Trump Continues To Baffle His Critics

They hate Trump using ground breaking dialog to bring stability to one of the worlds most unstable regions, they want Trump getting us into a shooting war.

Unstable region? When was the last war in that region?

When was the last time one country invaded another in that region?

When was the last coup and change of government in that region?

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You’ve got a crazed leader threatening to use nuclear weapons on its neighbors and you think that’s stability? WTF?
We’ve been at war with Korea for 6 decades. There’s been shooting going on and never any peace agreement to end the war.

And yet the region has thrived with Japan and South Korea becoming world powers and the smaller nations thriving.

Plus, it was just a police action, not a war.

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Plus, it was just a police action, not a war.

That is what Harry Truman called it.

Try reading a history book for a change

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Try reading a history book for a change

And FYI: I’m a docent at a military site, Mr History.
Unstable region? When was the last war in that region?

When was the last time one country invaded another in that region?

When was the last coup and change of government in that region?

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You’ve got a crazed leader threatening to use nuclear weapons on its neighbors and you think that’s stability? WTF?
We’ve been at war with Korea for 6 decades. There’s been shooting going on and never any peace agreement to end the war.

And yet the region has thrived with Japan and South Korea becoming world powers and the smaller nations thriving.

Plus, it was just a police action, not a war.

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Plus, it was just a police action, not a war.

That is what Harry Truman called it.

Try reading a history book for a change

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Try reading a history book for a change

And FYI: I’m a docent at a military site, Mr History.

But of course you are. Those that can, do and those that can’t, teach about it.

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You’ve got a crazed leader threatening to use nuclear weapons on its neighbors and you think that’s stability? WTF?
We’ve been at war with Korea for 6 decades. There’s been shooting going on and never any peace agreement to end the war.

And yet the region has thrived with Japan and South Korea becoming world powers and the smaller nations thriving.

Plus, it was just a police action, not a war.

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Plus, it was just a police action, not a war.

That is what Harry Truman called it.

Try reading a history book for a change

Sent from my iPhone using
Try reading a history book for a change

And FYI: I’m a docent at a military site, Mr History.

But of course you are. Those that can, do and those that can’t, teach about it.

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Good to hear your still in the military in your 60’s. But still a Corporal? Yikes.
And yet the region has thrived with Japan and South Korea becoming world powers and the smaller nations thriving.

Plus, it was just a police action, not a war.

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Plus, it was just a police action, not a war.

That is what Harry Truman called it.

Try reading a history book for a change

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Try reading a history book for a change

And FYI: I’m a docent at a military site, Mr History.

But of course you are. Those that can, do and those that can’t, teach about it.

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Good to hear your still in the military in your 60’s. But still a Corporal? Yikes.

See if your little military site has anything on the phrase “once a Marine, always a Marine”.

Also, I am not in my 60s. 5 years to go for that

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That is what Harry Truman called it.

Try reading a history book for a change

Sent from my iPhone using
Try reading a history book for a change

And FYI: I’m a docent at a military site, Mr History.

But of course you are. Those that can, do and those that can’t, teach about it.

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Good to hear your still in the military in your 60’s. But still a Corporal? Yikes.

See if your little military site has anything on the phrase “once a Marine, always a Marine”.

Also, I am not in my 60s. 5 years to go for that

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You’re a disgrace to the Corp.
Hopefully he will accomplish something of actual substance, something that is a net positive.

That would definitely be good.

So far all he has accomplished was to make Un his equal (perhaps more) on the world stage. perhaps this will make Un more likely to promise not to build any more nukes, but that is yet to be seen
Where was your world as NK starved 12 million of its people?

Cambodia slaughtered 3 million of its own people?

Fk your world.

Is North Korea not starving its people now even as Trump sucks up to their leader?

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Yes he is.... So the idea that they are equals is pure mental rubbish.

As far as sucking up.... If thats what you want to call it... You are entitled to your opinion.

That is what Harry Truman called it.

