Trump CRUCIFIES media for investigating Scott Walker's college record after giving Obama a pass


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Obama was an affirmative action dummy and the press refused to disclose that. Very likely Obama also got a scholarship by falsely claiming he was a foreign student.

Exclusive Donald Trump MSM Investigation Into Scott Walker s College A Double Standard - Breitbart

feb 12 2015
Real estate magnate and reality television star Donald Trump, a potential 2016 GOP presidential candidate, tells Breitbart News it’s a “double standard” for the Washington Post to spend as much time and effort as it did investigating Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s college days, when reporters haven’t put much effort into investigating President Barack Obama’s background.

“Why didn’t they send a reporter over to Occidental and to Columbia and to the various Obama schools?” Trump said in a phone interview. “There’s never been a reporter over there. Nobody’s ever found anything. There’s no records available. Why didn’t send a reporter over to talk to the people from the schools he went to? It seems like a terrible double standard.”

When asked about how, six years deep now into the Obama administration, the president has been able to keep his college transcripts and records hidden from the American people, Trump said it’s largely because Obama spent millions in legal fees aiming to keep them hidden.

“They have nothing. They have nothing,” Trump said. “They don’t even have any records at all. They have no record of names. They have no record he went there. And of course the president spent $3.2 million to make sure they don’t have any records.”
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The press is racist and their motto is - we won't do anything to make a black president look bad.
Good for Trump. we all need to start bombarding the lamesteam media about their goosestepping pravda reporting and BIASES. They have cost us dearly because of it.
Obozo was an affirmative action dummy and the press refused to disclose that. Very likely Obozo also got a scholarship by falsely claiming he was a foreign student.

Very likely according to who? You do realize that you've got exactly jack shit to back up any claim you just made about Obama, right?
Obozo was an affirmative action dummy and the press refused to disclose that. Very likely Obozo also got a scholarship by falsely claiming he was a foreign student.

Very likely according to who? You do realize that you've got exactly jack shit to back up any claim you just made about Obama, right?

So why won't obozo release his records? THINK
What...... Walker didn't complete college...
And he wants to be President....
I guess he doesn't meet the requirement needed to run for President....
Too bad....

I like the guy.
What...... Walker didn't complete college...
And he wants to be President....
I guess he doesn't meet the requirement needed to run for President....
Too bad....

I like the guy.
There's a rumor he's gay. Does that count?

All Walker needs to do is announce that he's thinking of doing a Bruce Jenner and he would
go up in the Democrat polls.
The media who the Democrat's swear are not in their pocket will do anything to destroy any
Republican candidate.
Obozo was an affirmative action dummy and the press refused to disclose that. Very likely Obozo also got a scholarship by falsely claiming he was a foreign student.

Very likely according to who? You do realize that you've got exactly jack shit to back up any claim you just made about Obama, right?

So why won't obozo release his records? THINK

For the same reason that virtually no other president has ever released his records. THINK.

Worse, you're basing your assessment of likelihood on nothing. By your own admission you don't have any evidence to support your claims. You don't actually have the slightest clue you're talking about. Why then would you believe something you have no evidence to support?

Worse, you're basing your assessment of likelihood on nothing. By your own admission you don't have any evidence to support your claims.

Hey einstein. That's the problem. Obozo won't release his records and the media refuses to do it's job and find the records. The press exposed bush's college records. Turned out they were pretty good. HAHA
Liberals lie a lot! A whole lot! The entire liberal agenda is based on lies!

Liberalism is a fucking mental disorder!

If I ever wake up thinking I might be a fucking liberal, I will shoot myself!
Obozo was an affirmative action dummy and the press refused to disclose that. Very likely Obozo also got a scholarship by falsely claiming he was a foreign student.

Exclusive Donald Trump MSM Investigation Into Scott Walker s College A Double Standard - Breitbart

feb 12 2015
Real estate magnate and reality television star Donald Trump, a potential 2016 GOP presidential candidate, tells Breitbart News it’s a “double standard” for the Washington Post to spend as much time and effort as it did investigating Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s college days, when reporters haven’t put much effort into investigating President Barack Obama’s background.

“Why didn’t they send a reporter over to Occidental and to Columbia and to the various Obama schools?” Trump said in a phone interview. “There’s never been a reporter over there. Nobody’s ever found anything. There’s no records available. Why didn’t send a reporter over to talk to the people from the schools he went to? It seems like a terrible double standard.”

When asked about how, six years deep now into the Obama administration, the president has been able to keep his college transcripts and records hidden from the American people, Trump said it’s largely because Obama spent millions in legal fees aiming to keep them hidden.

“They have nothing. They have nothing,” Trump said. “They don’t even have any records at all. They have no record of names. They have no record he went there. And of course the president spent $3.2 million to make sure they don’t have any records.”

Who gives a shit what some crazy birfer says?

Also, Walker dropped out of college and Obama was editor of the Harvard paper and articled at Sidley Austin.


Who gives a shit about that?
Yeah, right! Obama also was awarded to Noble Peace Prize! ...for doing NOTHING!

Obama is a goddamned farce!

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