Trump Continues To Baffle His Critics

Hopefully he will accomplish something of actual substance, something that is a net positive.

That would definitely be good.

So far all he has accomplished was to make Un his equal (perhaps more) on the world stage. perhaps this will make Un more likely to promise not to build any more nukes, but that is yet to be seen
It was nothing but BS and a Photo Op
You never know. I saw one report this morning that ties NK to the China trade talks, which is interesting.

It's tough to make assumptions when dealing with a closed society, particularly one with ties to China.
I'm sure China doesn't like the idea of NK having nukes
I'd love to be a fly on the wall when those two countries are talking.

Um, with a good interpreter, of course.
kicking ass - how so ? by saluting a piece of shit like CLINTON DIDNT.

Clinturd stuck himself in the eye when he tried to salute. Trump saluted an officer who saluted him....I know that gnaws at your guts being a draft-dodger and a coward.
While most of you were snoozing away, our President stepped into North Korea and brought Kim Jung Dung back across the DMZ with him. So what? Here's what....Kimchi is not going to give up his nukes. Trump knows that, I know that, you know that. What he can't do is threaten us with them or sell the technology to other slimeballs like we can live with him having his firecrackers and treating his people like slaves. China is never going to give up state sponsorship of their industries..that's apparent. They will also force American companies foolish enough to do business there to turn over their trade secrets. What they can't do is keep their markets closed to the US or computer hack our defense industries. Trump is reality-based. He will get every concession he possibly can from the orient without blowing them off the face of the earth. Yet the Rats' like Tim Ryan, more desperate than ever, are complaining that Trump APPEASED Kimchi and China before that at the G-20. These pitiful dirtbags are no longer hiding how little they care about America unless they're in charge.


Rep. Tim Ryan calls Trump’s historic visit to the DMZ an 'appeasement tour'
Trump doesn't baffle his critics. What he does is buffalo his supporters.
I'm sure China doesn't like the idea of NK having nukes

Nope...they got the technology from China and Pakistan. What China didn't plan on was Kimchi getting missile technology and threatening the US with it.....Now they realize what they let loose on the world...if we nuke NK, China gets nuked with fallout....millions would die and PRC couldn't retaliate against us because we didn't actually strike them. It's like these dipshit millenials going to the shelter and getting a pitbull somebody dropped off...they like the idea of having a killer around them until they try to discipline the dog and get mauled.
Hopefully he will accomplish something of actual substance, something that is a net positive.

That would definitely be good.

So far all he has accomplished was to make Un his equal (perhaps more) on the world stage. perhaps this will make Un more likely to promise not to build any more nukes, but that is yet to be seen
Doubtless you'd prefer more nuclear testing. Gator, you really are such an ignorant hack.
Hopefully he will accomplish something of actual substance, something that is a net positive.

That would definitely be good.

So far all he has accomplished was to make Un his equal (perhaps more) on the world stage. perhaps this will make Un more likely to promise not to build any more nukes, but that is yet to be seen
Is that why Un is standing next to Trump and looks like Trump just stuck an iron pump up his tyrannical butt?

I did not get that impression at all from the PhotoOP
Hopefully he will accomplish something of actual substance

That's what the world said AFTER they gave Obama the Nobel Peace prize before he accomplished anything.

And he went on to continue the longest, most pointless war in the US history.

Afghanistan hasn't been a "war" since shortly after the ouster of the Talibs from Kabul in 2001.

Since that time it hasn't been much more than a live fire counter insurgency training camp and testing ground.

I think even if Trump wanted to pull out of there, the military would drag it's feet because it has almost become a territory at this point.

Hopefully he will accomplish something of actual substance, something that is a net positive.

That would definitely be good.

So far all he has accomplished was to make Un his equal (perhaps more) on the world stage. perhaps this will make Un more likely to promise not to build any more nukes, but that is yet to be seen
Un's nuclear weapons did that.

The ones that Trump thinks he will get Un to give up?
Hopefully he will accomplish something of actual substance, something that is a net positive.

That would definitely be good.

So far all he has accomplished was to make Un his equal (perhaps more) on the world stage. perhaps this will make Un more likely to promise not to build any more nukes, but that is yet to be seen
Doubtless you'd prefer more nuclear testing. Gator, you really are such an ignorant hack.

