Trump Continues To Baffle His Critics

While most of you were snoozing away, our President stepped into North Korea and brought Kim Jung Dung back across the DMZ with him. So what? Here's what....Kimchi is not going to give up his nukes. Trump knows that, I know that, you know that. What he can't do is threaten us with them or sell the technology to other slimeballs like we can live with him having his firecrackers and treating his people like slaves. China is never going to give up state sponsorship of their industries..that's apparent. They will also force American companies foolish enough to do business there to turn over their trade secrets. What they can't do is keep their markets closed to the US or computer hack our defense industries. Trump is reality-based. He will get every concession he possibly can from the orient without blowing them off the face of the earth. Yet the Rats' like Tim Ryan, more desperate than ever, are complaining that Trump APPEASED Kimchi and China before that at the G-20. These pitiful dirtbags are no longer hiding how little they care about America unless they're in charge.


Rep. Tim Ryan calls Trump’s historic visit to the DMZ an 'appeasement tour'
Lol, and you guys tried to say President Obama went on an "apology tour".

/—-/ I believe Heritage effort a goof ball like you, anyday. Barack Obama's Top 10 Apologies: How the President Has Humiliated a Superpower
Of course you would. RWNJs have no contact with actual reality.
Hopefully he will accomplish something of actual substance

That's what the world said AFTER they gave Obama the Nobel Peace prize before he accomplished anything.

And he went on to continue the longest, most pointless war in the US history.
Yes, and to the left the truly offensive part of all of it was the fact that our country had the unmitigated gall to stop the spread of communism into South Korea.

The same way they protested the Vietnam war under the guise of "peace and love." It was all about the commies here in the media and in hollywood being pissed that America was again stopping (attempting to stop) the spread of communism. Their hero pol pot, like their heroes mao and stalin murdered millions.

That, is what this is all about. That fat little commie cocksucker is a big hero to the left, and trust me. They would have cheered if that fat yellow commie turd had Trump executed right there. You know they would have cheered.
It’s been on 24/7.
You seem to spend quite a bit of time here sucking in the sound bites.

I have not had my TV on today, and if it had been on it would never be on a news channel.

As I said, this place is a nice diversion from more mundane task
It’s been running all week...CNN, MSNBC, Fox, CBS, etc...
Nice try.

Dude, they just met today, how has it been running all week?

are you drunk?

Not to mention I can promise you my TV has not been on any of those stations in a long, long time. They are a waste of the electricity they burn to have my TV on those channels.
All week.
Probably from the first meeting where UN was already shitting in his pants.
Hopefully he will accomplish something of actual substance

That's what the world said AFTER they gave Obama the Nobel Peace prize before he accomplished anything.

And he went on to continue the longest, most pointless war in the US history.

Great... So tell us why Trump hasn't left Afghanistan?

Oh yeah, this is another thread which started out trying to boast about Trump, within a few posts is shown to be false and ends up with your side talking about Obama or Hillary..

Guess what Obama is not President anymore... He had one which took an economy on its knees and brought to one of the longest booms in US history...
Hopefully he will accomplish something of actual substance

That's what the world said AFTER they gave Obama the Nobel Peace prize before he accomplished anything.

And he went on to continue the longest, most pointless war in the US history.

Great... So tell us why Trump hasn't left Afghanistan?

Oh yeah, this is another thread which started out trying to boast about Trump, within a few posts is shown to be false and ends up with your side talking about Obama or Hillary..

Guess what Obama is not President anymore... He had one which took an economy on its knees and brought to one of the longest booms in US history...

He is leaving many of those places. Unfortunately, there are still many neo-clowns in the government. Idiots, which American people will hopefully vote out and embrace the pro-Trump people instead.
i'm not worried about Trump scaring the American people when the Democrat 2020 candidates scare them every single day!
I don't like Tucker claiming Dung was "wheezing and looked unhealthy and Trump dominated him". Even if that were true, which it probably is, why insult the little nut for no strategic reason? Tucker got a ringside seat and then shit on what Trump accomplished....he's never been a fan of the president and his comments were uncalled for.
It’s been on 24/7.
You seem to spend quite a bit of time here sucking in the sound bites.

I have not had my TV on today, and if it had been on it would never be on a news channel.

As I said, this place is a nice diversion from more mundane task
It’s been running all week...CNN, MSNBC, Fox, CBS, etc...
Nice try.

Dude, they just met today, how has it been running all week?

are you drunk?

Not to mention I can promise you my TV has not been on any of those stations in a long, long time. They are a waste of the electricity they burn to have my TV on those channels.
All week.
Probably from the first meeting where UN was already shitting in his pants.

Why would Un be worried? He has done nothing and Trump has canceled major training exercises and withheld more sanctions.

