Trump.......Confident Billionaire or Insecure Child?

How many billionaires do you see that have to constantly remind people their opinion matters because they are rich?

How many smart people start sentences with....I am very smart?

Trump is an insecure wreck who needs constant reassurance that he is important
The signs are there, Trump has difficulty functioning as an adult

The profound insecurity of Donald Trump

1. He regularly and repeatedly insists that he is the most brilliant person, has the best memory, the greatest ideas; people who are relatively secure do not need to tell others that they are great, but people who are not secure have to cover a 10-foot gap with a 100-foot bridge, so afraid are they that what they actually have to say is exposing some fundamental flaw. Trump's use of superlatives belies a rather profound sadness. He desperately NEEDS you to know that he is right.

He is a child. Conservatism in general is people that don't ever quite grow up, but Trump is a special case because he never really had to work to succeed in life. His daddy paved the street with gold by giving this guy a million dollars. And Trump thinks this was a hardship.

He is a childish child.
Trump's the only candidate not accepting bribes from the billionaire class. Well, Sanders too, but he's going nowhere fast. I agree that Trump is insecure and requires attention, but he's not ethically challenged like hillary. Trump also understands the dangers we face from muslims in america. San bernardino being the latest example. Also fort hood , boston marathon terrorists, and the list goes on of muslims hating this country and wreaking death and destruction. How does hillary respond? Preach love and kindness?
Trump's the only candidate not accepting bribes from the billionaire class. Well, Sanders too, but he's going nowhere fast. I agree that Trump is insecure and requires attention, but he's not ethically challenged like hillary. Trump also understands the dangers we face from muslims in america. San bernardino being the latest example. Also fort hood , boston marathon terrorists, and the list goes on of muslims hating this country and wreaking death and destruction. How does hillary respond? Preach love and kindness?
If anything...all that does is highlight the need for campaign finance reform
Why do you feel a need to attack him personally instead of addressing him on the issues?
Trump does not discuss issues. He delivers a monologue and blows off questions with
"Trust me, it be will quick, and easy."
It's a secret".
I don’t want to say… I want to be unpredictable because we need unpredictability,”

The truth is he doesn't understand the issues and has no idea how he might do what he proposes.
Why do you feel a need to attack him personally instead of addressing him on the issues?
Trump does not discuss issues. He delivers a monologue and blows off questions with
"Trust me, it be will quick, and easy."
It's a secret".
I don’t want to say… I want to be unpredictable because we need unpredictability,”

The truth is he doesn't understand the issues and has no idea how he might do what he proposes.
And don't forget....I'm not PC
Trumps just another trust fund draft dogging baby like most liberals except he is a conservative that knows how people feel, what they want to say but are afraid to say it, I will give him this, he has the balls to say it!
Why do you feel a need to attack him personally instead of addressing him on the issues?

It's simple, on nearly every issue the left is wrong, personal insults deflects. That and a leftist is lower than pond scum

Well, no, it's that his views on issues are so crazy that you can't really waste time addressing them.

Unless you live in an altered reality where Mexico is really going to pay for a wall separating it from the United States or that you really can round up 11 million undocumented immigrants, or that you are going to round up 5 million people who belong to the wrong religion because a handful of them have committed acts of violence.

It's not just liberals saying Trump is wrong on the issues, it's REPUBLICANS saying he is wrong on the issues. and then people like you scream they are all "RINO"s who aren't really conservative.

But I have to take exception to the OP. Trump really isn't the problem here. The reality is that the GOP has been playing people like Fat Irish Sow and Correll and all the other racists for so long by getting them to blame their problems on minorities rather than rich people who are actually causing them.

Trump merely traded in their racist dog-whistle for a racist bullhorn.
It interesting to listen to one of Trump's speeches then read his position on the issue on his web site.

On immigration he proposed in his speeches that all illegal immigrants must go. How many times have we heard that? Yet his written position on immigration does not include removal of any illegal immigrants except illegal gangs and those convicted of felonies.

Over and over he stated his position on terrorism, demanding all Muslims be barred entrance to the US, closing mosques, and stopping all refugee immigration. Yet on the his web site, he has no position at all on terrorism. In fact, he hasn't stated in writing his position on foreign policy, education, economic policy, environmental issues, or even taxes.
The signs are there, Trump has difficulty functioning as an adult

The profound insecurity of Donald Trump

1. He regularly and repeatedly insists that he is the most brilliant person, has the best memory, the greatest ideas; people who are relatively secure do not need to tell others that they are great, but people who are not secure have to cover a 10-foot gap with a 100-foot bridge, so afraid are they that what they actually have to say is exposing some fundamental flaw. Trump's use of superlatives belies a rather profound sadness. He desperately NEEDS you to know that he is right.

