trump claims Mueller's team will meddle in mid terms

The FBI acted appropriately is what Gowdy said.

The man tells so many gotta wonder if/when they will finally catch up to him....Or will his cult just continue gobbling up his lies?

Honestly....we maybe seeing the closest reincarnation of 1930's Germany we have ever seem. The blustering nationalism....the continuous lies....the bellicose anti-immigrant rantings....trump may chose Rosanne as running mate in 2020
LOL, You "progressive" gub'mint worshipers are getting EXACTLY what you've always wanted and what you certainly DESERVE, it's just too bad that you had to drag the rest of us along for the ride.

How you liking the Imperial Presidency you helped create so far?
Trump says, without proof, that Mueller team will meddle in midterm elections - CNNPolitics

What an idiot....just an idiot....and you RW nutcases elected the clown...
Just yesterday Trump was repeating already debunked lies to a crowd of his followers. They don't care. In fact they still believe Trump's debunked lies. Why? Because they want to

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), the chairman of the House Oversight Committee, said the FBI acted appropriately when it used an informant to gather information about Donald Trump campaign advisers who allegedly had suspicious contacts linked to Russia prior to the 2016 election.

“I am even more convinced that the FBI did exactly what my fellow citizens would want them to do when they got the information they got, and that it has nothing to do with Donald Trump,” Gowdy said Tuesday during an interview on Fox News.

Gowdy last week attended a classified DOJ briefing alongside other top lawmakers regarding the informant and the tactics the FBI had used during the 2016 campaign. The South Carolina congressman, who is retiring this year, is the first GOP lawmaker briefed on the informant to directly rebut Trump and his allies regarding the surveillance claims.

The only Repubs speaking out and telling the truth about the Liar in Chief are the Repubs leaving Congress.
But Gowdy maintained the FBI was simply following Trump’s orders when it investigated his campaign’s ties to Russia.

“President Trump himself said, ‘If anyone connected with my campaign was working with Russia, I want you to investigate it,’” Gowdy said Tuesday on Fox News. “Sounds to me like that was exactly what the FBI did.”
“President Trump himself said, ‘If anyone connected with my campaign was working with Russia, I want you to investigate it,’” Gowdy said Tuesday on Fox News. “Sounds to me like that was exactly what the FBI did.”

I don't care what the videos, sound recordings and eye witnesses say this is....


Not to mention the fact that it's common knowledge that Trey Gowdy is an agent of the anti-Trump "deep state".
Your comments, NightFox, are Fake News.

The actual, factual objective evidence accurately captures what Gowdy said, what Trump said.

The Alt Right neo-fascists are trying to create their own "facts" as a legitimate basis for overthrowing the American constitutional government. They are failing, it is quote obvious.
The Lib voters still don’t understand how and why the electoral college system works. They think if a canidate wins New York and California then that canidate should be president. Thank goodness our founders had more vision than these myopic Libs.

Once again, for those whose screen name fits them to a "T"...

NO ONE is disputing that the orange stain won the EC and therefore the oval office........BUT, nitwits DO NOT STATE that most Americans voted for this idiot.......THAT is the issue, Mr. Moron..

Actually, there are plenty of Libs still whining about Trump being president while losing the meaningless PV. On the other hand, The orange clown won more states, more EC votes, and is the duly elected potus. Cute strawman you built there.
Actually, there are plenty of Libs still whining about Trump being president while losing the meaningless PV. On the other hand, The orange clown won more states, more EC votes, and is the duly elected potus. Cute strawman you built there.
This is what BTM was answering (NO ONE is disputing that the orange stain won the EC and therefore the oval office........BUT, nitwits DO NOT STATE that most Americans voted for this idiot), which means that BTM is playing the straw man.
I have corrected others before you, and now I will correct you jimmy. Trump became president because the DNC hand picked the evil and despicable pantsuit bull dyke as your liberal nominee. Most people know, had the DNC conducted a real primary where the rank and file gets a vote that matters, Hellary would not have been the nominee, and the orange clown would not be president.

trump became president because Putin wanted him. Putin targeted Democratic districts and carpeted social media with false stories degrading Hillary. trump would not have won the blue wall without Putin's help.

Putin was assisted by several on trump's team. The Liar in Chief knows that. He is becoming more desperate every day.

Manafort better flip soon....or Mueller won't need the dirt on trump

Name one false story, pizza gate came from flyns son.
Trump says, without proof, that Mueller team will meddle in midterm elections - CNNPolitics
What an idiot....just an idiot....and you RW nutcases elected the clown...

The only idiot in this thread who just exposed they know very little about the 'art' of influencing an election is YOU.

Why do you think US AG Lynch direct FBI Director Comey to treat as and call the Hillary investigation a 'MATTER' instead of an 'INVESTIGATION'?

Revealing to the world / American people that the DNC Presidential Candidate is under investigation for thousands of criminal counts to include (by legal definition) Espionage has the potential to negatively impact an election. Most Americans are law-abiding citizens who do not want a felon willing to betray the US for personal gain as President.

Why do you think Hillary blamed FBI Director Comey for her losing the 2016 election?

Comey announced he was opening back up the Hillary multiple-investigations of Hillary Clinton days before the election based on evidence serious enough to force him to take such a drastic step so close to the election. If it was any other candidate other than Hillary - a 'normal' candidate who has not been 'dogged' their entire career with corruption, such a move would have a greater chance of effecting them negatively in the election. To be honest, none of this news of continuing investigations of the Clintons comes as any surprise to anyone. As mentioned, they are under investigation on a regular basis, being exposed for crimes (but none more so / bigger than this recent series of scandals).

The on-going investigation of Hillary and the last-minute re-opening of the investigation did not impact Hillary at all because this was nothing new & most people had already made up their minds about whether to support her or not.

In the case of Trump and the GOP, Democrats, Liberals, Liberal extremists, the Liberal Media, and ex-Obama criminals have waged an all-out effort to undermine and overthrow the sitting President (also known as 'an attempted coup' and/or a 'Conspiracy' - also referred to as 'Treason') and against the GOP in an attempt to regain power / rulership of the country / over the American people they victimized fro 8 years under Obama.

They openly admit to attempting to do anything and everything they can to effect the mid-term elections. This is, after all, the Party that rigged their primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud during the primaries, collaborated with foreign spies and Russians, and even collaborated / conspired / conducted (and still are) the largest Conspiracy / Scandal in this nation's history to hold on to / win back power.

You are the idiot and a dangerous idiot.

Asking Comey to call it a matter is no big deal. It is a matter of semantics.

The fact of the matter is both campaigns were under investigation as the fact that the Trump campaign was being looked at was not known. The fact is that no one knows what effect this had on the election. It might have had no effect or it might have had a major effect. You don't know and I don't know. The fact is that voters considered both candidates dishonest.

There is no coup and no treason against anyone. Holding a President accountable is not illegal. I did not vote for Obama but a majority of the people who voted wanted him. NO one was victimized.

Why don't you put up or shut up. You have been spouting this garbage since I can remember. Democrats supposedly rigged their primaries and engaged in election fraud is your standard refrain just as 'what's up doc' is with Bugs Bunny. Tell us how it was done.

Liar we knew trump was under investigation in October 2016..

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