trump claims Mueller's team will meddle in mid terms

Donald refuses to acknowledge that Russia interfered in the 2016 elections despite the fact that the US intelligence community overwhelmingly came to that conclusion based upon FACTS; yet Donald is willing to call into question the honor and integrity of a lifelong Republican with not even a sliver of evidence.

Donald is a national embarrassment. The day he is either perp walked, dies of a heart attack while clutching a Big Mac in his golf cart, or is voted out, will be a day of celebration.

Yup, and you're the resident expert on embarrassment.
Donald refuses to acknowledge that Russia interfered in the 2016 elections despite the fact that the US intelligence community overwhelmingly came to that conclusion based upon FACTS; yet Donald is willing to call into question the honor and integrity of a lifelong Republican with not even a sliver of evidence.

Donald is a national embarrassment. The day he is either perp walked, dies of a heart attack while clutching a Big Mac in his golf cart, or is voted out, will be a day of celebration.

Yup, and you're the resident expert on embarrassment.
Care to respond with something of substance? Or are you just going to flap your trolling cock-sucking lips?
Donald refuses to acknowledge that Russia interfered in the 2016 elections despite the fact that the US intelligence community overwhelmingly came to that conclusion based upon FACTS; yet Donald is willing to call into question the honor and integrity of a lifelong Republican with not even a sliver of evidence.

Donald is a national embarrassment. The day he is either perp walked, dies of a heart attack while clutching a Big Mac in his golf cart, or is voted out, will be a day of celebration.

Yup, and you're the resident expert on embarrassment.
Care to respond with something of substance? Or are you just going to flap your trolling cock-sucking lips?

You're getting your lips mixed up with mine. You are screwed up.
The DNC favored Clinton but they did not give her the nomination.


WOW! Talk about 'Alternate Reality!

Sorry, but one of the revelations that made Liberals b@t-shit crazy and spinning through the roof was the revelation - thanks to hacked and released DNC e-mails - was how Hillary and the DNC rigged primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud during the primaries, and stacked the political deck against Socialist candidate Sanders, who was beating Hillary.

DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile later openly spoke about how the DNC had engaged in 'primary rigging' and how Hillary and the DNC had broken laws on the way to Hillary being GIVEN the DNC Nomination.

Brazile told how Obama left the DNC 24 million in debt, how Hillary bailed out / bought the DNC, then illegally used it as her own campaign piggy bank. The FEC reported / recorded that Hillary did not only ILLEGALLY use DNC campaign donations designated for other candidates but she also laundered $84 million.

FEC Records Indicate Hillary Campaign Illegally Laundered $84 Million

Hillary and the DNC broke quite a few laws. By using the Fusion GPS 'Dossier' acquired from foreign spies and Russians in a US election Hillary violated US election law.

Hillary was the self-proclaimed DNC Rightful Heir and Queen. She openly proclaimed, 'IT'S MY TURN', and the DNC, President Obama, and his administration did everything legally and illegally they could to keep her out of prison and running as the predetermined DNC Presidential nominee.

There is enough documented evidence out there to prove / support this to literally choke a horse.
Trump says, without proof, that Mueller team will meddle in midterm elections - CNNPolitics

What an idiot....just an idiot....and you RW nutcases elected the clown...

Not to rile you, but this entire Russian fiasco has been entirely about the midterms.

The dems cannot have or sustain another ass-beating election or they will
be totally finished as a party. You've already lost a majority of your white
voters. You lose anymore and you will tank.

The Russians meddled in our election....multiple trump associates had contact with Russians in an attempt to find dirt to discredit Hillary. Mueller is investigating that.

He has been at it a little over a year. The Repubs investigated a real estate deal (Whitewater) concerning Clinton for about 5 years....and had to rely on sex in the WH to Impeach him.

You think meddling in a US election is more important?
Donald refuses to acknowledge that Russia interfered in the 2016 elections despite the fact that the US intelligence community overwhelmingly came to that conclusion based upon FACTS; yet Donald is willing to call into question the honor and integrity of a lifelong Republican with not even a sliver of evidence.

Donald is a national embarrassment. The day he is either perp walked, dies of a heart attack while clutching a Big Mac in his golf cart, or is voted out, will be a day of celebration.

Yup, and you're the resident expert on embarrassment.
Care to respond with something of substance? Or are you just going to flap your trolling cock-sucking lips?
Calling him gay as a way of insulting him? How progressive of you.
And to think the Democrats couldn't field a candidate that could beat Trump. Our country is so fucked.
Trump says, without proof, that Mueller team will meddle in midterm elections - CNNPolitics

What an idiot....just an idiot....and you RW nutcases elected the clown...

Trump unhinged? - and the week is barely underway.

Might be another Worst Week EVER for the Dotard - but we'll say the same thing next week around this time.


Since his mole at the DOJ....Magoo Sessions is letting him know what Mueller finds....trump must be aware that Mueller has him by the short hairs....that is why trump is going over the edge cause....

Donald refuses to acknowledge that Russia interfered in the 2016 elections despite the fact that the US intelligence community overwhelmingly came to that conclusion based upon FACTS; yet Donald is willing to call into question the honor and integrity of a lifelong Republican with not even a sliver of evidence.

