Trump Chaos and 2020

He got the ceasefire....letter seems to have worked.

The people saying he lost his shit....are the post....

Wow, you cultists are a riot.

He got a 5 day not really cease fire that allowed him to save face. Except the Turks just said they were ceasing fire, they are still murdering the shit out of the Kurds...

Normally I love your posts. But your out to lunch on this one.

Trump has done a great job. What you forget is that he's not a politician and never will be. He's a businessman who know how to get things done without all the glad handing which politicians are great at.

You don't spend much time in businesses, do you?

UE is the lowest its been in 50 years. The economy is doing great and we have jobs all across the country.

Which has nothing to do with him.

He's not as smooth as a politician but he gets his foreign policy done as well.

His foreign policy is a fucking disaster... most of our allies don't trust us and the world's bad guys are running amok.
So he writes (and actually sends, holy shit) a letter to a world leader that looks like it was written by a fourth grader. He loses his shit in a meeting with the leaders of a co-equal branch of government, insults them, meeting ends. Before that he's trolling and dancing on the graves of the Kurds, as bombs were raining down on them, after he threw our allies under the bus.

This is just the last few days. It has been like this for over two years now. It's happened with such frequency that it almost seems NORMAL, and that's the LAST thing it should be.

Meanwhile, the Democratic Party is now largely under the control of illiberal leftist authoritarians. I'd really like to vote third party, since both parties have completely gone over the edge. I wanted to vote third party in 2016, but I knew I didn't want Trump within miles of the Oval Office. So I held my nose with both hands and voted for Hillary.

This man should not be in the White House. He is unstable, he is not mentally well, he has no empathy or loyalty or decency or dignity, and he's becoming a literal danger to this country. This can't continue. So now I have to prepare myself to do it again, against my impulses and wishes.

1. In 2016 I warned all of you what was going to come from China to the fact that if Trump won it would be Tabloid nonsense daily.

2. I voted for Gary Johnson because I knew Hillary could not win Tejas.

3. How are you enjoying the reality TV star as President?


2020 will be my final year in the States if Trump and Warren are the two choices.

I know it seem like a joke but I will have given up on the American voter and will take my nutter self over to Europe and retire once and for all.

Trump is a mess and is getting crazier the more they do the Impeachment Inquiry...

God Help Us!
What European country would you move to that isn't totally fucked up socially and economically?
Name one.
There isn't one European city that doesn't have radical Islamofascists selling black tar heroin and kiddie porn on every inner city street corner.
You could move to countries with huge income taxes.
You could move to countries where your wife and daughters can never go out alone.
Stable, mentally healthy, normally-functioning adult.
So I held my nose with both hands and voted for Hillary.

Seriously? You see Clinton as “mentally healthy”? Her latest comments....on Jill Stein

Clinton went on to state that her fellow 2016 candidate Jill Stein was also in the election due to Russian involvement. "That's assuming Jill Stein will give it up, which she might not, because she's also a Russian asset. She's a Russian asset, totally. They know they can't win without a third party candidate, and I don't know who it's going to be, but I will guarantee that they will have a vigorous third party candidate in the key states that they most need it."

And on Tulsi Gabbard

They're also going to do third party again, and I'm not making any predictions but I think they've got their eye on somebody who is currently in the Democratic primary and are grooming her to be the third-party candidate. She's the favorite of the Russians. They have a bunch of sites and bots and other ways of supporting her so far," the former Secretary of State said.”
Hillary Clinton Suggests Russia Is Grooming Current Democratic Candidate — Newsweek

These are the rantings of a terrifyingly disturbed mind. And you tried to foist her on us?
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So he writes (and actually sends, holy shit) a letter to a world leader that looks like it was written by a fourth grader. He loses his shit in a meeting with the leaders of a co-equal branch of government, insults them, meeting ends. Before that he's trolling and dancing on the graves of the Kurds, as bombs were raining down on them, after he threw our allies under the bus.

This is just the last few days. It has been like this for over two years now. It's happened with such frequency that it almost seems NORMAL, and that's the LAST thing it should be.

Meanwhile, the Democratic Party is now largely under the control of illiberal leftist authoritarians. I'd really like to vote third party, since both parties have completely gone over the edge. I wanted to vote third party in 2016, but I knew I didn't want Trump within miles of the Oval Office. So I held my nose with both hands and voted for Hillary.

