Trump claims that the U.S. "caught 10 terrorists" at the Southern Border

Anyone seen any news reports on who these terrorists were and when they were caught?

I can't believe CNN was not all over this story.
Or FOX.....You'd think they'd be ALL OVER a story that validates what tiny trump has said.

(In fact, I was surprised that I was the only one starting a thread on trump's comment about capturing 10 terrorists recently). I scanned thru several pages of threads before starting this thread, wanting to avoid's as if this were a toxic topic to some posters.......
Islamization? Funny. Well, dude, that should tell you everything you need to know about Fox. CNN and MSNBC don't follow the NaziCon Teanderthal talking points. Holy shit...
What they don't follow is one of the greatest threats to America that has ever existed - ie. the Muslim Brotherhood's fully active sedition program (the Explanatory Memorandum), to destroy America, from within, by subverting the culture to Islam (aka Islamization)

That's because they don't want you to know about it, so they keep you ignorant, as you apparently are. Nothing surprising here.
Anyone seen any news reports on who these terrorists were and when they were caught?

Here's a picture of one of those hardened terrorist criminals......Trump is on the job....

Or FOX.....You'd think they'd be ALL OVER a story that validates what tiny trump has said.

(In fact, I was surprised that I was the only one starting a thread on trump's comment about capturing 10 terrorists recently). I scanned thru several pages of threads before starting this thread, wanting to avoid's as if this were a toxic topic to some posters.......
You're not hearing about it on Fox as what you call a "story", because it is not a story. It is something that has been reported on Fox HUNDREDS of times, for more than 15 years now.

And everybody knows about it already, except information-deprived liberals, attached to liberal OMISSION media, like CNN and MSNBC.
Anyone seen any news reports on who these terrorists were and when they were caught?

I'm wondering how many that didn't catch.
Indications are strong that far greater numbers of migrants with terrorism connections crossed the land border but cannot be publicly reported, because of national security concerns.

And the US isn't the only country grappling with the problem of Middle eastern terrorists. Other countries south of Mexico's border are also. One case in point developed in August 2016, when Panama decided to deport six Pakistani nationals it apprehended moving through its territory.

For Panama to deport any of the roughly 8,000 migrants a year normally allowed to pass through its territory from Colombia northward is highly unusual. The deportations suggest that unusual derogatory information was associated with the six Pakistanis, probably related to terrorism
What is that supposed to mean, cannot be publicly reported because of national security concerns. Why would it be a secret? Especially after the Commander in Chief just told us about it.
Anyone seen any news reports on who these terrorists were and when they were caught?
Fat people can't use google?!

Just stupid ones I think. bodey has never shown a penchant for critical thinking. Or any sort of thinking for that matter!

  • From only public realm reporting, 15 suspected terrorists have been apprehended at the U.S.-Mexico border, or en route, since 2001.
  • The 15 terrorism-associated migrants who traveled to the U.S. southern border likely represent a significant under-count since most information reflecting such border-crossers resides in classified or protected government archives and intelligence databases.
  • Affiliations included al-Shabbab, al-Ittihad al-Islamiya, Hezbollah, the Pakistani Taliban, ISIS, Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami Bangladesh, and the Tamil Tigers.
  • At least five of the 15 were prosecuted for crimes in North American courts. One is currently under Canadian prosecution for multiple attempted murder counts. Of the four in the United States, one was prosecuted for lying to the FBI about terrorism involvement, one for asylum fraud, one for providing material support to a terrorist organization, and one for illegal entry, false statements, and passport mutilation.
Have Terrorists Crossed Our Border?
So they were all arrested and are being prosecuted?
And most of them were from years ago....not recent at all and certainly not since tiny trump has been pushing the wall (that Mexico is going to pay for).
6 of them in Post # 28 are from within the past few years, but what's the fuss ? And if no one knows much about these 10 terrorists, so what ? > DHS catches them all the time, and doesn't release their names, for some kind of national security reasons (each reason particular to each terrorist and each country they're from) This is hard to understand ? Govt has no proof for 100s of things (that it can reveal publicly) That doesn't mean it has no proof.

DHS Sect Nielsen recently said >> “In truth, on common, my division now blocks 10 recognized or suspected terrorists a day from touring to or trying to enter America,”

So what's the big deal about what Trump said ?

Donald Trump says U.S. caught ’10 terrorists’ attempting to cross border. There’s no proof: sources - Nationwide - Thet Canada
What is that supposed to mean, cannot be publicly reported because of national security concerns. Why would it be a secret? Especially after the Commander in Chief just told us about it.
How can anyone answer that ?..when they don't have the information, because it has been classified secret.
I can't believe CNN was not all over this story.
I can. Catching terrorists at the border gives credence to Trump's position that we need a wall. Leftist CNN is opposed to the wall.

