Trump continually lies. Can we believe anything he says?

It's no lies that important
Everyone expects politicians to lie, but Trump lies are so blatant, that it's insulting. His supporters think it's just part of making America Great Again but a house built on a foundation of lies will not stand. Eventually, even his supporters will see through it and then he will be just another fast talking con man.

Think about that for a second. Your mad because he's not as good at lying as normal politicians, who are more practiced and nuanced at it....
No, Trump is very good at lying. That why he does it so often. What I'm mad about is he just makes shit up and his supporters eat it up. If the facts don't support his position, he just changes the facts. I can only assume that his supporters think his message is so strong, that the truth is unimportant. And that is really scarcely.

Translation from LEFTSPEAK:

"Yes, Trump tells the truth. In fact he never lies. In fact, he's so truthful that when we make shit up about him, nobody believes us and when we're busted over adn over and over again lying about him, it strengthens his base. We've tried changing the facts but nobody believes us anymore. I know that his supporters are seeing through the lies of the left, and that terrifies me. "
You are an embarrassment to Jewish women throughout the world.

"You are an outstanding representative of Jewish women!"

except of course..I'm not Jewish. But that's okay. I'll take the compliment anyway.
Do not use kosher in your identifier, it implies association with Jewish heritage and/or the Jewish religion. It is false and embarrassing to all Jews.
The funny thing is if Trump had a D next to his name instead of an R the majority here would reverse their opinion pretty quick. People really don’t have an issue with politicians lying as long as it’s their politicians when it’s not that’s when we see the outrage.
If he had a D next to his name, he never would have been nominated. One of the major difference between republicans and democrats is political correctness. And Trump is probably the most un-political correct human being that has ever lived. Throughout his life he has gone out of his way to attack minorities, disrespect women, praise racist actions, make a mockery out of marriage, and embrace all manner of vulgarity. He was a perfect candidate for republicans.
Considering who the Democratic nominee was I find that claim questionable.
The funny thing is if Trump had a D next to his name instead of an R the majority here would reverse their opinion pretty quick. People really don’t have an issue with politicians lying as long as it’s their politicians when it’s not that’s when we see the outrage.
If he had a D next to his name, he never would have been nominated. One of the major difference between republicans and democrats is political correctness. And Trump is probably the most un-political correct human being that has ever lived. Throughout his life he has gone out of his way to attack minorities, disrespect women, praise racist actions, make a mockery out of marriage, and embrace all manner of vulgarity. He was a perfect candidate for republicans.
Considering who the Democratic nominee was I find that claim questionable.
The democratic nominee was irrelevant. Republicans had a dozen to choose from and they chose Trump.
Trump continually lies. Can we believe anything he says.
His claims about jobs is just one of his many lies.
There have been about 1.8 million jobs created since January 2017, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. That’s the slowest gain in jobs since 2010, which indicates how well job growth was going before Trump took office.

"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period"
Trump told more lies his first day in office than Trump and Bush did in 16 years.

Did you mean Obama?
Trump continually lies. Can we believe anything he says.
His claims about jobs is just one of his many lies.
There have been about 1.8 million jobs created since January 2017, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. That’s the slowest gain in jobs since 2010, which indicates how well job growth was going before Trump took office.

"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period"
Trump told more lies his first day in office than Trump and Bush did in 16 years.

Did you mean Obama?
Oops, i did mean Obama.
How could I make such a grevious insult to Obama by mixing him up with Trump.
Trump continually lies. Can we believe anything he says.
His claims about jobs is just one of his many lies.
There have been about 1.8 million jobs created since January 2017, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. That’s the slowest gain in jobs since 2010, which indicates how well job growth was going before Trump took office.

"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period"
Trump told more lies his first day in office than Trump and Bush did in 16 years.

Did you mean Obama?
Oops, i did mean Obama.
How could I make such a grevious insult to Obama by mixing him up with Trump.

Most amusing thread.