This man should not be in the White House. He is unstable, he is not mentally well, he has no empathy or loyalty or decency or dignity, and he's becoming a literal danger to this country. This can't continue. So now I have to prepare myself to do it again, against my impulses and wishes.

1. In 2016 I warned all of you what was going to come from China to the fact that if Trump won it would be Tabloid nonsense daily.

2. I voted for Gary Johnson because I knew Hillary could not win Tejas.

3. How are you enjoying the reality TV star as President?


2020 will be my final year in the States if Trump and Warren are the two choices.

I know it seem like a joke but I will have given up on the American voter and will take my nutter self over to Europe and retire once and for all.

Trump is a mess and is getting crazier the more they do the Impeachment Inquiry...

God Help Us!
What European country would you move to that isn't totally fucked up socially and economically?
Name one.
There isn't one European city that doesn't have radical Islamofascists selling black tar heroin and kiddie porn on every inner city street corner.
You could move to countries with huge income taxes.
You could move to countries where your wife and daughters can never go out alone.

Finland or Iceland!

I will pay the higher taxes...

Could just move back to Canada!
Stable, mentally healthy, normally-functioning adult.
So I held my nose with both hands and voted for Hillary.

Seriously? You see Clinton as “mentally healthy”? Her latest comments....on Jill Stein

Clinton went on to state that her fellow 2016 candidate Jill Stein was also in the election due to Russian involvement. "That's assuming Jill Stein will give it up, which she might not, because she's also a Russian asset. She's a Russian asset, totally. They know they can't win without a third party candidate, and I don't know who it's going to be, but I will guarantee that they will have a vigorous third party candidate in the key states that they most need it."

And on Tulsi Gabbard

They're also going to do third party again, and I'm not making any predictions but I think they've got their eye on somebody who is currently in the Democratic primary and are grooming her to be the third-party candidate. She's the favorite of the Russians. They have a bunch of sites and bots and other ways of supporting her so far," the former Secretary of State said.”
Hillary Clinton Suggests Russia Is Grooming Current Democratic Candidate — Newsweek

These are the rantings of a terrifyingly disturbed mind. And you tried to foist her on us?
Extensive attempt at deflection noted.
Stable, mentally healthy, normally-functioning adult.
So I held my nose with both hands and voted for Hillary.

Seriously? You see Clinton as “mentally healthy”? Her latest comments....on Jill Stein

Clinton went on to state that her fellow 2016 candidate Jill Stein was also in the election due to Russian involvement. "That's assuming Jill Stein will give it up, which she might not, because she's also a Russian asset. She's a Russian asset, totally. They know they can't win without a third party candidate, and I don't know who it's going to be, but I will guarantee that they will have a vigorous third party candidate in the key states that they most need it."

And on Tulsi Gabbard

They're also going to do third party again, and I'm not making any predictions but I think they've got their eye on somebody who is currently in the Democratic primary and are grooming her to be the third-party candidate. She's the favorite of the Russians. They have a bunch of sites and bots and other ways of supporting her so far," the former Secretary of State said.”
Hillary Clinton Suggests Russia Is Grooming Current Democratic Candidate — Newsweek

These are the rantings of a terrifyingly disturbed mind. And you tried to foist her on us?
Extensive attempt at deflection noted.

Translation: The Russians must be trying to pin mac down on his crazy candidate now!
Stable, mentally healthy, normally-functioning adult.
So I held my nose with both hands and voted for Hillary.

Seriously? You see Clinton as “mentally healthy”? Her latest comments....on Jill Stein

Clinton went on to state that her fellow 2016 candidate Jill Stein was also in the election due to Russian involvement. "That's assuming Jill Stein will give it up, which she might not, because she's also a Russian asset. She's a Russian asset, totally. They know they can't win without a third party candidate, and I don't know who it's going to be, but I will guarantee that they will have a vigorous third party candidate in the key states that they most need it."

And on Tulsi Gabbard

They're also going to do third party again, and I'm not making any predictions but I think they've got their eye on somebody who is currently in the Democratic primary and are grooming her to be the third-party candidate. She's the favorite of the Russians. They have a bunch of sites and bots and other ways of supporting her so far," the former Secretary of State said.”
Hillary Clinton Suggests Russia Is Grooming Current Democratic Candidate — Newsweek

These are the rantings of a terrifyingly disturbed mind. And you tried to foist her on us?
Extensive attempt at deflection noted.

