Trump claims that the U.S. "caught 10 terrorists" at the Southern Border

Dumbfuck, I asked how many snuck in and you responded with that list; where most did not sneak in, but were caught.
Doubledumbfuck. I also responded with Post # 67, which you choose to ignore.
Stop lying. I addressed that post. It doesn’t even show one crossing the Mexican border while trump’s been president.
Wild goose chase. The link in post #67 says the claim of 10 terrorists recently caught sneaking across the border is bullshi#.
FALSE! The link does not include the word "bullshit" (which you simply made up), nor does it, in any way, allege that Trump's claim is bullshit.

It does say that no proof was given by Trump. So what? Presidents and people in presidential administrations often say things without presenting proof, due to national security concerns (the info is classified secret)

This the 3rd time I'm saying this. Do you clods ever read previous posts ?

Also, the link does include DHS Nielsen's quote >> “In truth, on common, my division now blocks 10 recognized or suspected terrorists a day from touring to or trying to enter America,” which more than confirms what Trump said.
Nope, you’re just sucking trump’s balls again. He said 10 were caught recently. Not one of the terrorists you listed was caught crossing the Mexican border since trump’s been president.
Fool. Stop babbling. Read post #s 67 and 104.
I can. Catching terrorists at the border gives credence to Trump's position that we need a wall.

Could one of those terrorists instead of facing a wall instead buy a United Airlines ticker?

Should we ask the crown prince of Saudi if a wall could stop his country from sending us terrorists?
I do agree that border jumping is not how the more professional terrorists get in.
What I would like to know is, with all these terrorists supposedly sneaking into our country on a daily basis, where are they and what are they doing? Thank God, but it's been mighty quiet on that front lately.
This is what happens when you have a President who gets caught telling lies every day about everything. Nothing he says can be believed.
Don't talk stupid.
You have no way to ascertain the veracity of what Trump said.
I do agree that border jumping is not how the more professional terrorists get in.
What I would like to know is, with all these terrorists supposedly sneaking into our country on a daily basis, where are they and what are they doing? Thank God, but it's been mighty quiet on that front lately.
Border patrol and the military are doing their jobs. Thanks to Trump and his administration. They could be doing an even better job ,if Democrats had not been obstructing the construction of the wall for the past few years.
This is what happens when you have a President who gets caught telling lies every day about everything. Nothing he says can be believed.

Don't talk stupid.
You have no way to ascertain the veracity of what Trump said.
People learn to disbelieve individuals who are classified as compulsive serial liars like Trump. When a person is caught telling thousands of lies, why would anything they say be believed?
People learn to disbelieve individuals who are classified as compulsive serial liars like Trump. When a person is caught telling thousands of lies, why would anything they say be believed?
I have, on number of occasions, challenged Trump bashers to present ONE LIE that Trump has ever told, with absolute proof to back it up. None have ever succeeded in responding.
I do agree that border jumping is not how the more professional terrorists get in.
What I would like to know is, with all these terrorists supposedly sneaking into our country on a daily basis, where are they and what are they doing? Thank God, but it's been mighty quiet on that front lately.
Border patrol and the military are doing their jobs. Thanks to Trump and his administration. They could be doing an even better job ,if Democrats had not been obstructing the construction of the wall for the past few years.
Now that the caravaners are not the brown people du jour, it has immediately gone back to the Mad Muslims. With no particular reason--just a need for a boogey man to convince everyone we are in peril. I have no objection to the Wall where that is strategic, but you are not only simplifying the argument too much, you are using scare tactics to try and persuade. THAT is why Democrats are objecting.
People learn to disbelieve individuals who are classified as compulsive serial liars like Trump. When a person is caught telling thousands of lies, why would anything they say be believed?
I have, on number of occasions, challenged Trump bashers to present ONE LIE that Trump has ever told, with absolute proof to back it up. None have ever succeeded in responding.
That ten terrorists were caught in the last little while at the southern border, trying to sneak in.
Yeah, I know, you say he's not lying because he's telling us state secrets that are not supposed to be made public, but that is no argument. That's a total cop out.
People learn to disbelieve individuals who are classified as compulsive serial liars like Trump. When a person is caught telling thousands of lies, why would anything they say be believed?
I have, on number of occasions, challenged Trump bashers to present ONE LIE that Trump has ever told, with absolute proof to back it up. None have ever succeeded in responding.
You, sir, are both delusional and in denial making a claim that Donald Trump has never been proven to have lied. Your claim is absolutely ridiculous and a malicious lie in and of itself.
People learn to disbelieve individuals who are classified as compulsive serial liars like Trump. When a person is caught telling thousands of lies, why would anything they say be believed?
I have, on number of occasions, challenged Trump bashers to present ONE LIE that Trump has ever told, with absolute proof to back it up. None have ever succeeded in responding.
You haven't even proven your claim in this thread let alone some of his classic and most famous lies.
Nope, you’re just sucking trump’s balls again. He said 10 were caught recently. Not one of the terrorists you listed was caught crossing the Mexican border since trump’s been president.
Fool. Stop babbling. Read post #s 67 and 104.
Don’t have to. Your list of apprehended terrorists doesn’t show one crossing the Mexican border since trump was president. He lied; and you suck him off for it.
Impeach. He lied.

There weren't ten. There are at least 15.

Report: Terrorists from Taliban, ISIS sneak in with migrants
So I go to the front page of your source and find out it’s pretty much another Inquirer. It’s a paper like Breitbart or news max. I suspected it when I started reading the article and realized the entire article was opinion and conspiracy.

Washington Examiner: Political News and Analysis About Congress, the President and the Federal Government

Why would a terrorist go to Honduras so they can walk to Mexico and get tear gassed and messed with when they could just take an airplane and land in Philadelphia? Duh!
People learn to disbelieve individuals who are classified as compulsive serial liars like Trump. When a person is caught telling thousands of lies, why would anything they say be believed?
I have, on number of occasions, challenged Trump bashers to present ONE LIE that Trump has ever told, with absolute proof to back it up. None have ever succeeded in responding.
That ten terrorists were caught in the last little while at the southern border, trying to sneak in.
Yeah, I know, you say he's not lying because he's telling us state secrets that are not supposed to be made public, but that is no argument. That's a total cop out.

He did not give you specifics that could compromise intelligence gathering methods. Do you not see the difference?

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