Trump Deal - details, reactions and development on the ground

Trump Deal - applicable or not?

  • Yes (after hearing details)

    Votes: 9 64.3%
  • No (after hearing details)

    Votes: 5 35.7%

  • Total voters
I would agree that there is extremist violence coming from the settlers and it has led to horrific murders as well. They've even thrown stones at the IDF, and I think once at a US diplomatic contingent visiting the area. And I agree, enforcement and policing is still very lopsided against the Palestinians (for example it's crazy that children need soldiers with them just to safely get to school).

In defense - the IDF has finally started taking them very seriously, particularly after the teenaged boy was kidnapped and burned alive. They are viewing these extremists as terrorists and have been taking stronger measures (finally).

And, one of my complaints has always been that the Palestinians are under military law while Israelis in that area, get the benefit of civilian law (which grants many more rights and protections to minors). That is another reason IMO - that the status quo can't be maintained as it is.

So something needs to be done. Like some of the ideas in this plan.

Nothing changed. Of course, they are taking it "very seriously", which is why they opted to make filming the IDF's criminality and support of settler criminality a crime, punishable by up to ten years in prison.

The plan would visit further indignities on Palestinians. It would not - not - improve anything for Palestinians. It is hard, I know, but the plan is a "good job" done on Palestinians under the threadbare veil of lofty promises that will never materialize. I find, it's time for that reality to sink in.

Tell us please; What was wrong with Olmert's plan?

You mean, besides, Jews?
Indeed, there are no pro Palestinians, just those who are pro Israel and those who are anti Israel.
Israel attacks civilian areas all the time.

Why the double standard?

You didn't answer her question. Deflection. What kind of "defense" is lobbing rockets into civilian areas?

And don't say its harmless. I was just in Israel this past November, while you have never visited your beloved Palestine in your entire life. I saw my relatives go into bomb shelters. I saw the disruption of their lives, with work and school being cancelled. I saw their dog having anxiety attacks.
The Palestinians experience acts of war constantly.

Are they not allowed to respond?

It's really really difficult to disentangle what started when and where and by who in a conflict that is essentially over 80 years old. In fact..not sure it's worth it.

It does seem to me that most of Israel's military responses seem to be aimed at Gaza sites that rockets are fired from. That's one thing.

Then, there are a whole lot of other factors including the way stone throwers are treated, whether or not protestors were shot in just cause or not, which would have to be looked at on a case by case basis.

You can't broad brush it all.

But we still get back to an essential function of a state: the right to protect its civilian population from threats.

What the Palestinian civilian population goes through is devastating. What the Israeli civilian population goes through is devastating.

I hope we can acknowledge that - rather than claiming it's just a few rockets here and there.

So what can we do to rectify it? And, maybe, more to the point - in what way is HAMAS acting to PROTECT it's civilian population? In what way is HAMAS acting to put it's civilian population in danger?
It's really really difficult to disentangle what started when and where and by who in a conflict that is essentially over 80 years old. In fact..not sure it's worth it.
The truth is always important. You can't just blow off the past like it is meaningless. Present conflicts cannot be addressed outside of history.

But you ONLY talk about the past, and not about finding solutions.

That is not true.

Tinmore never has a rebuttàl, just propaganda videos .
Tell us Tinmore , instead of posting videos , what is not true about forever young’s post?
Attacks are unprovoked violence. Palestinians defense is not unprovoked.

What kind of "defense" is lobbing rockets into civilian areas?
Israel attacks civilian areas all the time.

Why the double standard?

You didn't answer her question. Deflection. What kind of "defense" is lobbing rockets into civilian areas?

And don't say its harmless. I was just in Israel this past November, while you have never visited your beloved Palestine in your entire life. I saw my relatives go into bomb shelters. I saw the disruption of their lives, with work and school being cancelled. I saw their dog having anxiety attacks.
The Palestinians experience acts of war constantly.

Are they not allowed to respond?

It's really really difficult to disentangle what started when and where and by who in a conflict that is essentially over 80 years old. In fact..not sure it's worth it.

It does seem to me that most of Israel's military responses seem to be aimed at Gaza sites that rockets are fired from. That's one thing.