Translation: The Russians must be trying to pin mac down on his crazy candidate now!
So he writes (and actually sends, holy shit) a letter to a world leader that looks like it was written by a fourth grader. He loses his shit in a meeting with the leaders of a co-equal branch of government, insults them, meeting ends. Before that he's trolling and dancing on the graves of the Kurds, as bombs were raining down on them, after he threw our allies under the bus.

This is just the last few days. It has been like this for over two years now. It's happened with such frequency that it almost seems NORMAL, and that's the LAST thing it should be.

Meanwhile, the Democratic Party is now largely under the control of illiberal leftist authoritarians. I'd really like to vote third party, since both parties have completely gone over the edge. I wanted to vote third party in 2016, but I knew I didn't want Trump within miles of the Oval Office. So I held my nose with both hands and voted for Hillary.

This man should not be in the White House. He is unstable, he is not mentally well, he has no empathy or loyalty or decency or dignity, and he's becoming a literal danger to this country. This can't continue. So now I have to prepare myself to do it again, against my impulses and wishes.

1. In 2016 I warned all of you what was going to come from China to the fact that if Trump won it would be Tabloid nonsense daily.

2. I voted for Gary Johnson because I knew Hillary could not win Tejas.

3. How are you enjoying the reality TV star as President?


2020 will be my final year in the States if Trump and Warren are the two choices.

I know it seem like a joke but I will have given up on the American voter and will take my nutter self over to Europe and retire once and for all.

Trump is a mess and is getting crazier the more they do the Impeachment Inquiry...

God Help Us!
What European country would you move to that isn't totally fucked up socially and economically?
Name one.
There isn't one European city that doesn't have radical Islamofascists selling black tar heroin and kiddie porn on every inner city street corner.
You could move to countries with huge income taxes.
You could move to countries where your wife and daughters can never go out alone.

Finland or Iceland!

I will pay the higher taxes...

Could just move back to Canada!
You could put the number of americans who immigrate to Finland and Iceland each year on a 'short bus'.
So he writes (and actually sends, holy shit) a letter to a world leader that looks like it was written by a fourth grader. He loses his shit in a meeting with the leaders of a co-equal branch of government, insults them, meeting ends. Before that he's trolling and dancing on the graves of the Kurds, as bombs were raining down on them, after he threw our allies under the bus.

This is just the last few days. It has been like this for over two years now. It's happened with such frequency that it almost seems NORMAL, and that's the LAST thing it should be.

Meanwhile, the Democratic Party is now largely under the control of illiberal leftist authoritarians. I'd really like to vote third party, since both parties have completely gone over the edge. I wanted to vote third party in 2016, but I knew I didn't want Trump within miles of the Oval Office. So I held my nose with both hands and voted for Hillary.

This man should not be in the White House. He is unstable, he is not mentally well, he has no empathy or loyalty or decency or dignity, and he's becoming a literal danger to this country. This can't continue. So now I have to prepare myself to do it again, against my impulses and wishes.
Jesus...Trump could cure cancer and you idiots would be saying he's putting Doctors out of work....

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
Jesus, Trump could skyrocket the debt & you would call it winning.

Oh please, after your messiah Obama raising the nations debt by more than double of every other President before him combined, you have NOTHING to talk about here.
Normally I love your posts. But your out to lunch on this one.

Trump has done a great job. What you forget is that he's not a politician and never will be. He's a businessman who know how to get things done without all the glad handing which politicians are great at.

UE is the lowest its been in 50 years. The economy is doing great and we have jobs all across the country.

He's not as smooth as a politician but he gets his foreign policy done as well.

He'll win in 2020 so you'd better get used to that fact.
The unemployment rate has continued the downward trajectory it was enjoying when Trump took office.

The economy is at a mere 2.0% GDP and the Fed has had to step in to lower rates to deal with the weakness.

We are officially in a manufacturing recession.

We have exploded the deficit in a time of growth, something that even Keynes himself would have disliked.

Those are just facts. Hopefully a (good) trade deal with China will get us back on track. But at the moment, there is not much for Trump to crow about on this topic.

Oh Barry left Trump a fair hand but Trump has improved on it greatly.

If you think any POTUS of either party will ever balance the budget then you might as well piss up a rope.

The Only POTUS who did it was Andrew Jackson and that was in 1840.

Oh and I hope you aren't holding your breath for a recession cause it won't happen. The country is doing great right now and will continue to do great.
Precisely how has Trump "greatly improved on it"?

