Trump did his job protecting the US from COVID-19. Look at the numbers not the bullshit

Do you agree that Trump stoppinjg flights from China kept the US infection rate as low as possible?

  • Yes

    Votes: 29 64.4%
  • No

    Votes: 12 26.7%
  • Otherwise explain why the US has 15x fewer infections than the EU

    Votes: 4 8.9%

  • Total voters
Creating the test for it was not our problem here in the USA either, even though the CDC's first test was a dud, there should have been a plan B.... others were created by the private sector in the USA, but the RED TAPE and CDC and FDA prevented the private developers of the test from using it.
And now you praise cutting regulations.........perhaps one day you will make up you mind.

State of Emergency of the Stratford Act cuts that RED TAPE.......allows suspension across State Lines............

How long under Obama during H!N! did that Red Tape remain in place.......hmmm.........Please don't say ......HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT....HE DID ALL THAT IN APRIL...

The HHS declaring an emergency is NOT THE SAME THING........It is an Emergency.......but each DECLARATION has a DIFFERENT PURPOSE.
^ that genius......has most certainly memorized..... the ... STRATFORD act... tests for H1N1 were available.... ONE DAY.......after declaring a public HEALTH......EMERGENCY.
The CDC screwed the initial batches of testing .........they are Career Employees of the Federal Gov't.......some of the same people there for H1N1...........This time they screwed the hell up in the Manufacturing process................Private labs are taking up the slack.........GOV'T EMPLOYEES FAILED US BRO.
Creating the test for it was not our problem here in the USA either, even though the CDC's first test was a dud, there should have been a plan B.... others were created by the private sector in the USA, but the RED TAPE and CDC and FDA prevented the private developers of the test from using it.
And now you praise cutting regulations.........perhaps one day you will make up you mind.

State of Emergency of the Stratford Act cuts that RED TAPE.......allows suspension across State Lines............

How long under Obama during H!N! did that Red Tape remain in place.......hmmm.........Please don't say ......HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT....HE DID ALL THAT IN APRIL...

The HHS declaring an emergency is NOT THE SAME THING........It is an Emergency.......but each DECLARATION has a DIFFERENT PURPOSE.
^ that genius......has most certainly memorized..... the ... STRATFORD act... tests for H1N1 were available.... ONE DAY.......after declaring a public HEALTH......EMERGENCY.
The CDC screwed the initial batches of testing .........they are Career Employees of the Federal Gov't.......some of the same people there for H1N1...........This time they screwed the hell up in the Manufacturing process................Private labs are taking up the slack.........GOV'T EMPLOYEES FAILED US BRO.
the declaration of a phe cut enough red tape apparently..... wise of you..... to CHANGE..... THE topic....
The reason Italy got it bad was because very early on the Wealthy Chinese ski in Italy... That is it... This was well before Trump's ban...
Where did you get that..........LOL
Site it or it never happened.....

Know lets get things straight, US hasn't clue how big or small the problem is... Because they aren't testing... The Federal Government response has been pathetic... The states both GOP and DEM Governors have taken up for the lack of leadership Trump has given...
We know the STFU.......we've been here before just not having to deal with TDS in people like you with it.

Asian Flu.......Swine Flu.........Hong Kong Flu.........a lot of people died in those........but we didn't go batshit crazy......................

Causing a PANIC which YOU ARE DOING doesn't help a damned thing..........the Media should put out precautions................and NOT POLITICIZING THIS........You are doing more damage now than the dang VIRUS.

We know it isn't a HOAX..........but we KNOW THE MEDIA IS DOING A POLITICAL HOAX.....
How testing failures allowed coronavirus to sweep the U.S.

Donald Trump's Willful Failure To Protect America

I stated earlier Trump had stock in the company that is now producing and he supposedly divested it in 2017.

Trump saved the US from the infection rate of the EU. His stopping flights from China stopped many infections. If you add up the numbers from EU countries that add up to the US population you will see that the EU has about 15x more infections. Trump saved the US, you're welcome.
Creating the test for it was not our problem here in the USA either, even though the CDC's first test was a dud, there should have been a plan B.... others were created by the private sector in the USA, but the RED TAPE and CDC and FDA prevented the private developers of the test from using it.
And now you praise cutting regulations.........perhaps one day you will make up you mind.

