Trump Continues To Baffle His Critics

My goodness, how ironic.

Believe whatever Hannity tells you to, that's fine with me.

Bless your're not bright enough to operate in a thread of mine and now we both know it. Curl back up in a ball and suck your thumb...or whatever you suck off with you.
Agreed, you talk radio bunnies are just too intelligent for me.

Gosh, you're very intimidating.
Hopefully he will accomplish something of actual substance, something that is a net positive.

That would definitely be good.

So far all he has accomplished was to make Un his equal (perhaps more) on the world stage. perhaps this will make Un more likely to promise not to build any more nukes, but that is yet to be seen

No real accomplishments makes GiGi almost as happy as a "flat market". Every journey starts with that first step.
Hopefully he will accomplish something of actual substance, something that is a net positive.

That would definitely be good.

So far all he has accomplished was to make Un his equal (perhaps more) on the world stage. perhaps this will make Un more likely to promise not to build any more nukes, but that is yet to be seen
Is that why Un is standing next to Trump and looks like Trump just stuck an iron pump up his tyrannical butt?
Is that what it looks like to you?
My goodness, how ironic.

Believe whatever Hannity tells you to, that's fine with me.

Bless your're not bright enough to operate in a thread of mine and now we both know it. Curl back up in a ball and suck your thumb...or whatever you suck off with you.
Agreed, you talk radio bunnies are just too intelligent for me.

Gosh, you're very intimidating.

Stormy please. Just stop. Just stop it. What would HildaBeast do?
Trump is kicking the asses of the neo-clowns whose thought processes are limited to how we can start the next war.

Clinton would have been a disaster.

you're right. he has weaponized economic policy instead.

how in the fuckity fuck past presidents didn't utilize that leverage in the way Trump has is beyond me. Instead they caved on economic policy with the Chinese to the point of absurdity and just bombed the fuck out of everyone else.

without bombing the shit out of countries, it is by far our greatest tool and, yet, he is criticized for using it and called a pussy for not lobbing bombs like his predecessors or embroiling us in another war by razing Iran.

I think he deserves a good amount of credit for employing these strategies, especially with "Allies" like Mexico. We're not gonna bomb Mexico, we're not gonna bomb China, so what are the options. It's the economy, stupid.
My goodness, how ironic.

Believe whatever Hannity tells you to, that's fine with me.

Bless your're not bright enough to operate in a thread of mine and now we both know it. Curl back up in a ball and suck your thumb...or whatever you suck off with you.
Agreed, you talk radio bunnies are just too intelligent for me.

Gosh, you're very intimidating.

Stormy please. Just stop. Just stop it. What would HildaBeast do?
Hopefully he will accomplish something of actual substance, something that is a net positive.

That would definitely be good.

So far all he has accomplished was to make Un his equal (perhaps more) on the world stage. perhaps this will make Un more likely to promise not to build any more nukes, but that is yet to be seen
Un's nuclear weapons did that.
Hopefully he will accomplish something of actual substance

That's what the world said AFTER they gave Obama the Nobel Peace prize before he accomplished anything.

And he went on to continue the longest, most pointless war in the US history.

How many civilians did Obama KILL with all his bombs and missiles?
Why is the Trump administration blocking all reports of civilian casualties?
And he went on to continue the longest, most pointless war in the US history.

Worse than that...he RAN and then had to go back after ISIS had taken over with heavy armor and artillery he abandoned....hard to believe until you remember Barack Hussein is a muslim punk who intended to lose the war Bush had won.
Hopefully he will accomplish something of actual substance, something that is a net positive.

That would definitely be good.

So far all he has accomplished was to make Un his equal (perhaps more) on the world stage. perhaps this will make Un more likely to promise not to build any more nukes, but that is yet to be seen
It was nothing but BS and a Photo Op
It was nothing but BS and a Photo Op

Wrong reminded the world Trump doesn't care for tactics that don't work. He hasn't bribed Kim, hasn't taken any crap off Kim, has kept the crippling sanctions on Kim, seized a ship with contraband headed for NoKo, and yet there's Kim smiling and shaking his hand. Trump wins, like always.
Trump is kicking the asses of the neo-clowns whose thought processes are limited to how we can start the next war.

Clinton would have been a disaster.
Those who wish for another war are already in the Trump WH ,,his advisers
Trump is kicking the asses of the neo-clowns whose thought processes are limited to how we can start the next war.

Clinton would have been a disaster.

kicking ass - how so ? by saluting a piece of shit like CLINTON DIDNT.
It was nothing but BS and a Photo Op

Wrong reminded the world Trump doesn't care for tactics that don't work. He hasn't bribed Kim, hasn't taken any crap off Kim, has kept the crippling sanctions on Kim, seized a ship with contraband headed for NoKo, and yet there's Kim smiling and shaking his hand. Trump wins, like always.
What has he won besides getting his picture taken with a murderer?? Un keeps on going and trump says speed is not the object ? Seems like the 2 faced POS thought speed was the object with Iran
Trump is kicking the asses of the neo-clowns whose thought processes are limited to how we can start the next war.

Clinton would have been a disaster.

kicking ass - how so ? by saluting a piece of shit like CLINTON DIDNT.

By not war mongering like a mongoloid - such as Clinton.

Clinton was the master of corruption, I doubt there are many people she didn't salute to.
If the President can make a deal with the leader of North Korea, he should get the credit for doing so. As it stands now it’s a great photo opportunity. The rest remains to be seen. Personally, I want him to succeed for the good of our country. What’s fascinating is that if this was President Obama, I do not think he would be receiving the same accolades.
Hopefully he will accomplish something of actual substance, something that is a net positive.

That would definitely be good.

So far all he has accomplished was to make Un his equal (perhaps more) on the world stage. perhaps this will make Un more likely to promise not to build any more nukes, but that is yet to be seen
It was nothing but BS and a Photo Op
You never know. I saw one report this morning that ties NK to the China trade talks, which is interesting.

It's tough to make assumptions when dealing with a closed society, particularly one with ties to China.
Hopefully he will accomplish something of actual substance, something that is a net positive.

That would definitely be good.

So far all he has accomplished was to make Un his equal (perhaps more) on the world stage. perhaps this will make Un more likely to promise not to build any more nukes, but that is yet to be seen
It was nothing but BS and a Photo Op
You never know. I saw one report this morning that ties NK to the China trade talks, which is interesting.

It's tough to make assumptions when dealing with a closed society, particularly one with ties to China.
I'm sure China doesn't like the idea of NK having nukes

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