Trump cries when called out for attacking women

What Hawking said was stupid.
because compared to you and to Trump Stepehen Hawkins is Nothing
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Hawkins may be able to help you go back in time and prevent Trump's ex wife from swearing he raped her ...bottom line

I draw comfort from thinking along the same lines as one of the smartest man int his world on the other hand have to support whatever the "Orange Goo Tan" says LOL
Last edited:
Why afraid to go though my argument point by point?

Instead of vague generalizations?

IMO, Ivana's Divorce testimony is not credible because of her H-U-G-E motive to lie, ie BILLIONS OF DOLLARS.

That is not confusion talking.

Address my point.
You're demented to think I'm afraid. But your very first point demonstrates you're completely confused. Why continue when you're off base right out of the starting gate?

How does believing that a woman would lie in a divorce trial in order to get vast sums of money "confused"?
Who said that was where you are confused? You see, I never contested that. You appeared confused when you ask me to confirm your suspicions Ivana lied about being raped after I said her claim was not credible.

If you couldn't understand that very first point, there is little hope you will understand anything that comes after.

You did not state that when you accused me of being "confused". You were very vague. Which is common with liberals who are being evasive.

So, you seem to agree that Ivana had motive to lie in the divorce proceedings. Good.


Second point.

AFTER the trial, when the money issue was off the table, and the spotlight was removed and they got down to the business of being parents, they worked together, despite being divorced and Ivana now states that they are the best of friends.

I don't see much of a motive to lie there. She has her money. It is very common for divorced people to be bitter and hateful and if Trump RAPED her, a reasonable person would expect that to color their future relationship.

This leads me to believe her recantation, and thus that Trump did NOT rape her.

reposting this so we can go thought it point by point

The two cases are completely different.

Ivana gave testimony during a divorce from a BILLIONAIRE.

If you can't imagine a motive to lie there, that is on you.

And recanted when the pressure was off, and she became friendly with Donald while raising their child.

Broaddrick told her story to her friends in private while injured and traumatized. FIVE people who supported her story.

She gave false testimony because she was terrified of the power of a President and his vicious wife.

She eventually had the truth dragged out of her, in the context of when her life was being destroyed despite her silence.

BIll and her are not friends today. Hillary and her are not friends today."
There was no vagueness as the reason for your confusion was obvious since I never once said I believe Ivana Trump's claim of rape.

There's no point in arguing points with someone as confused as you. And I'll save us both the time and trouble of walking down your garden path and cut to the chase. In the end, you choose to believe a proven liar and adulterer whose story has changed and recently added new details and I choose to find her too lacking in credibility to find her claim believable.

You are being purposefully evasive and misleading.

Your desire to avoid going over my position point by point, which you ridiculed as confused, is obviously running away from having to defend your position, ie that Trump is worse than Bill Clinton.
What Hawking said was stupid.
because compared to you and to Trump Stepehen Hawkins is Nothing
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Hawkins may be able to help you go back in time and prevent Trump's ex wife from swearing he raped her ...bvottom line

I draw comfort from thinking along the same lines as one of the smartest man int his world on the other hand have to support whatever the "Orange Goo Tan" says LOL

Being an expert in one field does not make you an expert in all fields.

What Hawking said was stupid.
Ya know what's really funny is the leftwing belief that they can diffuse this line of attack by pretending Trump did it too. The comparisons are laughable, and they have been shot down whenever the douche bags have tried them.

it's funny that they don't understand that the more you defend, the more time the argument stays on the radar, and thus gives the masses the message that it is true.

Considering that that has been their PRIMARY method of "debate" for generations.
More silliness. This issue isn't going away until after the November elections no matter what position the left takes. The right really is devoid of issues to stand on that they need dirt like this about someone not running for president.

Hardly. What issues is Hillary running on, her record at the Department of State?

Hillary is hoping to get elected by playing the woman card, by claiming that she cares about women and Trump doesn't. However, every time she opens her mouth, Trump will lambaste her with her record of persecuting and harassing Bill's sexual assault victims. It's a no win situation for her. Trump will beat her like a baby seal.
Hillary Clinton on the issues

Those issue are all ones that
  1. Are low on the majority's list or priorities.
  2. Hillary is losing the issue, like the economy. No one believes Hillary would be better than Trump at improving the economy
  3. No one believes government can solve the issue.
Hillary is on the wrong side of major issues like immigration and international trade.

She has a weak hand and a weak record.

Experts: Trump's Plans for Border Wall, Illegals Will Cost Billions

Experts cast doubt on Donald Trump's immigration plans -

LOL, but you are willing to swallow the concept of Trump getting a "big beautiful wall" built; however, when pressed for any details, he starts up with his snake oil salesmanship pitch- "don't worry, it's all about management", & he'll make the Mexicans pay for it??? lol... no he won't, because the cost of materials, manpower, & the time needed to implement is insurmountable.

