Trump continually lies. Can we believe anything he says?

I really don't give a shit what Dem's or liberals think about Trump, or anything else. We won, they lost, destroying them once and for all is priority 1.
You are destroying our country. We are no longer the leader of the free world; scew the world, it is all about us. A democracy with three branches of government is being challenged to give all power to the President; no checks and balances. We have an immoral President. God help us all.
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Trump continually lies. Can we believe anything he says.
His claims about jobs is just one of his many lies.
There have been about 1.8 million jobs created since January 2017, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. That’s the slowest gain in jobs since 2010, which indicates how well job growth was going before Trump took office.

They ALL continually lie, it just NOW bothers you
All politicians lie but none have come close to the degree of Trump. So many of the lies are silly and have no benefit. They make him look stupid. He is a pathalogical liar.
The only lie is the one liberals and the MSM tell themselves daily that if they piss, moan, resist, and excrete enough negativity that somehow they will bring Trump down.
The only lie is the one liberals and the MSM tell themselves daily that if they piss, moan, resist, and excrete enough negativity that somehow they will bring Trump down.
Trump will bring himself down.
I don't care if he lies/gets some action/steals/bribes--just as long as he MAGA

How great will a country be when the President denigrates the office by lying all the time?
if it MAGA, then America makes out for the better
the lying will be infinitesimal to what the rewards will be

Let's try this.

Make My Kitchen Great Again.

"Fuck, the refrigerator broke down" picks up telephone "Hey, repair man, my refrigerator broke down, can you come fix it?"

"Sure thing"

Repair man comes and fixes the oven, which wasn't broken, in fact it worked really well.

"Did you fix the refrigerator?"

"Sure did Ma'am, I made your kitchen great again".

Is the kitchen great with a broken refrigerator?
I don't care if he lies/gets some action/steals/bribes--just as long as he MAGA

How great will a country be when the President denigrates the office by lying all the time?
if it MAGA, then America makes out for the better
the lying will be infinitesimal to what the rewards will be

Let's try this.

Make My Kitchen Great Again.

"Fuck, the refrigerator broke down" picks up telephone "Hey, repair man, my refrigerator broke down, can you come fix it?"

"Sure thing"

Repair man comes and fixes the oven, which wasn't broken, in fact it worked really well.

"Did you fix the refrigerator?"

"Sure did Ma'am, I made your kitchen great again".

Is the kitchen great with a broken refrigerator?
I don't care if he lies/gets some action/steals/bribes--just as long as he MAGA

How great will a country be when the President denigrates the office by lying all the time?
if it MAGA, then America makes out for the better
the lying will be infinitesimal to what the rewards will be

Let's try this.

Make My Kitchen Great Again.

"Fuck, the refrigerator broke down" picks up telephone "Hey, repair man, my refrigerator broke down, can you come fix it?"

"Sure thing"

Repair man comes and fixes the oven, which wasn't broken, in fact it worked really well.

"Did you fix the refrigerator?"

"Sure did Ma'am, I made your kitchen great again".

Is the kitchen great with a broken refrigerator?

You really don't get the point? Think about it.
I don't care if he lies/gets some action/steals/bribes--just as long as he MAGA

How great will a country be when the President denigrates the office by lying all the time?
if it MAGA, then America makes out for the better
the lying will be infinitesimal to what the rewards will be

Let's try this.

Make My Kitchen Great Again.

"Fuck, the refrigerator broke down" picks up telephone "Hey, repair man, my refrigerator broke down, can you come fix it?"

"Sure thing"

Repair man comes and fixes the oven, which wasn't broken, in fact it worked really well.

"Did you fix the refrigerator?"

"Sure did Ma'am, I made your kitchen great again".

Is the kitchen great with a broken refrigerator?
i hear you
I really don't give a shit what Dem's or liberals think about Trump, or anything else. We won, they lost, destroying them once and for all is priority 1.
You are destroying our country. We are no longer the leader of the free world; scew the world, it is all about us. A democracy with three branches of government is being challenged to give all power to the President; no checks and balances. We have an immoral President. God help us all.

Nobody likes you liberals, obviously you lost the House, Senate, and White House. :itsok:
Trump continually lies. Can we believe anything he says.
His claims about jobs is just one of his many lies.
There have been about 1.8 million jobs created since January 2017, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. That’s the slowest gain in jobs since 2010, which indicates how well job growth was going before Trump took office.
Funny, Republicans believe everything he says.
Actually, it's over 2 million jobs according to NBCNews and it's getting harder to fill many jobs cuz we don't have the people with the needed skills. Nevertheless, unemployment is 4.1%, its lowest since 2000. The economy has added jobs for 85 consecutive months, the longest streak in recorded U.S. history. A healthy economy increases demand for manufactured goods in America, from cars to solar panels. And as a matter of fact, in 2016 we lost 34,000 manufacturing jobs but gained 138,000 in 2017.


