Trump did his job protecting the US from COVID-19. Look at the numbers not the bullshit

Do you agree that Trump stoppinjg flights from China kept the US infection rate as low as possible?

  • Yes

    Votes: 29 64.4%
  • No

    Votes: 12 26.7%
  • Otherwise explain why the US has 15x fewer infections than the EU

    Votes: 4 8.9%

  • Total voters

Do you libs understand that that means there have been 18 previous outbreaks of this virus? did the entire world go into panic mode for the first 18? WTF

This is a total media hype in an election year.

Who benefits from this fake hype?

1. China
2. democrats
3 TRump hating media
4. Russia

Now, who is hyping this and why?
No Redfish,

the virus's long name is :

corona virus disease 2019


The 19 is for the year it was discovered, and it began in December of 2019, in Wuhan China.
Aka the Wuhan Virus
Too late AZ, it's already been named by the WHO.... on December 31, 2019

And yesterday I found out in The Lancet, the Scientific community has another name for it, something like SARS H7N9, and they are already arguing that the public and the scientific community should not be calling it by different names.... a third option of Wuhan virus would just make the situation worse..... it truly needs to have one name for both the scientific and public communities....and that is already in dispute right now.
Wuhan Virus sounds simple enough.

Do you libs understand that that means there have been 18 previous outbreaks of this virus? did the entire world go into panic mode for the first 18? WTF

This is a total media hype in an election year.

Who benefits from this fake hype?

1. China
2. democrats
3 TRump hating media
4. Russia

Now, who is hyping this and why?
No Redfish,

the virus's long name is :

corona virus disease 2019


The 19 is for the year it was discovered, and it began in December of 2019, in Wuhan China.
Aka the Wuhan Virus
Too late AZ, it's already been named by the WHO.... on December 31, 2019

And yesterday I found out in The Lancet, the Scientific community has another name for it, something like SARS H7N9, and they are already arguing that the public and the scientific community should not be calling it by different names.... a third option of Wuhan virus would just make the situation worse..... it truly needs to have one name for both the scientific and public communities....and that is already in dispute right now.
Wuhan Virus sounds simple enough.
Yeah, I agree, it would have been easier.... much like the Hong Kong Flu was named for the region it came from, but by world rules, the WHO, the World Health Organization gets to name it for the public....and they named it COVID 19

What I did not realize is this particular Corona virus, is actually a SARS virus... a mutant of the deadly H1N1, only now it is at H7 and N9.... so there have been 7 mutation variants for whatever the H stands for and the 9th variant mutation of whatever the N stands for..... this of course is mumbo jumble for me, but apparently it means something to the Scientists.....
Trump was right to cut off travel from China as soon as it was clear how big the pandemic was going to be. He saved American lives and bought time for America to be more prepared as the pandemic developed.
Sorry, it's factually inaccurate to claim the actions Trump took were sufficient to stem the spread of the virus in the US. His general inaction, lack of preparedness, and myopic focus on border security cost lives.
Sorry. It's a fact that we are faring much better than Europe because of Trump. Your TDS has nothing to do with facts.
If you add the number of infections for the EU countries and compare that to the US, the EU has about 15x more infections than the US for similar populations. That is because Trump stopped the flights from China as soon as he learned about the potential pandemic. Trump did his job. Now the healthcare professionals in government need to do theirs.
Coronavirus Update (Live): 157,643 Cases and 5,845 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Outbreak - Worldometer
View attachment 312541

How does that comport with Trump's claim - 27 days later - "And again, when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done"? Did his subsequent misinformation, minimizing the threat, fit with the restrictions on China flights? Which is not a ban, btw, but an extreme reduction. 30 flights per day continue.

All I know is that the US is doing way better than the EU.
The EU has 15x more infections because Trump stopped the flights from China early on.
The rest is the CDC getting testing capacity high enough. That is slower than we want, but we're getting there.
So bottom-line assessment, Trump did okay even with his misstatements of fact.

I appreciate your sane response.

Misstatements of fact range from never-helpful to actively harmful, and it's too soon for a bottom-line assessment. I hope for the best, and I assume you do as well.

Agreed. The next 2 or 3 weeks will settle the <<< spin>>>> and the bullshit.
Either the US has a nice flat bell curve showing limited infection spread, or the virus will explode ala Italy and we will have a real mess.
I'm hoping that the public plays it smart and keeps the infection rate low. We'll see.
Stay safe.

Do you libs understand that that means there have been 18 previous outbreaks of this virus? did the entire world go into panic mode for the first 18? WTF

This is a total media hype in an election year.

