Trump Directs The EPA to Begin Dismantling the Clean Water Rule

This month, Congressional Republicans are taking advantage of must-pass government funding bills by inserting anti-environmental “poison pill” riders that undermine protections for our health, air, water, lands, and wildlife.

Just making America great again by poisoning it.

Dismantling Obama's over reach, one step at a time.
Anyone who encourages poisoning our environment is a traitor to this country.
I hope you choke on toxic runoff into your drinking water. Karma.
This month, Congressional Republicans are taking advantage of must-pass government funding bills by inserting anti-environmental “poison pill” riders that undermine protections for our health, air, water, lands, and wildlife.

Just making America great again by poisoning it.

Dismantling Obama's over reach, one step at a time.
Anyone who encourages poisoning our environment is a traitor to this country.
I hope you choke on toxic runoff into your drinking water. Karma.
anyone who thinks illegals are allowed in our country don't have a country so there is no way you can make that statement.
Rural America begins to realize Trump isn't working for them; as Nebraska Farm Bureau makes clear

Trump’s proposed Trade war isn’t resonating quite the way he anticipated in Rural America, where farmers are quick to realize the implications of Trump administration's plan. In a sharply worded letter, the Nebraska Farm Bureau seems to indicate some buyers remorse:

“It has been very well documented that your historic path to the White House came directly through rural America.While your thoughts on trade where well known by farmers and ranchers, it would be very dangerous to assume it was the focus of their support. Mr. President, please do not turn your back on the farm and ranch families who depend on international markets and who rely on you to make wise decisions that don’t put their economic future in jeopardy.”
F the environment --it's FINE!!
why screw people over trying to FIX it/'''keep'' it clean ??

Trump weakened the state of the union by wrecking the environment
I love commie butthurt.

Great news! The water will be cleaner than ever, but less leftist looting and taking over of property of Americans (the purpose of most of the regulations).

Yet a other win by Trump. He has secured my vote...
America’s not going to let this POS president negatively affect their health.
Donald Trump's presidency is shaping up to be a disaster for our environment, our water, and our health.

It's as simple as that.

The Trump Administration and Our Environment

The cult: fuck our health... oh wait.
Trump is a disaster for:
civil rights
world views on the USA
cloud formations
etc etc etc etc etc etc
we know he's a disaster for EVERYTHING
why don't you people list what he is not responsible for
This month, Congressional Republicans are taking advantage of must-pass government funding bills by inserting anti-environmental “poison pill” riders that undermine protections for our health, air, water, lands, and wildlife.

Just making America great again by poisoning it.

Dismantling Obama's over reach, one step at a time.
Anyone who encourages poisoning our environment is a traitor to this country.
I hope you choke on toxic runoff into your drinking water. Karma.

Anyone who thinks Obama's "Waters of the United States" regulations were about discouraging pollution is dumber than fungus.

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