Trump continually lies. Can we believe anything he says?

I really don't give a shit what Dem's or liberals think about Trump, or anything else. We won, they lost, destroying them once and for all is priority 1.
Trump continually lies. Can we believe anything he says.
His claims about jobs is just one of his many lies.
There have been about 1.8 million jobs created since January 2017, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. That’s the slowest gain in jobs since 2010, which indicates how well job growth was going before Trump took office.

No you can't believe anything he says, he's a well documented pathological liar.
The 'King of Whoppers': Donald Trump -

Trump continually lies. Can we believe anything he says.
His claims about jobs is just one of his many lies.
There have been about 1.8 million jobs created since January 2017, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. That’s the slowest gain in jobs since 2010, which indicates how well job growth was going before Trump took office.

Why are you lying?

January 5, 2018
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics:

Nonfarm payroll employment rose by
148,000 in December. Over the year, job
growth totaled 2.1 million,
compared with a
gain of 2.2 million in 2016. In December,
health care, construction, and manufacturing
added jobs.

The employment change for November
revised up from +228,000 to +252,000, and
the change for October revised down from
+244,000 to +211,000. Incorporating
revisions, job growth has averaged 204,000
per month over the past 3 months.

Average hourly earnings for all employees
on private, nonfarm payrolls rose by 9 cents in
December. Hourly earnings are up 2.5 percent
over the year. Average weekly hours, at 34.5
hours, were unchanged over the month.
Got a link? All I can find is that he rehashed a previous rumor linking Cruz's dad to Oswald.

Trump revives rumor linking Cruz's father to JFK assassination
And then Donald Trump doubled down on his baseless insinuation that a photograph published by the National Enquirer shows Ted Cruz’s father with “crazy Lee Harvey Oswald having breakfast.”

A day after accepting the Republican presidential nomination, Trump touted the national tabloid as a credible source worthy of a Pulitzer Prize, and said the newspaper would not have run the photo if it was “wrong.” Moreover, Trump said, the Cruz camp “never denied” that it was Rafael Cruz in the photo with the man who assassinated President John F. Kennedy.
Trump continually lies. Can we believe anything he says.
His claims about jobs is just one of his many lies.
There have been about 1.8 million jobs created since January 2017, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. That’s the slowest gain in jobs since 2010, which indicates how well job growth was going before Trump took office.
It's no lies that important
How many politicians CAN we believe? 5?
Everyone expects politicians to lie, but Trump lies are so blatant, that it's insulting. His supporters think it's just part of making America Great Again but a house built on a foundation of lies will not stand. Eventually, even his supporters will see through it and then he will be just another fast talking con man.
So, he should be a more subtle liar? Seriously?
Neither a subtle nor blatant liar is acceptable, however all presidents have been subtle liars from Washington to present. When supporters of a blatant liar such as Trump are willing to ignore his lies, this creates a very dangerous situation. If they will accept the blatant lies, they will certainly accept the subtle ones.

What is happening is the message has become more important than the truth.
So the big problem is, he isnt subtle. Subtle lies are ok because they are normal?
Keep diggin'

No, lying in general is bad, m'kay? But subtle lies are easier for the public to accept. A smart magician never shows everything in their bag of tricks. Also, there’s very little accountability in it if/when people eventually discover the lie. This is part of the decorum used by most professional politicians since the founding of our government. In this arena, Orange is a fish out of water. His take on presidential decorum is severely lacking tact, intelligence or class at its very best. If he doesn't work on it, he's toast.

The Republicans were desperate to beat Hillary in ‘16 – a concept pretty easy to grasp if you’re not a partisan hack. But nominating the reality show star? Seems a bit like racing to the bottom to me, like the Dems nominating Hillary. I’m convinced Orange is a two dimensional textbook narcissist. He behaves just like an ‘actor’ on some shitty reality TV series. He masks his complete political inexperience and overall lack of understanding how the government operates with lies, more lies, megalomania behavior and false bravado. Yawn. I think I already know how this ends. Wake me when the series is cancelled.