Donald is a national embarrassment. The day he is either perp walked, dies of a heart attack while clutching a Big Mac in his golf cart, or is voted out, will be a day of celebration.

Yup, and you're the resident expert on embarrassment.
Care to respond with something of substance? Or are you just going to flap your trolling cock-sucking lips?
Calling him gay as a way of insulting him? How progressive of you.
Who pulled your string, faggot?
Donald refuses to acknowledge that Russia interfered in the 2016 elections despite the fact that the US intelligence community overwhelmingly came to that conclusion based upon FACTS; yet Donald is willing to call into question the honor and integrity of a lifelong Republican with not even a sliver of evidence.

Donald is a national embarrassment. The day he is either perp walked, dies of a heart attack while clutching a Big Mac in his golf cart, or is voted out, will be a day of celebration.

I would change one word here: INTERnational embarrassment

U.S. Image Suffers as Publics Around World Question Trump’s Leadership

Donald refuses to acknowledge that Russia interfered in the 2016 elections despite the fact that the US intelligence community overwhelmingly came to that conclusion based upon FACTS; yet Donald is willing to call into question the honor and integrity of a lifelong Republican with not even a sliver of evidence.

Donald is a national embarrassment. The day he is either perp walked, dies of a heart attack while clutching a Big Mac in his golf cart, or is voted out, will be a day of celebration.

Yup, and you're the resident expert on embarrassment.
Care to respond with something of substance? Or are you just going to flap your trolling cock-sucking lips?
Calling him gay as a way of insulting him? How progressive of you.
Who pulled your string, faggot?
Embrace the hate. Let it flow through you.
I have corrected others before you, and now I will correct you jimmy. Trump became president because the DNC hand picked the evil and despicable pantsuit bull dyke as your liberal nominee. Most people know, had the DNC conducted a real primary where the rank and file gets a vote that matters, Hellary would not have been the nominee, and the orange clown would not be president.
The DNC favored Clinton but they did not give her the nomination. They favored her in 2008 yet Obama still won. What gave Clinton the nomination was voters. Democrats apportion their delegates according to the popular vote. There was a number of REAL primaries. If Republicans had done it the same way, Trump might have lost.

A Prmary vote gave Hillary the nomination and she won the real vote by 2.8 Million.
I have corrected others before you, and now I will correct you jimmy. Trump became president because the DNC hand picked the evil and despicable pantsuit bull dyke as your liberal nominee. Most people know, had the DNC conducted a real primary where the rank and file gets a vote that matters, Hellary would not have been the nominee, and the orange clown would not be president.
The DNC favored Clinton but they did not give her the nomination. They favored her in 2008 yet Obama still won. What gave Clinton the nomination was voters. Democrats apportion their delegates according to the popular vote. There was a number of REAL primaries. If Republicans had done it the same way, Trump might have lost.

A Prmary vote gave Hillary the nomination and she won the real vote by 2.8 Million.

If Hillary won the "real" vote how come she's not the POTUS?
I have corrected others before you, and now I will correct you jimmy. Trump became president because the DNC hand picked the evil and despicable pantsuit bull dyke as your liberal nominee. Most people know, had the DNC conducted a real primary where the rank and file gets a vote that matters, Hellary would not have been the nominee, and the orange clown would not be president.
The DNC favored Clinton but they did not give her the nomination. They favored her in 2008 yet Obama still won. What gave Clinton the nomination was voters. Democrats apportion their delegates according to the popular vote. There was a number of REAL primaries. If Republicans had done it the same way, Trump might have lost.

A Prmary vote gave Hillary the nomination and she won the real vote by 2.8 Million.

Doesn't say much for the "One Man....One Vote" concept...does it?
I have corrected others before you, and now I will correct you jimmy. Trump became president because the DNC hand picked the evil and despicable pantsuit bull dyke as your liberal nominee. Most people know, had the DNC conducted a real primary where the rank and file gets a vote that matters, Hellary would not have been the nominee, and the orange clown would not be president.
The DNC favored Clinton but they did not give her the nomination. They favored her in 2008 yet Obama still won. What gave Clinton the nomination was voters. Democrats apportion their delegates according to the popular vote. There was a number of REAL primaries. If Republicans had done it the same way, Trump might have lost.

Actually what gave Clinton the nomination in 2016 was her pocketbook.
I have corrected others before you, and now I will correct you jimmy. Trump became president because the DNC hand picked the evil and despicable pantsuit bull dyke as your liberal nominee. Most people know, had the DNC conducted a real primary where the rank and file gets a vote that matters, Hellary would not have been the nominee, and the orange clown would not be president.
The DNC favored Clinton but they did not give her the nomination. They favored her in 2008 yet Obama still won. What gave Clinton the nomination was voters. Democrats apportion their delegates according to the popular vote. There was a number of REAL primaries. If Republicans had done it the same way, Trump might have lost.

Actually what gave Clinton the nomination in 2016 was her pocketbook.

… that and her husbands last name, without Bill, she'd still be Hillary who?

Unfortunately for her and all her dingbat-D worshipers, Bill couldn't lend her his charm and personality for the general election.

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