From what I have read, a lot of the land that wall would be built on is privately owned "tribal" land. Good luck kemosabi.
Who says they won't believe her when she swore under oath that Clinton didn't rape her?

Think whatever gives you comfort. Juanita told several people about the rape back when it happened, and has spoken out about it. She didn't want to be dragged into the Paula Jones/Monica Lewinski fracas when Bubbah was President...and for good reason. She knew how the Clintons attacked women's reputations.
And facing the penalty of perjury, swore it never happened. And if she's so afraid of the Clinton's, why has she recanted her recant? Sounds like you're full of shit.

Your logic chopping has extended beyond the absurd. She's credible when she doesn't want to testify, for reasons that are obvious to anyone else, but she isn't credible when she does accuse Bill of rape. She would commit perjury, but Bill, the president of the United States, committed perjury before the entire country.

Why would anyone swallow your ridiculous excuses?
Whether or not she wanted to testify -- she did. And she swore Clinton never raped her. And if she committed such blatant perjury, why was she never charged?

Your sympathy for terrified and traumatized rape victims is incredible.

Leftists talk SO much smack about being against bigotry or sexism or homophobia...

Until there is the slightest cost to them from standing by their supposed "Principles".

Then it's all Stand By Your Man, and the Attacking the Victim.
If she were truly a rape victim, she would not have attended a fundraiser of accused rapist just weeks later. If she were truly a rape victim, she would not have sworn Bill didn't rape her. If she were truly a rape victim, she wouldn't be discovering new details nearly 40 years later.

Again, she's a proven liar and adulterer, much like Bill Clinton, ironically enough. You choose to find such a person to be credible. In my opinion, for no reason other than it's politically expedient.
Being an expert in one field does not make you an expert in all fields.

What Hawking said was stupid.
I am sure your intelligence outranks Hawkins LOL waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
You are Right wing douche pretending Trump is noble and good LOL
And then in the face of a wikipedia link is Broaddrick's actual sworn testimony.

During the 1992 Presidential campaign there were unfounded rumors and stories circulated that Mr. Clinton had made unwelcome sexual advances toward me in the late seventies. Newspaper and tabloid reporters hounded me and my family, seeking corroboration of these tales. I repeatedly denied the allegations and requested that my family's privacy be respected. These allegations are untrue and I had hoped that they would no longer haunt me, or cause further disruption to my family.

It appears that everyone but you understands why she wouldn't want to be the center of a media circus, especially when it comes to testifying against a couple of political thugs as powerful and ruthless as the Clintons.

Are you serious?
But she'll go on radio and TV and claim he raped her. Where's that fear you're imagining?

People change their mind about things, douche bag.
Then there's no fear, as you made up. She claimed he raped her before testifying ... no fear then. She's made that claim after testifying ... no fear then either. But according to conservative acolytes like you, the only time she lied out of fear is when she faced the penalty of perjury.

You have no clue to how fucking retarded you sound, do you? Then again, I'm inquiring to the moron who actually said groping a woman is raping her. :cuckoo:

The points you keep bringing up have been repeatedly addressed.

You are the one that is looking "Fucking retarded".
You really have no idea how fucking retarded the rightwing position on this is, do you? More confusion, I suppose. For clarity's sake, it's fucking retarded to say she was too scared to say Bill raped her in 1998 but not too scared in 1999. No threats against her changed as the Clinton's never threatened her.
Of course she is as credible. Tabloid statements which are the polar opposite of sworn testimony are just as credible as divorce testimony. i.e., not very credibile at all.

In both cases, each woman claimed they were raped and each recanted their claim of rape. Neither claim is credible.

But my point stands ... more women have accused Trump of rape than have accused Bill Clinton of rape.

The two cases are completely different.

Ivana gave testimony during a divorce from a BILLIONAIRE.

If you can't imagine a motive to lie there, that is on you.

And recanted when the pressure was off, and she became friendly with Donald while raising their child.

Broaddrick told her story to her friends in private while injured and traumatized. FIVE people who supported her story.

She gave false testimony because she was terrified of the power of a President and his vicious wife.

She eventually had the truth dragged out of her, in the context of when her life was being destroyed despite her silence.

BIll and her are not friends today. Hillary and her are not friends today.
I understand you want to believe but the reality remains ... a person who recalls two completely different accounts of the same in incident is neither credibile nor believable.

You are choosing to believe both women when they had tremendous motive to lie, and choosing to disbelieve them when they did NOT.

I am doing the opposite.
Sadly, your massive confusion persists. Please show the post I made where I ever said I believed Ivana Trump when she said she was raped. Failure to do so demonstrates the accuracy of my assessment that you are thoroughly & hopelessly confused.