Lies? That’s only scratching the surface of this festering scab. We’re dealing with a cartoon character with access to our nuclear stockpile pretending he’s doing a bit.
So a non politician must be forced by childish adults to act the way they want.
Got it!
Not gonna happen.
Trump is Trump, not a politician ,but was smart enough to play the political game and win.
The media are the ones lying and negative towards him. They call him the liar based on very wrong assumptions of what he says. They put him down like school yard bullies.
He knows economics and how it works for everyone to prosper ,unlike the vast majority if career politicians.
He didn't run to become some evil person.
He ran because he loves this country and wants all Americans to prosper and thrive.

We are doing really well and the childish brats of this country are too steeped in hate that they can't see it.
Trump continually lies. Can we believe anything he says.
His claims about jobs is just one of his many lies.
There have been about 1.8 million jobs created since January 2017, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. That’s the slowest gain in jobs since 2010, which indicates how well job growth was going before Trump took office.
It's no lies that important
How many politicians CAN we believe? 5?
Everyone expects politicians to lie, but Trump lies are so blatant, that it's insulting. His supporters think it's just part of making America Great Again but a house built on a foundation of lies will not stand. Eventually, even his supporters will see through it and then he will be just another fast talking con man.
So, he should be a more subtle liar? Seriously?
Neither a subtle nor blatant liar is acceptable, however all presidents have been subtle liars from Washington to present. When supporters of a blatant liar such as Trump are willing to ignore his lies, this creates a very dangerous situation. If they will accept the blatant lies, they will certainly accept the subtle ones.

What is happening is the message has become more important than the truth.
So the big problem is, he isnt subtle. Subtle lies are ok because they are normal?
Keep diggin'

No, lying in general is bad, m'kay? But subtle lies are easier for the public to accept. A smart magician never shows everything in their bag of tricks. Also, there’s very little accountability in it if/when people eventually discover the lie. This is part of the decorum used by most professional politicians since the founding of our government. In this arena, Orange is a fish out of water. His take on presidential decorum is severely lacking tact, intelligence or class at its very best. If he doesn't work on it, he's toast.

The Republicans were desperate to beat Hillary in ‘16 – a concept pretty easy to grasp if you’re not a partisan hack. But nominating the reality show star? Seems a bit like racing to the bottom to me, like the Dems nominating Hillary. I’m convinced Orange is a two dimensional textbook narcissist. He behaves just like an ‘actor’ on some shitty reality TV series. He masks his complete political inexperience and overall lack of understanding how the government operates with lies, more lies, megalomania behavior and false bravado. Yawn. I think I already know how this ends. Wake me when the series is cancelled.

Lies? That’s only scratching the surface of this festering scab. We’re dealing with a cartoon character with access to our nuclear stockpile pretending he’s doing a bit.
Government check?
What's not going in a good direction is the income gap between the rich and poor continues to grow under Trump. America's longest war, Afghanistan continues to go in the wrong direction with 70% of the country controlled by the enemy. Trump is moving America rapidly toward isolationism. Our education system is second rate and the president's answer is to dismantle the DOE. The country and world faces a major environmental disaster and the president doesn't even believe it exist. There has been no improvement in the opioid epidemic. The country is more divided now than it has every been in spite Trump promises to unite the country. We are no closer to solving the problem of terrorism than we were ten years ago. Lastly, our president has become the poster boy for racism and bigotry. You didn't hear about any of this on last night's Trump show but that does not diminish the serious of the problems and the inability of the president to address any of them.

Trump repeated used highly charged emotional events in a very decisive manner in his speech. For example, Trump used the families of victims of the M13 street gang to overstate his anti-gang effort and to infer that legal immigrants are criminals and to sell his anti-legal immigration plans. To set the record straight there were a number of parts in the speech democrats did applaud but it certainly wasn't for Trump.

Frankly, I don't know why the democrats even showed up. It was nothing but a Trump rally.

