Trump Caves on Iran Nuclear Deal

What part of basic math don't you understand? I'll repeat for the mentally disabled.

Basic math, the US estimates that Iran can develop a nuke within months to a year. The US estimates it will take up to 10 years to develop the missile to put it on. Ergo, we've delayed a nuclear missile by a few months to a year. Iran gets a nuclear missile in 10 years anyway. So delaying it for 10 years isn't exactly a sucess story.
Lets ask again, what would you do?

Ramp up sanctions again and unleash Israel if they ask.
Looking for a war? Iran has lived up to the terms of the agreement, but in your infinite wisdom, that wouldn't be good enough. People far smarter than you or I are firmly behind this agreement

War with Iran will be quick. When they get nukes they'll be a part of the nations that can't go to war with one another. Should we go to war to prevent the number one state sponsor of terror in the world from developing a nuclear missile? Yes? Is that in our national interest? Yes.
I am sure you were also in the forefront of the warmongers demanding war with iraq. how did that work out for you? Still looking for those WMD;s

I served in Iraq. Left it better than what I found it. Obama gets into office and shit falls apart. What can I say?
Guess it's not such a "bad deal" after all.

The European Union's foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini, said on Friday she was reassured during meetings with President Donald Trump's administration that it was committed to full implementation of the Iran nuclear deal.

Mogherini, who met this week with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, Trump's advisor and son-in-law Jared Kushner and members of Congress, said her main intention in Washington was to discuss the nuclear accord, which granted Iran sanctions relief in return for curbs on its nuclear program.

"I was reassured by what I heard in the meetings on the intention to stick to the full implementation of the agreement," Mogherini told reporters.

EU's Mogherini: U.S. says will fully implement Iran nuclear deal

The government estimates that Iran can develop an nuke in anywhere between a few months to a year. Conversely they estimate that it will take roughly 10 years to develop the missile technology to transport it. The nuke deal is for 10 years. Now answer me this, how does this deal slow down the Iranian nuclear program? You can't exactly cave to a deal that gives Iran nuclear weapons on the same timetable as they had before.
That was before they had to throw out so much of their program, dupe.

Ceasing uranium enrichment is different than getting rid of your already enriched uranium.
The Euro Union policy chief claims that she was "reassured" by the Trump administration and it translates to breaking news by the radical left? How freaking pathetic.
This agreement will keep Iran from developing nuclear weapons for 10 years. What part of that can't you understand

What part of basic math don't you understand? I'll repeat for the mentally disabled.

Basic math, the US estimates that Iran can develop a nuke within months to a year. The US estimates it will take up to 10 years to develop the missile to put it on. Ergo, we've delayed a nuclear missile by a few months to a year. Iran gets a nuclear missile in 10 years anyway. So delaying it for 10 years isn't exactly a sucess story.
Lets ask again, what would you do?

Ramp up sanctions again and unleash Israel if they ask.

Damn, history must be the hardest of all.

We sanctioned the shit out of them (thank you, Obama & Clinton).

That's what brought them to the table, Einstein.

And, your next option is war.

When has that ever not worked out splendidly.

Telling them that well give them a shit load of money and lift sanctions while giving them a nuclear missile on the same timetable they had before is hardly a success story. There was, however, one time Iran truly halted their nuclear program; immediatly after we invaded Iraq.
Its good to know that you know more about this than all the members of the UN security council who all approved this agreement
Lets ask again, what would you do?

Ramp up sanctions again and unleash Israel if they ask.
Looking for a war? Iran has lived up to the terms of the agreement, but in your infinite wisdom, that wouldn't be good enough. People far smarter than you or I are firmly behind this agreement

War with Iran will be quick. When they get nukes they'll be a part of the nations that can't go to war with one another. Should we go to war to prevent the number one state sponsor of terror in the world from developing a nuclear missile? Yes? Is that in our national interest? Yes.
I am sure you were also in the forefront of the warmongers demanding war with iraq. how did that work out for you? Still looking for those WMD;s

I served in Iraq. Left it better than what I found it. Obama gets into office and shit falls apart. What can I say?
I am sure the hundreds of thousands of civilians that Bush killed were thrilled with how we left the country. Still looking for those WMD's?
What exactly did Obama do to ruin Iraq that bush hadn't already done?
This agreement will keep Iran from developing nuclear weapons for 10 years. What part of that can't you understand

What part of basic math don't you understand? I'll repeat for the mentally disabled.

