Trump crowd screams 'Lock her up!' – but it's not Hillary Clinton they hate..this time!...

This meme should explain it, to those with a 3 digit IQ....ABNORMALS need to ask a 5th grader! Can you imagine an 85 year old EVIL BITCH taking it to a much younger bitch!


Trump crowd screams 'Lock her up!' – but it's DIANNE FEINSTEIN and not Hillary Clinton they hate after he blasts California senator who gave Brett Kavanaugh's accuser a national stage

A sea of President Donald Trump's supporters chanted 'Lock her up!' Tuesday night during a speech in western Iowa, a full half-hour before the president mentioned Hillary Clinton's name.

The crowd of about 7,500 was angry at Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the California Democrat who two weeks ago facilitated the public hearing testimony of Christine Blasey Ford against then-future Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Trump rhetorically elbowed Feinstein at the tail end of a litany of anti-Democrat complaints, mocking her denial that her staff leaked a confidential letter in which Ford first accused Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her when the two were teens.

Mispronouncing her name 'Fein-steen' as he often does (LOLOLOL!), the president pantomimed a moment during the September 27 hearing in which she asked staff director Jennifer Duck for reassurance that her own aides had honored Ford's request for privacy.

'Did you leak the documents?' Trump asked, playing both sides of a Q-and-A with the ranking Demorcat on the Senate Judiciary Committee.

'Wha, wha, what? No, I didn't!' he replied, playing the role of Feinstein as she suddenly threw a glance over one shoulder to grill her underlings: 'Did we leak? Did we leak?'

'No! No! No we didn't!' Trump's fictional Feinstein said at last.

The 'Lock her up!' chant grew from thready to full-throated Clintonian proportions in five seconds flat.

'I think they're talking about Feinstein! Can you believe that?' Trump laughed, judging her less than credible.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Video of the crowd in Iowa tonight!! MAGA 2018 2020

Look How Many People Showed Up To Trump’s Rally In Iowa!


So, um....tell us about that 'presumption of innocence' Trump was lamenting about.

People get locked up all the time before trial

Not for crimes they haven't even been charged with.

But tell us more about this 'presumption of innocence' that Trump claimed to be so concerned with.

Reminds me of the old videos of Jim Jones preaching to his masses, they had the same type of worship and adoration for him. The only thing missing the the dancing in the aisles.

Jim Jones conned about 200 poor souls and promised them a life without consequences and a 9-5 job....
Trump is offering and delivering opportunity for self motivated people to achieve a good life without a Big Daddy watching their every move and hampering their future....
Jim Jones has way more in common with Obama....dummy.....
He had mind numbed supporters like you willing to end America as we know it for free stuff from the government....a promise as false as the promise Jim Jones made to his blind flock....

I disliked Obama even more than I do Trump, but you are just a mindless Trump cultist so you do not have the basic intelligence to understand that not liking Trump does not make one an Obama supporter.

Trump and Obama have much in common, both are snake oil salesmen that prey on the weak minded fools like you looking for a savior.
I disliked Obama even more than I do Trump, but you are just a mindless Trump cultist so you do not have the basic intelligence to understand that not liking Trump does not make one an Obama supporter.

Trump and Obama have much in common, both are snake oil salesmen that prey on the weak minded fools like you looking for a savior.
Trump is delivering for America on almost every point....Obama failed America....the mindless cultist were and are Obama sycophants.....
How much intelligence is necessary to realize your life is better and your future is are an idiot....a blind farm animal conditioned to suckle the old ways of governance...Trump is making real Americans lives better....the fact that you are too proud to admit you were wrong and too cowardly to admit you are or was an Obamabot is of no concern to the folks with a better to be as blind as you.....
And these idiots whine about "due process".

What a bunch of t*rds.

You idiots engage in mob rule.

Says the soul whose ilk are literally a mob calling for a woman to be locked up for crimes she isn't even charged with. Let alone convicted of.

But tell us more about 'due process' and the 'presumption of innocence'.
yet we should fry kavanaugh for an unproven allegation...
And these idiots whine about "due process".

What a bunch of t*rds.

You idiots engage in mob rule.

Says the soul whose ilk are literally a mob calling for a woman to be locked up for crimes she isn't even charged with. Let alone convicted of.

But tell us more about 'due process' and the 'presumption of innocence'.
yet we should fry kavanaugh for an unproven allegation...

We should certainly have investigated. Which is what Ford and Democrats on the Judiciary committe called for.

Yet your ilk continue to call for women to be imprisoned for crimes they haven't even been charged with. Let alone convicted up.

But tell us more about 'due process' and 'presumption of innocence'.
I disliked Obama even more than I do Trump, but you are just a mindless Trump cultist so you do not have the basic intelligence to understand that not liking Trump does not make one an Obama supporter.

Trump and Obama have much in common, both are snake oil salesmen that prey on the weak minded fools like you looking for a savior.
Trump is delivering for America on almost every point....Obama failed America....the mindless cultist were and are Obama sycophants.....
How much intelligence is necessary to realize your life is better and your future is are an idiot....a blind farm animal conditioned to suckle the old ways of governance...Trump is making real Americans lives better....the fact that you are too proud to admit you were wrong and too cowardly to admit you are or was an Obamabot is of no concern to the folks with a better to be as blind as you.....

I do not rely on the president to make my life or future brighter, I do that on my own. has to suck to sit back and just wait for the POTUS to make your life better. Why not get off your fat ass and do it for yourself.