The Progressives are in such royal panic that they find it impossible to look at what is happening in our country.

They can't face the facts that they can't find anything which is not going in a good direction so they make a feeble attempt to distract attention from our great success.

Why did Democrats not stand and join the ovation when President Donald Trump praised our flag, our National Anthem, our great military, our police and others serving America? Are Democrats no long patriotic Americans but rather now Anti-American's. Is their hate that deep? Have they not gotten over losing yet? Does the pending release of "the" memo have them in such a panic?

Luis Vicente Gutiérrez got up and walked out of the speech while the gallery was chanting USA, USA, USA! How is that even possible in our country? That is what Democrats have become! Shameful!
The democratic nominee was irrelevant. Republicans had a dozen to choose from and they chose Trump.

Seriously, Hillary Clinton was irrelevant? We had more than a dozen, SEVENTEEN to be exact and, according to you, he was the worst of seventeen. What does that say about Hillary Clinton?

We have seen incredible success over these past twelve months and all Progressives can do is whine about who is make all this happen! Why?
The democratic nominee was irrelevant. Republicans had a dozen to choose from and they chose Trump.

Seriously, Hillary Clinton was irrelevant? We had more than a dozen, SEVENTEEN to be exact and, according to you, he was the worst of seventeen. What does that say about Hillary Clinton?

We have seen incredible success over these past twelve months and all Progressives can do is whine about who is make all this happen! Why?
The war is not over. Trumpites (not conservatives or Republicans because Trump is not one) have amazingly won a few battles led by old whie men who are sexist, racist and losing the privilege they have had for centuries. It is their last stand. Trump and his deplorable supporters will lose the war because good will always win over evil, eventually.
The war is not over. Trumpites (not conservatives or Republicans because Trump is not one) have amazingly won a few battles led by old whie men who are sexist, racist and losing the privilege they have had for centuries. It is their last stand. Trump and his deplorable supporters will lose the war because good will always win over evil, eventually.

Specifically what has been done by President Donald Trump which has not resulted in good things happening in our country and abroad?
The war is not over. Trumpites (not conservatives or Republicans because Trump is not one) have amazingly won a few battles led by old whie men who are sexist, racist and losing the privilege they have had for centuries. It is their last stand. Trump and his deplorable supporters will lose the war because good will always win over evil, eventually.

Specifically what has been done by President Donald Trump which has not resulted in good things happening in our country and abroad?
referring to white supremacists as having some good people
interferring in the Russia negotiations
Our President having sex with a porn star when his son was a year old
US is no longer looked on as the leader of the free world. There only concern is themself.
Calling African nations shitholes
belittling our national security forces; FBI, CIA
blatantly lying about stupid stuff; size of his inaugaration crow, the number of bills he has signed
I could go on. There is no end
Trump continually lies. Can we believe anything he says.
His claims about jobs is just one of his many lies.
There have been about 1.8 million jobs created since January 2017, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. That’s the slowest gain in jobs since 2010, which indicates how well job growth was going before Trump took office.

Admitting to trump lies is NOT ALLOWED according to the rules of the Trump Cult Membership.
Trump continually lies. Can we believe anything he says.
His claims about jobs is just one of his many lies.
There have been about 1.8 million jobs created since January 2017, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. That’s the slowest gain in jobs since 2010, which indicates how well job growth was going before Trump took office.

He said what they reported.
Think about that for a second. Your mad because he's not as good at lying as normal politicians, who are more practiced and nuanced at it....
No, Trump is very good at lying. That why he does it so often. What I'm mad about is he just makes shit up and his supporters eat it up. If the facts don't support his position, he just changes the facts. I can only assume that his supporters think his message is so strong, that the truth is unimportant. And that is really scarcely.

Translation from LEFTSPEAK:

"Yes, Trump tells the truth. In fact he never lies. In fact, he's so truthful that when we make shit up about him, nobody believes us and when we're busted over adn over and over again lying about him, it strengthens his base. We've tried changing the facts but nobody believes us anymore. I know that his supporters are seeing through the lies of the left, and that terrifies me. "
You are an embarrassment to Jewish women throughout the world.

