Trump could end Ukraine war.

Trump's contributions to the war in Ukraine?

The History Behind the Russia-Ukraine War - Original

"Under Trump the U.S. Navy stepped up its presence in the Black and Baltic seas and armed U.S. frigates in the Baltic with medium range cruise missiles that reduce first strike warning times, which of course makes the Russians’ launch-on-warning trigger finger itch that much worse.

"He also increased U.S. Air Force bomber missions right up to the line of Russian airspace in the Baltic, Black and Okhotsk Seas in the Far East, testing their radar and anti-aircraft abilities.

"The Trump administration also worked overtime to try to prevent the completion of the so-called Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline from Russia to Germany, even going so far as to sanction the Swiss and German firms working on the project.

"On one hand, as Senator Rand Paul pointed out in a recent speech, this is about mercantilism: the power of American firms to lobby the U.S. government to intervene so that they can sell the Germans natural gas instead."
It would be simple, cut off all aide to Ukraine and tell Putin "help yourself Sir, it is all yours"

Which is actually what Trump attempted to do the first time and got impeached for it. Those secret backroom meetings he had with Putin wasn't about golf! This time he doesn't even need to blackmail Zelensky. He can just back out of NATO and cause his usual chaos.
Ukraine and Russia have been squabbling over their border for decades. Ukrainian militias have committed atrocities against the Russian minority. NATO has been expanding for decades.

This war could have been avoided. This war serves Chinese rather than American interests.

Let me correct that: Russia has been illegally encroaching on the Ukrainian border and trying to claim portions of the Ukraine, and other FSU nations for decades.

Russian have made false claims of you Ukrainian atrocities against ethnic Russians, in order to justify their criminal and unprovoked attacks on the Ukrainian people, going so far as to carry out “false flag” attacks to justify their aggression.

Other nations bordering Russia have become increasingly alarmed by Putin’s aggression and violence. There have been many applications by these bordering nations, and some of the FSU nations to join the NATO Alliance.

This war could most definitely had been avoided, had Vladimir Putin abided by international law and the United Nations Charter.

Define what interests are being served. Putin has been isolated and weakened both at home and internationally.

The NATO Alliance has been rebuilt and strengthened. Western democracies have been strengthened. Free peoples are uniting against the fascist threat.

Xi understands that the western democracies know what’s at stake and will defend their interests. He can make more money trading with the west, then he can partnering with you, Putin and his empire building.

Xi is building towards global worldwide economic domination. He’s not threatening, ground wars. His cornering markets on rare metals in looking for ways to control access to things the west need.

The USA spent 30 years on wars of aggression and what do you have to show for the blood and treasure expended.
Red herring fallacy; the topic is about the lie that Trump could end the war, not President Biden.
youre premise is a lie,,

biden is funding the war so why would he want it to end,,,

as for trump ending the war,, all thats needed it to say NATO will not expand into ukraine since thats why russia started the war,,

we did the same thing when russia wanted to put nucs in cuba,, we just got lucky and russia backed off,,
The Ukrainian Neo-Nazis a) aren't in charge, and b) didn't invade. The Russians invaded. Their leader ordered it.

If you break into my house, and I punch you in the face for it, we don't compromise by letting you have one bedroom and then if you promise to stop the home invasions, I won't join the Neighborhood Watch.
Did Putin break into your house?
Because it tells the whole world, "Invade your neighbor, and we'll make sure you get what you want."

It's called appeasement, and there are very clear examples in history about how spectacularly it fails to work.
How many people have to die to prove your point?

Sometimes the bad guy gets what he wants.

But it's not like Putin didn't get his nose bloodied and then some.

If Ukraine can hold off Russia alone...then Russia doesn't stand a chance against NATO. And everyone knows that now.

Russia will have to pay reparations and there will be a UN observed (maybe run) democratic vote in Donbass of which counrty the RESIDENTS want to be a part of.

What could be more fair than that?
Has it ever dawned on people that it could be our Gov't that is lying about this war, just like they've been proven to have lied about every war in most of our lifetimes?
Nah, can't be. Let's go with Putin is a totally unprovoked evil villain and the US is Capt. America again.
Has it ever dawned on people that it could be our Gov't that is lying about this war, just like they've been proven to have lied about every war in most of our lifetimes?
Nah, can't be. Let's go with Putin is a totally unprovoked evil villain and the US is Capt. America again.
winner winner chicken dinner,,,

the dems started it under obama when they used the state dept and other NGO's to subvert ukraines elections,,
Has it ever dawned on people that it could be our Gov't that is lying about this war, just like they've been proven to have lied about every war in most of our lifetimes?
Nah, can't be. Let's go with Putin is a totally unprovoked evil villain and the US is Capt. America again.
the same lies that made europe to stop buying russian gas, and then send leopard-2 tanks and all sorts of other military supplies. And then to get sweden & finland to join nato.
Nuland is on a recording picking Ukraine's new government before the 2014 coup.
US then assists in the coup and installs an anti-Russia gov't.
Graham and McCain in Ukraine promise them help going on the offensive against Russia, after a signed Peace Agreement.
The US provoked this war

The US Gov't and their owners have no intention of letting this war end until Russia is destroyed or every ukrainian that can fight refuses to anymore or is dead.
Has it ever dawned on people that it could be our Gov't that is lying about this war, just like they've been proven to have lied about every war in most of our lifetimes?
Nah, can't be. Let's go with Putin is a totally unprovoked evil villain and the US is Capt. America again.
Who's Getting Rich?:auiqs.jpg:

"Ukraine is being sized up by neocolonial vultures from BlackRock to the EU for a carve-up after the war is over.

"On the menu is deregulation, privatization, and 'tax efficiency' — measures that may have already begun..."

"The history of BlackRock FMA makes all of this particularly foreboding.

"According to an Investigate Europe dive into its activities in Europe, BlackRock is 'an adviser to states on privatization' and 'is very busy countering any attempt to increase regulation' in Europe."

Ukraine’s Postwar Reconstruction Has Big Business Licking Its Lips

"The firm used the 2008 financial crash — built on the risky mortgage securities Fink himself had pioneered — to increase its power and sway among political decision-makers, leaving a trail of conflicts of interest and revolving-door influence-peddling in its wake."
Has it ever dawned on people that it could be our Gov't that is lying about this war, just like they've been proven to have lied about every war in most of our lifetimes?
Nah, can't be. Let's go with Putin is a totally unprovoked evil villain and the US is Capt. America again.

Prove it.

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