Who benefits from this fake hype?

1. China
2. democrats
3 TRump hating media
4. Russia

Now, who is hyping this and why?
No Redfish,

the virus's long name is :

corona virus disease 2019


The 19 is for the year it was discovered, and it began in December of 2019, in Wuhan China.
Aka the Wuhan Virus
Too late AZ, it's already been named by the WHO.... on December 31, 2019

And yesterday I found out in The Lancet, the Scientific community has another name for it, something like SARS H7N9, and they are already arguing that the public and the scientific community should not be calling it by different names.... a third option of Wuhan virus would just make the situation worse..... it truly needs to have one name for both the scientific and public communities....and that is already in dispute right now.
Wuhan Virus sounds simple enough.
Yeah, I agree, it would have been easier.... much like the Hong Kong Flu was named for the region it came from, but by world rules, the WHO, the World Health Organization gets to name it for the public....and they named it COVID 19

What I did not realize is this particular Corona virus, is actually a SARS virus... a mutant of the deadly H1N1, only now it is at H7 and N9.... so there have been 7 mutation variants for whatever the H stands for and the 9th variant mutation of whatever the N stands for..... this of course is mumbo jumble for me, but apparently it means something to the Scientists.....
It means more viruses are to come. Earth is overpopulated they say and this may be a way to impact that. Note that mostly the old and sick are impacted.
A test for the virus was created by many labs throughout the world within a week of when the RNA profile of the virus was released by China in early January.....

Creating the test for it was not our problem here in the USA either, even though the CDC's first test was a dud, there should have been a plan B.... others were created by the private sector in the USA, but the RED TAPE and CDC and FDA prevented the private developers of the test from using it.

even now with our private sector and states doing their own testing, they are limited to only testing those categories on the limited CDC guideline list of who can be tested....

AND in addition to the private sector stepping up and the CDC only now letting them test they are still noosed, because the private sector has to get the CDC to confirm their results, before they are allowed to confirm it....and there is a huge backlog at the CDC.

Then there is the supply shortage of the reagents needed to mass produce the tests and the capacities to do such....

Creating the test for it was not our problem here in the USA either, even though the CDC's first test was a dud, there should have been a plan B.... others were created by the private sector in the USA, but the RED TAPE and CDC and FDA prevented the private developers of the test from using it.
And now you praise cutting regulations.........perhaps one day you will make up you mind.

State of Emergency of the Stratford Act cuts that RED TAPE.......allows suspension across State Lines............

How long under Obama during H!N! did that Red Tape remain in place.......hmmm.........Please don't say ......HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT....HE DID ALL THAT IN APRIL...

The HHS declaring an emergency is NOT THE SAME THING........It is an Emergency.......but each DECLARATION has a DIFFERENT PURPOSE.
Not testing people has has kept reported numbers down.

We have no idea what the real numbers are.

Let's do some math! Well use South Korea's numbers because they are testing more than anyone else and so more likely to a good idea of the fatality rate.

Which they figure as 0.7% which basically means that 7 infections out of a thousand lead to death. That number could realistically be quite low, but we're going with best case scenarios here.

Now we have nearly 70 deaths, not seven, so we should have about 10,000 non lethal cases.

We've counted like 1500, right? That means even in the best case scenario we have about 8500 people out there running around infecting more people, who will in turn infect more people, who will in their turn.....

Well, you get the point.
This. I've already pointed this out to the poster but they insist that testing numbers have nothing to do with things and that we (United States) are doing a fine, wonderful, beautiful, bigly job compared to other countries...e
Trump's supporters are slow to recognize the negative effects of electing an illiterate, ignorant, narcissistic bigot to the office of POTUS.

Trump struggles to explain why he disbanded his global health team

"One of Donald Trump's most important missteps in dealing with the coronavirus outbreak happened before anyone had even heard of COVID-19.

"In fact, the president's first error came back in 2018.

"It was two years ago when Trump ordered the shutdown of the White House National Security Council's entire global health security unit.

"NBC News had a good report on this recently, noting that the president's decision 'to downsize the White House national security staff -- and eliminate jobs addressing global pandemics -- is likely to hamper the U.S. government's response to the coronavirus.'"

When Trump was asked if he had made a mistake by eliminating those positions, this was his response:

"'I just think this is something, Peter, that you can never really think is going to happen. You know, who -- I've heard all about, 'This could be...' -- you know, 'This could be a big deal,' from before it happened. You know, this -- something like this could happen.... Who would have thought? Look, how long ago is it? Six, seven, eight weeks ago -- who would have thought we would even be having the subject? ... You never really know when something like this is going to strike and what it's going to be.'"
Fake news.
A test for the virus was created by many labs throughout the world within a week of when the RNA profile of the virus was released by China in early January.....

