 - Under the deal, Iran also agrees to give up its most advanced ... Another big part of the deal is that Iran has agreed to reduce its stockpile of uranium by 98 ... Iran were to someday walk away from it, the breakout time would be ...
Iran deal: A treaty or not? - -
Mar 12, 2015 - When it comes to the Iran nuclear deal, not necessarily. ... object to a pact they warn could eventually give Tehran a nuclear bomb. ... tied the administration's bid to keep the deal away from Congress to ... the United States to commitments under international law; i.e., a treaty, or a less stringent arrangement.

Indeed, they state what the aim, i.e. the object, that is to say, what the end GOAL is without making an assessment as to wheather it will pan out that way. No one at CNN or NPR will because they can read the tea leaves and they don't want to lose any further credibility. Indeed NPR is the master at bias via omission. I listen to them every morning. But nevertheless they will not make an assessment of what the plan will do. They will only write about what the agreement intends to do. Indeed you and I don't know all of the plan because as are in all international agreements there are secret agreements within them.
Ceasing uranium enrichment is different than getting rid of your already enriched uranium.
Ceasing uranium enrichment is different than getting rid of your already enriched uranium.
Wrong again, Fox dupe.

Under the deal, Iran agreed to lose 97 percent of its stockpile of enriched uranium and give up 14,000 of its 20,000 centrifuges, which are needed to enrich uranium. It also agreed to curb production of plutonium (the other element that can be used to build a bomb) and dismantle its one plutonium reactor.

Yes, the same politifact that said if you like your healthcare plan you can keep your healthcare plan. Pants On Fire: PolitiFact Tries To Hide That It Rated 'True' in 2008 Obamacare's 'Keep Your Health Plan' Promise
And called it the lie of the year. Either way IRRELEVANT, and btw it was a poor prediction, not a lie, and ACA didn't make it the way things were going...

BTW, you're totally wrong about the Iran deal DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

You are correct. A poor prediction of so,thing that had then yet to come. They seem to get in trouble when they fact check predictions. ... .. .. like predictions on the Iran deal.

Indeed they did call it the lie of the year. Even they fell for it. But they were calling it true until they so obviously could not.

Once again contradiction is not argument.

Insurer and hospital networks were already making keeping your doctor difficult. Could you possibly face the fact that Fox/Trump dupes like you don't know Iran gave up a heluva lot. DUH. Change the channel.

They gave up making a nuke now for making a nuke when they finally achieved the technology to attach it to a missile est. (10 years.) In short, they gave up nothing. Nevertheless this conversation is refreshing. It seems like only yesterday that liberals were saying that Iran didn't have a nuclear weapons program. How far we've come.
Democrat Fake News Alert. Movin on...
Jesus you're dumb, dupes.
6 Things You Should Know About The Iran Nuclear Deal : The Two ...
Jul 14, 2015 - Under the deal, Iran also agrees to give up its most advanced ... Another big part of the deal is that Iran has agreed to reduce its stockpile of uranium by 98 ... Iran were to someday walk away from it, the breakout time would be ...
Iran deal: A treaty or not? - -
Mar 12, 2015 - When it comes to the Iran nuclear deal, not necessarily. ... object to a pact they warn could eventually give Tehran a nuclear bomb. ... tied the administration's bid to keep the deal away from Congress to ... the United States to commitments under international law; i.e., a treaty, or a less stringent arrangement.

Indeed, they state what the aim, i.e. the object, that is to say, what the end GOAL is without making an assessment as to wheather it will pan out that way. No one at CNN or NPR will because they can read the tea leaves and they don't want to lose any further credibility. Indeed NPR is the master at bias via omission. I listen to them every morning. But nevertheless they will not make an assessment of what the plan will do. They will only write about what the agreement intends to do. Indeed you and I don't know all of the plan because as are in all international agreements there are secret agreements within them.
Absolutely clueless. You stick with your alternate Fox /Trump facts, superdupe.

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