Try reading a history book for a change

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Try reading a history book for a change

And FYI: I’m a docent at a military site, Mr History.

But of course you are. Those that can, do and those that can’t, teach about it.

Sent from my iPhone using
Good to hear your still in the military in your 60’s. But still a Corporal? Yikes.

See if your little military site has anything on the phrase “once a Marine, always a Marine”.

Also, I am not in my 60s. 5 years to go for that

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You’re a disgrace to the Corp.

It is the Corps, not Corp.

You are a joke who lacked the balls to ever serve his country, thus your criticism of me is about a relevant as me criticizing the golf of Dustin Johnson.

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And FYI: I’m a docent at a military site, Mr History.

But of course you are. Those that can, do and those that can’t, teach about it.

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Good to hear your still in the military in your 60’s. But still a Corporal? Yikes.

See if your little military site has anything on the phrase “once a Marine, always a Marine”.

Also, I am not in my 60s. 5 years to go for that

Sent from my iPhone using
You’re a disgrace to the Corp.

It is the Corps, not Corp.

You are a joke who lacked the balls to ever serve his country, thus your criticism of me is about a relevant as me criticizing the golf of Dustin Johnson.

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I’ve never encountered a Marine who is an asshole until I encountered you.
But of course you are. Those that can, do and those that can’t, teach about it.

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Good to hear your still in the military in your 60’s. But still a Corporal? Yikes.

See if your little military site has anything on the phrase “once a Marine, always a Marine”.

Also, I am not in my 60s. 5 years to go for that

Sent from my iPhone using
You’re a disgrace to the Corp.

It is the Corps, not Corp.

You are a joke who lacked the balls to ever serve his country, thus your criticism of me is about a relevant as me criticizing the golf of Dustin Johnson.

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I’ve never encountered a Marine who is an asshole until I encountered you.

Then you likely never encountered a Marine before me.

All Marines are like me. We don’t take shit from pissants and we do not do PC to avoid hurting your little feelings.

I am the most civil person in the world till someone goes rogue first, then all bets are off. Don’t start nothing, there won’t be nothing

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Hopefully he will accomplish something of actual substance, something that is a net positive.

That would definitely be good.

Avoiding nuclear war with North Korea, brokering peace and saving millions doesn't do it for ya eh?
I don't know if you realize this, but none of that has actually happened yet.

They're talking. That's good. Probably the best we can hope for is a general containment. That would be good.

I'll let the wingers fight over whether this is the greatest thing ever, or the worst thing ever. Wingers are silly.

Obama said this would be Trump's greatest challenge. If you told me 2 year's ago Trump would be meeting with North Korea I wouldn't have believed it. Trump at the very least moved the ball in the right direction by a lot. This is very substantive.
Hopefully he will accomplish something of actual substance, something that is a net positive.

That would definitely be good.

Avoiding nuclear war with North Korea, brokering peace and saving millions doesn't do it for ya eh?
I don't know if you realize this, but none of that has actually happened yet.

They're talking. That's good. Probably the best we can hope for is a general containment. That would be good.

I'll let the wingers fight over whether this is the greatest thing ever, or the worst thing ever. Wingers are silly.

Obama said this would be Trump's greatest challenge. If you told me 2 year's ago Trump would be meeting with North Korea I wouldn't have believed it. Trump at the very least moved the ball in the right direction by a lot. This is very substantive.
I'm definitely hopeful. I just don't trust them, so we need to be careful about how much we give up, if anything.
Good to hear your still in the military in your 60’s. But still a Corporal? Yikes.

See if your little military site has anything on the phrase “once a Marine, always a Marine”.

Also, I am not in my 60s. 5 years to go for that

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You’re a disgrace to the Corp.

It is the Corps, not Corp.

You are a joke who lacked the balls to ever serve his country, thus your criticism of me is about a relevant as me criticizing the golf of Dustin Johnson.

Sent from my iPhone using
I’ve never encountered a Marine who is an asshole until I encountered you.

