Trump deregulates to increase his base!

A recent study said that breathing polluted air makes people dumber.

Trump recently issues an EO to allow for more polluted air thereby making people dumber. Dumber people tend to be Trumpettes.

5 things for August 28: White House, Jacksonville, Myanmar, gerrymandering, pollution - CNN
Democrats use the EPA to increase the costs of doing business.
They use the EPA to prevent progress.
There has to be a common ground when it comes to clean air and water and doing business.
Democrat's answer is removing all production from America and sending it overseas, where the EPA has no controls.
So what environmental laws would you found acceptable? How much air and water pollution is acceptable to you?
/——-/ Here’s an analogy since you can’t seem to grasp our point about over regulation. President Smith is concerned about traffic saftey and reduces the national speed limit from 100 mph to 5 mph. You like President Smith, voted for him and support his safety concerns. Do you drive 5 mph on the Interstate without complaint or do you say gee, maybe over regulation isn’t so good. Let’s ramp it up to 60 mph. Get it now????
Here is where you are wrong. You do not want speed limits. Your own analogy shows a speed limit of 100 when it is 70. You want no limits because speed trumps safety. Regardless of the death and injury it causes others so long as others profit that is all that matters. Same with your disdain for environmental laws. Repercussions and injuries mean nothing so long as you can profit from no limits. Get it?

Bullshit speed triumphs saftey, look at the German autobahn. Germans drive a fucking a car, not eat big Macs and drink a cherry coke while driving.

You lefturds can never understand the economocis of your assnine rules and regulations their is a fine line to draw.

You answer your own question first. How much air and water pollution is acceptable to you? So?
Where are we? First Grade?

Apparently. Get that stupid shit out of here. It's an obvious trap question. That's why i said you first. So? How much air and water polution are ok with you?
purposeful pollution is not OK. Keep working on lowering not raising it like your butt buddy Trump.
/----/ Turn off your PC and save the planet.
You have no idea where I get my electric.

He Is not talking electric he is talking oil which your PC or cell phone is made from.

/——-/ Here’s an analogy since you can’t seem to grasp our point about over regulation. President Smith is concerned about traffic saftey and reduces the national speed limit from 100 mph to 5 mph. You like President Smith, voted for him and support his safety concerns. Do you drive 5 mph on the Interstate without complaint or do you say gee, maybe over regulation isn’t so good. Let’s ramp it up to 60 mph. Get it now????
Here is where you are wrong. You do not want speed limits. Your own analogy shows a speed limit of 100 when it is 70. You want no limits because speed trumps safety. Regardless of the death and injury it causes others so long as others profit that is all that matters. Same with your disdain for environmental laws. Repercussions and injuries mean nothing so long as you can profit from no limits. Get it?
No....speed limits are a guide. And when it comes to doing business, the entire purpose of doing business is to turn a profit, not provide jobs. However, the more profit you earn the more jobs you tend to create. Democrats are socialists that want to remove the incentive to run a business by minimizing profit, thus destroying job creation.
Here is where you are wrong again. 1) Speed limits are not guides. They are limits which is why you get what are called tickets when you violate them. 2) It is a canard that environmental laws impede competitiveness. Environmental laws enacted in the past have made industry more efficient in many areas in the long term. Pollution after all is nothing but waste product. 3) Environmental' laws are about quality if life. For those of us who grew up with burning rivers, Love Canal, acid rain, and illegal toxic waste dumps, the EPA was a godsend and started the process of fixing these excesses. Quality of life is not secondary to shareholder value nor are dumping carcinogens in your drinking water secondary to the polluter not having to pay for the proper prevention equipment.

We are beyond wanting to live like third world peasants. At least I thought we were.
/——/ It was an analogy not a direct comparison you moron.
View attachment 213382
Your analogy was stupid.
Not really.
Bill Clinton waited till nearly the end of his administration to write EPA regulations that would have increased the price of bottled water to roughly $100/gal. Bush had to write an EO rescinding that order. Democrats screamed; "BUSH IS POISONING OUR CHILDREN!!!!!"
You answer your own question first. How much air and water pollution is acceptable to you? So?
Where are we? First Grade?

Apparently. Get that stupid shit out of here. It's an obvious trap question. That's why i said you first. So? How much air and water polution are ok with you?
purposeful pollution is not OK. Keep working on lowering not raising it like your butt buddy Trump.
/----/ Turn off your PC and save the planet.
You have no idea where I get my electric.

From a coal plant
Let's do some calculations BASED on FACTS...
The table below shows data compiled by the International Energy Agency, which estimates carbon dioxide emissions from the combustion of coal, natural gas, oil and other fuels, including industrial waste and non-renewable municipal waste.