Basic math, the US estimates that Iran can develop a nuke within months to a year. The US estimates it will take up to 10 years to develop the missile to put it on. Ergo, we've delayed a nuclear missile by a few months to a year. Iran gets a nuclear missile in 10 years anyway. So delaying it for 10 years isn't exactly a sucess story.
Lets ask again, what would you do?

Ramp up sanctions again and unleash Israel if they ask.

Damn, history must be the hardest of all.

We sanctioned the shit out of them (thank you, Obama & Clinton).

That's what brought them to the table, Einstein.

And, your next option is war.

When has that ever not worked out splendidly.

Telling them that well give them a shit load of money and lift sanctions while giving them a nuclear missile on the same timetable they had before is hardly a success story. There was, however, one time Iran truly halted their nuclear program; immediatly after we invaded Iraq.
It was their money duh. Giving them a nuclear missile my butt. Stop feqqing with them and let their moderate majority take over, New BS GOP.
What part of basic math don't you understand? I'll repeat for the mentally disabled.

Basic math, the US estimates that Iran can develop a nuke within months to a year. The US estimates it will take up to 10 years to develop the missile to put it on. Ergo, we've delayed a nuclear missile by a few months to a year. Iran gets a nuclear missile in 10 years anyway. So delaying it for 10 years isn't exactly a sucess story.
Lets ask again, what would you do?

Ramp up sanctions again and unleash Israel if they ask.

Damn, history must be the hardest of all.

We sanctioned the shit out of them (thank you, Obama & Clinton).

That's what brought them to the table, Einstein.

And, your next option is war.

When has that ever not worked out splendidly.

Telling them that well give them a shit load of money and lift sanctions while giving them a nuclear missile on the same timetable they had before is hardly a success story. There was, however, one time Iran truly halted their nuclear program; immediatly after we invaded Iraq.
Its good to know that you know more about this than all the members of the UN security council who all approved this agreement

The UN Security Council also approved of the 1991 Iraq cease fire agreement which stipulated that they were allowed to inspect Iraq at any time they deem necessary to search for WMD's. If the UN actually enforced that agreement there would have been no 2003 invasion of Iraq.
Lets ask again, what would you do?

Ramp up sanctions again and unleash Israel if they ask.

Damn, history must be the hardest of all.

We sanctioned the shit out of them (thank you, Obama & Clinton).

That's what brought them to the table, Einstein.

And, your next option is war.

When has that ever not worked out splendidly.

Telling them that well give them a shit load of money and lift sanctions while giving them a nuclear missile on the same timetable they had before is hardly a success story. There was, however, one time Iran truly halted their nuclear program; immediatly after we invaded Iraq.
Its good to know that you know more about this than all the members of the UN security council who all approved this agreement

The UN Security Council also approved of the 1991 Iraq cease fire agreement which stipulated that they were allowed to inspect Iraq at any time they deem necessary to search for WMD's. If the UN actually enforced that agreement there would have been no 2003 invasion of Iraq.
How quickly history changes. UN inspectors were in Iraq in 2003 with full access to every facility. They told the world that they hadn't found anything and asked for a bit more time to finish inspection. Bush answered by withdrawing the inspectors and invading Iraq. The inspectors were right all along
What part of basic math don't you understand? I'll repeat for the mentally disabled.

Basic math, the US estimates that Iran can develop a nuke within months to a year. The US estimates it will take up to 10 years to develop the missile to put it on. Ergo, we've delayed a nuclear missile by a few months to a year. Iran gets a nuclear missile in 10 years anyway. So delaying it for 10 years isn't exactly a sucess story.
Lets ask again, what would you do?

Ramp up sanctions again and unleash Israel if they ask.

Damn, history must be the hardest of all.

We sanctioned the shit out of them (thank you, Obama & Clinton).

That's what brought them to the table, Einstein.