Then you likely never encountered a Marine before me.

All Marines are like me. We don’t take shit from pissants and we do not do PC to avoid hurting your little feelings.

I am the most civil person in the world till someone goes rogue first, then all bets are off. Don’t start nothing, there won’t be nothing

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You lie.
Marines are the most humble and composed people I have ever met, which leads me to suspect you have painted yourself a tad more glorious than you actually are.
You see, people of accomplishment in our military comport themselves with dignity.
I have never met anyone, active or retired, who displayed your level of arrogance.
Trump Continues To Baffle His Critics


Trump keeps winning.
Outright wing radicals don't seem to understand that the orange blob did nothing when he crossed over to NK other than to give face time for NK on TV. That is what NK wants. Did they give up any nukes. Is NK treating their people better. Instead of dealing with the truth all radical righties have is but Obama but Hillary. They just don't seem to understand that it is Trump who has been the top guy in the Whitehouse. Sadly setting on the toilet and twitting is not the way an intelligent person does leadership of this country or the world. When you set on the toilet you know what comes out. The shit just seems to flow from the orange blob.
Outright wing radicals don't seem to understand that the orange blob did nothing when he crossed over to NK other than to give face time for NK on TV. That is what NK wants. Did they give up any nukes. Is NK treating their people better. Instead of dealing with the truth all radical righties have is but Obama but Hillary. They just don't seem to understand that it is Trump who has been the top guy in the Whitehouse. Sadly setting on the toilet and twitting is not the way an intelligent person does leadership of this country or the world. When you set on the toilet you know what comes out. The shit just seems to flow from the orange blob.

You are the only radical here... radically retarded that is. This is the closest we have been to peace, and Trump just might be able to pull it off.
See if your little military site has anything on the phrase “once a Marine, always a Marine”.

Also, I am not in my 60s. 5 years to go for that

Sent from my iPhone using
You’re a disgrace to the Corp.

It is the Corps, not Corp.

You are a joke who lacked the balls to ever serve his country, thus your criticism of me is about a relevant as me criticizing the golf of Dustin Johnson.

Sent from my iPhone using
I’ve never encountered a Marine who is an asshole until I encountered you.

Then you likely never encountered a Marine before me.

All Marines are like me. We don’t take shit from pissants and we do not do PC to avoid hurting your little feelings.

I am the most civil person in the world till someone goes rogue first, then all bets are off. Don’t start nothing, there won’t be nothing

Sent from my iPhone using
You lie.
Marines are the most humble and composed people I have ever met, which leads me to suspect you have painted yourself a tad more glorious than you actually are.
You see, people of accomplishment in our military comport themselves with dignity.
I have never met anyone, active or retired, who displayed your level of arrogance.

I have not painted myself at all. I spent 20 years in the Corps retiring as a Gunnery Sergeant. Other than that I have made no claims.

I have never meet a humble Marine to be honest. The Marines I knew were the ones that would start fights with the Rangers in Savannah Ga or who showed up for a “rumble” at at Navy base where they were out numbered 20-1.

Humility is it a trait that our drill instructors exhibited or try to impress upon us.

And yet again, my reactions are dictated by those I deal with. There are a number of people on this forum I have very good discussions with.

People like you just get pissed because you start shit and then learn I do not back down.

Sent from my iPhone using
You’re a disgrace to the Corp.

It is the Corps, not Corp.

You are a joke who lacked the balls to ever serve his country, thus your criticism of me is about a relevant as me criticizing the golf of Dustin Johnson.

Sent from my iPhone using
I’ve never encountered a Marine who is an asshole until I encountered you.

Then you likely never encountered a Marine before me.

All Marines are like me. We don’t take shit from pissants and we do not do PC to avoid hurting your little feelings.

I am the most civil person in the world till someone goes rogue first, then all bets are off. Don’t start nothing, there won’t be nothing

Sent from my iPhone using
You lie.
Marines are the most humble and composed people I have ever met, which leads me to suspect you have painted yourself a tad more glorious than you actually are.
You see, people of accomplishment in our military comport themselves with dignity.
I have never met anyone, active or retired, who displayed your level of arrogance.

