Trump: Deadly Texas Shooting Isn’t A Guns Issue, It’s A Mental Health Problem


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
“This is a mental health problem at the highest level.”

President Donald Trump responded to the deadliest mass shooting in Texas history by saying the attack was a result of “a mental health problem” and not due to lax gun control laws.

“This isn’t a guns situation,” Trump said, noting that a person in the crowd with a gun shot at the attacker and caused him to flee. “This is a mental health problem at the highest level. It’s a very, very sad event.”

More: Trump: Deadly Texas Shooting Isn’t A Guns Issue, It’s A Mental Health Problem

Actually, it's both a guns issue and a mental health problem - and the NRA is protecting both.

NRA Wants Mentally Ill To Have Gun Rights
Trump is correct. I never heard or read a thing about any guns driving to the Church, getting out and shooting anyone. When you can prove that is how it happened, I will be with you all the way.
Trump is correct. I never heard or read a thing about any guns driving to the Church, getting out and shooting anyone. When you can prove that is how it happened, I will be with you all the way.

That is just too bizarre and twisted to respond to - so I won't even try.
Trump is correct. I never heard or read a thing about any guns driving to the Church, getting out and shooting anyone. When you can prove that is how it happened, I will be with you all the way.

That is just too bizarre and twisted to even respond to - so I won't even try.

Now you know how I feel with your gigantic thread posts.
Trump is correct. I never heard or read a thing about any guns driving to the Church, getting out and shooting anyone. When you can prove that is how it happened, I will be with you all the way.

That is just too bizarre and twisted to even respond to - so I won't even try.

Now you know how I feel with your gigantic thread posts.

Then stay off my threads.
Can't do that. It's my job.
Can't do that. It's my job.

No, it's NOT your job to post on threads you're not moderating. You mods should be confined to just harassing each other. I think I'll mention that to DanK.
Trump is correct. I never heard or read a thing about any guns driving to the Church, getting out and shooting anyone. When you can prove that is how it happened, I will be with you all the way.
Didn't you see the movie Maximum Overdrive? Guns can shoot people if they're taken over by extraterrestrials.
Trump is correct. I never heard or read a thing about any guns driving to the Church, getting out and shooting anyone. When you can prove that is how it happened, I will be with you all the way.
You've opened my eyes. You won't believe this, but in a somewhat similar vein I used to blame tobacco for increased rates of lung cancer. Crazy eh? I should have realised that tobacco never once set itself on fire. I thank you and President Trump both for setting me straight.
When a brown man kills people, it's
'He's an animal! Death sentence!'
When it's a white man, it's 'a mental health problem'.
The OP should be glad the NRA is out to prtect the rights of metal unstable people, otherwise they would never be able to own a firearm
Deadly Texas Shooting Isn’t A Guns Issue, It’s A Mental Health Problem

Well, if he truly believes that, he'll advocate for repealing the law that prohibits his Administration from performing research that examines the causes of gun-related violence.
I read the full statememt and believe President Trump is correct. Mental Health is the issue and let us encourage Trump to work with LEGISLATIVE bodies on the issue. Someone on a "social media" page wrote something I know to be correct:
DV convictions/findings remove firearm riights.
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I read the full statememt and believe President Trump is correct. Mental Health is the issue and let us encourage Trump to woork with LEGISLATIVE bodies on the issue. Someone on a "social media" page wrote something I know to be correct:
DV convictions/findings remove firearm riights.

Yes you far left drones do not want such things as you are the party of NO!

Now can any far left drone point to any law that would have stopped this?
PS We all need to break from accepting social media as fact. I did on the "Neo Nazi" claim, then realized I was doing what I instruct others to avoid. Also, VOTER's REGISTRATION inactive.
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I read the full statememt and believe President Trump is correct. Mental Health is the issue and let us encourage Trump to woork with LEGISLATIVE bodies on the issue. Someone on a "social media" page wrote something I know to be correct:
DV convictions/findings remove firearm riights.

Yes you far left drones do not want such things as you are the party of NO!

Now can any far left drone point to any law that would have stopped this?

Not far left but I cannot.As I wrote, I do not believe any firearm law will prevent actions these, and it may have been the type of illness that masks the symptoms in large part. BPD, PD.
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I read the full statememt and believe President Trump is correct. Mental Health is the issue and let us encourage Trump to woork with LEGISLATIVE bodies on the issue. Someone on a "social media" page wrote something I know to be correct:
DV convictions/findings remove firearm riights.

Yes you far left drones do not want such things as you are the party of NO!

Now can any far left drone point to any law that would have stopped this?

Not far left but I cannot.As I wrote, I do not believe any firearm law will prevent actions these, and it may have been the type of illness thatt masks the symptoms in large part. BPD, PD.

Yes you are far left! Do not pretend you are not!

Having gun control laws with open borders is not smart no matter how the far left wants to spin it.

Criminals do not obey the laws, so making laws that they will not obey will not help matters. It comes to enforcement and penalties. But even then that is not a deterrent. But the far left does not want the police to enforce. So what will be acceptable to the far left?
I read the full statememt and believe President Trump is correct. Mental Health is the issue and let us encourage Trump to woork with LEGISLATIVE bodies on the issue. Someone on a "social media" page wrote something I know to be correct:
DV convictions/findings remove firearm riights.

Yes you far left drones do not want such things as you are the party of NO!

Now can any far left drone point to any law that would have stopped this?

Not far left but I cannot.As I wrote, I do not believe any firearm law will prevent actions these, and it may have been the type of illness thatt masks the symptoms in large part. BPD, PD.

Yes you are far left! Do not pretend you are not!

Having gun control laws with open borders is not smart no matter how the far left wants to spin it.

Criminals do not obey the laws, so making laws that they will not obey will not help matters. It comes to enforcement and penalties. But even then that is not a deterrent. But the far left does not want the police to enforce. So what will be acceptable to the far left?

Law enforcement, properly funded and trained.

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