If you don't believe her then your actions are the actions of a disingenuous ass.

You have been posting her recanted accusation as a counter balance to Bill's crimes.

You are being purposefully evasive.
First and foremost, fuck you.

Secondly, what utter nonsense to posit someone is a "disingenuous ass" for not believing a proven liar and adulterer.

And lastly, I've not been evasive. I was clear from the start I found neither accusation of rape credible. Any misunderstanding of that stems from your own confusion.
Yeah Donald Trump is a sterling character LOL accused of rape accused of fraud, Four Business Bankruptcies : there Divorces ....oh yeah he is St Donald the Clean Hearted LOL

The only one of Bill Clinton and Donald Trump to have had a woman go to court and swear to rape is Donald Trump...that is the bottom line is it not ?

don't forget when he tried to use eminent domain to kick an old woman out of her house, so he can bulldoze it, level it, & pave over it so he can having lot built for his casino.... a personal business...

he lost.
You're demented to think I'm afraid. But your very first point demonstrates you're completely confused. Why continue when you're off base right out of the starting gate?

How does believing that a woman would lie in a divorce trial in order to get vast sums of money "confused"?
Who said that was where you are confused? You see, I never contested that. You appeared confused when you ask me to confirm your suspicions Ivana lied about being raped after I said her claim was not credible.

If you couldn't understand that very first point, there is little hope you will understand anything that comes after.

You did not state that when you accused me of being "confused". You were very vague. Which is common with liberals who are being evasive.

So, you seem to agree that Ivana had motive to lie in the divorce proceedings. Good.


Second point.

AFTER the trial, when the money issue was off the table, and the spotlight was removed and they got down to the business of being parents, they worked together, despite being divorced and Ivana now states that they are the best of friends.

I don't see much of a motive to lie there. She has her money. It is very common for divorced people to be bitter and hateful and if Trump RAPED her, a reasonable person would expect that to color their future relationship.

This leads me to believe her recantation, and thus that Trump did NOT rape her.

reposting this so we can go thought it point by point

The two cases are completely different.

Ivana gave testimony during a divorce from a BILLIONAIRE.

If you can't imagine a motive to lie there, that is on you.

And recanted when the pressure was off, and she became friendly with Donald while raising their child.

Broaddrick told her story to her friends in private while injured and traumatized. FIVE people who supported her story.

She gave false testimony because she was terrified of the power of a President and his vicious wife.

She eventually had the truth dragged out of her, in the context of when her life was being destroyed despite her silence.

BIll and her are not friends today. Hillary and her are not friends today."
There was no vagueness as the reason for your confusion was obvious since I never once said I believe Ivana Trump's claim of rape.

There's no point in arguing points with someone as confused as you. And I'll save us both the time and trouble of walking down your garden path and cut to the chase. In the end, you choose to believe a proven liar and adulterer whose story has changed and recently added new details and I choose to find her too lacking in credibility to find her claim believable.

You are being purposefully evasive and misleading.

Your desire to avoid going over my position point by point, which you ridiculed as confused, is obviously running away from having to defend your position, ie that Trump is worse than Bill Clinton.
Not only were you confused, I even showed how you were confused. And claiming I am running away from my position when I clearly stated it because I cut to the bottom line without playing your silly games is laughable.
Hey Correl here is your "Boy Pussy" whining about an American Judge he keeps calling a "Mexican Judge"

Donald Trump is on trial for the "financial rape" of students at his "University"

Trump Keeps Going After 'Biased' Judge In Trump University Case

BY Caitlin MacNeal

LOL Cry Baby Pussy
Donald J. Trump ‎@realDonaldTrump

I should have easily won the Trump University case on summary judgement but have a judge, Gonzalo Curiel, who is totally biased against me.

5:55 PM - 30 May 2016

"Whining" is liberal code for "You are right but I don't care."

Trump is right that a Federal Judge is Mexican LOL the Judge is American the Boy Pussy Trump is whining you /...

You are whining because there are sworn depositions against Trump alleging rape and NO SWORN DEPOSITIONS against Bill Clinton of rape
You have been posting her recanted accusation as a counter balance to Bill's crimes.

You are being purposefully evasive.
Hey Dingus ...what Bill Clinton crimes is that and how do they transfer to Hillary Clinton ...

Mmm, yeah.

That's been repeatedly discussed for years.

Your pretense of ignorance is dismissed and ridiculed.

This is me ridiculing you.

Hey Correl here is your "Boy Pussy" whining about an American Judge he keeps calling a "Mexican Judge"

Donald Trump is on trial for the "financial rape" of students at his "University"

Trump Keeps Going After 'Biased' Judge In Trump University Case

BY Caitlin MacNeal

LOL Cry Baby Pussy
Donald J. Trump ‎@realDonaldTrump

I should have easily won the Trump University case on summary judgement but have a judge, Gonzalo Curiel, who is totally biased against me.

