Trump claims presidents can declassify documents ‘even by thinking about it

.They were never declassified.
Just ask Trump's lawyers.

His Key Stone Cops brand of lawyers are now facing a show down with Judge Dearie. He has given them until next week show clear and convincing evidence that the F.B.I. planted classified material at

The Traitor has successfully painted his shysters into a corner.

In other Traitor Shyster News, Sidney "The Kracken" Powell decided to skip out on appearing before a Grand Jury in Georgia.

Nothing like open contempt for the rule of law from assholes hired by the Traitor who have yet to be paid for their less than stellar legal skills.
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you mean like not putting them in an unsecured furniture warehouse? i see you ignore the shit out of obama doing this while demanding trump does.

OF WHICH trump did what he was told to do by the FBI.

Believing something the Traitor said is like leaning into a right hook.
No idea what you are talking about

You been watching Fox again?
i provided a letter from obama on where the records were kept and what they were, and a news site showing the details.

told you you don't give a fuck.
Believing something the Traitor said is like leaning into a right hook.
believing anything you say simply won't happen.

and this has nothing to do with trump. it's a letter FROM OBAMA and a news story about it. trump isn't here til you drag him in to hide behind.
No idea what you are talking about

You been watching Fox again?

Obama turned over his Presidential records about (30 million pages) to the NARA and the unclassified documents in the possession of the NARA are currently being stored at an NARA facility near Chicago. The facility used to be a commercial warehouse.

The classified documents were turned over to the NARA are being stored at a D.C. facility (about 250,00 documents).

He's trying to claim that the classified documents are in Chicago, which the NARA has clearly said is false.

Obama turned over his Presidential records about (30 million pages) to the NARA and the unclassified documents in the possession of the NARA are currently being stored at an NARA facility near Chicago. The facility used to be a commercial warehouse.

The classified documents were turned over to the NARA are being stored at a D.C. facility (about 250,00 documents).

He's trying to claim that the classified documents are in Chicago, which the NARA has clearly said is false.

great. but no one really knows what trump had yet look at all these people making assumptions that fit their emotional need for validation.

i missed your condemation of their actions.
Obama turned over his Presidential records about (30 million pages) to the NARA and the unclassified documents in the possession of the NARA are currently being stored at an NARA facility near Chicago. The facility used to be a commercial warehouse.

The classified documents were turned over to the NARA are being stored at a D.C. facility (about 250,00 documents).

He's trying to claim that the classified documents are in Chicago, which the NARA has clearly said is false.



You mean Obama followed the regulations on turning over official documents?
It amazes me how Trump views classification as an annoyance.

Not as a way to ensure damaging information is not released, but as an annoying requirement that he has to keep these documents safe and secure.

So what does he do?
He issues a blanket declassification on every document he possesses. Even Top Secret.

No concern that the information contained in those documents is now compromised
So what would you call this...

Biden again says US forces would defend Taiwan against Chinese aggression​

Biden TELLS China.. clearly that he will use troops against Chinese!
So what would you call this...

Biden again says US forces would defend Taiwan against Chinese aggression​

Biden TELLS China.. clearly that he will use troops against Chinese!

I applaud our President for standing up to China and making it clear how an invasion of Taiwan would be handled.

So what would you call this...

Biden again says US forces would defend Taiwan against Chinese aggression​

Biden TELLS China.. clearly that he will use troops against Chinese!

He should have just thought it, as that is all that seems necessary for a presidential decree
I applaud our President for standing up to China and making it clear how an invasion of Taiwan would be handled.

only to have his staff walk it back and say nothing has changed.

So what would you call this...

Biden again says US forces would defend Taiwan against Chinese aggression​

Biden TELLS China.. clearly that he will use troops against Chinese!

Look over here, not at the lying two faced Orange Shit Gibbon.

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