Trump.......Confident Billionaire or Insecure Child?

Last night in Iowa Trump drew the largest Town Hall meeting ever in the history of the state. There were thousands at the meeting.

The rest of the Republicans and the Hildabeast are doing great to get a couple of hundred.

Stupid Moon Bats and scared establishment Republicans can do all the hate they want but the man is resounding with the American people and all the psychoanalyzing on an internet discussion forum by idiots that don't know what they are talking about isn't going to change that.

Trump scares both the filthy Democrats and the establishment Republicans because he is not being controlled by the greedy special interest that has a vested interest in big government. These greedy special interest groups are the ones that made filthy ass politicians like The Hildabeast rich and they own her lock stock and barrel. Nobody owns Trump and makes a lot of insiders and people that are leeches off the government very scared.

I have no intentions of voting for Trump because I think he is a Liberal at heart and he will continue with this out of control screwed up debt ridden welfare state and not much will change. However, I think he will stimulate the economy after this Obama disaster and that is a whole lot better than anything will get out of the Hillary Beast who is really nothing more than Obama V2.0.
Hitler stimulated the economy too. Trump is dangerous.

Lots of things stimulate economies. Meanwhile, Obumbler and Shrillary and almost all far left wing mainstay Democratics are dangerous.
Trump is dangerous because he's used to being dictator. What he would be capable of when he didn't get his way in our divided government would make executive orders and reconciliation look like child's play.

The incumbent President ACTS like a dictator. You know the drill. Fuck that Constitution thing. It's all pesky.

Instead, HE has a pen and a phone!

That's more dictatorial and fascist than ANYTHING done or said by Trump.

So, upon any kind of meaningful inspection, your major premise is shown to be --


[By the way, feel obligated to demonstrate that Trump is used to being (or ever HAS been) a dictator or has ever "acted" like one.]
Last night in Iowa Trump drew the largest Town Hall meeting ever in the history of the state. There were thousands at the meeting.

The rest of the Republicans and the Hildabeast are doing great to get a couple of hundred.

Stupid Moon Bats and scared establishment Republicans can do all the hate they want but the man is resounding with the American people and all the psychoanalyzing on an internet discussion forum by idiots that don't know what they are talking about isn't going to change that.

Trump scares both the filthy Democrats and the establishment Republicans because he is not being controlled by the greedy special interest that has a vested interest in big government. These greedy special interest groups are the ones that made filthy ass politicians like The Hildabeast rich and they own her lock stock and barrel. Nobody owns Trump and makes a lot of insiders and people that are leeches off the government very scared.

I have no intentions of voting for Trump because I think he is a Liberal at heart and he will continue with this out of control screwed up debt ridden welfare state and not much will change. However, I think he will stimulate the economy after this Obama disaster and that is a whole lot better than anything will get out of the Hillary Beast who is really nothing more than Obama V2.0.
Hitler stimulated the economy too. Trump is dangerous.

Lots of things stimulate economies. Meanwhile, Obumbler and Shrillary and almost all far left wing mainstay Democratics are dangerous.
Trump is dangerous because he's used to being dictator. What he would be capable of when he didn't get his way in our divided government would make executive orders and reconciliation look like child's play.
The larger question, that even Cruz raised yesterday, is would you trust Trump with his finger on the button?
Last night in Iowa Trump drew the largest Town Hall meeting ever in the history of the state. There were thousands at the meeting.

The rest of the Republicans and the Hildabeast are doing great to get a couple of hundred.

Stupid Moon Bats and scared establishment Republicans can do all the hate they want but the man is resounding with the American people and all the psychoanalyzing on an internet discussion forum by idiots that don't know what they are talking about isn't going to change that.

Trump scares both the filthy Democrats and the establishment Republicans because he is not being controlled by the greedy special interest that has a vested interest in big government. These greedy special interest groups are the ones that made filthy ass politicians like The Hildabeast rich and they own her lock stock and barrel. Nobody owns Trump and makes a lot of insiders and people that are leeches off the government very scared.

I have no intentions of voting for Trump because I think he is a Liberal at heart and he will continue with this out of control screwed up debt ridden welfare state and not much will change. However, I think he will stimulate the economy after this Obama disaster and that is a whole lot better than anything will get out of the Hillary Beast who is really nothing more than Obama V2.0.
Hitler stimulated the economy too. Trump is dangerous.

Lots of things stimulate economies. Meanwhile, Obumbler and Shrillary and almost all far left wing mainstay Democratics are dangerous.
Trump is dangerous because he's used to being dictator. What he would be capable of when he didn't get his way in our divided government would make executive orders and reconciliation look like child's play.
The larger question, that even Cruz raised yesterday, is would you trust Trump with his finger on the button?
Heil no!
President Shrillary Rotten Clinton gets a wake up call at three in the morning.