5:55 PM - 30 May 2016

"Whining" is liberal code for "You are right but I don't care."

Trump is right that a Federal Judge is Mexican LOL the Judge is American the Boy Pussy Trump is whining you /...

You are whining because there are sworn depositions against Trump alleging rape and NO SWORN DEPOSITIONS against Bill Clinton of rape
And between the two, Trump still leads in the department of being accused of rape, 2 to 1.
How does believing that a woman would lie in a divorce trial in order to get vast sums of money "confused"?
Who said that was where you are confused? You see, I never contested that. You appeared confused when you ask me to confirm your suspicions Ivana lied about being raped after I said her claim was not credible.

If you couldn't understand that very first point, there is little hope you will understand anything that comes after.

You did not state that when you accused me of being "confused". You were very vague. Which is common with liberals who are being evasive.

So, you seem to agree that Ivana had motive to lie in the divorce proceedings. Good.


Second point.

AFTER the trial, when the money issue was off the table, and the spotlight was removed and they got down to the business of being parents, they worked together, despite being divorced and Ivana now states that they are the best of friends.

I don't see much of a motive to lie there. She has her money. It is very common for divorced people to be bitter and hateful and if Trump RAPED her, a reasonable person would expect that to color their future relationship.

This leads me to believe her recantation, and thus that Trump did NOT rape her.

reposting this so we can go thought it point by point

The two cases are completely different.

Ivana gave testimony during a divorce from a BILLIONAIRE.

If you can't imagine a motive to lie there, that is on you.

And recanted when the pressure was off, and she became friendly with Donald while raising their child.

Broaddrick told her story to her friends in private while injured and traumatized. FIVE people who supported her story.

She gave false testimony because she was terrified of the power of a President and his vicious wife.

She eventually had the truth dragged out of her, in the context of when her life was being destroyed despite her silence.

BIll and her are not friends today. Hillary and her are not friends today."
There was no vagueness as the reason for your confusion was obvious since I never once said I believe Ivana Trump's claim of rape.

There's no point in arguing points with someone as confused as you. And I'll save us both the time and trouble of walking down your garden path and cut to the chase. In the end, you choose to believe a proven liar and adulterer whose story has changed and recently added new details and I choose to find her too lacking in credibility to find her claim believable.

You are being purposefully evasive and misleading.

Your desire to avoid going over my position point by point, which you ridiculed as confused, is obviously running away from having to defend your position, ie that Trump is worse than Bill Clinton.
Not only were you confused, I even showed how you were confused. And claiming I am running away from my position when I clearly stated it because I cut to the bottom line without playing your silly games is laughable.

Sure. You clearly stated it.

But when we start going over WHY you reached that conclusion or why you think my conclusion is wrong, that's when the games started.

That you, the lawyer, mislead me to your meaning on the first two points, does not bother me much. My training and experience has all been about facilitating communication, not blocking it with obfuscations.

"Cutting to the bottom line" is just a way of avoiding defending your conclusion.

I have explained why I find Ivana's recantation more credible than her Divorce testimony.

You have not addressed that, other than to repeatedly throw in negative sounding words about her.
Hey Correl here is your "Boy Pussy" whining about an American Judge he keeps calling a "Mexican Judge"

Donald Trump is on trial for the "financial rape" of students at his "University"

Trump Keeps Going After 'Biased' Judge In Trump University Case

BY Caitlin MacNeal

LOL Cry Baby Pussy
Donald J. Trump ‎@realDonaldTrump

I should have easily won the Trump University case on summary judgement but have a judge, Gonzalo Curiel, who is totally biased against me.

5:55 PM - 30 May 2016

"Whining" is liberal code for "You are right but I don't care."

Trump is right that a Federal Judge is Mexican LOL the Judge is American the Boy Pussy Trump is whining you /...

You are whining because there are sworn depositions against Trump alleging rape and NO SWORN DEPOSITIONS against Bill Clinton of rape

"Whining" is liberal code for "You are right but I don't care."
This leads me to believe her recantation, and thus that Trump did NOT rape her.

Do you think she should be charged with perjury for claiming "St Donald" raped her....woo hoo after all a false accusation against a "innocent man" lol

The wide spread acceptance of lying in a divorce case is a serious problem, imo.

I don't know what the answer is.

It might be Just for her to be held accountable for her false testimony.
You have not addressed that, other than to repeatedly throw in negative sounding words about her.

I just want to ask this

One of these two men has sworn rape allegations against him ...check which of the two men has been actually accused of rape in court

Donald Trump_____

Bill Clinton ______

Its not complicated you know LOL


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