Then, there are a whole lot of other factors including the way stone throwers are treated, whether or not protestors were shot in just cause or not, which would have to be looked at on a case by case basis.

You can't broad brush it all.

But we still get back to an essential function of a state: the right to protect its civilian population from threats.

What the Palestinian civilian population goes through is devastating. What the Israeli civilian population goes through is devastating.

I hope we can acknowledge that - rather than claiming it's just a few rockets here and there.

So what can we do to rectify it? And, maybe, more to the point - in what way is HAMAS acting to PROTECT it's civilian population? In what way is HAMAS acting to put it's civilian population in danger?
It does seem to me that most of Israel's military responses seem to be aimed at Gaza sites that rockets are fired from. That's one thing.
There is more to Gaza than Israeli talking points.

There are many problems with Israel. Just nibbling around the edges of one of them leaves many unresolved.
The supervision of Israel is the conflict.

Until that ends there will be no peace.

Yet it didn't end when they withdrew from Gaza. Not even reduced.
They didn't withdraw from Gaza.

Not completely, but they did give Gaza and window of opportunity didn't they?
Part of the so called withdrawal was initiating a system of closure. Without travel, trade, and tourism what opportunities can you have?

Agree. So why the hell did they continue lobbing rockets into civilian areas? Come on - these are civilians.
Who's civilian area?
Israeli military spokesmen, justifying their army’s assault on the Gaza Strip, said the war was about Sderot. In a way, they were right. It is about Sderot. In 1948, where Sderot houses Israeli Jews today, there was a village called Najd – Arabic for a high plateau. It was home to about seven hundred people, most of them small farmers. Two days before the declaration of the State of Israel – that is, on May 13th – Haganah forces expelled the inhabitants.

There remained the problem of the refugees. United Nations resolutions specified that all of the 750,000 Palestinian Arabs driven from their homes in 1947 and 1948 be permitted to return. However, Israel had not expelled them in order to allow them back.

Although Moshe Sharett, who later became prime minister, had decreed there be no more talk about Gaza in 1949, there has been nothing but talk and bloodshed around the Strip ever since. Israel conquered it in 1956. But there was no longer a question of annexing the Strip. Israel merely kept it under military occupation, thus denying its refugees any chance of returning to their homes on the other side of the Gaza line. By now, anyway, their villages had been demolished or filled with Israeli settlers.

“The Ordeals of Gaza”
What kind of "defense" is lobbing rockets into civilian areas?
Israel attacks civilian areas all the time.

Why the double standard?

You didn't answer her question. Deflection. What kind of "defense" is lobbing rockets into civilian areas?

And don't say its harmless. I was just in Israel this past November, while you have never visited your beloved Palestine in your entire life. I saw my relatives go into bomb shelters. I saw the disruption of their lives, with work and school being cancelled. I saw their dog having anxiety attacks.
The Palestinians experience acts of war constantly.

Are they not allowed to respond?

It's really really difficult to disentangle what started when and where and by who in a conflict that is essentially over 80 years old. In fact..not sure it's worth it.

It does seem to me that most of Israel's military responses seem to be aimed at Gaza sites that rockets are fired from. That's one thing.

Then, there are a whole lot of other factors including the way stone throwers are treated, whether or not protestors were shot in just cause or not, which would have to be looked at on a case by case basis.

You can't broad brush it all.

But we still get back to an essential function of a state: the right to protect its civilian population from threats.

What the Palestinian civilian population goes through is devastating. What the Israeli civilian population goes through is devastating.

I hope we can acknowledge that - rather than claiming it's just a few rockets here and there.

So what can we do to rectify it? And, maybe, more to the point - in what way is HAMAS acting to PROTECT it's civilian population? In what way is HAMAS acting to put it's civilian population in danger?
It does seem to me that most of Israel's military responses seem to be aimed at Gaza sites that rockets are fired from. That's one thing.
There is more to Gaza than Israeli talking points.

There are many problems with Israel. Just nibbling around the edges of one of them leaves many unresolved.

Indeed, false premise.
Israel attacks civilian areas all the time.

Why the double standard?

You didn't answer her question. Deflection. What kind of "defense" is lobbing rockets into civilian areas?

