Trump claims presidents can declassify documents ‘even by thinking about it

Lets say if Trump didn't declassify correctly and he had these documents in a locked room in a locked safe guarded by secret service agents...
What in hell must you libtards think he was doing with them?... selling them?... can you be that out of touch?.... this is BS... and it must stop....
This raid is blatant harassment of Biden's next opponent and if you ask me Biden should be impeached for ordering it....
Declassified documents. Also where are the charges? Can't our FBI read?

You know when I wake up I shit. What does shit like you do in the morning?

They were declassified?

Then why doesn’t Trump just show us the documentation where he declassified them?

We can just end this whole thing
IF the Traitor can declassify highly classified documents (which he cannot), then by the same measure President Biden can just by thinking, reclassify the same documents.

Little known (at least by the resident Traitor Lovers) fact, President Biden, by virtue of his Office can reclassify the same documents by the Powers of his Office. He does have the power to do that. Either way the Traitor is truly and royally fucked. As it stands, he can be charged under The Espionage Act.

The Eleventh Circuit Court shit all over the previous Traitor Appointed, unqualified lacky's order.

The burden of proof as to the power to declassify those highly classified documents in on the Traitor and Looney Tunes Lawyers, as it stands he has not done so. Failure to provide such proof, as Judge Dearie said previously means the Judge Dearie will rule for DOJ. It is as simple as that.
Trump's team is stalling just like any good legal team would do in this instance with the history Trump has endured....

No, the Traitor has painted himself into a corner. The Traitor either does or does not proof he classified the documents. He either puts that proof before the Judge Dearie or the Special Master will rule for the DOJ.
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