Trump claims that the U.S. "caught 10 terrorists" at the Southern Border


Considering they don’t break down want their crimes are, who knows.
This from a report put out a few years ago-
Anyone seen any news reports on who these terrorists were and when they were caught?
Yeah, yesterday Cooper had a really good explain on that little tidbit. As usual, POTUS lied.

How would he know? Did one of his butt buddies tell him between rounds of fudge packing? :D

(Just mocking the hypocrisy of the llibtard media here!)
Please don't tell me you are going PC on us.....
Do you believe that everything that happens is reported in the press?
Has the OP gone that delusional not recognizing illegal immigration. Of course criminals and terrorists find any way to sneak into the border.
The LV shooter, the synagogue shooter, the Charleston S.C. church shooter, the Aurora Co. movie theater shooter, etc. were born here.
Where were the Boston bombers and San Bernardino terrorists born, dummy?
Now that the caravaners are not the brown people du jour, it has immediately gone back to the Mad Muslims. With no particular reason--just a need for a boogey man to convince everyone we are in peril. I have no objection to the Wall where that is strategic, but you are not only simplifying the argument too much, you are using scare tactics to try and persuade. THAT is why Democrats are objecting.
I don't know what you're talking about. I wonder if you do.
That ten terrorists were caught in the last little while at the southern border, trying to sneak in.
Yeah, I know, you say he's not lying because he's telling us state secrets that are not supposed to be made public, but that is no argument. That's a total cop out.
Sorry, you have no proof that Trump told a lie. You have no evidence about those terrorists.
You, sir, are both delusional and in denial making a claim that Donald Trump has never been proven to have lied. Your claim is absolutely ridiculous and a malicious lie in and of itself.
I didn't say he never lied. I said I challenged Trump bashers to present one lie here, and they haven't done it. That includes you.
You haven't even proven your claim in this thread let alone some of his classic and most famous lies.
MY claim ? What "claim" was that ? And you keep talking about Trump lies, but you haven't shown one here. Not even ONE.
Don’t have to. Your list of apprehended terrorists doesn’t show one crossing the Mexican border since trump was president. He lied; and you suck him off for it.
FALSE! Just like Camp, you haven't shown any evidence of Trump having lied. Not a shred. You have no idea if what he said is true or not, so :anj_stfu: ya damn fool.
Why would a terrorist go to Honduras so they can walk to Mexico and get tear gassed and messed with when they could just take an airplane and land in Philadelphia? Duh!
So you're calling DHS Sect Nielsen a liar, then ?
Has the OP gone that delusional not recognizing illegal immigration. Of course criminals and terrorists find any way to sneak into the border.
The so-called president was quite specific...he said 10 terrorists. Are you not able to distinguish between illegal immigrants and terrorists?

Why does anyone bother to take this person seriously when he does things as stupid as "Drumpf" and "so called President?" total troll. Laugh and move on.
Well, she does have a documented history of lying. Shame on her.

Kirstjen Nielsen, Enough With the Lies! | The Nation
This moronic link is a perfect example of liberal fake news. Not a single accusation against Nielsen is backed up by anything remotely close to substantiation. It's nothing but a bunch of Anti-Nielsen blabbering/

The Nation. Good grief. :rolleyes:

And with all the yammering about migrant kids being separated can anyone find one holler from these faux outragers about American kids separated from their arrested parents EVERY DAY, all across America ?
Well, she does have a documented history of lying. Shame on her.

Kirstjen Nielsen, Enough With the Lies! | The Nation
This moronic link is a perfect example of liberal fake news. Not a single accusation against Nielsen is backed up by anything remotely close to substantiation. It's nothing but a bunch of Anti-Nielsen blabbering/

The Nation. Good grief. :rolleyes:

And with all the yammering about migrant kids being separated can anyone find one holler from these faux outragers about American kids separated from their arrested parents EVERY DAY, all across America ?

Oh, there's more...

Memo: Kirstjen Nielsen lied to Congress about family separation.

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