And don't say its harmless. I was just in Israel this past November, while you have never visited your beloved Palestine in your entire life. I saw my relatives go into bomb shelters. I saw the disruption of their lives, with work and school being cancelled. I saw their dog having anxiety attacks.
The Palestinians experience acts of war constantly.

Are they not allowed to respond?

It's really really difficult to disentangle what started when and where and by who in a conflict that is essentially over 80 years old. In fact..not sure it's worth it.

It does seem to me that most of Israel's military responses seem to be aimed at Gaza sites that rockets are fired from. That's one thing.

Then, there are a whole lot of other factors including the way stone throwers are treated, whether or not protestors were shot in just cause or not, which would have to be looked at on a case by case basis.

You can't broad brush it all.

But we still get back to an essential function of a state: the right to protect its civilian population from threats.

What the Palestinian civilian population goes through is devastating. What the Israeli civilian population goes through is devastating.

I hope we can acknowledge that - rather than claiming it's just a few rockets here and there.

So what can we do to rectify it? And, maybe, more to the point - in what way is HAMAS acting to PROTECT it's civilian population? In what way is HAMAS acting to put it's civilian population in danger?
It's really really difficult to disentangle what started when and where and by who in a conflict that is essentially over 80 years old. In fact..not sure it's worth it.
The truth is always important. You can't just blow off the past like it is meaningless. Present conflicts cannot be addressed outside of history.

Are any Israelis protected persons under the Geneva Conventions?

Tinmore never has a rebuttàl, just propaganda videos .
Tell us Tinmore , instead of posting videos , what is not true about forever young’s post?
But you ONLY talk about the past, and not about finding solutions.​

I always post solutions. It is just that some don't want to hear them.
Tinmore never has a rebuttàl, just propaganda videos .
Tell us Tinmore , instead of posting videos , what is not true about forever young’s post?
But you ONLY talk about the past, and not about finding solutions.​

I always post solutions. It is just that some don't want to hear them.

Press TV produced YouTube videos are solutions?
You didn't answer her question. Deflection. What kind of "defense" is lobbing rockets into civilian areas?

And don't say its harmless. I was just in Israel this past November, while you have never visited your beloved Palestine in your entire life. I saw my relatives go into bomb shelters. I saw the disruption of their lives, with work and school being cancelled. I saw their dog having anxiety attacks.
The Palestinians experience acts of war constantly.

Are they not allowed to respond?

It's really really difficult to disentangle what started when and where and by who in a conflict that is essentially over 80 years old. In fact..not sure it's worth it.

It does seem to me that most of Israel's military responses seem to be aimed at Gaza sites that rockets are fired from. That's one thing.

Then, there are a whole lot of other factors including the way stone throwers are treated, whether or not protestors were shot in just cause or not, which would have to be looked at on a case by case basis.

You can't broad brush it all.

But we still get back to an essential function of a state: the right to protect its civilian population from threats.

What the Palestinian civilian population goes through is devastating. What the Israeli civilian population goes through is devastating.

I hope we can acknowledge that - rather than claiming it's just a few rockets here and there.

So what can we do to rectify it? And, maybe, more to the point - in what way is HAMAS acting to PROTECT it's civilian population? In what way is HAMAS acting to put it's civilian population in danger?
It's really really difficult to disentangle what started when and where and by who in a conflict that is essentially over 80 years old. In fact..not sure it's worth it.
The truth is always important. You can't just blow off the past like it is meaningless. Present conflicts cannot be addressed outside of history.

Are any Israelis protected persons under the Geneva Conventions?


And there you have it.

Thanks for finally admitting it, you support any act of terrorism as long as it targets Israelis.
The Palestinians experience acts of war constantly.

Are they not allowed to respond?

It's really really difficult to disentangle what started when and where and by who in a conflict that is essentially over 80 years old. In fact..not sure it's worth it.

It does seem to me that most of Israel's military responses seem to be aimed at Gaza sites that rockets are fired from. That's one thing.

Then, there are a whole lot of other factors including the way stone throwers are treated, whether or not protestors were shot in just cause or not, which would have to be looked at on a case by case basis.

You can't broad brush it all.