Nope, as I've pointed out here many times, I'm always hopeful regardless of the letter that follows a President's name. This is my profession, so I always want a strong economy.

Anything else?
He basically took government out of the way of business, like we said should be done for decades.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
And what did it do to the GDP?

Depends on what you are looking at, and how you are evaluating the GDP....There are many indicators that blow Obama's era away such as unemployment, wage growth, and median houshold income....Other indicators are similar to the Obama era, however, if you consider the "man on the street" view, there are less businesses shuttered, more economic activity domestically, and a general mood that people feel they are better off today, than under Obama. That's why the Democrats aren't even going near economic issues in their campaigns...Can't win against a good economy...And to say it isn't, is to look like you are rooting for America to fail...So, pick your poison....
The unemployment rate has continued the downward trajectory it was enjoying when Trump took office.

The economy is at a mere 2.0% GDP and the Fed has had to step in to lower rates to deal with the weakness.

We are officially in a manufacturing recession.

We have exploded the deficit in a time of growth, something that even Keynes himself would have disliked.

Those are just facts. Hopefully a (good) trade deal with China will get us back on track. But at the moment, there is not much for Trump to crow about on this topic.

Oh Barry left Trump a fair hand but Trump has improved on it greatly.

If you think any POTUS of either party will ever balance the budget then you might as well piss up a rope.

The Only POTUS who did it was Andrew Jackson and that was in 1840.

Oh and I hope you aren't holding your breath for a recession cause it won't happen. The country is doing great right now and will continue to do great.
Precisely how has Trump "greatly improved on it"?

Nope, as I've pointed out here many times, I'm always hopeful regardless of the letter that follows a President's name. This is my profession, so I always want a strong economy.

Anything else?
He basically took government out of the way of business, like we said should be done for decades.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
And what did it do to the GDP?

Depends on what you are looking at, and how you are evaluating the GDP....There are many indicators that blow Obama's era away such as unemployment, wage growth, and median houshold income....Other indicators are similar to the Obama era, however, if you consider the "man on the street" view, there are less businesses shuttered, more economic activity domestically, and a general mood that people feel they are better off today, than under Obama. That's why the Democrats aren't even going near economic issues in their campaigns...Can't win against a good economy...And to say it isn't, is to look like you are rooting for America to fail...So, pick your poison....
First, I give Obama an "Incomplete" on the economy because he inherited an unprecedented disaster. He did the only thing he could do - he stood back and let the Fed pour money into markets. That's neither good nor bad, it was simply the only option: Keynesianism on steroids. So there is simply no way to know what "his" economy might have looked like under more normal circumstances.

Second, on a macro level, the current economy is nowhere near as good as Trump and his supporters are trying to claim. We're at just a 2.0% GDP, bond yields have crashed by over 50%, Trump exploded the deficit in a time of growth (some Keynes himself was against), we're in a manufacturing recession, the low unemployment rate has failed to create growth-push inflation, and the Fed is having to jump in with lower rates (far earlier than it wanted to) to buoy slowing conditions. Those are just facts.

Is the economy pretty good? Yeah. Are we in danger of slipping into a recession, like the Left wing claims and hopes? No, I don't think so, especially if we get a [good] China trade deal. But the current political rhetoric on the economy is phony and transparently partisan.
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Oh Barry left Trump a fair hand but Trump has improved on it greatly.

If you think any POTUS of either party will ever balance the budget then you might as well piss up a rope.

The Only POTUS who did it was Andrew Jackson and that was in 1840.

Oh and I hope you aren't holding your breath for a recession cause it won't happen. The country is doing great right now and will continue to do great.
Precisely how has Trump "greatly improved on it"?

Nope, as I've pointed out here many times, I'm always hopeful regardless of the letter that follows a President's name. This is my profession, so I always want a strong economy.

Anything else?
He basically took government out of the way of business, like we said should be done for decades.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
And what did it do to the GDP?

Depends on what you are looking at, and how you are evaluating the GDP....There are many indicators that blow Obama's era away such as unemployment, wage growth, and median houshold income....Other indicators are similar to the Obama era, however, if you consider the "man on the street" view, there are less businesses shuttered, more economic activity domestically, and a general mood that people feel they are better off today, than under Obama. That's why the Democrats aren't even going near economic issues in their campaigns...Can't win against a good economy...And to say it isn't, is to look like you are rooting for America to fail...So, pick your poison....
First, I give Obama an "Incomplete" on the economy because he inherited an unprecedented disaster. He did the only thing he could do - he stood back and let the Fed pour money into markets. That's neither good nor bad, it was simply the only option: Keynesianism on steroids. So there is simply no way to know what "his" economy might have looked like under more normal circumstances.