Thank you for your false opinion. Perhaps you listened to all the Democrats rebuttals, all five?

How is the income gap growing if 90% of workers are going to have substantially more in their paycheck this week?

This map shows how ISIS has been almost completely wiped out
  • Dec. 22, 2017, 5:44 PM

  • map-of-isis-december-2017.jpg
This map shows how ISIS has been almost completely wiped out

I presume you remember that President Barack Hussein Obama is responsible for ISIS having been in Iraq in the first place. You know, after he mistakenly pulled all our troops out of Iraq, declared victory and then ISIS filled the vacuum.

Afghanistan is a tough one. Remember former President Obama promised us to be out of there his first year. How'd that work out? President Trump his handling it right. He's going after Pakistan.
What's not going in a good direction is the income gap between the rich and poor continues to grow under Trump. America's longest war, Afghanistan continues to go in the wrong direction with 70% of the country controlled by the enemy. Trump is moving America rapidly toward isolationism. Our education system is second rate and the president's answer is to dismantle the DOE. The country and world faces a major environmental disaster and the president doesn't even believe it exist. There has been no improvement in the opioid epidemic. The country is more divided now than it has every been in spite Trump promises to unite the country. We are no closer to solving the problem of terrorism than we were ten years ago. Lastly, our president has become the poster boy for racism and bigotry. You didn't hear about any of this on last night's Trump show but that does not diminish the serious of the problems and the inability of the president to address any of them.

Trump repeated used highly charged emotional events in a very decisive manner in his speech. For example, Trump used the families of victims of the M13 street gang to overstate his anti-gang effort and to infer that legal immigrants are criminals and to sell his anti-legal immigration plans. To set the record straight there were a number of parts in the speech democrats did applaud but it certainly wasn't for Trump.

Frankly, I don't know why the democrats even showed up. It was nothing but a Trump rally.

Thank you for your false opinion. Perhaps you listened to all the Democrats rebuttals, all five?

How is the income gap growing if 90% of workers are going to have substantially more in their paycheck this week?

This map shows how ISIS has been almost completely wiped out
  • Dec. 22, 2017, 5:44 PM

  • map-of-isis-december-2017.jpg
This map shows how ISIS has been almost completely wiped out

I presume you remember that President Barack Hussein Obama is responsible for ISIS having been in Iraq in the first place. You know, after he mistakenly pulled all our troops out of Iraq, declared victory and then ISIS filled the vacuum. Quietly then, President Obama put troops back in and forced them to fight by far, far different rules than ISIS or for troops in any other war. This time President turned out troops loose. And victory is at hand.

Yes, Afghanistan is a quagmire. President Obama made it worse by keeping basically a hands-off policy on Pakistan where thousands of Taliban going back and forth across the border. President Trump is handling it correctly this time by taking the issues directly to Pakistan.
"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period"
“If I decide to run for office, I’ll produce my tax returns, absolutely. And I would love to do that,”

The difference is one affected me, the other didn't.

Trump not releasing his returns didn't force me into a high deductible plan, or increase my premiums.

Obama and you "gimme gimme gimme" twats did that.
Trump continually lies. Can we believe anything he says?

The entire Obama administraration did the same thing and you swallowed every ounce of BS, so what's the problem now?
Wait, in your normal convoluted speak, are you saying Trump said Cruz's father assassinated JFK?
Trump proclaimed in a May 3 interview on “Fox and Friends” that Cruz’s “father was with Lee Harvey Oswald prior to Oswald’s being, you know, shot! I mean, the whole thing is ridiculous … And nobody even brings it up. I mean, they don’t even talk about that, that was reported and nobody talks about it. But I think it’s horrible, I think it’s absolutely horrible, that a man can go and do that, what he’s saying there. I mean what was he doing with Lee Harvey Oswald, shortly before the death – before the shooting? It’s horrible.”

Hey, dimwit, he was rehashing a very old story; it wasn't a Trump original. Anyway, implying he was with LHO is a far cry from saying he murdered JFK.
Got a link? All I can find is that he rehashed a previous rumor linking Cruz's dad to Oswald.

