trump criticizes Biden for attacks on Houthi terrorists

Trump would start WWIII himself if he thought it would get him 10 more votes come Nov

^^^Biden cultists are always quick to tell you Trump would totally do exactly what Biden has already done (invite Putin to invade Ukraine, invite Hamas to attack Israel, bomb the middle east, start WWIII, run up inflation, crash the dollar, increase oil drilling, etc).

They think somehow it isn't the blatant projection we all see.

You are as evil as any terrorist. You have the same mentality. Fuck off.
No, I am MORE evil than any terrorist. They don't want to run into me. I'm not a woman or a child. And we know that's all the Muzzie cowards will attack.
EMH has been warning about this for months.

This is the LBJ re-election strategy.

Zionist Fascist war....
You TRULY have no idea what's going on or who our warlords are.

WW3 was cued up in Ukraine for lazy psychopath Hillary.
:cheers2: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :itsok:

But the difference between Trump and Biden is that the latter is about to escalate us into a hot WW3.

The difference is Trump did a shit ton more of it and you were eating the corn out of his shit while he was.

Your worship of the man is growing stronger each day

Does the former president understand that the US, along with Britain and the international community is taking these steps to stop the disruption of up to 30% of shipping? Does he understand that this attacks could crash the world's economy and that these strike are trying to prevent worldwide economic disaster?

Wait....he is already on record wishing for economic disaster. A former president hoping for economic disaster?

hey dickeldick.............pedo joe took them off the terrorist list.....lolololol

you people are so god damned dumb

Does the former president understand that the US, along with Britain and the international community is taking these steps to stop the disruption of up to 30% of shipping? Does he understand that this attacks could crash the world's economy and that these strike are trying to prevent worldwide economic disaster?

Wait....he is already on record wishing for economic disaster. A former president hoping for economic disaster?

In 2020 when President Trump did it Biden said Trump didn't have the authority. Where did Biden get the authority?
Quick, when did the Houthi's start targeting shipping and why do they claim to be targeting shipping?

Who gives a fuck? They found an excuse to try and blow up ships and ran with it.

Do you really, honestly, believe that blowing up ships is a good response to what is happening in Gaza?

How does that help the folks in Gaza?

Would you support someone in America shooting people in support stopping what Israel is doing in Gaza?

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