Do we worry about HER with HER finger on the button?


If Benghazi is any clue, we don't have to EVER worry about her lifting a finger to defend the country.
* * * *
The larger question, that even Cruz raised yesterday, is would you trust Trump with his finger on the button?

I don't trust Obumbler with HIS finger on the button.
Doesn't seem to have been a problem. Obama has done a good job ignoring the Warhawks and keeping us out of conflicts

Could Trump do the same?
Why do you feel a need to attack him personally instead of addressing him on the issues?

Why do you defend a man that used the Bankruptcy laws to run his business with?

Why do you defend a man that cheated on his wife, divorced her, and has been married more than once when those on the Far Right scream family values?

Why do you defend a man that uses sound bites and shock jock tactics to get his message across that he is a racist bigot with no real ideas except the most radical ones that would make Stalin proud?
* * * *
The larger question, that even Cruz raised yesterday, is would you trust Trump with his finger on the button?

I don't trust Obumbler with HIS finger on the button.
Doesn't seem to have been a problem. Obama has done a good job ignoring the Warhawks and keeping us out of conflicts

Could Trump do the same?
Really? Libya and Syria/Iraq ring a bell?

Yes it does

Obama stayed out of both despite the whining from the right
* * * *
The larger question, that even Cruz raised yesterday, is would you trust Trump with his finger on the button?

I don't trust Obumbler with HIS finger on the button.
Doesn't seem to have been a problem. Obama has done a good job ignoring the Warhawks and keeping us out of conflicts

Could Trump do the same?
Really? Libya and Syria/Iraq ring a bell?

Yes it does

Obama stayed out of both despite the whining from the right
Obama stayed out of Libya and Syria/Iraq? Do you live in an alternate reality?
* * * *
The larger question, that even Cruz raised yesterday, is would you trust Trump with his finger on the button?

I don't trust Obumbler with HIS finger on the button.
Doesn't seem to have been a problem. Obama has done a good job ignoring the Warhawks and keeping us out of conflicts

Could Trump do the same?
Really? Libya and Syria/Iraq ring a bell?

Yes it does

Obama stayed out of both despite the whining from the right
Obama stayed out of Libya and Syria/Iraq? Do you live in an alternate reality?

How many boots on the ground do we have today compared to 2009?
How many American lives are lost each month compared to 2008/2009
I don't trust Obumbler with HIS finger on the button.
Doesn't seem to have been a problem. Obama has done a good job ignoring the Warhawks and keeping us out of conflicts

Could Trump do the same?
Really? Libya and Syria/Iraq ring a bell?

Yes it does

Obama stayed out of both despite the whining from the right
Obama stayed out of Libya and Syria/Iraq? Do you live in an alternate reality?

How many boots on the ground do we have today compared to 2009?
How many American lives are lost each month compared to 2008/2009
Airstrikes are acts of war, just ask the folks on the ground. Obama's destabilization of Libya directly lead to ISIS finding footing there. Obama is responsible as well for ISIS' rise in Syria and Iraq. He even armed ISIS in Syria. Now he's launching war against ISIS with special forces boots on the ground, and it is just a matter of time before US ground troops are fighting ISIS somewhere. And it all developed on Obama's watch.
Libtards are afraid of Trump because he said he would make American great again. That talk scares them to death. That is the last thing they want. They want America to be a socialist shithole.

They hate the idea of protecting our country against Muslims and they really hate this thingy about enforcing the immigration laws of the country.

They would rather have The Hildabeast's corruption, lies, incompetency and beholding to foreign governments.
Libtards are afraid of Trump because he said he would make American great again. That talk scares them to death. That is the last thing they want. They want America to be a socialist shithole.

They hate the idea of protecting our country against Muslims and they really hate this thingy about enforcing the immigration laws of the country.

They would rather have The Hildabeast's corruption, lies, incompetency and beholding to foreign governments.
I'm afraid of a whacko like Trump obtaining power and deciding that he needs to obtain absolute and permanent power. That's what happened with one Adolph Hitler.

Be careful what you idiots vote for, you just may get it.
* * * *
The larger question, that even Cruz raised yesterday, is would you trust Trump with his finger on the button?

I don't trust Obumbler with HIS finger on the button.
Doesn't seem to have been a problem. Obama has done a good job ignoring the Warhawks and keeping us out of conflicts

Could Trump do the same?

Obumbler is incapable (as would be Shrillary) of lifting a proactive finger to defend the country.

He might launch some drones periodically. But as a Commander in chief, the greatest thing he will EVER do for the Republic is leave Office expeditiously at the end of his tenure.

There is a difference between ignoring Warhawks and just being a pacifistic America-hating piece of shit. Too bad nobody told that to our incumbent Dimwit in Chief.

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