Their OMISSION broadcasting OMITS most anything helpful to Trump.
Irrelevant. This is a discussion on something that trump actually said yesterday....and yet no one seems to know about these 10 terrorists recently captured at the border.
FALSE! I posted their names, countries, and dates in Post # 28 (a partial list)
Liar. Trump lied and said there were 10 recently. The list you posted goes back to the early 2000’s but doesn’t list 10 recent captures.
I can. Catching terrorists at the border gives credence to Trump's position that we need a wall.

Could one of those terrorists instead of facing a wall instead buy a United Airlines ticker?

Should we ask the crown prince of Saudi if a wall could stop his country from sending us terrorists?
YES he said it, during the "debate" with Pelosi and Schumer on Tuesday.
Pete can't see me--someone share this with him?

“People are pouring into our country, including terrorists,” Trump said at a photo-op-turned-policy-debate at the White House, with Vice President Mike Pence and Congress’s top two Democrats, Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California and Sen. Charles E. Schumer of New York. “We captured 10 terrorists over the last very short period of time. Terrorists. These are very serious people. … These are people who were looking to do harm. We need the wall.”

There is no public evidence to substantiate President Donald Trump’s claim on Tuesday, in the context of a discussion of security at the southern border, that 10 terrorists have been caught recently trying to enter the United States.

Trump’s comments sparked a small tempest on social media, but a recent State Department report showed no terrorist threat on the Mexico border, and Trump’s own administration effectively acknowledges the president may have mischaracterized the statistic.

Trump Fumbled Claim of Capturing 10 Terrorists

LMAO do you even read your own links, for example the first line, "There is no public evidence to substantiate President Donald Trump’s claim"
Yes. I caught that. So you think he's leaking classified information during televised debates?


You realize the president can declassify any information he wants to right. lol
Sure he can....and btw, what about all that declassifying of Clinton/Obama stuff that he said he was going to do?

Trump is waiting for his 2020 re-election to unload that on you people :muahaha:
YES he said it, during the "debate" with Pelosi and Schumer on Tuesday.
Pete can't see me--someone share this with him?

“People are pouring into our country, including terrorists,” Trump said at a photo-op-turned-policy-debate at the White House, with Vice President Mike Pence and Congress’s top two Democrats, Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California and Sen. Charles E. Schumer of New York. “We captured 10 terrorists over the last very short period of time. Terrorists. These are very serious people. … These are people who were looking to do harm. We need the wall.”

There is no public evidence to substantiate President Donald Trump’s claim on Tuesday, in the context of a discussion of security at the southern border, that 10 terrorists have been caught recently trying to enter the United States.

Trump’s comments sparked a small tempest on social media, but a recent State Department report showed no terrorist threat on the Mexico border, and Trump’s own administration effectively acknowledges the president may have mischaracterized the statistic.

Trump Fumbled Claim of Capturing 10 Terrorists

LMAO do you even read your own links, for example the first line, "There is no public evidence to substantiate President Donald Trump’s claim"
So....people are being held secretly in this country now?

Duh! believe that? Hardly secret anymore if tiny trump spills the beans, eh?

You're just mad because I made you look silly, again.
Those guys in the caravan are hardened terrorists! Have you ever been hit in the eye with a spicy taco?
President Trump stated that "People are pouring into our country, including terrorists. We have terrorists. We caught 10 terrorists over the last very short period of time. Ten. These are very serious people. Our border agents, all of our law enforcement has been incredible what they’ve done. But we caught 10 terrorists. These are people that were looking to do harm." (Source.)

He presumably divined that number from a June report by DHS Secretary Kjirsten Nielsen that reads in part, "The result is that we are identifying and stopping terror suspects who would otherwise have gone undetected. In fact, on average, my Department now blocks 10 known or suspected terrorists a day from traveling to or attempting to enter the United States." (Source.) However, that counts every method of entry, not just the Mexican border; also, it states that they "block" ten people per day, not that they catch them.

However, President Trump's State Department reported in 2017 that "There are no known international terrorist organizations operating in Mexico, no evidence that any terrorist group has targeted U.S. citizens in Mexican territory, and no credible information that any member of a terrorist group has traveled through Mexico to gain access to the United States." (Source, p. 290)

We already know the President doesn't like to read reports, and he has a history of hearing statistics and statements half-way and then making the rest up, especially when he is as emotional and frustrated as he was during this meeting. He pretty clearly made that up.

Incidentally. VP Pence made a similar claim in February: "[A]long the southern border of the United States, we actually still apprehend 1,100 individuals a day, who are attempting to enter this country illegally, including seven individuals a day who are either known or suspected terrorists." (Source.) However, the 2017 DOJ/DHS report on which he based this claim stated that "n 2017 alone DHS had 2,554 encounters with individuals on the terrorist watch list (also known as the FBI’s Terrorist Screening Database) traveling to the United States." (Source.) That works out to about seven per day total, but the report specifies that only 335 of these were "by land," which would also include through Canada.

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