A) United States is 2 with 15.53 metric tons per person or times 326 million population total of 5.062 billion metric tons. ( 5.569 billion tons.)
Each Country's Share of CO2 Emissions
So we all agree the USA puts out 5.062 Billion metric tons of CO2.

A tree can absorb as much as 48 pounds of carbon dioxide per year and can sequester 1 ton of carbon dioxide by the time it reaches 40 years old. Untitled Document

There are currently nearly 300 billion trees at least 1-inch in diameter in the U.S. Get Essential U.S. Forest Facts on Forestland

B) Summary: 300 billion trees absorbing 48 pounds per year is equal to 7.2 billion tons of CO2 absorbed per year.

Grasses remove about 6 tons of carbon dioxide per acre per year from the atmosphere.[xi]
OPEI: Absorbing Carbon Dioxide

estimated there are 40 million acres of turf grass in the U.S., covering 1.9 percent of the land
Lawns vs. crops in the continental U.S. » Scienceline

C) Summary: 40 million acres times 6 tons of CO2 absorbed per year is a total of 240 million tons

Total potential absorbed CO2: 7.5 Billion ( 7.2 billion tons absorbed by Trees and 240 million tons by grass that's a total of 7.5 billion tons of CO2)

7.5 billion tons absorbed by trees and grasses
5.569 billion tons of CO2 produced per year (see point A)
Net surplus 1.9 billion tons.
Meaning ALL CO2 produced by USA is absorbed with an additional 1.9 billion tons of CO2 absorbed.
A recent study said that breathing polluted air makes people dumber.

Trump recently issues an EO to allow for more polluted air thereby making people dumber. Dumber people tend to be Trumpettes.

5 things for August 28: White House, Jacksonville, Myanmar, gerrymandering, pollution - CNN
Democrats use the EPA to increase the costs of doing business.
They use the EPA to prevent progress.
There has to be a common ground when it comes to clean air and water and doing business.
Democrat's answer is removing all production from America and sending it overseas, where the EPA has no controls.
So what environmental laws would you found acceptable? How much air and water pollution is acceptable to you?

That's a stupid argument since obviously you don't support zero either, cave man. You wouldn't even be able to have a fire to cook your dinner
I asked a question. Can you answer it Hoss or is it beyond you?
All she does is call folks names and disparage them needlessly.
A recent study said that breathing polluted air makes people dumber.

Trump recently issues an EO to allow for more polluted air thereby making people dumber. Dumber people tend to be Trumpettes.

5 things for August 28: White House, Jacksonville, Myanmar, gerrymandering, pollution - CNN
Democrats use the EPA to increase the costs of doing business.
They use the EPA to prevent progress.
There has to be a common ground when it comes to clean air and water and doing business.
Democrat's answer is removing all production from America and sending it overseas, where the EPA has no controls.
So what environmental laws would you found acceptable? How much air and water pollution is acceptable to you?

That's a stupid argument since obviously you don't support zero either, cave man. You wouldn't even be able to have a fire to cook your dinner
I asked a question. Can you answer it Hoss or is it beyond you?
All she does is call folks names and disparage them needlessly.

My recent post shows irrefutable facts.

I would encourage following up the links to verify the conclusion that the USA is a NET exporter of CO2 absorption.
A recent study said that breathing polluted air makes people dumber.

Trump recently issues an EO to allow for more polluted air thereby making people dumber. Dumber people tend to be Trumpettes.

5 things for August 28: White House, Jacksonville, Myanmar, gerrymandering, pollution - CNN

Not sure you guys can get dumber
/----/ "Not sure you guys can get dumber" I said that when they nominated Billy Clintoon. but apparently their well of dumbness is bottomless.
A recent study said that breathing polluted air makes people dumber.

Trump recently issues an EO to allow for more polluted air thereby making people dumber. Dumber people tend to be Trumpettes.

5 things for August 28: White House, Jacksonville, Myanmar, gerrymandering, pollution - CNN
Democrats use the EPA to increase the costs of doing business.
They use the EPA to prevent progress.
There has to be a common ground when it comes to clean air and water and doing business.
Democrat's answer is removing all production from America and sending it overseas, where the EPA has no controls.
So what environmental laws would you found acceptable? How much air and water pollution is acceptable to you?

That's a stupid argument since obviously you don't support zero either, cave man. You wouldn't even be able to have a fire to cook your dinner
I asked a question. Can you answer it Hoss or is it beyond you?
All she does is call folks names and disparage them needlessly.

Right. You prefer serious conversations where you call people racists and nazis and you
lie about what trump's tweets said.

Democrats use the EPA to increase the costs of doing business.
They use the EPA to prevent progress.
There has to be a common ground when it comes to clean air and water and doing business.
Democrat's answer is removing all production from America and sending it overseas, where the EPA has no controls.
So what environmental laws would you found acceptable? How much air and water pollution is acceptable to you?