And, your next option is war.

When has that ever not worked out splendidly.

Telling them that well give them a shit load of money and lift sanctions while giving them a nuclear missile on the same timetable they had before is hardly a success story. There was, however, one time Iran truly halted their nuclear program; immediatly after we invaded Iraq.
It was their money duh. Giving them a nuclear missile my butt. Stop feqqing with them and let their moderate majority take over, New BS GOP.

Indeed, we sanctioned them by withholding their funds. Now we give it back to them to fund rebels in Yemen and build up their missile program in which they hope to eventually put a nuclear warhead on. Great job!
Lets ask again, what would you do?

Ramp up sanctions again and unleash Israel if they ask.

Damn, history must be the hardest of all.

We sanctioned the shit out of them (thank you, Obama & Clinton).

That's what brought them to the table, Einstein.

And, your next option is war.

When has that ever not worked out splendidly.

Telling them that well give them a shit load of money and lift sanctions while giving them a nuclear missile on the same timetable they had before is hardly a success story. There was, however, one time Iran truly halted their nuclear program; immediatly after we invaded Iraq.
It was their money duh. Giving them a nuclear missile my butt. Stop feqqing with them and let their moderate majority take over, New BS GOP.

Indeed, we sanctioned them by withholding their funds. Now we give it back to them to fund rebels in Yemen and build up their missile program in which they hope to eventually put a nuclear warhead on. Great job!
Nothing will change your mind. The agreement is done and it is working just fine- end of story
I think you forget that full implementation involves inspections and actions if violations are found.

But I think you did pretty well for an ESL student!
To date there have been no violations
That we know of, but the areas that can be inspected are so limited, the fact that no violations have been discovered does not mean there have been no violations.
Ramp up sanctions again and unleash Israel if they ask.

Damn, history must be the hardest of all.

We sanctioned the shit out of them (thank you, Obama & Clinton).

That's what brought them to the table, Einstein.

And, your next option is war.

When has that ever not worked out splendidly.

Telling them that well give them a shit load of money and lift sanctions while giving them a nuclear missile on the same timetable they had before is hardly a success story. There was, however, one time Iran truly halted their nuclear program; immediatly after we invaded Iraq.
Its good to know that you know more about this than all the members of the UN security council who all approved this agreement

The UN Security Council also approved of the 1991 Iraq cease fire agreement which stipulated that they were allowed to inspect Iraq at any time they deem necessary to search for WMD's. If the UN actually enforced that agreement there would have been no 2003 invasion of Iraq.
How quickly history changes. UN inspectors were in Iraq in 2003 with full access to every facility. They told the world that they hadn't found anything and asked for a bit more time to finish inspection. Bush answered by withdrawing the inspectors and invading Iraq. The inspectors were right all along

Bush warned Saddam to allow the inspectors back or face war. Saddam refused. 35 coalition countries signed on under that condition and invaded or provided support.
Ramp up sanctions again and unleash Israel if they ask.

Damn, history must be the hardest of all.

We sanctioned the shit out of them (thank you, Obama & Clinton).

That's what brought them to the table, Einstein.

And, your next option is war.

When has that ever not worked out splendidly.

Telling them that well give them a shit load of money and lift sanctions while giving them a nuclear missile on the same timetable they had before is hardly a success story. There was, however, one time Iran truly halted their nuclear program; immediatly after we invaded Iraq.
It was their money duh. Giving them a nuclear missile my butt. Stop feqqing with them and let their moderate majority take over, New BS GOP.

Indeed, we sanctioned them by withholding their funds. Now we give it back to them to fund rebels in Yemen and build up their missile program in which they hope to eventually put a nuclear warhead on. Great job!
Nothing will change your mind. The agreement is done and it is working just fine- end of story

And Iran, should they choose to do so, will get a nuclear missile in the same exact amount of time.

Damn, history must be the hardest of all.

We sanctioned the shit out of them (thank you, Obama & Clinton).

That's what brought them to the table, Einstein.

And, your next option is war.

When has that ever not worked out splendidly.

