trump changed his mind on signing the COVID bill at the last minute!


Alrighty, ya piss and moan when he doesn't sign it, then you piss and moan more when he does sign it. You are one fricken idiot.
They're self-loathing sociopaths that wake up screaming with night terrors of a yuge orange nutsack smothering them.

All you can do is laugh and point at them. They're quite used to it.


Alrighty, ya piss and moan when he doesn't sign it, then you piss and moan more when he does sign it. You are one fricken idiot.
Its not pissing and's rubbing your nose in the fact that he caved once again.

Ain't life grand, don't spend those "crumbs" in the same place.
Yes it is. The blob is gone and on his way out the door he betrays his moronic followers. Can't wait until the Congress overides his defense bill veto in a few days...that should really put you into a traction.


Alrighty, ya piss and moan when he doesn't sign it, then you piss and moan more when he does sign it. You are one fricken idiot.

He is honest, that is why you are unable to differentiate an idiot from and honest person. - you listen to Dumb Donald too often.

Yep, only an idiot would enjoy pissing and moaning.
You do seem to enjoy it very much, as in this thread.

What an evil man he is. He leaves millions upon millions of people swinging in the wind. He totally confuses the GOP as they try to keep control of the Senate in their quest to win the run offs in Georgia. It appears he is just lashing out like a kindergartener who drops his ice cream cone. It is hard to tell what other acts of pure evil he has planned before he is kicked out of DC.
He’s a fickle moron. He’ll probably sign the bill tomorrow and just pretend he didn’t wast everybody’s time with his useless bluster about $2000 checks.

The Wash Post is reporting that he changed his mind....AGAIN!
The wash post is as big a liar as you.
Trump just signed the bill you idiot. They obviously didn’t lie.


Alrighty, ya piss and moan when he doesn't sign it, then you piss and moan more when he does sign it. You are one fricken idiot.
Thinker, he had to cave. Pretty sure Moscow Mitch is getting ready to bitch slap him with veto override on National Defense Authorization, instead of defunding the military for good measure before the 31st so the troops will get paid, too. He be bitch slapped toast.
If trump's incompetence causes the GOP to lose the two seats in Georgia, Moscow Mitch might run him out of DC before Biden does.
The GOP’s incompetence will cost themselves seats. They pissed off trump supporters. You don’t do that and then expect their votes.
Wow so if you have been out of work or had your business shutdown for weeks you might be able to make a third or if your very lucky half of a rent or moratge payment for one month. Lets stand up all accross the country and give Congress a standing ovation as they pat themselves on the back for doing this great service to the working people of America.
While they all laugh at the morons lapping up their $600.00 crumbs while they give themselves a raise for fucking up the economy.
trumpsters wait until their Dear Leader makes a idiotic statement and then they follow his lead. Person Worship is a Cult! The have trouble with the truth and facts. trump is gradually losing his mind. By January 20th....his mind will be Jell-O.
Why do you care?...allegedly the majority voted for democrats and their scraps. You should be happy.

What an evil man he is. He leaves millions upon millions of people swinging in the wind. He totally confuses the GOP as they try to keep control of the Senate in their quest to win the run offs in Georgia. It appears he is just lashing out like a kindergartener who drops his ice cream cone. It is hard to tell what other acts of pure evil he has planned before he is kicked out of DC.
What would you like President Trump to do? The GOP should have stood by him, but Good old Mitch who's good for nothing, said Americans are fine with the $600 put the blame on Mitch.

Well, I guess he made his point.

Drain the fucking swamp!

Wow...nice try at spin.

Perhaps he should stop pardoning congressmen who were convicted of felonies... wouldn't you call those guys "swamp creatures"?
trumpsters wait until their Dear Leader makes a idiotic statement and then they follow his lead. Person Worship is a Cult! The have trouble with the truth and facts. trump is gradually losing his mind. By January 20th....his mind will be Jell-O.
Why do you care?...allegedly the majority voted for democrats and their scraps. You should be happy.
I guess old dusty creepy Joe Is the bell of the ball, old racist bum I hope he destroys all his little devil worshiping followers first.


Alrighty, ya piss and moan when he doesn't sign it, then you piss and moan more when he does sign it. You are one fricken idiot.
While you pretend that this fickle idiot didn’t waste precious time with his useless bluster. It’s impossible to take you people seriously as adults.
Christmas Eve?

He vetoed it long before then.
Wrong bill.

You're confused again.

He vetoed it on the 23rd.

NOT Christmas eve.

Believing cnn is like believing the National Enquirer.

Wrong bill IDIOT!

  • Trump Vetos Defense Bill December 23, 2020 at 3:48 pm EST By Taegan Goddard Leave a Comment President Trump on Wednesday made good on his promise to veto the annual military policy bill, setting up what could be the first veto override of his presidency after both chambers overwhelmingly approved the legislation.
Trumpkins have trouble folkwing information.

What an evil man he is. He leaves millions upon millions of people swinging in the wind. He totally confuses the GOP as they try to keep control of the Senate in their quest to win the run offs in Georgia. It appears he is just lashing out like a kindergartener who drops his ice cream cone. It is hard to tell what other acts of pure evil he has planned before he is kicked out of DC.
You must have that tingley feeling going up your leg over that 600 dollar check, huh?
That 900+ billion and the people get 15% and you're fucking excited. I wonder if they can
calculate IQ's in fractions?
We are just laughing at trumpkins. But nice effort in your part at trolling the thread
You wouldn't know what trolling is, Jill. That's your problem.

There is a reason that Trump is hesitated, 600 dollars for the people and the
rest is redistrubing the wealth, he sees a problem with that, so should liberals.

Jill quit your fucking trolling.
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What an evil man he is. He leaves millions upon millions of people swinging in the wind. He totally confuses the GOP as they try to keep control of the Senate in their quest to win the run offs in Georgia. It appears he is just lashing out like a kindergartener who drops his ice cream cone. It is hard to tell what other acts of pure evil he has planned before he is kicked out of DC.
He’s a fickle moron. He’ll probably sign the bill tomorrow and just pretend he didn’t wast everybody’s time with his useless bluster about $2000 checks.

The Wash Post is reporting that he changed his mind....AGAIN!
The wash post is as big a liar as you.
Would you prefer the Associated Press?

What an evil man he is. He leaves millions upon millions of people swinging in the wind. He totally confuses the GOP as they try to keep control of the Senate in their quest to win the run offs in Georgia. It appears he is just lashing out like a kindergartener who drops his ice cream cone. It is hard to tell what other acts of pure evil he has planned before he is kicked out of DC.
He’s a fickle moron. He’ll probably sign the bill tomorrow and just pretend he didn’t wast everybody’s time with his useless bluster about $2000 checks.

The Wash Post is reporting that he changed his mind....AGAIN!
The wash post is as big a liar as you.
Would you prefer the Associated Press?
Same kind of scum.

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