Trump claims that the U.S. "caught 10 terrorists" at the Southern Border

You haven't even proven your claim in this thread let alone some of his classic and most famous lies.
MY claim ? What "claim" was that ? And you keep talking about Trump lies, but you haven't shown one here. Not even ONE.
Trump lies have been posted here endlessly and I have posted many of them for over two years.
You are an insane fool and buffoon just like Trump if you are seriously defending Trump with the lie that he is not a prolific compulsive serial liar.
Trump lies have been posted here endlessly and I have posted many of them for over two years.
You are an insane fool and buffoon just like Trump if you are seriously defending Trump with the lie that he is not a prolific compulsive serial liar.

Since you continue to DODGE my challenge to show ONE LIE from Trump, I'm having to repeat myself >> you keep talking about Trump lies, but you haven't shown one here. Not even ONE.

And you say you have posted Trump lies for 2 years. Yeah ? Well, if that's the case, then all you have to do is go back and RE-post ONE LIE, but you're sure having a hard time doing that. :rolleyes:
This dopey thread is another example of liberals fabricating something negative, just to try to diminish Trump, and make him look bad, so as to influence people to not vote for him in 2020.

No logic or substance behind all this alleged Trump-lying jibberish.
Trump lies have been posted here endlessly and I have posted many of them for over two years.
You are an insane fool and buffoon just like Trump if you are seriously defending Trump with the lie that he is not a prolific compulsive serial liar.

Since you continue to DODGE my challenge to show ONE LIE from Trump, I'm having to repeat myself >> you keep talking about Trump lies, but you haven't shown one here. Not even ONE.

And you say you have posted Trump lies for 2 years. Yeah ? Well, if that's the case, then all you have to do is go back and RE-post ONE LIE, but you're sure having a hard time doing that. :rolleyes:
How about an early one or few he made right at the beginning of his Presidency. He did not win a landslide with larger margins than anyone in decades, he had a large inauguration attendance and let's not leave out the whopper lies about having hundreds of friends lost on 9/11 and seeing thousands of American Muslims dancing in the streets of New Jersey on television.
How about an early one or few he made right at the beginning of his Presidency. He did not win a landslide with larger margins than anyone in decades, he had a large inauguration attendance and let's not leave out the whopper lies about having hundreds of friends lost on 9/11 and seeing thousands of American Muslims dancing in the streets of New Jersey on television.
You haven't presented the quotes together with sources/links.
YES he said it, during the "debate" with Pelosi and Schumer on Tuesday.
Pete can't see me--someone share this with him?

“People are pouring into our country, including terrorists,” Trump said at a photo-op-turned-policy-debate at the White House, with Vice President Mike Pence and Congress’s top two Democrats, Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California and Sen. Charles E. Schumer of New York. “We captured 10 terrorists over the last very short period of time. Terrorists. These are very serious people. … These are people who were looking to do harm. We need the wall.”

There is no public evidence to substantiate President Donald Trump’s claim on Tuesday, in the context of a discussion of security at the southern border, that 10 terrorists have been caught recently trying to enter the United States.

Trump’s comments sparked a small tempest on social media, but a recent State Department report showed no terrorist threat on the Mexico border, and Trump’s own administration effectively acknowledges the president may have mischaracterized the statistic.

Trump Fumbled Claim of Capturing 10 Terrorists

Because as every terrorist knows, the way to get in place is to try to sneak across a very visible border, because having sleeper cells in place and/or flying them in with legitimate visas, never works.

How about an early one or few he made right at the beginning of his Presidency. He did not win a landslide with larger margins than anyone in decades, he had a large inauguration attendance and let's not leave out the whopper lies about having hundreds of friends lost on 9/11 and seeing thousands of American Muslims dancing in the streets of New Jersey on television.
You haven't presented the quotes together with sources/links.
Sorry, won't take your bait. You wanna promote Trump as an honest guy who never lies, fine. Good luck.
Two progressive news sites. Come on, Lakota.

Well, she does have a documented history of lying. Shame on her.

Kirstjen Nielsen, Enough With the Lies! | The Nation
This moronic link is a perfect example of liberal fake news. Not a single accusation against Nielsen is backed up by anything remotely close to substantiation. It's nothing but a bunch of Anti-Nielsen blabbering/

The Nation. Good grief. :rolleyes:

And with all the yammering about migrant kids being separated can anyone find one holler from these faux outragers about American kids separated from their arrested parents EVERY DAY, all across America ?

Oh, there's more...

Memo: Kirstjen Nielsen lied to Congress about family separation.
Don’t have to. Your list of apprehended terrorists doesn’t show one crossing the Mexican border since trump was president. He lied; and you suck him off for it.
FALSE! Just like Camp, you haven't shown any evidence of Trump having lied. Not a shred. You have no idea if what he said is true or not, so :anj_stfu: ya damn fool.

You’re such a dumbfuck. It’s trump’s claim. It’s his to prove.
Anyone seen any news reports on who these terrorists were and when they were caught?
Fat people can't use google?!

Just stupid ones I think. bodey has never shown a penchant for critical thinking. Or any sort of thinking for that matter!

  • From only public realm reporting, 15 suspected terrorists have been apprehended at the U.S.-Mexico border, or en route, since 2001.
  • The 15 terrorism-associated migrants who traveled to the U.S. southern border likely represent a significant under-count since most information reflecting such border-crossers resides in classified or protected government archives and intelligence databases.
  • Affiliations included al-Shabbab, al-Ittihad al-Islamiya, Hezbollah, the Pakistani Taliban, ISIS, Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami Bangladesh, and the Tamil Tigers.
  • At least five of the 15 were prosecuted for crimes in North American courts. One is currently under Canadian prosecution for multiple attempted murder counts. Of the four in the United States, one was prosecuted for lying to the FBI about terrorism involvement, one for asylum fraud, one for providing material support to a terrorist organization, and one for illegal entry, false statements, and passport mutilation.
Have Terrorists Crossed Our Border?

Trump's claim:

"We caught 10 terrorists over the last very short period of time. Ten. These are very serious people. Our border agents, all of our law enforcement has been incredible what they've done. But we caught 10 terrorists. These are people that were looking to do harm," Trump said in the Oval Office."

That is not this:

From only public realm reporting, 15 suspected terrorists have been apprehended at the U.S.-Mexico border, or en route, since 2001.

Trump lied. You're stupidly trying to cover for him.
The weak tea here is that the DHS is claiming they "prevented POTENTIAL terrorists" from entering.

Ummm...ANYONE is a "potential" terrorist

And they also have 'prevented" Martians from invading as well.

Kinda disturbing that DHS let these thousands of terrorists escape huh?
The weak tea here is that the DHS is claiming they "prevented POTENTIAL terrorists" from entering.

Ummm...ANYONE is a "potential" terrorist

And they also have 'prevented" Martians from invading as well.

Kinda disturbing that DHS let these thousands of terrorists escape huh?

In the meantime, it's dopey white guys actually sending bombs and shooting everything up.

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