But we still get back to an essential function of a state: the right to protect its civilian population from threats.

What the Palestinian civilian population goes through is devastating. What the Israeli civilian population goes through is devastating.

I hope we can acknowledge that - rather than claiming it's just a few rockets here and there.

So what can we do to rectify it? And, maybe, more to the point - in what way is HAMAS acting to PROTECT it's civilian population? In what way is HAMAS acting to put it's civilian population in danger?
It's really really difficult to disentangle what started when and where and by who in a conflict that is essentially over 80 years old. In fact..not sure it's worth it.
The truth is always important. You can't just blow off the past like it is meaningless. Present conflicts cannot be addressed outside of history.

Are any Israelis protected persons under the Geneva Conventions?


And there you have it.

Thanks for finally admitting it, you support any act of terrorism as long as it targets Israelis.

And this includes ppl in Tel-Aviv! And 3 year old children!
Much speculation and claims in the air by various news sites.
I don't want to do that, let's discuss it when we see what it actually says.

PM Netanyahu and opposition leader Gantz, went to Washington to meet Pres.Trump.
The PA leadership refused the invitation

On the ground:

Hamas ordered all business closed by 13:00 to generate to generate wider demonstrations.
Following assessment meetings between Defense minister Bennet and Gen. Cochavi,
IDF increased presence in several points including Jordan valley and Judea
in preparation for any possible escalations.

Today 19:00 Israel time will be presented the Trump Deal.
That's in about 4 hours now.
What deal? There can’t be a deal when pals have never wanted one and still don’t
The Palestinians experience acts of war constantly.

Are they not allowed to respond?

It's really really difficult to disentangle what started when and where and by who in a conflict that is essentially over 80 years old. In fact..not sure it's worth it.

It does seem to me that most of Israel's military responses seem to be aimed at Gaza sites that rockets are fired from. That's one thing.

Then, there are a whole lot of other factors including the way stone throwers are treated, whether or not protestors were shot in just cause or not, which would have to be looked at on a case by case basis.
He’s admitted that for years.

You can't broad brush it all.

But we still get back to an essential function of a state: the right to protect its civilian population from threats.

What the Palestinian civilian population goes through is devastating. What the Israeli civilian population goes through is devastating.

I hope we can acknowledge that - rather than claiming it's just a few rockets here and there.

So what can we do to rectify it? And, maybe, more to the point - in what way is HAMAS acting to PROTECT it's civilian population? In what way is HAMAS acting to put it's civilian population in danger?
It's really really difficult to disentangle what started when and where and by who in a conflict that is essentially over 80 years old. In fact..not sure it's worth it.
The truth is always important. You can't just blow off the past like it is meaningless. Present conflicts cannot be addressed outside of history.

Are any Israelis protected persons under the Geneva Conventions?


And there you have it.

Thanks for finally admitting it, you support any act of terrorism as long as it targets Israelis.

he’s admitted that for years. That’s what Jew -hating, terrorost supporting scum do
Much speculation and claims in the air by various news sites.
I don't want to do that, let's discuss it when we see what it actually says.

PM Netanyahu and opposition leader Gantz, went to Washington to meet Pres.Trump.
The PA leadership refused the invitation

On the ground:

Hamas ordered all business closed by 13:00 to generate to generate wider demonstrations.
Following assessment meetings between Defense minister Bennet and Gen. Cochavi,
IDF increased presence in several points including Jordan valley and Judea
in preparation for any possible escalations.

Today 19:00 Israel time will be presented the Trump Deal.
That's in about 4 hours now.
What deal? There can’t be a deal when pals have never wanted one and still don’t

The people, many of them actually want Israeli rule.
Kulu min Allah...

Indeed, there are no pro Palestinians, just those who are pro Israel and those who are anti Israel.
Incorrect Poindexter

I am pro Palestinian and anti Israel. ... :cool:
No, you're not. Pro Palestinian is just an excuse you have for being anti Israeli. Every offer the Palestinians have turned down, right back to the Peel Commission in 1937, has made life more difficult for for the people, so when you support the rejection of all of these plans, from the Peel Commission in 1937 right down to Trump's plan, you are advocating against the interests of the Palestinian people.

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