Trump Directs The EPA to Begin Dismantling the Clean Water Rule

We wnt way overboard on these stupid envirnmental wacko rules when that dipshit Obama was President.

It is time somebody put common sense into the environmental regulations.

Moon Bats may cry but who gives a shit? Those snowflake pink pussy hat red flannel pajama assholes cry at everything.
Feeds his children paint chips and polluted water.

I was an environmental engineer for 30 years. Got right in on the ground floor of the implementation of the CWA, CAA, RACA, RCRA and other regulations.

I probably cleaned up more pollution in one year than ten thousand environmental wacko Moon Bats would see in their lives.

The US spends as much money on Environmental restoration and control a the whole rest of the world combined. For the last 25 years or so pollution has been declining in the US at an increasing rate. Enough is enough.

In the first few years we cleaned up 80% of the pollution for 20% of the cost and that was a good thing. Then we went to cleaning up 15% for 40% of the cost. That was dumb. Then that idiot Obama wanted to clean up 5% for 40% of the cost and that was stupidity with very little return for enormous cost.

Obama went way overboard and our economy suffered from it. Thank god we have some common sense now.
No one believes a deplorable. Everyone knows you’ll say anything to further your cause.
Guess who Pruitt put in charge of cleaning up the superfund areas?
A disgraced banker with no experience named Albert Kelly. An environmental group PEER petitioned the EPA to hand over their notes. They refused for 11 months. Finally a court made them do it and guess what.They didn’t have any.
Not one Superfund site was cleaned up. Kelly was stealing money by not doing a damn thing. There’s your Trump EPA.
GOOD Make America Great Again! Dump the worthless expensive wasteful do nothing rules from our government...
another trumpster who makes his kids drink polluted water and tells them its to honor trump.
Trump whores: No matter how polluted Trump makes the environment it’s our duty to support him.
We made that commitment and we’re sticking with it.
Trump whores: No matter how polluted Trump makes the environment it’s our duty to support him.
We made that commitment and we’re sticking with it.

Another post and still no correct answer.

Who is the president of the US?

Any 8th grade Civics student would know..

I'm here all night! Until my next beer.
That could be a pond for drilling mud, for all we know. Drilling mud does make America great. Your ugly pictures don't mean jack shit.
Your deflections from this anti environmental prez would make Duerte blush.

We're tired of being trod over by eco-kooks like you who staff the EPA. We know you would like to grant the EPA the authority to revoke our property rights, but many Americans object to that.
Hey dope.... this has nothing to do with property rights that’s just a red herring. It has everything to do with giving free rein to polluters.Your kind of people..
It has everything to do with property rights, moron. Either you determine what can be done with your property, or the EPA does. The later case means yourproperty rights are forfeit.
As the fraud ignores Trump is giving free rein to polluters. Typical.
About your Bush lie.....
Bush Administration Approves Most Damaging Change to Clean Water Act in Decades
In other words, the commie doesn't give a damn about property rights. I am so shocked!
What is the definition of clean? What are the proper standards for clean water and clean air? How much are we willing to pay, or sacrifice, in order to reach those standards? Keep in mind that if man was not even in the picture, neither air, nor water, would be pure, anywhere or anytime.

No one, liberal, conservative, Republican or Democrat wants dirty water in our homes or in our streams, rivers, and lakes. We disagree over the proper standards for clean air and water, and we disagree over how much we are willing to pay, or sacrifice, to meet those standards.

Apparently, liberals have never met an environmental regulation they don't like. And, they have never met a bureaucracy they don't love. Liberals also have trouble seeing anything but extremes, or at least, their rhetoric indicates that blindness. If one is not in favor of the latest fad in bureaucratic regulation of the air or water, one must be in favor of dirty air and water, and the freedom of corporations to pollute at will. Where is the common sense in their arguments?
Your deflections from this anti environmental prez would make Duerte blush.

We're tired of being trod over by eco-kooks like you who staff the EPA. We know you would like to grant the EPA the authority to revoke our property rights, but many Americans object to that.
Hey dope.... this has nothing to do with property rights that’s just a red herring. It has everything to do with giving free rein to polluters.Your kind of people..
It has everything to do with property rights, moron. Either you determine what can be done with your property, or the EPA does. The later case means yourproperty rights are forfeit.
As the fraud ignores Trump is giving free rein to polluters. Typical.
About your Bush lie.....
Bush Administration Approves Most Damaging Change to Clean Water Act in Decades
In other words, the commie doesn't give a damn about property rights. I am so shocked!
Way to lie to cover up your faceplant.

Bush Administration Approves Most Damaging Change to Clean Water Act in Decades
What is the definition of clean? What are the proper standards for clean water and clean air? How much are we willing to pay, or sacrifice, in order to reach those standards? Keep in mind that if man was not even in the picture, neither air, nor water, would be pure, anywhere or anytime.

No one, liberal, conservative, Republican or Democrat wants dirty water in our homes or in our streams, rivers, and lakes. We disagree over the proper standards for clean air and water, and we disagree over how much we are willing to pay, or sacrifice, to meet those standards.