Creating the test for it was not our problem here in the USA either, even though the CDC's first test was a dud, there should have been a plan B.... others were created by the private sector in the USA, but the RED TAPE and CDC and FDA prevented the private developers of the test from using it.

even now with our private sector and states doing their own testing, they are limited to only testing those categories on the limited CDC guideline list of who can be tested....

AND in addition to the private sector stepping up and the CDC only now letting them test they are still noosed, because the private sector has to get the CDC to confirm their results, before they are allowed to confirm it....and there is a huge backlog at the CDC.

Then there is the supply shortage of the reagents needed to mass produce the tests and the capacities to do such....


We're not out of the woods yet, but it looks like we should be able to cover the peak of the testing demand in 2 or 3 weeks.
They have approvals for Roche and Thermo Fisher already, and may even get a few more. Trump and Pence had to cut thru the red tape at the CDC and FDA to get the needed capacity. This shows why Pence needed to head the effort instead of a bureaucrat. Pence can move mountains, Azar could not. Please check your last sentence, that looks like old news now that automated tests are approved.

Roche Diagnostics receives emergency approval for new COVID-19 test

Roche’s cobas SARS-CoV-2 Test to detect novel coronavirus receives FDA Emergency Use Authorization and is available in markets accepting the CE mark
New Coronavirus Test 10 Times Faster Is FDA Approved

Jack Ma Offers to Supply the US With Covid-19 Tests and Masks

Thermo Fisher to produce millions of coronavirus diagnostic tests - STAT
"Thermo Fisher, the largest maker of scientific tools, said Friday it plans to produce up to 5 million of a new test to detect the novel coronavirus that causes Covid-19. The company, based in Waltham, Mass., plans to reach that level of production by the week of April 3, according to Ron O’Brien, a company spokesman. The Food and Drug Administration granted the new test an emergency clearance late Friday."

Quest Diagnostics Newsroom - News Releases
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This. I've already pointed this out to the poster but they insist that testing numbers have nothing to do with things and that we (United States) are doing a fine, wonderful, beautiful, bigly job compared to other countries...e
Trump's supporters are slow to recognize the negative effects of electing an illiterate, ignorant, narcissistic bigot to the office of POTUS.

Trump struggles to explain why he disbanded his global health team

"One of Donald Trump's most important missteps in dealing with the coronavirus outbreak happened before anyone had even heard of COVID-19.

"In fact, the president's first error came back in 2018.

"It was two years ago when Trump ordered the shutdown of the White House National Security Council's entire global health security unit.

"NBC News had a good report on this recently, noting that the president's decision 'to downsize the White House national security staff -- and eliminate jobs addressing global pandemics -- is likely to hamper the U.S. government's response to the coronavirus.'"

When Trump was asked if he had made a mistake by eliminating those positions, this was his response:

"'I just think this is something, Peter, that you can never really think is going to happen. You know, who -- I've heard all about, 'This could be...' -- you know, 'This could be a big deal,' from before it happened. You know, this -- something like this could happen.... Who would have thought? Look, how long ago is it? Six, seven, eight weeks ago -- who would have thought we would even be having the subject? ... You never really know when something like this is going to strike and what it's going to be.'"

Christ, even Newt says we should shut it all down.

Newt Gingrich: I am in Italy amid the coronavirus crisis. America must act now—and act big | Opinion
Creating the test for it was not our problem here in the USA either, even though the CDC's first test was a dud, there should have been a plan B.... others were created by the private sector in the USA, but the RED TAPE and CDC and FDA prevented the private developers of the test from using it.
And now you praise cutting regulations.........perhaps one day you will make up you mind.

State of Emergency of the Stratford Act cuts that RED TAPE.......allows suspension across State Lines............

How long under Obama during H!N! did that Red Tape remain in place.......hmmm.........Please don't say ......HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT....HE DID ALL THAT IN APRIL...

The HHS declaring an emergency is NOT THE SAME THING........It is an Emergency.......but each DECLARATION has a DIFFERENT PURPOSE.
within 2 weeks of H1N1 we had a test, and was using it....

under emergencies, the red tape is meant to be broken.
Creating the test for it was not our problem here in the USA either, even though the CDC's first test was a dud, there should have been a plan B.... others were created by the private sector in the USA, but the RED TAPE and CDC and FDA prevented the private developers of the test from using it.
And now you praise cutting regulations.........perhaps one day you will make up you mind.