He is a child. Conservatism in general is people that don't ever quite grow up, but Trump is a special case because he never really had to work to succeed in life. His daddy paved the street with gold by giving this guy a million dollars. And Trump thinks this was a hardship.

He is a childish child.

Conservatism is not the political ideology where the childish go.

That would be the land of liberals.

You are greatly confused, and kind of childish.

Fairy tale ideology is the same thing as modern American liberalism.
Because I think the constant personal attacks that you libs employ as a strategy is literally evil, and is a problem that needs dealt with or it will tear this country apart (as part of larger problems).

but the question is, who is actually tearing this country apart?

You see, the thing is, the GOP are the ones playing on sexual, religious and racial fears in order to impose a plutocratic agenda that works against most Americans regardless of their color, creed or where they like to stick their genitals.

No one would vote for "Working Harder for Less Money so that the Rich can buy more Dressage Horses". That's why Romney made the 47% Remarks in a closed room of rich guys, not on the stump.

And I find it interesting that you claim to have supported republicans in the past and to have SINCE gravitated to a movement that would have directed untold venom at you during that period of time.

How do you feel when libs claim that the GOP has been playing the "Southern Strategy" since Nixon?

Because after all that implies that you supported, at least tacitly, racism over a 12 year period.

I can't speak for Rightwinger, but I can speak for myself.

Here's the thing. They did do a good job of fooling a lot of white people like myself. And yes, I will admit, as much as my economic situation often sucked, I was still better off than a lot of the minorities working the crappy jobs, or not being able to find a job at all. Being White Christian and Male is a great gig if you can get it.

So when a Republicans screams about "Affirmative Action" cheating white people out of what is rightfully theirs, that resonates with a lot of people.

The moment I stopped being Conservative and Republican is when I realized that the gay Hispanic chick working on the assembly line is really in the same boat I'm in.

The GOP is not the one tearing this country apart. "Sexual fears"? I'm not even sure what's that is about. Religious fears? And it is the Left that is constantly race baiting to advance it's agenda.
What do you care? You are not an R and will never vote R.

Your obsession with Trump is childish and insecure.

I consistently vote Republican at lower levels and never vote a straight ticket. I voted for Reagan and Bush four times

How many Democrats do you vote for?

How do you feel when libs claim that the GOP has been playing the "Southern Strategy" since Nixon?

Because after all that implies that you supported, at least tacitly, racism over a 12 year period.
Why don't you address the OP?

Because I think the constant personal attacks that you libs employ as a strategy is literally evil, and is a problem that needs dealt with or it will tear this country apart (as part of larger problems).

And I find it interesting that you claim to have supported republicans in the past and to have SINCE gravitated to a movement that would have directed untold venom at you during that period of time.

How do you feel when libs claim that the GOP has been playing the "Southern Strategy" since Nixon?

Because after all that implies that you supported, at least tacitly, racism over a 12 year period.
Why are you unable to stay on the topic?

Trump is adept at attacking others personally and is subject to the same treatment. Why are you defending an asshole like Trump?

I have answered you why I went off topic.

And as to why I am defending Trump, because your attack is vile and he is running a serious campaign with real issues that are only on the table because of him.

That you want to change the subject to your assumptions of his character flaws is just more of the sleazy tactics we have seen from the Left forever and that have done so much damage to our nation and our society.

That has been covered.

BUT, you claim to have been a Republican is far more interesting.

And I find it interesting that you claim to have supported republicans in the past and to have SINCE gravitated to a movement that would have directed untold venom at you during that period of time.

How do you feel when libs claim that the GOP has been playing the "Southern Strategy" since Nixon?

Because after all that implies that you supported, at least tacitly, racism over a 12 year period.
One of Trumps biggest faults is his inability to accept honest criticism and the need to retaliate. His retaliations are not related to the topic he is criticized on but personal at attacks on his opponent

You are a failure in life compared to me
You are funny looking
I'm smarter than you


Coming from a lib on this site. Without a hint of irony. Hilarious.
The signs are there, Trump has difficulty functioning as an adult

The profound insecurity of Donald Trump

1. He regularly and repeatedly insists that he is the most brilliant person, has the best memory, the greatest ideas; people who are relatively secure do not need to tell others that they are great, but people who are not secure have to cover a 10-foot gap with a 100-foot bridge, so afraid are they that what they actually have to say is exposing some fundamental flaw. Trump's use of superlatives belies a rather profound sadness. He desperately NEEDS you to know that he is right.

Oh the far left drones believing a far left blog site..