State of Emergency of the Stratford Act cuts that RED TAPE.......allows suspension across State Lines............

How long under Obama during H!N! did that Red Tape remain in place.......hmmm.........Please don't say ......HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT....HE DID ALL THAT IN APRIL...

The HHS declaring an emergency is NOT THE SAME THING........It is an Emergency.......but each DECLARATION has a DIFFERENT PURPOSE.
^ that genius......has most certainly memorized..... the ... STRATFORD act... tests for H1N1 were available.... ONE DAY.......after declaring a public HEALTH......EMERGENCY.
The CDC screwed the initial batches of testing .........they are Career Employees of the Federal Gov't.......some of the same people there for H1N1...........This time they screwed the hell up in the Manufacturing process................Private labs are taking up the slack.........GOV'T EMPLOYEES FAILED US BRO.
the declaration of a phe cut enough red tape apparently..... wise of you..... to CHANGE..... THE topic....
Did it...........1000 people died.........We can have that's very possible........

And it's HHS............Dept. of Homeland Security.........DISASTER DECLARATIONS are DIFFERENT from HHS emergency declarations.
How testing failures allowed coronavirus to sweep the U.S.

Donald Trump's Willful Failure To Protect America

I stated earlier Trump had stock in the company that is now producing and he supposedly divested it in 2017.

Trump saved the US from the infection rate of the EU. His stopping flights from China stopped many infections. If you add up the numbers from EU countries that add up to the US population you will see that the EU has about 15x more infections. Trump saved the US, you're welcome.
View attachment 312621
It's USELESS on these clowns...................The TDS is STRONG in them.
we had opportunities to be more prepared for this left hook knock out, which we ignored....

hopefully we will learn from this, and take measures next time that we nixed this time...

which prevented us, from protecting us.

Yeah, okay, the Federal Government bureaucrats have learned their lessons and will do better next time, uh-huh....
How testing failures allowed coronavirus to sweep the U.S.

Donald Trump's Willful Failure To Protect America

I stated earlier Trump had stock in the company that is now producing and he supposedly divested it in 2017.

Trump saved the US from the infection rate of the EU. His stopping flights from China stopped many infections. If you add up the numbers from EU countries that add up to the US population you will see that the EU has about 15x more infections. Trump saved the US, you're welcome.
View attachment 312621
Do you even understand how moronic it is to keep posting this chart claiming we are doing great, when you have been told a hundred times that your chart MEANS NOTHING, because the USA has not tested the masses for the disease? We can not be compared to all of the other nations who have been aggressively testing and tracking the cases and mortality rate.

I KNOW you, are smart enough to understand this simple fact.... so WHY do you, keep spreading this propagandized chart of nothingness? We know the truth....and you do too...
How testing failures allowed coronavirus to sweep the U.S.

Donald Trump's Willful Failure To Protect America

I stated earlier Trump had stock in the company that is now producing and he supposedly divested it in 2017.

Trump saved the US from the infection rate of the EU. His stopping flights from China stopped many infections. If you add up the numbers from EU countries that add up to the US population you will see that the EU has about 15x more infections. Trump saved the US, you're welcome.
View attachment 312621
Do you even understand how moronic it is to keep posting this chart claiming we are doing great, when you have been told a hundred times that your chart MEANS NOTHING, because the USA has not tested the masses for the disease? We can not be compared to all of the other nations who have been aggressively testing and tracking the cases and mortality rate.

I KNOW you, are smart enough to understand this simple fact.... so WHY do you, keep spreading this propagandized chart of nothingness? We know the truth....and you do too...
1. That chart is the truth. Sorry if you don't understand it. Doctors decide who needs to be tested. I'm sure you know that only about 1% of tests are positive for COVID-19 since many other diseases show the same symptoms. Why test millions of people who show no symptoms? That's plain stupid. The EU has roughly the same criteria for testing that the US has, its just that Trump kept it out of the US as long as possible (get it???):
Case definition and European surveillance for COVID-19, as of 2 March 2020

2. Doctors decide on who gets tested because of the limited testing capacity currently. I'm thinking that criteria may not change because the testing capacity even at 20,000 tests per day is not infinite and still need to be used appropriately.
Coronavirus in the US: Map, case counts and news | Live Science
"As of Friday afternoon (March 13), the CDC and public labs in the U.S. had tested more than 19,700 specimens; that doesn’t equate to that many individuals tested, as labs may run two tests per person to confirm an infection.
However, on Friday, Deborah Birx, a member of the president's coronavirus task force, said that the U.S. had granted emergency authorization for Roche holdings to release its automated test, which should rapidly scale up the ability to conduct testing."