By the most basic measure, 2017 was a good year for job creation under Trump. The U.S. economy added more than 2 million jobs, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. That’s obviously pretty good, but it is by no means stratospheric. In fact, it is the lowest level of annual job creation since 2010.

But there may be a few reasons behind those lower job numbers. Remember that for the last several years the U.S. economy has been emerging from the Great Recession. There were a lot of people finding jobs as the economy improved. Eventually, you hit a point where the economy is doing well – as it has been in the United States for several years now – and there isn’t a lot of room for job growth without larger structural changes in the workforce.

Job creation was a bright spot for Trump, but 2018 may be gloomier
We had 6.2 million unfilled jobs under Obama.

Now we have 6 million unfilled jobs?

How many unfilled jobs do we need?
Wait, in your normal convoluted speak, are you saying Trump said Cruz's father assassinated JFK?
Trump proclaimed in a May 3 interview on “Fox and Friends” that Cruz’s “father was with Lee Harvey Oswald prior to Oswald’s being, you know, shot! I mean, the whole thing is ridiculous … And nobody even brings it up. I mean, they don’t even talk about that, that was reported and nobody talks about it. But I think it’s horrible, I think it’s absolutely horrible, that a man can go and do that, what he’s saying there. I mean what was he doing with Lee Harvey Oswald, shortly before the death – before the shooting? It’s horrible.”
I think Trump lies so much that he has started believing the shit he puts out and his supporters just gobble it up. He lies about things as serious as the election results and as trivial as the number of tiles at Mar-a-Lago.

Trump and his minions proclaim over and over he enacted the biggest tax cut in American history which of course is just a bunch of horse shit. The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, an independent bipartisan public policy organization, ranks it as the 12th largest tax cut as a percentage of GDP and fourth largest in inflation-adjusted dollars since 1918. If the plan is extended, the group estimates the bill would cost $2.2 trillion, making it the eighth largest tax cut as a percentage of GDP and fourth largest in inflation-adjusted dollars since 1918.

It's been said that all presidents lie but Trump is in a different category. The sheer frequency, spontaneity and irrelevance of his lies have no precedent. Nixon, Reagan and Clinton were protecting their reputations; Trump seems to lie for the pure joy of it. A whopping 70 percent of Trump’s statements that PolitiFact checked during the campaign were false, while only 4 percent were completely true, and 11 percent mostly true.

Donald Trump is fast becoming one of the most unreliable sources of information in Washington. You can't accept anything Trump says on face value, whether it's the time of day or a nuclear attack on the nation, and that is a hell of a problem.
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“If I decide to run for office, I’ll produce my tax returns, absolutely. And I would love to do that,”

The difference is one affected me, the other didn't.

Trump not releasing his returns didn't force me into a high deductible plan, or increase my premiums.

Obama and you "gimme gimme gimme" twats did that.
It wasn't Obama who forced you into a new plan, it was the Republican insurance companies. Obama allowed the insurance companies to grandfather ALL old plans. Republican GREED drove the insurance companies to take advantage of you.

Bullshit. His party's plan, his party's law, his fault.
The law clearly allows old plans to be grandfathered so the LAW is on Obama's side. You just don't want to admit it was pure CON$ervative GREED that took advantage of you by not using the protection Obama put in the law for you.

They could be allowed in, but the changes the law made to HOW plans could be implemented means either the companies had to cut services or increase costs.

How they handled it was to make PPO plans FAR more expensive, and shunt people into high deductible plans, that started out OK, by rapidly became just as expensive as the oil PPO's, with less service.

You morons started the boulder down the hill, and then play all innocent when it increased in size 10 times because of all the mud and sod it picked up.
The plans could be grandfathered EXACTLY as they existed before the ACA was passed, but you knew that already.
The difference is one affected me, the other didn't.

Trump not releasing his returns didn't force me into a high deductible plan, or increase my premiums.

Obama and you "gimme gimme gimme" twats did that.
It wasn't Obama who forced you into a new plan, it was the Republican insurance companies. Obama allowed the insurance companies to grandfather ALL old plans. Republican GREED drove the insurance companies to take advantage of you.

Bullshit. His party's plan, his party's law, his fault.
The law clearly allows old plans to be grandfathered so the LAW is on Obama's side. You just don't want to admit it was pure CON$ervative GREED that took advantage of you by not using the protection Obama put in the law for you.

They could be allowed in, but the changes the law made to HOW plans could be implemented means either the companies had to cut services or increase costs.

How they handled it was to make PPO plans FAR more expensive, and shunt people into high deductible plans, that started out OK, by rapidly became just as expensive as the oil PPO's, with less service.

You morons started the boulder down the hill, and then play all innocent when it increased in size 10 times because of all the mud and sod it picked up.
The plans could be grandfathered EXACTLY as they existed before the ACA was passed, but you knew that already.

Added coverages, minimum requirements, the grandfathering was nothing but a coverup.

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