Trump claims presidents can declassify documents ‘even by thinking about it

“There doesn’t have to be a process, as I understand it,” Trump told Fox News host Sean Hannity. “If you’re the president of the United States, you can declassify just by saying, ‘It’s declassified.’ Even by thinking about it.

So, do you all agree with this? Is just the mere thought of something being declassified enough to make it so?
biden tries to shake hands with invisible people...
That's the frustrating part and the GG I liked talking to.

Now he's just an arrogant ego feeding dick.
Golfing Gator is still not as bad as the worst of the Dems on here.

Now we have an easy way to tell the more reasonable Dems from the full on TDS tards. The TDS-tards are the ones who go on the threads about the racist fascist wealthy Dems of Martha’s Vineyard and try to defend the indefensible. We have some Democrat mods on this forum, but they are reasonable will make a real argument when one is available. THey know one is not in the case of the MV debacle, so they stay off those threads and leave it to the bots.

I haven’t seen GG there, but they go on and on, so I may have missed it.

“There doesn’t have to be a process, as I understand it,” Trump told Fox News host Sean Hannity. “If you’re the president of the United States, you can declassify just by saying, ‘It’s declassified.’ Even by thinking about it.

So, do you all agree with this? Is just the mere thought of something being declassified enough to make it so?
So? Per the Director of the FBI you’re not guilty of a crime if you didn’t mean to violate the crime.
That's where you are wrong. If the president doesn't consider something to be classified, it isn't. The president can treat information however they choose.

No, Classified Information is exactly that, classified information. Such infomation is classified for a reason. Just because an idividual "Thinks" they can declassify documents does not mean that they legally do so.
Golfing Gator is still not as bad as the worst of the Dems on here.

Now we have an easy way to tell the more reasonable Dems from the full on TDS tards. The TDS-tards are the ones who go on the threads about the racist fascist wealthy Dems of Martha’s Vineyard and try to defend the indefensible. We have some Democrat mods on this forum, but they are reasonable will make a real argument when one is available. THey know one is not in the case of the MV debacle, so they stay off those threads and leave it to the bots.

I haven’t seen GG there, but they go on and on, so I may have missed it.
At times, sure. And yes Trump says some shit. No arguement there.

But I have NEVER seen him go after the stupid shit Biden or anyone else says.

And when you argue base rights we all share, including Trump, he goes apeshit and says Trump is your God.

Kinda fucked up.
No, Classified Information is exactly that, classified information. Such infomation is classified for a reason. Just because an idividual "Thinks" they can declassify documents does not mean that they legally do so.
According to what? Certainly not the Constitution. You folks live in fantasy land.

“There doesn’t have to be a process, as I understand it,” Trump told Fox News host Sean Hannity. “If you’re the president of the United States, you can declassify just by saying, ‘It’s declassified.’ Even by thinking about it.

So, do you all agree with this? Is just the mere thought of something being declassified enough to make it so?
The more I think about this I have to believe trump has finally gone TOTALLY INSANE.
Does Biden inspire people?
I am sure he inspires some people......

The rest of us don't need to be inspired by politicians.....just sign the bills that help people more than hurt them...

I am sure plenty of Americans were inspired when their student loan debt was wiped clean, or when there was news a computer chip factory or an auto plant was announced in their town, or when labor deals are struck and the rail service didn't come to a halt, you know, policy stuff...

But maybe you are the fragile insecure type that needs to go to rallies and be told fairy tale shit and given someone to hate to be inspired....most fascists do....
Trump has no regard for Intelligence or our allies. He's willing to put them at risk. He's a dangerous, reckless blabbermouth.
I wouldn't argue with any of that. If you had one The 20/20 election his attitude towards Russia we'd probably be in a nuclear war right now. Remember when you said he'd bomb Moscow well that would end the whole world doing something that reckless.

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