The thing about Nukes, once you make them work, not much more testing is needed. When was the last time the US tested a nuclear weapon?
Hopefully he will accomplish something of actual substance, something that is a net positive.

That would definitely be good.

So far all he has accomplished was to make Un his equal (perhaps more) on the world stage. perhaps this will make Un more likely to promise not to build any more nukes, but that is yet to be seen
Un's nuclear weapons did that.

The ones that Trump thinks he will get Un to give up?
What's your point?
Afghanistan hasn't been a "war" since shortly after the ouster of the Talibs from Kabul in 2001.

Since that time it hasn't been much more than a live fire counter insurgency training camp and testing ground.

I think even if Trump wanted to pull out of there, the military would drag it's feet because it has almost become a territory at this point.


Trump would have taken Iraq's oil if he'd been President when Dubya was and he'll take the Afghan's tremendous mineral wealth if that flairs up again. We're all done freeing countries from tyrants on our tab.
While most of you were snoozing away, our President stepped into North Korea and brought Kim Jung Dung back across the DMZ with him. So what? Here's what....Kimchi is not going to give up his nukes. Trump knows that, I know that, you know that. What he can't do is threaten us with them or sell the technology to other slimeballs like we can live with him having his firecrackers and treating his people like slaves. China is never going to give up state sponsorship of their industries..that's apparent. They will also force American companies foolish enough to do business there to turn over their trade secrets. What they can't do is keep their markets closed to the US or computer hack our defense industries. Trump is reality-based. He will get every concession he possibly can from the orient without blowing them off the face of the earth. Yet the Rats' like Tim Ryan, more desperate than ever, are complaining that Trump APPEASED Kimchi and China before that at the G-20. These pitiful dirtbags are no longer hiding how little they care about America unless they're in charge.


Rep. Tim Ryan calls Trump’s historic visit to the DMZ an 'appeasement tour'

I think the treaty with the UK and the US was the most historic treaty ever signed for the US..
North Korea will be back to it's old self as soon as the cameras stop rolling..
North Korea is not gonna give up their nuclear weapons, that’s reality.
The only change that can change North Korea is within. No amount of progressive “hope and change” will change north Korea.
The handful of presidents before Trump had zero change on Korea, During the Obama years that self-righteous piece of shit did zero for change. Why he tried to do the same thing over and over again and expected different results? Because he’s a fuck up... And most everything that he’s done has been reversed by Trump, rightly so. There would be no Trump if there was no Obama… Karma is a bitch

You’re fucking political correctness does not work in the real world... Because it’s morally wrong.
Hopefully he will accomplish something of actual substance, something that is a net positive.

That would definitely be good.

So far all he has accomplished was to make Un his equal (perhaps more) on the world stage. perhaps this will make Un more likely to promise not to build any more nukes, but that is yet to be seen
Is that why Un is standing next to Trump and looks like Trump just stuck an iron pump up his tyrannical butt?
Is that what it looks like to you?
That’s what it is.
To deny it is to be an idiot.
Trump is kicking the asses of the neo-clowns whose thought processes are limited to how we can start the next war.

Clinton would have been a disaster.

you're right. he has weaponized economic policy instead.

how in the fuckity fuck past presidents didn't utilize that leverage in the way Trump has is beyond me. Instead they caved on economic policy with the Chinese to the point of absurdity and just bombed the fuck out of everyone else.

without bombing the shit out of countries, it is by far our greatest tool and, yet, he is criticized for using it and called a pussy for not lobbing bombs like his predecessors or embroiling us in another war by razing Iran.

I think he deserves a good amount of credit for employing these strategies, especially with "Allies" like Mexico. We're not gonna bomb Mexico, we're not gonna bomb China, so what are the options. It's the economy, stupid.
Because all of those presidents were owned by Corporate Amerika.
Trump made the biggest rookie mistake of any president in the history of the world by not building the wall!
Hopefully he will accomplish something of actual substance, something that is a net positive.

That would definitely be good.

So far all he has accomplished was to make Un his equal (perhaps more) on the world stage. perhaps this will make Un more likely to promise not to build any more nukes, but that is yet to be seen
Is that why Un is standing next to Trump and looks like Trump just stuck an iron pump up his tyrannical butt?

I did not get that impression at all from the PhotoOP
Could be because you hate Trump.
Actually, it is because you hate Trump.
Un has an overt look of desperation on his face.

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