"You are an outstanding representative of Jewish women!"

except of course..I'm not Jewish. But that's okay. I'll take the compliment anyway.
Do not use kosher in your identifier, it implies association with Jewish heritage and/or the Jewish religion. It is false and embarrassing to all Jews.

Or maybe she likes kosher pickles. :)
Perhaps you shouldn't assume.
Most amusing thread.

The Progressives are in such royal panic that they find it impossible to look at what is happening in our country.

They can't face the facts that they can't find anything which is not going in a good direction so they make a feeble attempt to distract attention from our great success.

Why did Democrats not stand and join the ovation when President Donald Trump praised our flag, our National Anthem, our great military, our police and others serving America? Are Democrats no long patriotic Americans but rather now Anti-American's. Is their hate that deep? Have they not gotten over losing yet? Does the pending release of "the" memo have them in such a panic?

Luis Vicente Gutiérrez got up and walked out of the speech while the gallery was chanting USA, USA, USA! How is that even possible in our country? That is what Democrats have become! Shameful!
What's not going in a good direction is the income gap between the rich and poor continues to grow under Trump. America's longest war, Afghanistan continues to go in the wrong direction with 70% of the country controlled by the enemy. Trump is moving America rapidly toward isolationism. Our education system is second rate and the president's answer is to dismantle the DOE. The country and world faces a major environmental disaster and the president doesn't even believe it exist. There has been no improvement in the opioid epidemic. The country is more divided now than it has every been in spite Trump promises to unite the country. We are no closer to solving the problem of terrorism than we were ten years ago. Lastly, our president has become the poster boy for racism and bigotry. You didn't hear about any of this on last night's Trump show but that does not diminish the serious of the problems and the inability of the president to address any of them.

Trump repeated used highly charged emotional events in a very decisive manner in his speech. For example, Trump used the families of victims of the M13 street gang to overstate his anti-gang effort and to infer that legal immigrants are criminals and to sell his anti-legal immigration plans. To set the record straight there were a number of parts in the speech democrats did applaud but it certainly wasn't for Trump.

Frankly, I don't know why the democrats even showed up. It was nothing but a Trump rally.

Last edited:
The war is not over. Trumpites (not conservatives or Republicans because Trump is not one) have amazingly won a few battles led by old whie men who are sexist, racist and losing the privilege they have had for centuries. It is their last stand. Trump and his deplorable supporters will lose the war because good will always win over evil, eventually.

Specifically what has been done by President Donald Trump which has not resulted in good things happening in our country and abroad?
referring to white supremacists as having some good people
interferring in the Russia negotiations
Our President having sex with a porn star when his son was a year old
US is no longer looked on as the leader of the free world. There only concern is themself.
Calling African nations shitholes
belittling our national security forces; FBI, CIA
blatantly lying about stupid stuff; size of his inaugaration crow, the number of bills he has signed
I could go on. There is no end

Obviously, comprehension is not one of your strong points.

I said what has he done. All you've listed are state things he may or may not have said, rumors, and lies from Democrats.

Are there NOT shithole countries in Africa?

Are the FBI and CIA NOT involved in a massive scandal?

But your little effort was amusing?
Wait, in your normal convoluted speak, are you saying Trump said Cruz's father assassinated JFK?
Trump proclaimed in a May 3 interview on “Fox and Friends” that Cruz’s “father was with Lee Harvey Oswald prior to Oswald’s being, you know, shot! I mean, the whole thing is ridiculous … And nobody even brings it up. I mean, they don’t even talk about that, that was reported and nobody talks about it. But I think it’s horrible, I think it’s absolutely horrible, that a man can go and do that, what he’s saying there. I mean what was he doing with Lee Harvey Oswald, shortly before the death – before the shooting? It’s horrible.”

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