Trump Dangerously Claims Nevada Governor Will ‘Cheat On The Ballots’

I wish he would stop whining about what will happen if he loses. He's a fascist.

As a centrist i hear a lot more postulating about Trump will do if he doesn't win than the reverse

So maybe shut the fuck up

As if one needs evidence to make claims about their political enemies, ha

I wish he would stop whining about what will happen if he loses. He's a fascist.

As a centrist i hear a lot more postulating about Trump will do if he doesn't win than the reverse

So maybe shut the fuck up

As if one needs evidence to make claims about their political enemies, ha

You're no centrist, you're a bootlicker. You can't make false claims about what will happen shoukld you lose. The governors don't even control elections, you idiots need more education on how elections work and who controls what. Most Americans are simply uneducated about how government works which causes them to make false claims daily.

I wish he would stop whining about what will happen if he loses. He's a fascist.

As a centrist i hear a lot more postulating about Trump will do if he doesn't win than the reverse

So maybe shut the fuck up

As if one needs evidence to make claims about their political enemies, ha

You're no centrist, you're a bootlicker. You can't make false claims about what will happen shoukld you lose. The governors don't even control elections, you idiots need more education on how elections work and who controls what. Most Americans are simply uneducated about how government works which causes them to make false claims daily.

Yes you can

Democrats do it all the time


Russiagate? Which was a big ball of nothing? No one needs any evidence of anything in 2020. Some random brit writes a report with no evidence to back it up and it's a year long scandal.

Again how many times have you heard democrats talk about Trump not gonna be willing to give up the presidency? With no evidence

You can check my post history. I very rarely say anythign pro trump. Which i'm not doing here. He's just working by the same standards we all seem to be

Makes you seem like a useless **** when you're so openly hypocritical. Which is why he's still in this race

I wish he would stop whining about what will happen if he loses. He's a fascist.
There have already been a ton of election fraud based on the BS 'mail-in' ballots that almost every western civilized nation has abandoned due to the fact that it is so criminally abused.

I wish Leftists would stop cheating, run a clean election consisting of their candidate running against Trump without voter fraud and attempted coups.

I wish he would stop whining about what will happen if he loses. He's a fascist.
There have already been a ton of election fraud based on the BS 'mail-in' ballots that almost every western civilized nation has abandoned due to the fact that it is so criminally abused.

I wish Leftists would stop cheating, run a clean election consisting of their candidate running against Trump without voter fraud and attempted coups.

What? People improperly filling out teh forms or mailing them late is a much bigger problem than fraud

I wish he would stop whining about what will happen if he loses. He's a fascist.
There have already been a ton of election fraud based on the BS 'mail-in' ballots that almost every western civilized nation has abandoned due to the fact that it is so criminally abused.

I wish Leftists would stop cheating, run a clean election consisting of their candidate running against Trump without voter fraud and attempted coups.
WHERE IS THIS PROOF OF MASS ELECTION FRAUD? Examples? Post the links. Just because you're white doesn't make it facts.

I wish he would stop whining about what will happen if he loses. He's a fascist.

What a flaming hypocrite, LOL


I wish he would stop whining about what will happen if he loses. He's a fascist.
There have already been a ton of election fraud based on the BS 'mail-in' ballots that almost every western civilized nation has abandoned due to the fact that it is so criminally abused.

I wish Leftists would stop cheating, run a clean election consisting of their candidate running against Trump without voter fraud and attempted coups.
WHERE IS THIS PROOF OF MASS ELECTION FRAUD? Examples? Post the links. Just because you're white doesn't make it facts.
WHERE IS THIS PROOF OF MASS ELECTION FRAUD? Examples? Post the links. Just because you're white doesn't make it facts.

Hey RipVanBiden, check the news and the USM threads - the stories, links, and evidence you seek have been virtually everywhere. Even snowflakes doing their best to ignore it can't truthfully say they have not seen it.

Oregon and five other states uses mail in ballots and there was NO widespread fraud, in fact there were hardly any period. The angry white man with historical superiority complex just dreads the thought of losing and needs an excuse.

I wish he would stop whining about what will happen if he loses. He's a fascist.
There have already been a ton of election fraud based on the BS 'mail-in' ballots that almost every western civilized nation has abandoned due to the fact that it is so criminally abused.

I wish Leftists would stop cheating, run a clean election consisting of their candidate running against Trump without voter fraud and attempted coups.
WHERE IS THIS PROOF OF MASS ELECTION FRAUD? Examples? Post the links. Just because you're white doesn't make it facts.

I wish he would stop whining about what will happen if he loses. He's a fascist.

Ah fuck off. My Governor SELF-O-LICK is the most worst-est Gov. this State has had, ever, always, and hopefully forever. He's incompetent, character flaw, bends over for and sucks off the PROG-elite. Blue did this to my State.

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