Second, on a macro level, the current economy is nowhere near as good as Trump and his supporters are trying to claim. We're at just a 2.0% GDP, bond yields have crashed by over 50%, Trump exploded the deficit in a time of growth (some Keynes himself was against), we're in a manufacturing recession, the low unemployment rate has failed to create growth-push inflation, and the Fed is having to jump in with lower rates (far earlier than it wanted to) to buoy slowing conditions. Those are just facts.

Is the economy pretty good? Yeah. Are we in danger of slipping into a recession, like the Left wing claims and hopes? No, I don't think so, especially if we get a [good] China trade deal. But the current political rhetoric on the economy is phony and transparently partisan.

"In some key ways, the Donald Trump economy, on fire last year but slowing this year, is starting to resemble the one he inherited from his predecessor .

There are the rock-bottom bond yields, plodding economic growth and, not to be understated, the Federal Reserve seemingly pulling all the strings, a role that was only exacerbated in the days since the financial crisis and Great Recession and continues to the present day.


Had the Fed not been so aggressive in raising rates, the president has insisted, the economy would be doing much better. Since Trump took office, the Fed has enacted seven rate hikes, including four in 2018. There were only two increases during Barack Obama’s administration, with one coming after the 2016 election.


Obama had the overhang of the financial crisis to deal with but also the benefit of a near-zero fed funds rate plus about $3.5 trillion in stimulus courtesy of the Fed.

Trump’s 2.9% GDP growth in 2018 beat any calendar year since the crisis..."

The Trump economy is starting to look more and more like the Obama economy

So, what is it Mac, are you rooting for America to fail?

He did the only thing he could do - he stood back and let the Fed pour money into markets. That's neither good nor bad,

And then this....

. We're at just a 2.0% GDP, bond yields have crashed by over 50%, Trump exploded the deficit in a time of growth (some Keynes himself was against), we're in a manufacturing recession, the low unemployment rate has failed to create growth-push inflation, and the Fed is having to jump in with lower rates (far earlier than it wanted to) to buoy slowing conditions. Those are just facts.

Cognitive dissonance. You never heard of Japan?

He did the only thing he could do - he stood back and let the Fed pour money into markets. That's neither good nor bad,

And then this....

. We're at just a 2.0% GDP, bond yields have crashed by over 50%, Trump exploded the deficit in a time of growth (some Keynes himself was against), we're in a manufacturing recession, the low unemployment rate has failed to create growth-push inflation, and the Fed is having to jump in with lower rates (far earlier than it wanted to) to buoy slowing conditions. Those are just facts.
Cognitive dissonance. You never heard of Japan?
What about it?

And that quote referencing Japan is not mine.
At least we are avoided these lugenpresse hopes...

So, what is it Mac, are you rooting for America to fail?
Precisely what have I said that would motivate you to ask that question?

Well, you seem to be saying to me that you think Trump is failing on the economy...I showed you where the Fed is working against Trump, while they worked with Obama, and Trump's numbers still beat Obama's according to CNBC....So, we both know that President's are reelected on kitchen table issues like their own personal feeling on their wallet, and as of right now people feel pretty damned good about that....So, Democrats are in trouble...And I would add that Indy's out there today sound more like Dem's on the issue, so they are toast too if they try to go up against what people feel is a good economy.
So, what is it Mac, are you rooting for America to fail?
Precisely what have I said that would motivate you to ask that question?

Well, you seem to be saying to me that you think Trump is failing on the economy...I showed you where the Fed is working against Trump, while they worked with Obama, and Trump's numbers still beat Obama's according to CNBC....So, we both know that President's are reelected on kitchen table issues like their own personal feeling on their wallet, and as of right now people feel pretty damned good about that....So, Democrats are in trouble...And I would add that Indy's out there today sound more like Dem's on the issue, so they are toast too if they try to go up against what people feel is a good economy.
Perhaps you didn't read the last paragraph of my post, in which I said the economy is in pretty good shape, not in danger of recession, and could improve.

Why did you skip that part?

The fact that I don't agree 100% with you doesn't mean I am "rooting for America to fail" or that "Trump is failing on the economy". That's silly, binary, shallow, winger thinking. This is my profession, so I have to take the economy seriously.

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