Trump Continues To Baffle His Critics


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2018
While most of you were snoozing away, our President stepped into North Korea and brought Kim Jung Dung back across the DMZ with him. So what? Here's what....Kimchi is not going to give up his nukes. Trump knows that, I know that, you know that. What he can't do is threaten us with them or sell the technology to other slimeballs like we can live with him having his firecrackers and treating his people like slaves. China is never going to give up state sponsorship of their industries..that's apparent. They will also force American companies foolish enough to do business there to turn over their trade secrets. What they can't do is keep their markets closed to the US or computer hack our defense industries. Trump is reality-based. He will get every concession he possibly can from the orient without blowing them off the face of the earth. Yet the Rats' like Tim Ryan, more desperate than ever, are complaining that Trump APPEASED Kimchi and China before that at the G-20. These pitiful dirtbags are no longer hiding how little they care about America unless they're in charge.


Rep. Tim Ryan calls Trump’s historic visit to the DMZ an 'appeasement tour'
Hopefully he will accomplish something of actual substance, something that is a net positive.

That would definitely be good.

So far all he has accomplished was to make Un his equal (perhaps more) on the world stage. perhaps this will make Un more likely to promise not to build any more nukes, but that is yet to be seen
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Hopefully he will accomplish something of actual substance, something that is a net positive.

That would definitely be good.

Uh, he already has...tired of being lied to yet?
Trump is kicking the asses of the neo-clowns whose thought processes are limited to how we can start the next war.

Clinton would have been a disaster.
Hopefully he will accomplish something of actual substance, something that is a net positive.

That would definitely be good.

So far all he has accomplished was to make Un his equal (perhaps more) on the world stage. perhaps this will make Un more likely to promise not to build any more nukes, but that is yet to be seen
I'd be a little surprised to see Kim commit to anything significant until after next November, if ever, but who knows. There's no way to know for sure what kind of condition they're in.
While most of you were snoozing away, our President stepped into North Korea and brought Kim Jung Dung back across the DMZ with him. So what? Here's what....Kimchi is not going to give up his nukes. Trump knows that, I know that, you know that. What he can't do is threaten us with them or sell the technology to other slimeballs like we can live with him having his firecrackers and treating his people like slaves. China is never going to give up state sponsorship of their industries..that's apparent. They will also force American companies foolish enough to do business there to turn over their trade secrets. What they can't do is keep their markets closed to the US or computer hack our defense industries. Trump is reality-based. He will get every concession he possibly can from the orient without blowing them off the face of the earth. Yet the Rats' like Tim Ryan, more desperate than ever, are complaining that Trump APPEASED Kimchi and China before that at the G-20. These pitiful dirtbags are no longer hiding how little they care about America unless they're in charge.


Rep. Tim Ryan calls Trump’s historic visit to the DMZ an 'appeasement tour'
Lol, and you guys tried to say President Obama went on an "apology tour".

Hopefully he will accomplish something of actual substance

That's what the world said AFTER they gave Obama the Nobel Peace prize before he accomplished anything.

And he went on to continue the longest, most pointless war in the US history.

How many civilians did Obama KILL with all his bombs and missiles?

Can someone just post the clown world meme already?
Whimpering leftists can't embarrass themselves any longer..they have no honor or dignity left to lose.
I'd be a little surprised to see Kim commit to anything significant until after next November, if ever, but who knows. There's no way to know for sure what kind of condition they're in.

We know exactly what kind of shape they're in.....they're eating grass while Kim dines on the finest foods. He couldn't care less about them and would put a bullet through Trump's head without blinking an eye. Thankfully people much smarter than you are impressed with Trump's tactics....tired of being lied to yet?
While most of you were snoozing away, our President stepped into North Korea and brought Kim Jung Dung back across the DMZ with him. So what? Here's what....Kimchi is not going to give up his nukes. Trump knows that, I know that, you know that. What he can't do is threaten us with them or sell the technology to other slimeballs like we can live with him having his firecrackers and treating his people like slaves. China is never going to give up state sponsorship of their industries..that's apparent. They will also force American companies foolish enough to do business there to turn over their trade secrets. What they can't do is keep their markets closed to the US or computer hack our defense industries. Trump is reality-based. He will get every concession he possibly can from the orient without blowing them off the face of the earth. Yet the Rats' like Tim Ryan, more desperate than ever, are complaining that Trump APPEASED Kimchi and China before that at the G-20. These pitiful dirtbags are no longer hiding how little they care about America unless they're in charge.


Rep. Tim Ryan calls Trump’s historic visit to the DMZ an 'appeasement tour'

I think the treaty with the UK and the US was the most historic treaty ever signed for the US..
North Korea will be back to it's old self as soon as the cameras stop rolling..
My goodness, how ironic.

Believe whatever Hannity tells you to, that's fine with me.

Bless your're not bright enough to operate in a thread of mine and now we both know it. Curl back up in a ball and suck your thumb...or whatever you suck off with you.
Hopefully he will accomplish something of actual substance, something that is a net positive.

That would definitely be good.

So far all he has accomplished was to make Un his equal (perhaps more) on the world stage. perhaps this will make Un more likely to promise not to build any more nukes, but that is yet to be seen
Is that why Un is standing next to Trump and looks like Trump just stuck an iron pump up his tyrannical butt?

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