Trump claims presidents can declassify documents ‘even by thinking about it

Yup. Some goofball are grasping at straws, perhaps they enjoy endless anticipation followed by soul cryshing disappointment.

And you grasping on the Traitor's lies. His thing about being able to declassify intelligence documents just by thinking about it is laughable.
No. Yes, I also know you need to believe that but you are WRONG.

The Traitor is a coward, why would I be afraid of a coward.

The Traitor is a bully. Why would I be afraid of bully.

The person is afraid right now is the Traitor. He painted himself into a corner. His Keystone Cop Shysters have until next week to prove the F.B.I., "Planted Classified Material" at Shit-A-Lago, which of course they will NOT be prove.

The Traitor also has to prove he had the authority to declassify the classified documents found at Shit-A-Lago. And no, he cannot declassify just by thinking about. There are policies and procedures to be followed declassify such material. I was stationed at the U.S. Army Communications Command Pentagon TeleCommuncations Center and I know about the proper handling of classified documents, and mental abilities to do so are a farce.

Known Foreign Intelligence Agents had free and easy access to Shit-A-Lago. Classified Documents were stored in common areas. The Traitor openly discussed classified intelligence in the presence of guests.

The New York is A.G. is going after him and Fani Willis is breathing down his neck. The Traitor is shit scared.

He should be.
The fact that you keep hounding him and demonizing him proves you're scared to death he's gonna run for President.
And you grasping on the Traitor's lies. His thing about being able to declassify intelligence documents just by thinking about it is laughable.
That's where you are wrong. If the president doesn't consider something to be classified, it isn't. The president can treat information however they choose.
The fact that you keep hounding him and demonizing him proves you're scared to death he's gonna run for President.

More like holding the Traitor accountable for his actions. If by demonizing him you calling being able just thinking he can declassifying that sounds a mental problem.

You're right, he won't run for Prez, but not from hounded or demonized.

The moment he declares himself a candidate, he loses on all that PAC that his shit for brains followers have sending him. All money is going in his pocket. He has donated zero money to any ReichPublican Candidates. Also, the ReichPublican Party will STOP paying all his legal fees, and he while he claims to be rich, his lawyers have been bleeding him dry.
More like holding the Traitor accountable for his actions. If by demonizing him you calling being able just thinking he can declassifying that sounds a mental problem.

You're right, he won't run for Prez, but not from hounded or demonized.

The moment he declares himself a candidate, he loses on all that PAC that his shit for brains followers have sending him. All money is going in his pocket. He has donated zero money to any ReichPublican Candidates. Also, the ReichPublican Party will STOP paying all his legal fees, and he while he claims to be rich, his lawyers have been bleeding him dry.
You're a fucking idiot.
Retired in the very late '90's.

Didn't work at NSA.

I don't believe you that the NSA doesn't track Top Secret/SCI, Top Secret/SAP, etc. documents.

What you believe is irrelevant. Those are the facts. Reporting is serialized and in that sense I guess it’s “tracked” in so much as they know who’s accessed what information but there isn’t a list of all the hard copy documents running around. You can print reporting and keep it filed for forever or toss it in the burn bag 15 minutes after you read it. There no accounting of any of that other than the printing. NSA isn’t tracking what every employee is doing with every classified document they access and print. You have a TS clearance with an SSBI and take a lie detector test every couple years. You are supposed to be trust worthy. I have zero reason to lie about this shit it’s weird so many of you are pushing back so hard when you don’t have any experience in over 20 years and have zero experience at NSA.
Millions of Americans are sick, sick and tired of the fucking shithead democrats.
I agree. I'm one of them. But I'm sick of BOTH parties.

That doesn't mean we have to act like gullible fools, supporting a weak, whiney-assed crybaby like trump.

The GOP has to grow a pair. Get rid of Trump ass-kissers, and start supporting Republicans who are intelligent, strong, and capable of thinking for themselves.

It's time to kick Trump to the curb. He cares only about himself. He's all ego. All trump can do is hurt the Republican party.
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I agree. I'm one of them. But I'm sick of BOTH parties.

But, that doesn't mean we have to act like gullible fools, supporting a weak, whiney-assed crybaby like trump.

The GOP has to grow a pair. Get rid of Trump ass-kissers, and start supporting Republicans who are intelligent, strong, and capable of thinking for themselves.

It's time to kick Trump to the curb. He cares about nothing but himself. He's all ego. All trump can do is hurt the Republican party.

The problem being, the ReichPublicans have tied themselves to him. They bought the Traitor's Brand and they are stuck with it. He brought MAGA into their party and the very racist,xenophobic,antisemitic and violent ideology they believe in.

The party leadership is under the sway of violent minority and they do not know how to end it.
I agree. I'm one of them. But I'm sick of BOTH parties.

That doesn't mean we have to act like gullible fools, supporting a weak, whiney-assed crybaby like trump.

The GOP has to grow a pair. Get rid of Trump ass-kissers, and start supporting Republicans who are intelligent, strong, and capable of thinking for themselves.

It's time to kick Trump to the curb. He cares only about himself. He's all ego. All trump can do is hurt the Republican party.
I disagree. Trump taught a lot of people how to stand up to these vermin. DeSantis is leading the charge now.
Actually when attorney's file documents with the court its under a statement that what they are filing is true.

Not a sworn statement, though. I’m not even sure that the attorney’s vouch for the filing. You’d have to show me that, but I know attorney’s are not allowed to vouch for their clients in court, so I don’t see how they could in filings.

Show me that statement, hereafter abbreviated to “SM.”

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