Trump cries when called out for attacking women


That's just another way of measuring the fact that Democrats have been Race Baiting for generations.
I post facts and Correll posts memes.

No wonder Trump is going to lose so badly: he and his followers just don't get it.

How is Hillary doing with the White VOte? YOU know the majority? THe largest single ethnic group?

You don't seem to care about them.

YOu think they haven't noticed?
Your nonsense is divisive, Correll.

Your racism is divisive.

Your sexism is divisive.

Your ageism is divisive.

We are not racist or sexist or ageist.

BUT if we win, all those of those groups who you have convinced we are, feel that the nation is out to get them.

And historically when we HAVE won, that was the message.

THAT is what is divisive.

Oh, and the fact that white people are tired of being called names.
The impeachment was not for sexual harassment. :eusa_doh:

Clinton was impeached for providing false testimony under oath and for obstructing justice. Special Report: Clinton Accused

In a sexual harassment case.

Newt did none of that, thus no glass houses/stone aspect.
Still doesn't make the impeachment for sexual harassment. And Newt's hypocrisy was for chastising Clinton for having an affair while he was doing the same.

YOur quibble over semantics is noted.

And playtime clarified that he was talking about the IMPEACHMENT in relation to the Glass House comment, thus the equating of adultery with Sexual Harassment.
I don't care who was talking about what -- Bill Clinton was not impeached for sexual harassment. And that's not semantics -- it's reality. The House passed two articles of impeachment and neither one was for sexual harassment. One was for lying under oath and the other for obstruction of justice.

Just accept the fact that you are wrong and move on.

You're the one trying to call Newt a hypocrite for leading impeachment against Bill while he was having an affair himself.

I AM THE ONE that pointed out that Bill was NOT being impeached for having an affair.

Your point about the impeachment being specifically about perjury and obstruction of justice during the sexual harassment case, makes your attack on Newt EVEN MORE OFF BASE, not less.
You remain clueless. I said nothing about Newt being a hypocrite for impeaching Clinton while having an affair himself. Here, let me repeat what I actually said so that maybe you'll spot the difference...

"Newt's hypocrisy was for chastising Clinton for having an affair while he was doing the same."

Since I'm such a nice Liberal, I even bolded the reason I gave for why Newt was a hypocrite. I'm doing so with the hope that it will aid you in comprehending I didn't accuse Newt of being a hypocrite for impeaching Clinton while having an affair himself.

I post facts and Correll posts memes.

No wonder Trump is going to lose so badly: he and his followers just don't get it.

How is Hillary doing with the White VOte? YOU know the majority? THe largest single ethnic group?

You don't seem to care about them.

YOu think they haven't noticed?
She does just fine with white women. And women have been out voting men in recent presidential elections.
I post facts and Correll posts memes.

No wonder Trump is going to lose so badly: he and his followers just don't get it.

How is Hillary doing with the White VOte? YOU know the majority? THe largest single ethnic group?

You don't seem to care about them.

YOu think they haven't noticed?
She does just fine with white women. And women have been out voting men in recent presidential elections.
She's is 13 points in front of Trump with women.
Mellow White Men are starting to support Trump! They are in agreement with the Angry White Men!!

HRC has destroyed more women's lives than Trump, who I believe has destroyed none.
LOL... b4 you go assuming anything, i'll let you in on a little secret. I didn't vote for Bill Clinton. I do however, take issue with the hypocrisy of the <ahem> 'men' I mentioned. You know... the Speaker & the Senator from the 'family values' party? From your statement, it's a safe bet I've voted for more Republicans than you have voted Democratic; so save whatever 'mmm points' you think you might have.

Not sure I take your meaning.

What did Newt's failed marriages have to do with Bill Clinton's sexual harassment case?

I am talking about impeaching Clinton for getting a BJ in the Whitehouse & the attempted tar & feathering he got from Newt Gingrich (who was cheating at the same time he wagged his stubby little sausage fingers) & forget about Hastert...

The powers that be LOVE to throw stones don't they?

The impeachment was for sexual harassment and the abuse of power in the coverup of that harassment.

Unless Newt was sexually harassing his staff AND abusing his power to cover it up, there is not glass houses/stones aspect.

THe White HOUse BJ, was only relevant to that case in that it established a pattern of behavior, AND he abused his power to cover it up and perjured himself.

ho hum. Unethical is unethical & the abuse of power was not a one way street.
Ethics Scandal
Gingrich's accomplishments were not without controversy. His popularity began to decline amidst partial government shutdowns in 1995. Gingrich was widely blamed for the shutdowns, after he had refused to compromise with President Clinton on budget cuts.