Apparently, liberals have never met an environmental regulation they don't like. And, they have never met a bureaucracy they don't love. Liberals also have trouble seeing anything but extremes, or at least, their rhetoric indicates that blindness. If one is not in favor of the latest fad in bureaucratic regulation of the air or water, one must be in favor of dirty air and water, and the freedom of corporations to pollute at will. Where is the common sense in their arguments?
The first sentence of your 2nd paragraph is a lie.
Bush made a policy called the Clean Skies act which in reality permitted more pollution from coal fired factories. He was sneaky.
Trump is blatant about his disdain for the environment by gutting the enforcement part of the EPA that fines polluters.
I’m sure they’ll all be in their best behavior when there’s no watch dog.
Democrats like Obama respected God’s green earth and knew people’s health was paramount and > than the nefarious interests of the fossil fuel companies.
View attachment 180786 Your conception of making America great again.

That could be a pond for drilling mud, for all we know. Drilling mud does make America great. Your ugly pictures don't mean jack shit.
Your deflections from this anti environmental prez would make Duerte blush.

We're tired of being trod over by eco-kooks like you who staff the EPA. We know you would like to grant the EPA the authority to revoke our property rights, but many Americans object to that.

You're obviously not tired of voting for a political party who will happily take years off your life. Crazy Repug fucker.

Wrong. I have never voted for a Democrat.

I know that, dumb fuck. Which is why I called you a crazy Repug fucker.

Trump is not the Bushes, baby, he's a real American. Parties be damned.

Whether you realize it or not, (most likely not, as you seem pretty obtuse) Trump was voted in to give both parties the finger.

Your definition of a real American is a racist, uneducated dumb fuck like Trump who has never read a book in his life. I'm sure that describes your worthless ass, too.
Maid Marion is a proud racist. White supremacist.

I can believe it. Fuck this piece of shit.
They’ll sacrifice their own health and that of their families in fealty to Trump.

You sacrifice your integrity and honesty every day. How does that make you feel?

PS: Who's the president of The United States?

You have no integrity and no honesty. If you did, you would admit that the Democrats are a million times better than Repugs when it comes to protecting the environment and the health and welfare of the American people. Democrats protect my health, Repugs don't give a fuck.

That is a better reason than any other to vote Democrat. Sadly for your shortened lifespan and the shortened lifespan of your family, you will never understand that. Keep "winning" for Trump as you die younger than you should have. Fucking sucker.
View attachment 180786 Your conception of making America great again.

That could be a pond for drilling mud, for all we know. Drilling mud does make America great. Your ugly pictures don't mean jack shit.
Your deflections from this anti environmental prez would make Duerte blush.

We're tired of being trod over by eco-kooks like you who staff the EPA. We know you would like to grant the EPA the authority to revoke our property rights, but many Americans object to that.
Hey dope.... this has nothing to do with property rights that’s just a red herring. It has everything to do with giving free rein to polluters.Your kind of people..
It has everything to do with property rights, moron. Either you determine what can be done with your property, or the EPA does. The later case means yourproperty rights are forfeit.

Property rights don't matter when you die of cancer, fuck face.
Your deflections from this anti environmental prez would make Duerte blush.

We're tired of being trod over by eco-kooks like you who staff the EPA. We know you would like to grant the EPA the authority to revoke our property rights, but many Americans object to that.
Hey dope.... this has nothing to do with property rights that’s just a red herring. It has everything to do with giving free rein to polluters.Your kind of people..
It has everything to do with property rights, moron. Either you determine what can be done with your property, or the EPA does. The later case means yourproperty rights are forfeit.
As the fraud ignores Trump is giving free rein to polluters. Typical.
About your Bush lie.....
Bush Administration Approves Most Damaging Change to Clean Water Act in Decades
In other words, the commie doesn't give a damn about property rights. I am so shocked!

What's shocking is you vote for the evil Repug Party. They happily pollute your air, happily pollute your water, shorten your worthless miserable life, and you gleefully vote for them anyway.

Fucking Sucker with a capital S.
Still winning. The deobamafication must continue.

Even if it takes years off your life. Got it, fucktard. You're "winning".

This is a fundamental difference between Repugs and Democrats. You Repugs believe corporations will regulate themselves and they simply will not. They will destroy the environment until government forces them to stop. They will wreck the stock market again until government forces them to stop.

Repugs don't care if people live or die, Democrats do. Corporate donations for election campaigns is all Repugs care about. So only hopeless suckers like you continue to vote for a party that doesn't give a flying fuck about the water you drink or the air you breathe.

Not much to say here except this...99% of the corporate boards in America are fighting Trump. Especially Wall Street. You live in a world of fantasy.
I'm happy to repeat it, Nazi fuck. Let me oblige...

You vote for a party of environmental rapists that is killing you. Enjoy your shortened life, fucktard sucker.

You need to learn to enjoy bit too. Since you have no choice. Oh wait "RESIST WE MUCH!"

What you dont know is that it hasnt even started yet. This is just the beginning.
[Qy. If you did, you would admit that the Democrats are a million times better than Repugs when it comes to protecting the environment and the health and welfare of the American people. Democrats protect my health, Repugs don't give a fuck.

That is funny. You are really confused, aren't you?

Democrats fuck up everything they touch, including the environment. They never get anything right and the environment is certainly no exception.

The stupid Democrats think that the way to keep everything clean is to not ever be allowed to produce anything. How dumb is that?
This month, Congressional Republicans are taking advantage of must-pass government funding bills by inserting anti-environmental “poison pill” riders that undermine protections for our health, air, water, lands, and wildlife.

Just making America great again by poisoning it.
This month, Congressional Republicans are taking advantage of must-pass government funding bills by inserting anti-environmental “poison pill” riders that undermine protections for our health, air, water, lands, and wildlife.

Just making America great again by poisoning it.

Dismantling Obama's over reach, one step at a time.

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