3. So back to the "TRUTH". The fact is that COVID-19 is just getting started here in the US. I won't even say thanks to Trump keeping the infected Chinese out as long as possible. We are on the tiny end of the "bell curve". We are also ramping up testing capacity to be sure that we can cover the maximum number of tests per day when the peak of the infection curve hits. The US is about to get started on using "automated testing" that will increase the US testing capacity to millions of tests:
Quest Diagnostics Newsroom - News Releases

Thermo Fisher to produce millions of coronavirus diagnostic tests - STAT

Jack Ma Offers to Supply the US With Covid-19 Tests and Masks

New Coronavirus Test 10 Times Faster Is FDA Approved

Roche’s cobas SARS-CoV-2 Test to detect novel coronavirus receives FDA Emergency Use Authorization and is available in markets accepting the CE mark

Roche Diagnostics receives emergency approval for new COVID-19 test
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So every 20-years or so these guys have a pandemic to analyze and resolve??
Why is the US is doing 15x better than the EU? How many pandemic teams do they have?
Because the EU is testing more of its residents than the US.

Chart Shows How Far Behind The US Is Falling When It Comes to Coronavirus Testing

"As of Sunday, 1,707 Americans had been tested for the novel coronavirus, according to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention.

"South Korea, by contrast, has tested more than 189,000 people.

"The two countries announced their first coronavirus cases on the same day."
Georgie!!! You’re old? You scared? Israel has the vaccine but since you’re a Jew hating asshole you don’t get the benefit of it.
Georgie!!! You’re old? You scared? Israel has the vaccine but since you’re a Jew hating asshole you don’t get the benefit of it.
Will the heroic Jews of Israel use their vaccine to acquire beach-front property in Gaza, Golda?

Israeli security officials dread having to handle a Gaza coronavirus outbreak
Up to them. But you definitely won’t benefit
Trump's travel restrictions from China and Europe was absolute brilliance.
Think we were a little late on Europe........but that wasn't the epicenter at the time..........They helped get more here............I guess misery loves company.........Math and the graphs don't lie.
This is the COVID-19 infection curve for Italy. If you look at the US curve above in post #131 you can see that on 3/15 Italy is projected to have about 30,000 infections and on 3/15 the US is projected to have about 3,000 infections. Italy has about 1/6th the population of the US. The next two or three weeks will show if we won or lost by seeing how high that infection curve goes before going back down.


We need some global warming........

Riddle me this...........Does anyone know anyone who got the flu in the summer.......or a virus.???
Africa has been spared so far from coronavirus. Why? | DW | 14.02.2020

Too warm for COVID-19?

Another theory is that the continent is too warm for the COVID-19 virus to thrive.

Coronaviruses, which include some of the viruses responsible for the common cold and flu, can show something called seasonality — that is, they peak and wane depending on the season.

Many cold and flu viruses peak in winter, for example; the droplets sneezed and coughed out by people spread more easily in winter's cold dry air and when people are crowded inside together.

They then die down in warmer weather.

"When the season is warmer and more humid, the droplets transmitting the [flu virus] tend to fall out of the air more quickly, therefore limiting its transmission," explained Yap Boum, the Africa representative for Epicentre, the research arm of Doctors without Borders (MSF).

Tropical countries aren't immune from seasonality, with flu peaking in the dry season in countries like Cameroon, Boum told DW.

However, not all coronaviruses spread through respiratory droplets and Boum cautions that it is too early to tell if COVID-19 is transmitted in a similar fashion.

"We have no background information ... so we can't yet tell," he said.

However, he said, it still "might be more prudent for countries like South Africa, which will start heading into winter, to follow how the winter will affect or not the transmission of the novel coronavirus."