While Obama was the POTUS my family income more than tripled, not because of Obama but because of the hard work of my wife and I to make things better. Our income from not far above poverty level to in the top 10% in less than 5 years, once again not because of who was in the White House.

real Americans do not sit back and wait for the government to make their lives better.
We should certainly have investigated. Which is what Ford and Democrats on the Judiciary committe called for.
7 FBI many more do you want?....

So when the FBI interviewed people on Ford's accusation of attempted forcible rape.....they were *reinterviewing* them all and asking them the same questions?

If you believe that, please show us the evidence of it. If you don't, then you've answered your own question on why Ford was calling for an FBI investigation into her accusations.

And you still haven't told me how "LOCK HER UP" fits with 'due process' and the 'presumption of innocence'.

Keep running.
I do not rely on the president to make my life or future brighter, I do that on my own
Well good for you....many people do rely on a growing economy to aid in their chosen careers and businesses.....maybe you should do a little less projecting and take your blinders off long enough to see millions of out of work under employed are back to work and doing great.....

"I do not rely on the president to make my life or future brighter" is just a stupid meaningless cliche.....said by people when times are good...
Enjoy the good times and stop the bellyaching....
And these idiots whine about "due process".

What a bunch of t*rds.

You idiots engage in mob rule.

Says the soul whose ilk are literally a mob calling for a woman to be locked up for crimes she isn't even charged with. Let alone convicted of.

But tell us more about 'due process' and the 'presumption of innocence'.

Your mob presumed Brett Kavanaugh guilty based on a memory from 36 years ago and no corroboration. Your mob will toss due process when it suits the mob.
So when the FBI interviewed people on Ford's accusation of attempted forcible rape.....they were *reinterviewing* them all and asking them the same questions?
They go back and talk to your high school teachers and your friends....they go to every employer of yours they can find....they sniff up your butt....the FBI 7 tries found anything close the what Dr. Ford the lying POS had claimed.....that's good enough for sane are insane however and will ride this all the way to the biggest defeat the dems have ever experienced.....have fun....
And these idiots whine about "due process".

What a bunch of t*rds.

You idiots engage in mob rule.

Says the soul whose ilk are literally a mob calling for a woman to be locked up for crimes she isn't even charged with. Let alone convicted of.

But tell us more about 'due process' and the 'presumption of innocence'.

Your mob presumed Brett Kavanaugh guilty based on a memory from 36 years ago and no corroboration. Your mob will toss due process when it suits the mob.

Ford and democrats on the Judiciary committee called for an investigation.

Your ilk is calling for imprisonment of women who haven't even been charged with any crime. Let alone convicted.

But tell us more about 'due process' and the 'presumption of innocence'.
So when the FBI interviewed people on Ford's accusation of attempted forcible rape.....they were *reinterviewing* them all and asking them the same questions?
They go back and talk to your high school teachers and your friends....they go to every employer of yours they can find....they sniff up your butt....the FBI 7 tries found anything close the what Dr. Ford the lying POS had claimed.....that's good enough for sane are insane however and will ride this all the way to the biggest defeat the dems have ever experienced.....have fun....

So, no. The FBI weren't reinterviewing anyone. They weren't asking questions they'd already asked.

Which answers your question on why Ford wanted an FBI investigation into her allegations.

And your desperate rout on how "LOCK HER UP!' fits with due process and the presumption of innocence continues. Demonstrating exactly how little your ilk care for either concept.
Ford and democrats on the Judiciary committee called for an investigation
Dr Ford still refuses to turn over her polygraph results....what does that tell you?.....
How can the FBI investigate a case with no evidence and where the accuser refuses to turn over her polygraph results about the "attack"she claims she passed...grow up.....
Ford and democrats on the Judiciary committee called for an investigation
Dr Ford still refuses to turn over her polygraph results....what does that tell you?.....

She already released the Polygraph results.

Christine Blasey Ford's attorneys release polygraph results on Kavanaugh allegations

You ignore them and then insist that because you ignore them, they were never released. Which certainly tells me loads about you.

As does your naked, desperate rout from explaining how 'LOCK HER UP!" fits with 'due process' and 'presumption of innocence'.

Keep running.
And these idiots whine about "due process".

What a bunch of t*rds.

You idiots engage in mob rule.

Says the soul whose ilk are literally a mob calling for a woman to be locked up for crimes she isn't even charged with. Let alone convicted of.

But tell us more about 'due process' and the 'presumption of innocence'.
yet we should fry kavanaugh for an unproven allegation...

We should certainly have investigated. Which is what Ford and Democrats on the Judiciary committe called for.

Yet your ilk continue to call for women to be imprisoned for crimes they haven't even been charged with. Let alone convicted up.

But tell us more about 'due process' and 'presumption of innocence'.

Your ilk tolerates women to sit on an allegation and then act when it is politically expedient.
And these idiots whine about "due process".

What a bunch of t*rds.

You idiots engage in mob rule.

Says the soul whose ilk are literally a mob calling for a woman to be locked up for crimes she isn't even charged with. Let alone convicted of.

But tell us more about 'due process' and the 'presumption of innocence'.
yet we should fry kavanaugh for an unproven allegation...

We should certainly have investigated. Which is what Ford and Democrats on the Judiciary committe called for.

Yet your ilk continue to call for women to be imprisoned for crimes they haven't even been charged with. Let alone convicted up.

But tell us more about 'due process' and 'presumption of innocence'.

Your ilk tolerates women to sit on an allegation and then act when it is politically expedient.

Or acting when her alleged attacker was about to be confirmed to the Supreme Court.

But tell us again a Trump mob screaming 'LOCK HER UP!' fits with due process and the presumption of innocence.

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