So far Un has come out on top
While most of you were snoozing away, our President stepped into North Korea and brought Kim Jung Dung back across the DMZ with him. So what? Here's what....Kimchi is not going to give up his nukes. Trump knows that, I know that, you know that. What he can't do is threaten us with them or sell the technology to other slimeballs like we can live with him having his firecrackers and treating his people like slaves. China is never going to give up state sponsorship of their industries..that's apparent. They will also force American companies foolish enough to do business there to turn over their trade secrets. What they can't do is keep their markets closed to the US or computer hack our defense industries. Trump is reality-based. He will get every concession he possibly can from the orient without blowing them off the face of the earth. Yet the Rats' like Tim Ryan, more desperate than ever, are complaining that Trump APPEASED Kimchi and China before that at the G-20. These pitiful dirtbags are no longer hiding how little they care about America unless they're in charge.


Rep. Tim Ryan calls Trump’s historic visit to the DMZ an 'appeasement tour'

Isn’t this the same president that praises Putin for everything including killing journalists over “fake news”?

Praises the Saudi King after killing a journalist and goes against his own people sell more weapons?

And in regard to your fake meme, what peace deal?

Fake accomplishments from a fake poster about a fake president.
Isn’t this the same president that praises Putin for everything including killing journalists over “fake news”?

Praises the Saudi King after killing a journalist and goes against his own people sell more weapons?

And in regard to your fake meme, what peace deal?

Fake accomplishments from a fake poster about a fake president.

I'm 50 times the poster you are, numbnuts...take a look at my rep compared to crawl back under the porch.
Isn’t this the same president that praises Putin for everything including killing journalists over “fake news”?

Praises the Saudi King after killing a journalist and goes against his own people sell more weapons?

And in regard to your fake meme, what peace deal?

Fake accomplishments from a fake poster about a fake president.

I'm 50 times the poster you are, numbnuts...take a look at my rep compared to crawl back under the porch.


Donny grifter is what he is and you are just one of his fact less brown nosers.
Isn’t this the same president that praises Putin for everything including killing journalists over “fake news”?

Praises the Saudi King after killing a journalist and goes against his own people sell more weapons?

And in regard to your fake meme, what peace deal?

Fake accomplishments from a fake poster about a fake president.

I'm 50 times the poster you are, numbnuts...take a look at my rep compared to crawl back under the porch.


Donny grifter is what he is and you are just one of his fact less brown nosers.

Some of us prefer "deplorable", dumbass.
Isn’t this the same president that praises Putin for everything including killing journalists over “fake news”?

Praises the Saudi King after killing a journalist and goes against his own people sell more weapons?

And in regard to your fake meme, what peace deal?

Fake accomplishments from a fake poster about a fake president.

I'm 50 times the poster you are, numbnuts...take a look at my rep compared to crawl back under the porch.


Donny grifter is what he is and you are just one of his fact less brown nosers.

Some of us prefer "deplorable", dumbass.

Okay brown nose deplorable.
Hopefully he will accomplish something of actual substance, something that is a net positive.

That would definitely be good.
Walking in North Korea is not substance?

Nixon visited the Great Wall, and things rapidly improved.
No, walking in North Korea is not substance. It's just walking in North Korea.

Hopefully something of REAL, long lasting, recognizable, sustainable, accountable substance will happen. That would be great.
You wouldn't say that if it had been Obama who done it.
Hopefully he will accomplish something of actual substance, something that is a net positive.

That would definitely be good.
Walking in North Korea is not substance?

Nixon visited the Great Wall, and things rapidly improved.
No, walking in North Korea is not substance. It's just walking in North Korea.

Hopefully something of REAL, long lasting, recognizable, sustainable, accountable substance will happen. That would be great.
You wouldn't say that if it had been Obama who done it.
No doubt many hardcore partisan ideologue Obama sycophants would have said it was the greatest thing ever.


As I say all the time, the two ends of the spectrum can be comically similar in their behaviors.
Hopefully he will accomplish something of actual substance, something that is a net positive.

That would definitely be good.
Walking in North Korea is not substance?

Nixon visited the Great Wall, and things rapidly improved.
No, walking in North Korea is not substance. It's just walking in North Korea.

Hopefully something of REAL, long lasting, recognizable, sustainable, accountable substance will happen. That would be great.
You wouldn't say that if it had been Obama who done it.
They hate Trump using ground breaking dialog to bring stability to one of the worlds most unstable regions, they want Trump getting us into a shooting war.
Hopefully he will accomplish something of actual substance, something that is a net positive.

That would definitely be good.
Walking in North Korea is not substance?

Nixon visited the Great Wall, and things rapidly improved.
No, walking in North Korea is not substance. It's just walking in North Korea.

Hopefully something of REAL, long lasting, recognizable, sustainable, accountable substance will happen. That would be great.
You wouldn't say that if it had been Obama who done it.
They hate Trump using ground breaking dialog to bring stability to one of the worlds most unstable regions, they want Trump getting us into a shooting war.

Unstable region? When was the last war in that region?

When was the last time one country invaded another in that region?

When was the last coup and change of government in that region?

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