Telling them that well give them a shit load of money and lift sanctions while giving them a nuclear missile on the same timetable they had before is hardly a success story. There was, however, one time Iran truly halted their nuclear program; immediatly after we invaded Iraq.
Its good to know that you know more about this than all the members of the UN security council who all approved this agreement

The UN Security Council also approved of the 1991 Iraq cease fire agreement which stipulated that they were allowed to inspect Iraq at any time they deem necessary to search for WMD's. If the UN actually enforced that agreement there would have been no 2003 invasion of Iraq.
How quickly history changes. UN inspectors were in Iraq in 2003 with full access to every facility. They told the world that they hadn't found anything and asked for a bit more time to finish inspection. Bush answered by withdrawing the inspectors and invading Iraq. The inspectors were right all along

Bush warned Saddam to allow the inspectors back or face war. Saddam refused. 35 coalition countries signed on under that condition and invaded or provided support.
Sorry you don't know what you are talking about. Don't just make shyte up. In the last months, with Saddams back against the wall, he allowed UN inspectors into the country to inspect anywhere they wanted. The inspectors knew all along that there couldn't have been WMD's.
Ramp up sanctions again and unleash Israel if they ask.
Looking for a war? Iran has lived up to the terms of the agreement, but in your infinite wisdom, that wouldn't be good enough. People far smarter than you or I are firmly behind this agreement

War with Iran will be quick. When they get nukes they'll be a part of the nations that can't go to war with one another. Should we go to war to prevent the number one state sponsor of terror in the world from developing a nuclear missile? Yes? Is that in our national interest? Yes.
I am sure you were also in the forefront of the warmongers demanding war with iraq. how did that work out for you? Still looking for those WMD;s

I served in Iraq. Left it better than what I found it. Obama gets into office and shit falls apart. What can I say?
I am sure the hundreds of thousands of civilians that Bush killed were thrilled with how we left the country. Still looking for those WMD's?
What exactly did Obama do to ruin Iraq that bush hadn't already done?

Did Obama leave Iraq better than where he found it? Nope!
Telling them that well give them a shit load of money and lift sanctions while giving them a nuclear missile on the same timetable they had before is hardly a success story. There was, however, one time Iran truly halted their nuclear program; immediatly after we invaded Iraq.
Its good to know that you know more about this than all the members of the UN security council who all approved this agreement

The UN Security Council also approved of the 1991 Iraq cease fire agreement which stipulated that they were allowed to inspect Iraq at any time they deem necessary to search for WMD's. If the UN actually enforced that agreement there would have been no 2003 invasion of Iraq.
How quickly history changes. UN inspectors were in Iraq in 2003 with full access to every facility. They told the world that they hadn't found anything and asked for a bit more time to finish inspection. Bush answered by withdrawing the inspectors and invading Iraq. The inspectors were right all along

Bush warned Saddam to allow the inspectors back or face war. Saddam refused. 35 coalition countries signed on under that condition and invaded or provided support.
Sorry you don't know what you are talking about. Don't just make shyte up. In the last months, with Saddams back against the wall, he allowed UN inspectors into the country to inspect anywhere they wanted. The inspectors knew all along that there couldn't have been WMD's.

Ahhh the good ol days. You know contradiction isn't argument right?

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Its good to know that you know more about this than all the members of the UN security council who all approved this agreement

The UN Security Council also approved of the 1991 Iraq cease fire agreement which stipulated that they were allowed to inspect Iraq at any time they deem necessary to search for WMD's. If the UN actually enforced that agreement there would have been no 2003 invasion of Iraq.
How quickly history changes. UN inspectors were in Iraq in 2003 with full access to every facility. They told the world that they hadn't found anything and asked for a bit more time to finish inspection. Bush answered by withdrawing the inspectors and invading Iraq. The inspectors were right all along

Bush warned Saddam to allow the inspectors back or face war. Saddam refused. 35 coalition countries signed on under that condition and invaded or provided support.
Sorry you don't know what you are talking about. Don't just make shyte up. In the last months, with Saddams back against the wall, he allowed UN inspectors into the country to inspect anywhere they wanted. The inspectors knew all along that there couldn't have been WMD's.

Ahhh the good ol days. You know contradiction isn't argument right?

That video chases them away every time.

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