That's a stupid argument since obviously you don't support zero either, cave man. You wouldn't even be able to have a fire to cook your dinner
I asked a question. Can you answer it Hoss or is it beyond you?
All she does is call folks names and disparage them needlessly.

Right. You prefer serious conversations where you call people racists and nazis and you
lie about what trump's tweets said.

Way off but you proved my point. Good day.
So what environmental laws would you found acceptable? How much air and water pollution is acceptable to you?

That's a stupid argument since obviously you don't support zero either, cave man. You wouldn't even be able to have a fire to cook your dinner
I asked a question. Can you answer it Hoss or is it beyond you?
All she does is call folks names and disparage them needlessly.

Right. You prefer serious conversations where you call people racists and nazis and you
lie about what trump's tweets said.

Way off but you proved my point. Good day.

What a lying sack of shit. Democrats arent calling people nazis and racists???

Pull your head out of your ass and man up. Nancy.

And every tweet you attack trump for, you lie about what his tweet said, dickless one.

You"re a bunch of race baiting butt hurt lying demogogues
Right, the heaps of garbage, sewage spills, and toxic air spewing from Dem run cities in Dem run states nothing to see, move along (crickets)

As I recall Flint's problems were caused by the Republican give or who changed where Flint was getting its water supply. I don't know what your argument really has to do with anything. Standards are standards. Most environmental standards are set on the federal and state levels and not the local level.

Flint, MI lib please Dem cities PLURAL spill hundreds of millions of gallons of raw untreated sewage into public waterways, so fouling the water beaches and swimming has to be closed and you are yapping about Flint? Here talk to the hand :eusa_hand:
The EPA sets impossible to achieve standards. Then revenue raise in fines when the standards aren't met. This artificially raises prices which is what the democrats want.

Who wants polluted air? If uou don't support the use of biofuel that hasn't been invented you are a fan of polluted air.

Companies Face Fines for Not Using Unavailable Biofuel
Fortunately Trump got rid of this little nastiness.
A recent study said that breathing polluted air makes people dumber.

Trump recently issues an EO to allow for more polluted air thereby making people dumber. Dumber people tend to be Trumpettes.

5 things for August 28: White House, Jacksonville, Myanmar, gerrymandering, pollution - CNN
Democrats use the EPA to increase the costs of doing business.
They use the EPA to prevent progress.
There has to be a common ground when it comes to clean air and water and doing business.
Democrat's answer is removing all production from America and sending it overseas, where the EPA has no controls.
So you are for filth and disease? Is that your take a way?
The EPA sets impossible to achieve standards. Then revenue raise in fines when the standards aren't met. This artificially raises prices which is what the democrats want.

Who wants polluted air? If uou don't support the use of biofuel that hasn't been invented you are a fan of polluted air.

Companies Face Fines for Not Using Unavailable Biofuel
Fortunately Trump got rid of this little nastiness.
Trfump's tariffs increased prices & you love Trump
That's a stupid argument since obviously you don't support zero either, cave man. You wouldn't even be able to have a fire to cook your dinner
I asked a question. Can you answer it Hoss or is it beyond you?
All she does is call folks names and disparage them needlessly.

Right. You prefer serious conversations where you call people racists and nazis and you
lie about what trump's tweets said.

Way off but you proved my point. Good day.

What a lying sack of shit. Democrats arent calling people nazis and racists???

Pull your head out of your ass and man up. Nancy.

And every tweet you attack trump for, you lie about what his tweet said, dickless one.

You"re a bunch of race baiting butt hurt lying demogogues

If you don't want to be called a racist, quit making racist posts & supporting racists.

It is that fucking simple.
I asked a question. Can you answer it Hoss or is it beyond you?
All she does is call folks names and disparage them needlessly.

Right. You prefer serious conversations where you call people racists and nazis and you
lie about what trump's tweets said.

Way off but you proved my point. Good day.

What a lying sack of shit. Democrats arent calling people nazis and racists???

Pull your head out of your ass and man up. Nancy.

And every tweet you attack trump for, you lie about what his tweet said, dickless one.

You"re a bunch of race baiting butt hurt lying demogogues

If you don't want to be called a racist, quit making racist posts & supporting racists.

It is that fucking simple.

Since when have you cared about anyone saying anything racist or even about race to call them a racist?

Go worship your orange clown, Trumpanzee
A recent study said that breathing polluted air makes people dumber.

Trump recently issues an EO to allow for more polluted air thereby making people dumber. Dumber people tend to be Trumpettes.
NYC, chicago, L.A. are the three highest concentrates of air pollution and liberalism in the country, so while I am sure the "study" is bogus it's claim is backed up by liberalism.

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