'Doubt a big outbreak in Africa'

Epidemiologist Paul Hunter also emphasizes that the COVID-19 virus "hasn't been around long enough" to know if its transmission will be affected by a change in seasons.

But even if the coronavirus makes its way to Africa, Hunter doesn't believe the continent will be as hard hit as China.
Africa has been spared so far from coronavirus. Why? | DW | 14.02.2020

Too warm for COVID-19?

Another theory is that the continent is too warm for the COVID-19 virus to thrive.

Coronaviruses, which include some of the viruses responsible for the common cold and flu, can show something called seasonality — that is, they peak and wane depending on the season.

Many cold and flu viruses peak in winter, for example; the droplets sneezed and coughed out by people spread more easily in winter's cold dry air and when people are crowded inside together.

They then die down in warmer weather.

"When the season is warmer and more humid, the droplets transmitting the [flu virus] tend to fall out of the air more quickly, therefore limiting its transmission," explained Yap Boum, the Africa representative for Epicentre, the research arm of Doctors without Borders (MSF).

Tropical countries aren't immune from seasonality, with flu peaking in the dry season in countries like Cameroon, Boum told DW.

However, not all coronaviruses spread through respiratory droplets and Boum cautions that it is too early to tell if COVID-19 is transmitted in a similar fashion.

"We have no background information ... so we can't yet tell," he said.

However, he said, it still "might be more prudent for countries like South Africa, which will start heading into winter, to follow how the winter will affect or not the transmission of the novel coronavirus."

'Doubt a big outbreak in Africa'

Epidemiologist Paul Hunter also emphasizes that the COVID-19 virus "hasn't been around long enough" to know if its transmission will be affected by a change in seasons.

But even if the coronavirus makes its way to Africa, Hunter doesn't believe the continent will be as hard hit as China.

Two words for you moron...

population density.

That is why Africa has not been as hard hit.
Africa has been spared so far from coronavirus. Why? | DW | 14.02.2020

Too warm for COVID-19?

Another theory is that the continent is too warm for the COVID-19 virus to thrive.

Coronaviruses, which include some of the viruses responsible for the common cold and flu, can show something called seasonality — that is, they peak and wane depending on the season.

Many cold and flu viruses peak in winter, for example; the droplets sneezed and coughed out by people spread more easily in winter's cold dry air and when people are crowded inside together.

They then die down in warmer weather.

"When the season is warmer and more humid, the droplets transmitting the [flu virus] tend to fall out of the air more quickly, therefore limiting its transmission," explained Yap Boum, the Africa representative for Epicentre, the research arm of Doctors without Borders (MSF).

Tropical countries aren't immune from seasonality, with flu peaking in the dry season in countries like Cameroon, Boum told DW.

However, not all coronaviruses spread through respiratory droplets and Boum cautions that it is too early to tell if COVID-19 is transmitted in a similar fashion.

"We have no background information ... so we can't yet tell," he said.

However, he said, it still "might be more prudent for countries like South Africa, which will start heading into winter, to follow how the winter will affect or not the transmission of the novel coronavirus."

'Doubt a big outbreak in Africa'

Epidemiologist Paul Hunter also emphasizes that the COVID-19 virus "hasn't been around long enough" to know if its transmission will be affected by a change in seasons.

But even if the coronavirus makes its way to Africa, Hunter doesn't believe the continent will be as hard hit as China.

Two words for you moron...

population density.

That is why Africa has not been as hard hit.
That is a factor...........And I see we still will not be sending each other Christmas cards.......

Why is your TDS panties in a Wad............Because I'm looking at could warmer weather stop this or slow it the hell down.......

And why are there articles on SEASONALITY if it doesn't matter..........The articles say they don't know yet......but it's possible......

YOU MORON.............LOL

Are you hoping for more deaths.......hmmm
That is a factor...........And I see we still will not be sending each other Christmas cards.......

Why is your TDS panties in a Wad............Because I'm looking at could warmer weather stop this or slow it the hell down.......

And why are there articles on SEASONALITY if it doesn't matter..........The articles say they don't know yet......but it's possible......

YOU MORON.............LOL

Are you hoping for more deaths.......hmmm

I apologize for the moron part, I was snippy for no reason.

This shit just has me annoyed.

It was uncalled for.

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