I have not painted myself at all. I spent 20 years in the Corps retiring as a Gunnery Sergeant. Other than that I have made no claims.

I have never meet a humble Marine to be honest. The Marines I knew were the ones that would start fights with the Rangers in Savannah Ga or who showed up for a “rumble” at at Navy base where they were out numbered 20-1.

Humility is it a trait that our drill instructors exhibited or try to impress upon us.

And yet again, my reactions are dictated by those I deal with. There are a number of people on this forum I have very good discussions with.

People like you just get pissed because you start shit and then learn I do not back down.

Sent from my iPhone using
You have established yourself by admitting, more than once, that all you care about is yourself.
A marine would never state such in any medium.
It is the Corps, not Corp.

You are a joke who lacked the balls to ever serve his country, thus your criticism of me is about a relevant as me criticizing the golf of Dustin Johnson.

Sent from my iPhone using
I’ve never encountered a Marine who is an asshole until I encountered you.

Then you likely never encountered a Marine before me.

All Marines are like me. We don’t take shit from pissants and we do not do PC to avoid hurting your little feelings.

I am the most civil person in the world till someone goes rogue first, then all bets are off. Don’t start nothing, there won’t be nothing

Sent from my iPhone using
You lie.
Marines are the most humble and composed people I have ever met, which leads me to suspect you have painted yourself a tad more glorious than you actually are.
You see, people of accomplishment in our military comport themselves with dignity.
I have never met anyone, active or retired, who displayed your level of arrogance.

I have not painted myself at all. I spent 20 years in the Corps retiring as a Gunnery Sergeant. Other than that I have made no claims.

I have never meet a humble Marine to be honest. The Marines I knew were the ones that would start fights with the Rangers in Savannah Ga or who showed up for a “rumble” at at Navy base where they were out numbered 20-1.

Humility is it a trait that our drill instructors exhibited or try to impress upon us.

And yet again, my reactions are dictated by those I deal with. There are a number of people on this forum I have very good discussions with.

People like you just get pissed because you start shit and then learn I do not back down.

Sent from my iPhone using
You have established yourself by admitting, more than once, that all you care about is yourself.
A marine would never state such in any medium.

I have never made such a claim. Why must you lie? Is that all you have left?

Sent from my iPhone using
I’ve never encountered a Marine who is an asshole until I encountered you.

Then you likely never encountered a Marine before me.

All Marines are like me. We don’t take shit from pissants and we do not do PC to avoid hurting your little feelings.

I am the most civil person in the world till someone goes rogue first, then all bets are off. Don’t start nothing, there won’t be nothing

Sent from my iPhone using
You lie.
Marines are the most humble and composed people I have ever met, which leads me to suspect you have painted yourself a tad more glorious than you actually are.
You see, people of accomplishment in our military comport themselves with dignity.
I have never met anyone, active or retired, who displayed your level of arrogance.

I have not painted myself at all. I spent 20 years in the Corps retiring as a Gunnery Sergeant. Other than that I have made no claims.

I have never meet a humble Marine to be honest. The Marines I knew were the ones that would start fights with the Rangers in Savannah Ga or who showed up for a “rumble” at at Navy base where they were out numbered 20-1.

Humility is it a trait that our drill instructors exhibited or try to impress upon us.

And yet again, my reactions are dictated by those I deal with. There are a number of people on this forum I have very good discussions with.

People like you just get pissed because you start shit and then learn I do not back down.

Sent from my iPhone using
You have established yourself by admitting, more than once, that all you care about is yourself.
A marine would never state such in any medium.

I have never made such a claim. Why must you lie? Is that all you have left?

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Are you suffering from dementia?
Do you read every post you compose before clicking the Submit button?
Try reading some of your posts from 2 or 3 months ago.

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