After Obama getting elected the bar is so low now that the far left has to resort to this!!
Why do you feel a need to attack him personally instead of addressing him on the issues?

Why do you defend a man that used the Bankruptcy laws to run his business with?

Why do you defend a man that cheated on his wife, divorced her, and has been married more than once when those on the Far Right scream family values?

Why do you defend a man that uses sound bites and shock jock tactics to get his message across that he is a racist bigot with no real ideas except the most radical ones that would make Stalin proud?

Because I am tired of the US being the world's bitch on Trade and Immigration and he is the first Serious Candidate who has proposals to turn that around.

And shove the Race Card.
The signs are there, Trump has difficulty functioning as an adult

The profound insecurity of Donald Trump

1. He regularly and repeatedly insists that he is the most brilliant person, has the best memory, the greatest ideas; people who are relatively secure do not need to tell others that they are great, but people who are not secure have to cover a 10-foot gap with a 100-foot bridge, so afraid are they that what they actually have to say is exposing some fundamental flaw. Trump's use of superlatives belies a rather profound sadness. He desperately NEEDS you to know that he is right.

He is a child. Conservatism in general is people that don't ever quite grow up, but Trump is a special case because he never really had to work to succeed in life. His daddy paved the street with gold by giving this guy a million dollars. And Trump thinks this was a hardship.

He is a childish child.

Meaningless blather.
Why do you feel a need to attack him personally instead of addressing him on the issues?
Trump does not discuss issues. He delivers a monologue and blows off questions with
"Trust me, it be will quick, and easy."
It's a secret".
I don’t want to say… I want to be unpredictable because we need unpredictability,”

The truth is he doesn't understand the issues and has no idea how he might do what he proposes.

Trump isn't here. RW could easily start a thread on Trump's positions on the issues.

Indeed, we've discussed them on other threads.

So, your excuse for the personal attack fails.
Why do you feel a need to attack him personally instead of addressing him on the issues?
Trump does not discuss issues. He delivers a monologue and blows off questions with
"Trust me, it be will quick, and easy."
It's a secret".
I don’t want to say… I want to be unpredictable because we need unpredictability,”

The truth is he doesn't understand the issues and has no idea how he might do what he proposes.
And don't forget....I'm not PC

You're kidding right?
The GOP is not the one tearing this country apart. "Sexual fears"? I'm not even sure what's that is about. Religious fears? And it is the Left that is constantly race baiting to advance it's agenda.

Of couse you don't, Billy-Bob, because you are fucking stupid.

So we'll take the way back machine to 2004, when Massachusetts legalized gay marriage. And suddenly, Bush and Cheney were out there promising all you inbred bubba rednecks that they were going to make darn sure that they supported a constitutional amendment to keep it for one man and one woman.

But then a funny thing happened. Five minutes after the election, Bush forgot all about it. Instead, his priority became some hairbrained scheme to privatize social security, which no one wanted or asked for. He never talked about the gays again after he got your vote.

Today, gay marriage is legal in all 50 states.

The GOP is not the one tearing this country apart. "Sexual fears"? I'm not even sure what's that is about. Religious fears? And it is the Left that is constantly race baiting to advance it's agenda.

Of couse you don't, Billy-Bob, because you are fucking stupid.

So we'll take the way back machine to 2004, when Massachusetts legalized gay marriage. And suddenly, Bush and Cheney were out there promising all you inbred bubba rednecks that they were going to make darn sure that they supported a constitutional amendment to keep it for one man and one woman.

But then a funny thing happened. Five minutes after the election, Bush forgot all about it. Instead, his priority became some hairbrained scheme to privatize social security, which no one wanted or asked for. He never talked about the gays again after he got your vote.

Today, gay marriage is legal in all 50 states.


Was it the GOP that "torn the country apart" or the libs who demonized anyone that didn't support their agenda?

BTW, it is very telling that you bring this up to accuse republicans of "tearing the country apart" while dismissing the majority of people (who did not support gay marriage at the time) of being "inbred bubba rednecks".

Libs, all the self awareness of a turnip.
Was it the GOP that "torn the country apart" or the libs who demonized anyone that didn't support their agenda?

BTW, it is very telling that you bring this up to accuse republicans of "tearing the country apart" while dismissing the majority of people (who did not support gay marriage at the time) of being "inbred bubba rednecks".

I think they didn't demonize anyone.

They stood on principle.

The reason why your side lost the Gay Marriage issue in the long run is that all your arguments boiled down to "God Says It's Wrong" and "I think it's Icky". In a rational discussion based on reason, those are losing arguments.

In 2004, it was the gays you demonized, this time it's going to be the Muslims. Hopefully, you won't get away with it this time...

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