Ethical considerations were at the heart of much criticism of the speaker. In 1995, he returned a $4.5 million book advance that the House Ethics Committee had questioned. Another ethics investigation arose about whether Gingrich had used tax-exempt donations to fund a college course he had taught while serving in Congress. Gingrich negotiated an agreement with the House Ethics Committee, and he payed $300,000 for the cost of the investigation. The House voted to reprimand him by a vote of 395 to 28. In 1997, Gingrich was narrowly re-elected.

In 1998, a scandal broke that would have a big impact on Gingrich's career. Clinton was alleged to have lied before a federal grand jury about his extramarital affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. Gingrich pushed for impeachment, and for Clinton's removal from office. Congressional hearings and a media frenzy created a backlash against Republicans, as many voters felt they had gone too far.

In the 1998 midterm elections, Republicans lost five seats to Democrats. The tides had turned against Gingrich, and even members of his own party were critical of the speaker's tactics and the image he projected of the Republican party. In November 1998, Gingrich stepped down as speaker of the House. In January 1999, he resigned his seat in Congress [...]

Gingrich Ok'd Use Of Charity Funds
Foundation Chief Says House Speaker Approved Payment For Tv Shows
November 23, 1996|By MICHAEL KRANISH The Boston Globe
WASHINGTON — House Speaker Newt Gingrich personally approved using funds from a charity called the Abraham Lincoln Opportunity Foundation, which was set up to help the needy, to pay for a series of Gingrich television shows in the early 1990s, according to the foundation's former director.

The activities of the nonprofit foundation have come under scrutiny from a special counsel investigating possible tax and campaign law violations by Gingrich for the House ethics committee.

The charity, which solicited tax-deductible donations, spent more than $200,000 to produce television shows for Gingrich, who has described the cable broadcasts as a vehicle to recruit Republican activists.

In an interview this week, Howard "Bo" Callaway, the former director of the Abraham Lincoln Opportunity Foundation, said Gingrich approved using foundation funds for the TV series. [...]

Gingrich Ok'd Use Of Charity Funds

& this might be tribblehead's VP pick. :lol: :itsok:

Your glass house comment claims that that Newt's affair is the same as Bill's sexual harassment.

"LOL. You mean like Newt Gingrich, who was boffing Calista, his own whore behind wife #2's back at the same time going after Clinton, who was being impeached?"

An affair is not the same as sexual harassment, nor lying under oath, nor abuse of power.

Thus, Trump's defense against the woman card, by using Bill and Hillary's enabling, is valid and should be effective.

Furthermore, your minimizing of sexual harassment, by equating it with a consensual affair, is quite sexist and misogynistic of you.

lol. right. I minimize nothing. but having blinders on is quite ignorant of y-o-u.
Correll's frenetic defense of Trump's anti-female positions reveals that Correll knows just how vulnerable is Trump.


Kelly attacked him, and he struck back.

Women who expect to be treated as equals will understand that.

Women who think they are little girls who can't play with the BIg Boys, might vote for Hillary.

That's the message Hillary is sending.

she ATTACKED him???? by QUOTING his own words????? haaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now you are crying like Donald, my friend, and none of that makes sense.

Women are going to figuratively crucify Donnie onto a cross of ballot boxes.
Nothing in your post addressed anything in my post, soooo, My point stands. REmember a while ago, when your big "Argument" was to challenge my manhood, with "beta male" comments? That is what Hillary is saying to her males supporters. Vote for me because I know how to keep you in line. And you know something else? Women don't like weak bitch dominated men. In effect Hillary is telling the women that Trump is an "Alpha". This is not going to play well.
Correll the beta male has spoken. He thinks we live in the time of "Father Knows Best". Beta males are afraid of confident women.

1. Calling me a Beta Male, Logical Fallacy of Ad hominem. Your argument is invalid.

2. "Father knows best", Logical Fallacy of Strawman. Your argument is invalid.

3. Beta Male again, accusation of being afraid, Logical Fallacy of Ad Hominem. Your argument is invalid.

My point stands.

HIllary is telling men and women that Trump is an Alpha male.

Men want to identify WITH Alpha Males and Women like Alpha Males.

you are nuts.
Bottom Line
Donald Trump was accused of Rape in a sworn deposition by his Ex Wife

Hillary Clinton has never been accused of any rape ..........




What's so funny about Trump being accused of rape? The accuser is just as credible as the woman who accused Bill Clinton of raping her.

No, she is not.

Divorce testimony is not credible.

Ivana has since recanted that accusation and described her relationship with Trump as "best of friends".
I post facts and Correll posts memes.

No wonder Trump is going to lose so badly: he and his followers just don't get it.

How is Hillary doing with the White VOte? YOU know the majority? THe largest single ethnic group?

You don't seem to care about them.

YOu think they haven't noticed?
She does just fine with white women. And women have been out voting men in recent presidential elections.

She is losing white women and as the General Campaign continues and more people pay more attention, she will lose them more.

She will lose the overall White Vote too, by a large margin. As all democrats have done since LBJ.

Why do you think that is?

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