Trump claims presidents can declassify documents ‘even by thinking about it

“There doesn’t have to be a process, as I understand it,” Trump told Fox News host Sean Hannity. “If you’re the president of the United States, you can declassify just by saying, ‘It’s declassified.’ Even by thinking about it.

So, do you all agree with this? Is just the mere thought of something being declassified enough to make it so?
They actually gave him a magic wand to declassify with.
No, the Traitor has painted himself into a corner. The Traitor either does or does not proof he classified the documents. He either puts that proof forward or the Judge will rule against him.
You wanna bet?.... How many times must you watch your dreams collapse... Buuuaaahahahaha stupid is what stupid does....
No, the Traitor has painted himself into a corner. The Traitor either does or does not proof he classified the documents. He either puts that proof forward or the Judge will rule against him.

Trump has no idea what documents he even has
How can he know what he declassified?

As usual, Trump creates a lie when caught doing something.

But he will only tell the lie to his gullible followers…..not a court of law

Just like he did with his stolen election lies
(1) There is established an Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel ("Panel"). The Secretaries of State and Defense, the Attorney General, the Director of Central Intelligence, the Archivist of the United States, and the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs shall each appoint a senior level representative to serve as a member of the Panel. The President shall select the Chair of the Panel from among the Panel members.

* * * * *
(b) Functions. The Panel shall:

(1) decide on appeals by persons who have filed classification challenges under section 1.9 of this order;

(2) approve, deny or amend agency exemptions from automatic declassification as provided in section 3.4 of this order; and

(3) decide on appeals by persons or entities who have filed requests for mandatory declassification review under section 3.6 of this order.

* * * * *
Sec. 5.5. Information Security Policy Advisory Council.

(a) Establishment. There is established an Information Security Policy Advisory Council ("Council"). The Council shall be composed of seven members appointed by the President for staggered terms not to exceed 4 years, from among persons who have demonstrated interest and expertise in an area related to the subject matter of this order and are not otherwise employees of the Federal Government.
The presidency isn't an agency. You folks need to start from the beginning. What's the Constitution say about classified documents and the presidency?
he's got TDS it would seem but he will deny it and tell you he rags on both sides all the time.

yet, i never see threads about the stupid shit biden says. about yet ANOTHER executive order. when i bring those up, he quickly waters it down with "all presidents do it too much".

and yes, they do; but that wasn't my question. my question is directly the impact of executive orders becoming more and more a way of government and laws OF WHICH the president is not supposed to be doing. biden has taken this power to yet another level up and if not stopped, the next president will simply carry on that tradition.

so, for GG to be all up in arms about the stupid shit trump says (of which there is yes, a lot) and not care about "both sides equally" then he becomes the one sided mindset he openly bitches at on a daily basis. tell him this and he starts telling you how you feel about things and why you are so stupid for feeling that way. the way you never said you felt. simply disagreeing with gator seems to upset him.

i also answered his question directly. NO - a president should not be able to do this and YES, if trump said this as yahoo is saying then it is completely stupid. however, if the docs were dangerous for him to have, why did they leave them there?

POOF. he's gone. he demands you reply to him directly but will seldom if ever do the same for you.

annoying as fuck.
Typical dem, it's all about the feels with them, they never apply thought to anything.....Except it's going to work against them bigly as we can do a pivot to DeSantis in a heartbeat and they have nothing to counter/answer with.....They are so fucked. ;)

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