Trump revives rumor linking Cruz's father to JFK assassination
And then Donald Trump doubled down on his baseless insinuation that a photograph published by the National Enquirer shows Ted Cruz’s father with “crazy Lee Harvey Oswald having breakfast.”

A day after accepting the Republican presidential nomination, Trump touted the national tabloid as a credible source worthy of a Pulitzer Prize, and said the newspaper would not have run the photo if it was “wrong.” Moreover, Trump said, the Cruz camp “never denied” that it was Rafael Cruz in the photo with the man who assassinated President John F. Kennedy.

Hey, shit for brains, he claimed Trump said Cruz's dad murdered JFK.
Think about that for a second. Your mad because he's not as good at lying as normal politicians, who are more practiced and nuanced at it....
No, Trump is very good at lying. That why he does it so often. What I'm mad about is he just makes shit up and his supporters eat it up. If the facts don't support his position, he just changes the facts. I can only assume that his supporters think his message is so strong, that the truth is unimportant. And that is really scarcely.

Translation from LEFTSPEAK:

"Yes, Trump tells the truth. In fact he never lies. In fact, he's so truthful that when we make shit up about him, nobody believes us and when we're busted over adn over and over again lying about him, it strengthens his base. We've tried changing the facts but nobody believes us anymore. I know that his supporters are seeing through the lies of the left, and that terrifies me. "
You are an embarrassment to Jewish women throughout the world.

"You are an outstanding representative of Jewish women!"

except of course..I'm not Jewish. But that's okay. I'll take the compliment anyway.
Do not use kosher in your identifier, it implies association with Jewish heritage and/or the Jewish religion. It is false and embarrassing to all Jews.

Hey, dimwit, he was rehashing a very old story; it wasn't a Trump original. Anyway, implying he was with LHO is a far cry from saying he murdered JFK.
So you are saying Tramp is a lying GOSSIP rather than a premeditated liar.
Got it :asshole:
And actually Tramp was implying that Cruz was aiding and abetting Oswald, which IS the same as murdering JFK.
Got a link? All I can find is that he rehashed a previous rumor linking Cruz's dad to Oswald.

Trump revives rumor linking Cruz's father to JFK assassination
And then Donald Trump doubled down on his baseless insinuation that a photograph published by the National Enquirer shows Ted Cruz’s father with “crazy Lee Harvey Oswald having breakfast.”

A day after accepting the Republican presidential nomination, Trump touted the national tabloid as a credible source worthy of a Pulitzer Prize, and said the newspaper would not have run the photo if it was “wrong.” Moreover, Trump said, the Cruz camp “never denied” that it was Rafael Cruz in the photo with the man who assassinated President John F. Kennedy.

Hey, shit for brains, he claimed Trump said Cruz's dad murdered JFK.
Tramp implied Cruz was working with Oswald in a plot to kill Kennedy making him just as guilty of murder in the eyes of the law.
"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period"
“If I decide to run for office, I’ll produce my tax returns, absolutely. And I would love to do that,”

The difference is one affected me, the other didn't.

Trump not releasing his returns didn't force me into a high deductible plan, or increase my premiums.

Obama and you "gimme gimme gimme" twats did that.
It wasn't Obama who forced you into a new plan, it was the Republican insurance companies. Obama allowed the insurance companies to grandfather ALL old plans. Republican GREED drove the insurance companies to take advantage of you.
"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period"
“If I decide to run for office, I’ll produce my tax returns, absolutely. And I would love to do that,”

The difference is one affected me, the other didn't.

Trump not releasing his returns didn't force me into a high deductible plan, or increase my premiums.

Obama and you "gimme gimme gimme" twats did that.
It wasn't Obama who forced you into a new plan, it was the Republican insurance companies. Obama allowed the insurance companies to grandfather ALL old plans. Republican GREED drove the insurance companies to take advantage of you.

Bullshit. His party's plan, his party's law, his fault.

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