Trump claims presidents can declassify documents ‘even by thinking about it

I think they do it on purpose. State something so completely ridiculous, like Trump saying he only had to think about declassification to make it happen, that people would start to accept the merely stupid.
given your side makes up shit other people "say" but never did (HE SAID TO DRINK BLEACH!!! - never did)

fuck off.
You twats are scared to death of Trump. You should be.

No. Yes, I also know you need to believe that but you are WRONG.

The Traitor is a coward, why would I be afraid of a coward.

The Traitor is a bully. Why would I be afraid of bully.

The person is afraid right now is the Traitor. He painted himself into a corner. His Keystone Cop Shysters have until next week to prove the F.B.I., "Planted Classified Material" at Shit-A-Lago, which of course they will NOT be prove.

The Traitor also has to prove he had the authority to declassify the classified documents found at Shit-A-Lago. And no, he cannot declassify just by thinking about. There are policies and procedures to be followed declassify such material. I was stationed at the U.S. Army Communications Command Pentagon TeleCommuncations Center and I know about the proper handling of classified documents, and mental abilities to do so are a farce.

Known Foreign Intelligence Agents had free and easy access to Shit-A-Lago. Classified Documents were stored in common areas. The Traitor openly discussed classified intelligence in the presence of guests.

The New York is A.G. is going after him and Fani Willis is breathing down his neck. The Traitor is shit scared.

He should be.

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