State of Emergency of the Stratford Act cuts that RED TAPE.......allows suspension across State Lines............

How long under Obama during H!N! did that Red Tape remain in place.......hmmm.........Please don't say ......HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT....HE DID ALL THAT IN APRIL...

The HHS declaring an emergency is NOT THE SAME THING........It is an Emergency.......but each DECLARATION has a DIFFERENT PURPOSE.
within 2 weeks of H1N1 we had a test, and was using it....

under emergencies, the red tape is meant to be broken.

Not to mention a lot of us old folks had some immunity against H1N1.
Creating the test for it was not our problem here in the USA either, even though the CDC's first test was a dud, there should have been a plan B.... others were created by the private sector in the USA, but the RED TAPE and CDC and FDA prevented the private developers of the test from using it.
And now you praise cutting regulations.........perhaps one day you will make up you mind.

State of Emergency of the Stratford Act cuts that RED TAPE.......allows suspension across State Lines............

How long under Obama during H!N! did that Red Tape remain in place.......hmmm.........Please don't say ......HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT....HE DID ALL THAT IN APRIL...

The HHS declaring an emergency is NOT THE SAME THING........It is an Emergency.......but each DECLARATION has a DIFFERENT PURPOSE.
within 2 weeks of H1N1 we had a test, and was using it....

under emergencies, the red tape is meant to be broken.
Not across State Lines........I have posted the exact data on other threads..........Both states of Emergencies have different rules.............While the statement Obama did NOTHING IS WRONG.......The statement on the Stratford Act is correct.........that was not done until October.
Creating the test for it was not our problem here in the USA either, even though the CDC's first test was a dud, there should have been a plan B.... others were created by the private sector in the USA, but the RED TAPE and CDC and FDA prevented the private developers of the test from using it.
And now you praise cutting regulations.........perhaps one day you will make up you mind.

State of Emergency of the Stratford Act cuts that RED TAPE.......allows suspension across State Lines............

How long under Obama during H!N! did that Red Tape remain in place.......hmmm.........Please don't say ......HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT....HE DID ALL THAT IN APRIL...

The HHS declaring an emergency is NOT THE SAME THING........It is an Emergency.......but each DECLARATION has a DIFFERENT PURPOSE.
^ that genius......has most certainly memorized..... the ... STRATFORD act... tests for H1N1 were available.... ONE DAY.......after declaring a public HEALTH......EMERGENCY.
Creating the test for it was not our problem here in the USA either, even though the CDC's first test was a dud, there should have been a plan B.... others were created by the private sector in the USA, but the RED TAPE and CDC and FDA prevented the private developers of the test from using it.
And now you praise cutting regulations.........perhaps one day you will make up you mind.

State of Emergency of the Stratford Act cuts that RED TAPE.......allows suspension across State Lines............

How long under Obama during H!N! did that Red Tape remain in place.......hmmm.........Please don't say ......HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT....HE DID ALL THAT IN APRIL...

The HHS declaring an emergency is NOT THE SAME THING........It is an Emergency.......but each DECLARATION has a DIFFERENT PURPOSE.
within 2 weeks of H1N1 we had a test, and was using it....

under emergencies, the red tape is meant to be broken.

Not to mention a lot of us old folks had some immunity against H1N1.
Hell I caught that one.............So did my wife.........were sick a few days and used the old fashioned SWEAT IT OUT trick......which worked.............

Same as any other Flu. Those with weak immune systems.........aren't always so fortunate.
we had opportunities to be more prepared for this left hook knock out, which we ignored....

hopefully we will learn from this, and take measures next time that we nixed this time...

which prevented us, from protecting us.
TDS is STRONG HERE.............Perhaps the CDC can find a cure for that if they are done fucking up the test kits.....and saying OOPS......

Perhaps if the WANKERS in EUROPE had done the same thing as Trump you IGNORANT BLOKES wouldn't have turned into the epicenter of the virus........


Hey asshole...

The reason Italy got it bad was because very early on the Wealthy Chinese ski in Italy... That is it... This was well before Trump's ban...

Know lets get things straight, US hasn't clue how big or small the problem is... Because they aren't testing... The Federal Government response has been pathetic... The states both GOP and DEM Governors have taken up for the lack of leadership Trump has given...

You can call people name but Trump is a world class joke... A dangerious joke...

Rember he was the one that told you this would be all over by now... ISn't a hoax??

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